After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 145 Discovered

This was also the reason why he chose to go west. The terrain on the east road of Xianling Village is too flat. They are carrying carriages and other heavy objects, so they will definitely not be able to outrun the rebels. As long as they choose the right time to go west, they may be able to go down the mountain without any danger.

As soon as he finished speaking, two bandit soldiers rushed over, holding a head in their hands: "General, we searched the woods on the roadside of Xishan Mountain and found a man who had been beheaded and died there alone. Let's take his head." Brought something back.”

The human head was grinning and covered with grass and mud, but when Wu Shaoyi took it and took a look, someone beside him shouted: "Monkey Liu! This is Monkey Liu, the scout of General Pei. We drank wine twice at Woling Pass. He paid the bill!"

Without waiting for others to speak, He Lingchuan immediately said: "Our officers and soldiers do not have the habit of beheading people. This must be the hand of Thief Lu."

"Perhaps Pei Xinyong sent him here to get information. If he was killed by Thief Lu, then Thief Lu might also have obtained information about Lao Pei." Wu Shaoyi looked at the bandit, "What do you have in your hand?"

The man hurriedly handed it forward: "It seems to be a machine bird. Liu Houhou died on the ground, and I found it on the treetop above his head."

He Lingchuan had long heard that there was puppetry in this world, and that a puppet master could make the mechanisms he made move in various ways. But this is the first time I have witnessed it with my own eyes. The machine bird in the hands of the bandits is the same size as a real pigeon, dark gray in color and unobtrusive, which is very close to its function.

"This man was probably discovered while playing with the machine bird on the tree. Lu Yao beheaded him, but he didn't notice that there was a machine bird falling on the treetop above him."

Wu Shaoyi took the machine bird and checked it over and over, then opened the belly of the machine bird. There was a hidden compartment inside, which was empty. But his serious face finally showed a smile: "God help me. If this spy wants to send information, the machine bird can probably fly directly to Lao Pei."

Liandeng clapped his hands: "Yes, let's ask the machine bird to send a message to General Pei. Won't we get in touch now?"

Time was running out, so the gangsters got paper and pen. Wu Shaoyi wrote down dozens of big characters in one breath, then folded the note and stuffed it into the machine bird's belly, and then patted it on the head: "Go find Pei Xinyong."

The machine bird raised its head and flapped its wings. With a purring sound, it flew into the sky like a real bird and headed west.

"Let's go." He Lingchuan stood up, "Without further delay." He had already spent too much time in Xianling Village.

Everyone climbed onto the crocodile's back, and the giant crocodile took a few steps and gracefully entered the water. Such a heavy body, but there was not even a splash of water.

Although it was full of humans, the crocodile demons were extremely powerful and seemed to be able to handle them with ease, not slowing down much.

Everyone sat on the back of this ancient ferocious beast. They were trembling at first, but after walking for a while, they found that they were more stable than ships. When they closed their eyes, they couldn't even feel that they were sailing on the water, so they felt relieved.

The giant crocodile carried everyone and also swam westward. The water was open and they could just walk in a straight line, unlike the winding mountain roads on land.

At this time in late autumn, the maple leaves on the lakeshore are turning red, and the mountains are covered with golden threads, which is indescribably majestic and solemn.

The river breeze blew across his face. He Lingchuan stood at the head of the crocodile and took a breath, which made his lungs feel cold.

Riding a giant crocodile that was more than five feet long, he traveled through the mountains and rivers, and followed a group of bandits to the battlefield. Half a year ago, this was something he would have dared to imagine?


Lu Yao was riding fast on the west road.

He was so anxious that his horse nearly missed the mark several times and kicked many rocks to the bottom of the cliff. It took a long time before he heard any reply.

He is not afraid, but his gangsters are. Is it too slow to let your horse gallop along such a mountain road with nine turns and eighty-eight turns?

But no one dared to say a word.

Passing Shaoziyan before, Lu Yao made a special detour to see it.

The ground there was in a mess, with traces of battles, and there were blood stains everywhere on tree bark and grass blades.

There were dozens of corpses on the ground, some killed by arrows and some hacked to death.

These are his men! The more Lu Yao looked at him, the more ferocious his expression became, and finally he looked up to the sky and roared:

"Pei Xinyong, you stupid donkey!"

The newly recruited Wu Shaoyi's subordinates explained to him on the way the reason why Wu and Pei suddenly switched sides.

It was really a divorce plan used by the dog official named He!

No wonder he had been drinking, eating fish and chatting with me last night, showing great hospitality. He originally wanted spies from Wu and Pei to come over and catch him.

These two idiots jumped into He's trap without hesitation.

A good tripartite meeting was disrupted in this way.

When he saw the bodies of his men on the mountain road again, he calmed down and just said with a ferocious smile:

"Don't He Chunhua like to eat grilled fish? When I catch him, I will torture his family in front of him, roast the cut meat and stuff it into him to eat! Hehe, eat it until he dies!" Swallowed a few times.

At this moment, there was a chirp in the sky.

Lu Yao raised his hand, and a red-tailed peregrine falcon landed on his arm, speaking in human words: "The convoy of officers and soldiers is thirty miles ahead of you, but the mountain road is twisty and it may take you more time to catch up!"

"Where's Pei Xinyong?"

"He stopped at Zhumapo and has not taken action yet." Kestrel said again, "Our people have crossed Zhumapo and retreated to Desheng Town."

"A bunch of trash!" Lu Yao snorted and said to Kestrel, "You will go again later and urge everyone in Desheng Town to come here."

"They are afraid of Pei Xinyong."

"Once Wu Shaoyi dies, Lao Pei won't have the guts to go against me!" Lu Yao said with a smile, "Sooner or later he will turn around."

He fed the kestrel a few pieces of meat and was about to let it go.

Kestrel suddenly lowered his voice and whispered in his ear: "By the way, I passed by the lake on the way back and saw something strange in the twin fjords. Those crocodile demons were carrying people on their backs and were heading west. "

"Crocodile monster? Carrying people?" Lu Yao was shocked. He knew the Crocodile God's temper, he was cold and ruthless. Regardless of how many times the two parties have cooperated, now he goes to find the Crocodile God. If he doesn't pay enough, the other party won't even mind eating him. "Who did the Crocodile God carry?"

Who can make the crocodile god automatically reduce to a vehicle and carry people obediently?

"Wu Shaoyi." Kestrel's voice was even lower.

Lu Yao pushed back the bandits behind him, rode his horse forward a few steps, then stared at the kestrel and said, "What's going on? Why is he still alive?" Wasn't Wu injured by a crocodile? How could he still be alive now? Ride on the back of a crocodile?

While he was in a state of confusion, he did not forget to distance himself from his men. Many gangsters here switched to him from Wu Shaoyi's command. If they heard that their old master was still alive, something might happen again.

If Wu Shaoyi was still alive, he would be the biggest source of instability, and he was a little worried.

"I don't know, but he brought more than two hundred men with him, riding on crocodiles and boats."

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