After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 142 The magic of organization

From Wolingguan to Xianling Lake, the road is winding and winding for more than 400 miles. Lu Yao invited the crocodile god to come here at the cost of dragon blood. Could it be that he was asking the old man to see the scenery?

Needless to say, this is the idea of ​​the three armies joining forces. With the help of the crocodile god, he probably wants to be the commander-in-chief.

He Lingchuan asked again: "If I kill Lu Yao and get the dragon's blood, can you also serve me?"

"No, the dragon's blood is already with me." The giant crocodile blinked, "But if you kill him, I can help you for free."

"Ah, why are you so good?" Can pie fall from the sky?

"He has nothing to do with Hong Xiangqian's death." The giant crocodile turned its vertical pupils to He Lingchuan, "Catch my tears. From now on, if you soak your tears in the Fairy Lake, you can get my protection."

The tears in the corners of its eyes were almost flowing to the ground. He Lingchuan quickly picked up a crystal bottle to pick them up.

Are these crocodile tears? Looking at the light, the teardrop is still slightly blue.

Even though he was so angry at the Crocodile God, he also plugged the bottle tightly and hid it carefully.

"I still don't know something."

"Say." Crocodile God was obviously impatient.

"Why did you leave the Northern Demon Kingdom and enter the Great Yuan?" Apparently this giant crocodile kept going south after leaving the Northern Kingdom. He first participated in the Battle of Woling Pass that shocked the entire Yuan Kingdom, and then followed the waterway to the Fairy Lake.

The land of Yuan Kingdom is crisscrossed by water networks, which are fast passages for giant crocodiles.

"This happened several years ago. The new emperor of the Northern Kingdom came to power, and he was not in harmony with my clan." Crocodile God said coldly, "My clan is not the only one who has left."

"Then what are your plans for the future?"

Crocodile God thought for a while: "Xianling Lake is good, I will live here."

There are 800 miles of open water on the lake alone. There are countless caves and secret passages under the water, and it is connected to many streams and rivers. The food is also quite abundant. The Crocodile God is very satisfied with the geographical conditions here.

He Lingchuan coughed lightly: "Then do you want to consider fishing for a water spirit?"

"Like that turtle?"

"Yes." He Lingchuan smiled, "If you are a wild monster and like to eat people, the place may not be able to tolerate you."

Crocodile God chuckled twice, obviously disdainful.

He Lingchuan tried his best to persuade: "Even if you are not afraid, they will not be soft on your children. In this case, you might as well take over the position of water spirit. Although you have to keep the water area safe in the future, you have the Yuan Power assigned to you by Wang Ting. It is available and can enjoy regular offerings from humans, so the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.”

Crocodile God was also a little moved when he heard the word "Yuanli".

The turtle demon's combat power was far inferior to it, but because of the water spirit's elemental power, it fought fiercely all night before losing. If you can also get the Yuanli bonus, it will be of great benefit to your future practice.

What's more, after the nearby residents built a temple and memorial tablet for it, they also regularly offered worship to the water spirit and put a large number of live poultry and livestock into the lake.

What monster wouldn’t want free fresh food?

Eat fish every day, and occasionally change the taste.

The little crocodile monster next to it quickly swept it with its tail, signaling to my mother to take it quickly.

Crocodile God has only one last question: "Can you accomplish this kind of thing?"

"Yes!" He Lingchuan assured, "As long as you help us kill Lu Yao, you will be great. I can ask Qiansong County Governor to write to the local government and apply for you to be the water spirit of Xianling Lake. With such a powerful monster to protect you, this place The official will wake up with a smile."

This world is originally shared by humans and monsters. It is normal for monsters to exist in the human kingdom, just as humans exist in the monster kingdom. The best way for officials to deal with particularly troublesome or uncontrollable big monsters is to recruit people to become water spirits.

After weighing the pros and cons, there is nothing dissatisfied with these big monsters who have developed their intelligence. After all, they can take care of their own territory while still receiving royal salary or enjoying tributes, while humans enjoy peace, which can be described as a win-win situation.

As for the monsters' previous criminal record, whether they were killing people, cannibalizing people, or causing floods to flood the village, that's all in the past. Compared with bandits and bandits, the government hopes to recruit monsters, because most of the latter have straightforward personalities, are not so frivolous, and are not prone to sudden betrayal. Many monsters have served as spirits of the mountains and rivers for a hundred or two hundred years. In the process, the country has changed hands several times, and the new dynasty will soon recognize their position.

So Crocodile God agreed without much hesitation.

After He Lingchuan recruited such powerful helpers, Wu Shaoyi and his men looked at him a little strangely.

To be honest, even the dragon blood that Lu Yao brought out was not as impressive as the water spirit position given by the government to the Crocodile God.

This is the power of programming.

Wu Shaoyi had a subordinate named Liandeng. He rubbed his hands and said to He Lingchuan: "Brother He, we helped the officers and soldiers to relieve the siege of Lu Yao. It was bloody and sweaty, and we might even lose our hands. Look. , This seems to be... uh, not very good for us?"

He Lingchuan glanced at Wu Shaoyi and saw him standing silently aside. He knew that this man was in a complicated mood, so he said: "One day you are rebelling against the party, and the other day you are hunted down by the authorities. This is no different from Lu Thief."

All the thieves looked ugly.

Since the defeat of Woling Pass, everyone knows that life is difficult for dogs who have lost their homes. Even Wu Shaoyi is confused about the future future of this team and dare not make a guarantee.

He Lingchuan then continued: "Unless you are willing to be recruited!"

Recruitment? When everyone heard these two words, they looked at each other, but they didn't feel very disgusted.

He Lingchuan didn't need to look at anyone else, he just needed to pay attention to Wu Shaoyi. As soon as he saw his expressionless face, he knew there was something going on.

These three bands of bandits secretly joined forces in Xianling Village, just hoping to stick together and fight for a place to settle down in the future.

In fact, joining if you can't beat them is a way out. Even unruly wild monsters like the Crocodile God have to be included in the army and eat public food. They look on with envy.

"You can make the decision?" Wu Shaoyi looked deeply, "You are just a small official accompanying the army, why?"

"Yes, just because I am the eldest son of He Chunhua, the governor of Qiansong County!" He Lingchuan coughed a few times and knew it was time to reveal his identity. What's the use of making empty talk and making extravagant claims? Identity is the only thing that can make people's noses bleed when thrown out, and they still have to smile, "My father went north to Xiazhou to serve as the general manager, and the team he brought with him is his direct lineage! Once you surrender, you will become the confidants of my He family. , from now on, as a veteran in the military, won’t you be able to enjoy life and show off your power in Xiazhou?”

He knew that it was useless to talk about ideals and life with these tough people. It was most important to provide some practical protection.

Just these eight words, "Eat well, drink hot food, and show off one's power" can sum up what most people want in their lives.

Sure enough, the bandits' eyes flickered, and they were all a little moved.

Liandeng rubbed the back of his head: "The royal court has done many things that have gone back on its word. Even if General Wu surrenders, what if they..." They are rebels, and they are naturally wary of officers and soldiers.

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