After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 144 Intricacies

He Lingchuan looked at them and felt quite proud. It was not easy to trap these man-eating monsters. His original plan was to use turtle beads, but then he had an idea and devised a trick, and he enlisted the help of the Crocodile God with nothing.

Power, power, this kind of power is so easy to use, no wonder dad is obsessed with it.

After He Lingchuan had finished eating the seven or eight large cakes in his hand and the bandits had finished discussing, Wu Shaoyi came over with his men.

"Does this team under Manager He have a name?"

"Yes." He Lingchuan took a sip of water, "It's called Cai Yingjun."

This was also the result of discussions between He Chunhua and his staff. He originally planned to name this direct force that he personally brought to Xiazhou as the Blackwater Army. However, He Yue and his staff seriously opposed it, thinking that naming it after the place of origin was too stingy.

"We are willing to join, but I want at least the position of deputy general, and my brothers must also have their own positions."

"Okay." He Lingchuan thought for a while, "With General Wu's qualifications, it is enough to serve as deputy general in the army. But I have something to say first. These people under your command may be dispersed and integrated into the entire army."

This is also normal operation to prevent clumping. Wu Shaoyi did not object, but felt more reassured by He Lingchuan's guarantee.

If this kid agrees fully, then he will be closer to firing a cannon.

"Then let's talk about the next plan." Wu Shaoyi found a tree stump and sat down.

He was recovering from a serious injury. Although he used forbidden magic to replace the injury, he still lost a lot of blood. He has not recovered it yet, and his face is still white.

He had already swallowed several pills to replenish blood and restore vitality, and was chewing old ginseng in his mouth, so he didn't fall into the dilemma of black eyes and shortness of breath.

He himself also knew that it was best to get a big pot of old hens with ginseng soup, eat the soup and meat, and then lie down and sleep for a day and a night.

Sleep is the best way to replenish blood.

Unfortunately, objective conditions do not allow it. The eldest son of the county guard in front of him is still waiting for him to achieve his first achievement since his surrender.

So Wu Shaoyi picked up a branch and started gesticulating on the beach:

"Speaking of Xishan Road, the first few troops have already run far away. It will not be easy for us to chase them on horseback. I'm afraid we won't be able to meet up with Governor He."

He Lingchuan saw that what he drew on the ground was the shape of a nearby mountain.

"Because we plan to meet up in Xianling Village, I sent someone to check out the nearby terrain in advance. The mountains follow the water here. From Desheng Town to Xianling Village, the mountains are basically close to the upper reaches of Xianling Lake." Wu Shaoyi said, " It’s not easy to travel by land, why don’t we take the water route instead?”

"Take a boat?" He Lingchuan turned to look at the wooden plank by the lake, "Are there not enough boats?"

There are only seven or eight boats on the lake, one of which is quite large, but it can only carry more than a hundred people at most, otherwise Lu Yao would have abandoned his horse and taken a boat to block the officers and soldiers.

"It's not enough, but don't forget there are them." Wu Shaoyi pointed to the giant crocodile on the shore, "They can also carry people on their backs, especially the Crocodile God. It can carry sixty or seventy people on its back."

The crocodile god is more than five feet long (17 meters), which is longer and wider than some ferries on the river. The men stood behind it and squeezed in hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, and dozens of people could still squeeze in.

Lu Yao didn't dare to take advantage of it because his agreement with the Crocodile God had been completed and the other party had no obligation to help him anymore.

But He Lingchuan is different. Now the Crocodile God is a member of the official family, no, a crocodile of the official family.

"The first batch of more than 200 people went over by water. Whether it was a sneak attack or care, they can solve the urgent need." Wu Shaoyi continued, "The remaining people went overland and rode horses."

Seeing that He Lingchuan was silent, he added, "The most important thing right now is to contact Pei Xinyong."

"Contact Pei Xinyong?"

"Yes, he has 1,600 troops, and he is the most important force on Xishan Road now. If he helps the officers and soldiers, the victory rate of the officers and soldiers will greatly increase; if he helps the Lu bandits, Governor He will be in bad luck."

He Lingchuan suddenly felt moved: "You are right!"

At this time, the Crocodile God who was standing aside said slowly: "Where are you going?"

"The 700 people arranged by Thief Lu at Shaoziyan never showed up. In other words, Pei Xinyong successfully completed the interception mission. These 700 people could not move eastward, so they had to retreat westward." He Lingchuan pointed to the mountain shape on the ground and analyzed, " Then we must not only get ahead of the officers and soldiers, but also preferably get ahead of Pei Xinyong.”

"It's still several miles from Xianling Village to Shaozi Rock, not to mention that Pei Xinyong should have traveled three hours earlier than us since Lu Yaoling's arrow went up to the sky last night."

It was still dark when Pei Xinyong intercepted the Shaoziyan ambush, but now the sun was already high.

When Wu Shaoyi heard this, he smiled and said: "The mountain road is rugged, so it's not far. If we take the waterway, we can catch up quickly."

The mountain road here has not only nine twists and turns, but eighty-eight bends.

The vast lake accompanying it allows you to swim around. Therefore, the villagers of Xianling Village also like to use boats when traveling to and from the mountainous area, whether delivering people or carrying goods.

He poked a point on the map: "It would be best if the waterway ends in Desheng Town. There should be a dock along the river."

If there is a pier, there will be suitable roads for people and vehicles to travel on.

"That place was occupied by Lu bandits. It is said that there are hundreds of people guarding the town." He Lingchuan questioned, "Are we still going there?"

"Even if we can reach it by water, we don't have horses, so how can we catch up with Pei Xinyong?" Wu Shaoyi said with a smile, "Lu Yao always carries his elite troops with him, and 80% of the ones left in the town are weak soldiers whose purpose is just to defend the rear. We These two hundred people killed him by surprise."

Mr. He is still young and has no experience in fighting. As long as the planning is good, it is not uncommon for two to three hundred people to surprise a camp of two to three thousand people.

He continued: "According to the division of labor between me and Pei Xinyong last night, I took Lu Thief, and he intercepted the seven hundred ambush troops in Shaoziyan. After that, he would come over to meet me. So he will not chase him all the way to Desheng Town. At most, he will not go all the way to Desheng Town. Zhumapo will turn around. It is easy to defend and difficult to attack. As long as two hundred men and horses are left, even if the remaining soldiers of the Lu bandit in front are able to fight back, they can hold it for a while. "

He Lingchuan nodded: "We also predict that the 700 ambush troops arranged by Thief Lu at Shaoziyan will flee to Desheng Town after being attacked. Everyone has the instinct to avoid harm, and they can attack or defend by escaping back to the base camp. So Pei Xinyong will also attack them. He will lead them to Desheng Town. In order to prevent him from turning around midway, Governor He's team will turn off the road in advance and rush to Qianteng Town. "

When He Chunhua formulated this strategy, he had to anticipate the risk of Pei Xinyong coming back. How can you say that he is also a bandit leader with a thousand and several hundred troops. Once he meets the officers and soldiers head-on, he will not be jealous?

Fortunately, there is only one road for the outside world to enter Xianling Village in the second half of the journey. However, heading out from the village, especially heading west, there are several forked roads in front and back, which provides He Chunhua's team with more strategic buffers.

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