After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 141 The Secret Technique of Removing Injury

While he was inhaling in pain, He Lingchuan poured the insect powder into his mouth, forced him to swallow two mouthfuls of water.

Wu Shaoyi swallowed the abdominal sac of the female grasshopper and the larvae inside, and chewed it twice. He Lingchuan heard a crunching sound.

"What else?"

"No need. Just wait."

Just a few dozen breaths later, He Lingchuan heard that Wu Shaoyi's breathing was becoming more and more stable, and when he tried his pulse again, it became stronger and stronger.

He opened the medicine cloth on Wu Shaoyi's body and found that the large blood holes with terrible shapes were slowly shrinking.

On the other side, the bandit was screaming in pain.

Wounds appeared one after another on his body, the locations were exactly the same as Wu Shaoyi's, growing from small to large, and blood was flowing out.

After hearing a few more clicks, several of his bones were broken one after another.

In just one cup of tea, Wu Shaoyi's wounds were basically healed, leaving only red marks on her skin. He Lingchuan pressed it a few times tentatively and found that his broken ribs had also grown back.

Looking at the bandit again, most of Wu Shaoyi's previous injuries appeared on him. It was his turn to breathe out and out, and his life was in danger.

"Except for excessive blood loss, your injuries have basically recovered." He Lingchuan observed Wu Shaoyi and marveled, "Can you draw that yellow talisman?"

Wu Shaoyi really didn't lie to him. The process of casting this secret technique is not difficult. Anyone can understand it at a glance. He Lingchuan can also guess the principle.

There is an old saying that grasshoppers can only hop around for a few days after autumn. In fact, the female worms will fail soon after laying eggs, and they will soon die of cold and starvation. The new larvae grow rapidly underground.

In fact, this is the intergenerational transfer of the essence of life.

Wu Shaoyi took advantage of this connection to transfer the bandit's life force to himself and his injuries.

The key to performing magic lies in talisman paper and turtle beads.

He took the yellow talisman paper and looked at it carefully. The characters on it were all made of cinnabar. But the strange thing is that no matter how hard he looks at it, the lines become blurry and blurry, and he can't remember them at all.

Advanced talismans are like this, and they have the function of preventing theft. Otherwise, if someone else gets it and copies it, it will take no effort at all.

Wu Shaoyi shook his head: "How can I know this because I am a bigot? The Holy Master said that there were no more than three people in the world who knew this secret technique. Now that he has passed away, there are only two people left."

He sat up slowly, his face still very pale, and He Lingchuan felt that he seemed a few years older.

Obviously the turtle beads provided him with so much energy.

"The Holy Master said that I was destined to suffer a great calamity, so he gave me this talisman." Wu Shaoyi smiled bitterly, "But the spell is too vicious and will harm the world. Even if my injury recovers, the best it can do is If you live another three to five years, all your cultivation will be gone, and at this time of year the old injuries will reappear, and you will have to experience the pain for a whole day again!"

"That's enough suffering." He Lingchuan actually disagreed in his heart. Is there any "harmony" in this world where people are not as good as dogs? "I've spent a lot of time here, and it's time to find the main force. Can you ride a horse?"

Wu Shaoyi stood up and stretched her hands and feet: "No problem."

He just couldn't fight, and at the same time he lost too much blood and needed to recuperate. But both of them understood that there was no time for him to recuperate at the moment.

At this time, the bandit had breathed his last breath and died.

If the surgery had not been performed in time, it would have been Wu Shaoyi who died at this moment.

Wu Shaoyi saluted him solemnly: "Thank you for dying!"

After walking out of the house, he asked He Lingchuan's name. He Lingchuan gave him his name and saw the giant crocodile sunbathing on the beach. He couldn't help but said: "By the way, I saw the crocodile monster sneak up on you on the west road and dragged it directly into the water. How could I give you a chance to fight back? "

Not to mention the crocodile god who has gained Taoism, even if ordinary crocodile monsters attack humans, as long as they are more than three meters long, it will be difficult for humans to resist unless they are helped by similar creatures.

Wu Shaoyi sighed: "It first dragged me down to the bottom, swam for a while, and then quickly surfaced again, preparing to adjust my position to make it easier to swallow. I took the opportunity to hold up the spear."

He Lingchuan suddenly realized.

When crocodiles, lizards, and birds eat, they can bite but not chew and mainly swallow. If the prey that enters the mouth cannot be swallowed horizontally, they will make a brief lifting motion to change the direction of the prey and swallow it.

Wu Shaoyi seized this short moment and successfully saved herself.

It's easy to say, but He Lingchuan still admires his calmness in times of crisis. Put yourself in his shoes, if you had dozens of fangs embedded in your body and your wounds were bleeding all the time, would you be as calm as Wu Shaoyi?

At this moment, figures in twos and threes appeared on the road outside the village. When they saw Wu Shaoyi, they rushed over and were overjoyed: "General, you are still alive!"

These are naturally Wu Shaoyi's men. Previously, Wu was attacked by a giant crocodile. The bandits were leaderless and dispersed after being beaten by Lu Yao.

Except for some who were recruited by Lu Yao, the others were wandering not far outside the village, preparing to select another leader.

If there is no control over the actions, eating and drinking of so many people, it will be a disaster.

Wu Shaoyi had great prestige in his army. Sable rushed over to gather him, and there were many people who responded.

In just half an hour, people were already back.

He Lingchuan roughly counted the number of people and found that there were five to six hundred people, and he was secretly happy.

This kind of numbers and this kind of strength, as long as they are used properly, may become a surprise force.

When everyone asked, Wu Shaoyi didn't hide it, and told all about his solo battle with the Crocodile God, thus receiving endless admiration from his subordinates.

The gangsters also had kind words for He Lingchuan, and Wu Shaoyi directly named him as his savior. For the gangsters, those who can ride back with their boss on a crocodile are considered to be not ordinary characters.

Considering that several giant crocodiles were lying beside the lake, no one doubted their words.

When there are too many people, it becomes noisy. The crocodile god thought it was not quiet here anymore, so he slowly turned his head and prepared to return to the lake.

He Lingchuan, with sharp eyes, rushed over and said, "Hey, Crocodile God, wait a minute!"

The giant crocodile stopped.

In the past, except for Hong Xiangqian, it ignored any human beings. But He Lingchuan had helped it before, and it was a creature with clear grudges.

"What's up?"

"Why are you working as Lu Yao's thug?" This is also Wu Shaoyi's question, "Hong Xiangqian is dead, how can you attach yourself to Lu Yao?"

"Hong Xiangqian once hid a drop of black dragon essence and blood. Lu Yao will use this as a reward for me to take action twice." The giant crocodile said slowly, "With the red quinoa powder as the nickname, this is the last time."

Yes, these walking scales are very obsessed with dragon blood. It seems to be of great benefit to their practice? He Lingchuan rolled his eyes: "Why did Lu Yao bring you to Xianling Lake?"

"He said I need help here."

Wu Shaoyi's gangsters all looked angry after hearing this.

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