After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 143 The situation changes

He Lingchuan interrupted without waiting for him to finish: "The war in the north is urgent, and it is the time to recruit people! Wang Ting is in a state of distress now. Every extra force they can go to the battlefield is something they want. How can they cut off their arms at this time? Wait until the war. Now that you have military merits and are guarding Xiazhou, Wang Ting wants to figure it out, so he has to pass the general manager first!"

The general manager of a state is a local official who is not only in charge of the economy and people's livelihood but also the military and political leader. Wang Ting also respects him very much.

In all dynasties, recruitment and recruitment were commonplace. Some of the rebels who were recruited died well, and some did not. There is really no unified pattern. Wu Shaoyi said to He Lingchuan: "This matter is serious and I have to discuss it with my brothers."


Ahead is Zhumapo, which means that Pei Xinyong's pursuit can come to an end for the time being.

Lu Yao's 700 ambush troops at Shaoziyan had lost more than 100 troops and were driven away by him across Zhumapo.

This place is a natural bridge, easy to defend but difficult to attack. After catching up here, Pei Xinyong can put down one or two hundred men to guard the bridge, and lead the large troops back to Xianling Village to join Wu Shaoyi.

But Pei Xinyong is a little hesitant now.

The spies he sent to Xianling Village sent back news three times. The first time was when Wu Shaoyi successfully raided Xianling Village. Lu Yao's men were unable to respond and many of them were killed. Lu Yao himself was also chased to the lake and planned to escape by boat. .

Pei Xinyong himself does not like Lu Yao. In fact, this kind of ogre was not popular with others, especially after the death of the Holy Master, all the advantages of Lu Yao turned into disadvantages.

However, Pei Xinyong has always believed that his side must be united so that it will not be easily defeated by the officers and soldiers, so he proposed that the three parties join forces to discuss the follow-up.

Unexpectedly, Lu Yao had evil intentions and played tricks on them.

In this case, he will help Wu Shaoyi get rid of this culprit and avoid leaving any future troubles.

The second information he received was that the officers and soldiers abandoned Xianling Village and entered Xishan Road.

When Pei Xinyong saw these words, his eyes flashed, thinking that the officers and soldiers had seen through his and Wu Shaoyi's plan and were coming to Shaoziyan to relieve the siege. But the spy immediately wrote that the officers and soldiers took more than ten carriages on the road, and they were accompanied by more than a hundred fairy villagers.

This doesn't feel right. How can one have to take care of his family while suppressing bandits?

Rather than pursuing and killing these officers and soldiers, it would be more appropriate to say they were retreating. Did he find that he couldn't beat Wu Shaoyi, so he greased his feet and ran away?

Pei Xinyong has not yet decided how to deal with these officers and soldiers.

In fact, the presence of these officers and soldiers here is very strange.

However, the third news returned by the spies turned out to be completely unexpected.

The crocodile god sneak attacked Wu Shaoyi, and Lu Yao staged a desperate counterattack. Not only did he resolve the immediate crisis, he also took the opportunity to take Wu Shaoyi's men for his own use!

That's too bad.

Pei Xinyong, a veteran who was used to seeing things like this, didn't even think about what he was going to do next.

Just leave?

He was hesitating here, and there was a fluttering sound in the sky. As soon as the guard beside Pei Xinyong raised his hand, the machine bird stood up.

The guard took out the note from the secret compartment and handed it to Pei Xinyong. The latter took it and took a look, his face changed drastically!

There are only a few words on it, but the fishy smell is strong, and they are obviously written with blood:

"You fell into the trap of alienation! Go east quickly, kill the officers and soldiers, join me, and let bygones be bygones!"

The signature is just one word:


Apparently, the spy he placed in Xianling Village was found and killed by Lu Yao. Then this man took the machine bird and wrote an ultimatum to Pei Xinyong himself.

Is this a trap?

He was hesitant here, and his confidant came over and said: "General, if Lu Yaoru wants to chase us, just chase us. There is no need to write this note again."

That's right.

Seeing that he had listened, his confidant said again: "If what Lu Yao said is true, if that group of officers and soldiers is not eliminated, the news of the rebels going south will be leaked sooner or later, and the consequences will be endless."

After the defeat at Woling Pass, the scattered rebels paid great attention to hiding their whereabouts.

Why did these three rebel armies secretly come to Xianling Lake to join forces? It’s not just because it’s quiet there so you can have a good discussion. If the whereabouts are leaked and troops are repeatedly sent to suppress them from behind, it will be really troublesome.

If Lu Yao tells the truth, then they can work together to strangle the officers and soldiers;

If Lu Yao wanted to trick him into returning, he would only have two to three hundred officers and soldiers. Adding Lu Yao's four to five hundred men, the total would be seven to eight hundred. Pei Xinyong himself has more than 1,600 troops. In terms of personnel and quality, he is not very afraid.

If you can't beat him, you can still leave. Besides, he remembered the second piece of information he had received earlier. When the officers and soldiers marched westward, they dragged the old and the young with them. It didn't look like fighting at all, but more like running for their lives!

After thinking about this, he raised his head and ordered: "Change the direction from head to tail, let's go back and kill the dog officer!"


The bandits held a meeting, and He Lingchuan had to avoid them.

He was actually very anxious. He didn't know what the situation of the officers and soldiers was, and whether they had fought with the enemy. But now a very strange scene appeared on Xishan Road:

Seven hundred Lu bandits ← Pei Xinyong’s army ← officers and soldiers ← Lu Yao’s four hundred troops.

There are so many forces on Xishan Road, and one is chasing after the other. Even if He Lingchuan's horse was fast enough, if he chased after him now, he would at most be able to catch up with Lu Yao's men. A battle would be inevitable, and he would still be unable to contact his father.

How can this be good? He finally persuaded Wu Shaoyi and these bandits to be used by him. It would be a pity not to pull them to relieve the siege of officers and soldiers.

Worries turned into worries, and He Lingchuan's stomach began to growl again.

After a hard night of fighting but no water or rice to beat the teeth, it was time to replenish his strength. He sneaked into the villagers' houses and rummaged through them one by one, and soon found a few flatbreads from the kitchen.

The new wheat in the warehouse was open to the gangsters to eat and drink. They forced the village women to cook a lot of food last night, but suddenly there was a feast of fresh fish at night, so there were only a lot of staple foods left in these kitchens.

When the fish is cold, it becomes fishy and unpalatable, but the pancakes can deal with it.

He Lingchuan found a few burritos that were browned until they were browned, and ate them while walking. The slight sweetness of the staple food and the aroma of green onions were very soothing to the stomach. When it comes to food, he is actually not very picky.

He thought of those giant crocodiles again, so he returned to the village and found a pen.

He wanted to catch some chickens and ducks, but the pen was full of chicken feathers, with only two chicks hiding behind the wooden fence and shivering.

It seemed that the place had been looted by bandits last night. As he was about to walk out, he saw blood stains on the ground, a few chicken heads thrown on the ground, and several hollowed-out remains.

He Lingchuan picked it up and took a look. It didn't look like a human being. Regardless of bandits or civilians, after killing the chicken, they will take it to the kitchen for disposal, right?

He shrugged and looked for a chicken coop in another house. This time he found a few fat chickens, so he caught them by the lake and threw them over.

Anyway, it’s generosity to others.

These feathered birds cackled and sounded very lively. The crocodile god was too lazy to move, still basking in the sun with his eyes half closed, while the other little crocodile demons chased the chickens and ducks, and soon had their mouths full of hair.

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