"Go west..." Lu Yao pondered for a moment, then his expression changed, "No, we can't let them join Pei Xinyong." Otherwise, he would be the one who would be passive. "Did they bring horses?"

"No, there's no room on the ship."

The crocodile's back is such that no horse dares to climb on it.

"Go to Desheng Town quickly and order everyone to be vigilant! Wu Shaoyi took the waterway just to get ahead of us, but they can't go without horses. Within a radius of sixty miles, only Desheng Town has horses!"

The kestrel flapped its wings and flew away. His men came over and asked Lu Yao: "General, what should we do now?"

"What else can we do, speed forward!" Lu Yao sneered, "We must drag Pei Xinyong into the battle and block his contact with Wu Shaoyi. Well, there must be six or seven hundred brothers in Desheng Town now, so we just need to be more vigilant , Don’t be afraid of these two hundred people!”

He has been fighting for many years, and he is also a decisive leader. He immediately figured out the current strategy. That is to unite with Pei Xinyong as soon as possible to strangle the officers and soldiers, and at the same time drag Wu Shaoyi and others to Desheng Town to cut off their communication with Pei Xinyong.

After the officers and soldiers were eliminated, he would have time to have a long-term discussion with Pei Xinyong, and then send people to deal with Wu Shaoyi.


After the officers and soldiers arrived at Langming Cave, they turned into a fork in the road under the guidance of the guide and headed towards Qianteng Town.

No pursuers were seen before and after, and everyone heaved a long sigh of relief.

He Chunhua chose to go west because he wanted to make a time lag and take advantage of Pei Xinyong's opportunity to expel the Shaoziyan ambush. He led hundreds of soldiers and civilians to Langming Cave and turned into this fork in the road.

In this way, you can avoid the embarrassment of a head-on confrontation with the returning bandits.

Overall, the first phase objectives were successfully accomplished.

Next, they have to escape to Qianteng Town as quickly as possible.

Zeng Feixiong glanced at He Chunhua and secretly said that the county governor had suffered the greatest loss. The eldest young master is usually cynical, but he didn't expect to die like a hero in the end.

He Chunhua's frown had not been lifted since just now, and he was asking the guide: "How far is it from Qianteng Town?"

"Within fifteen miles. The road behind was just built two years ago. It's straight, easy to walk, and wide."

As soon as he finished speaking, a handful of red smoke burst out from the eastern sky.

That was the signal sent by the spies who climbed the mountain:

The pursuers are coming!

So fast? Everyone was surprised. The mountain road had many twists and turns. Did the bandits have to drift like crazy to catch up?

Before He Chunhua could give instructions, red smoke actually rose in the western sky.

This shows that Pei Xinyong's team also turned around and returned.

This is called leakage in the house when it rains all night.

He Chunhua was not sure how Pei Xinyong would react when he reached Langmingdong. Should he continue to move forward and fight Lu Yao, or turn to a side road to pursue the officers and soldiers?

He could not bet hundreds of lives of the entire army on this uncertainty.

Mo Zhe Jingxuan came closer and whispered: "Sir, we are walking too slowly. As long as we throw away the burden, the speed can be increased by at least 30%."

The so-called burden, of course, refers to the fairy villagers. How can human legs be as fast as a carriage? What's more, they have a family with them.

The mountain road is very narrow, and civilians occupy half of it, which naturally slows down the officers and soldiers.

Now they are only fifteen miles away from Qianteng Town, a terrible fifteen miles! Every step closer is better.

He Yue's eyes were still red, but he retorted at this time: "The mountain road is narrow, and both sides are traveling in a mixed manner. If we leave the villagers behind and move forward, they will definitely wail and block us, which will probably slow down the convoy even more."

He Chunhua remained silent and summoned two magicians: "Isn't the ceremony successful?"

"It can't be successful." One of them was sweating profusely, holding He Chunhua's Sheji Order in his hand, "No, no response." From just now, there was a layer of vague hostility lingering around the Lord County Sheriff, and he was overwhelmed. Feeling pressure on his people.

Zeng Feixiong immediately ordered thirty more people to rush to the back of the team to support them.

In addition to the original twenty cavalry, these fifty people will be the first barrier in case the bandits attack.

He Yue had been paying attention to the surrounding situation, and suddenly pointed to the road ahead and said: "The metasequoia forest is here, such a big metasequoia!"

Everyone looked up, and sure enough, there was a small forest of metasequoias on the right side of the mountain road. The trees ranged in thickness from thick to thin. The smallest one was about the size of a bowl, while the thickest one could hold about ten people in a hug, and its height was also an astonishing ten. More than five feet!

Coupled with their straight and arrow-like postures, they are spectacular.

He Yue pointed to the tallest tree and asked the guide: "Is this the master tree?"

The guide shook his head: "It's not it. The master tree is much taller than it, and it's not here. It's by the lake next to Desheng Town."

The locals call the oldest and most senior tree the master tree.

He Yue said sternly to He Chunhua: "Father, since we won't help, then please ask these metasequoias to defend us from the enemy!"

"Metasequoia?" He Chunhua's expression changed, he looked at the metasequoia forest, and his frown relaxed a little, "What a good idea!"

Immediately afterwards, the county governor gave the order to cut down trees to block the road!

In addition to clothing, most of the men who fled the village also carried weapons. After all, human life and money need weapons to protect them. There are many people here with axes, usually chopping firewood, but now for self-defense.

There are also many officers and soldiers who use axes as weapons.

After the county magistrate gave the order, the officials and the people participated in the enthusiastic tree-cutting campaign.

Not only that, He Chunhua also instructed them to chop down giant trees, and the bigger the diameter, the better.

Everyone knew that life and death depended on a thread, so they no longer hid their clumsiness and used all their strength.

After a while, three big trees shook their golden and red crowns and fell to the ground amidst long groans.

Everyone chopped carefully so that when it fell, it happened to be lying in the middle of the mountain road.

With these huge trees blocking the road, the chasing horses couldn't get past. The only way was to use manpower to move them away.

Thinking this way, everyone became more motivated.

When the fourth big tree was cut down, a strong wind suddenly blew in the forest, making it difficult to open one's eyes.

The sound of the wind was like a roar, echoing in everyone's ears:

"Bold, a foreign official dares to hurt my people!"

The metasequoia tree closest to He Chunhua suddenly shook extremely violently, and its crown drooped abnormally. There are cracks on the surface of the tree trunk. From a distance, it looks like a human face, but the facial features are very unclear. It is a pure impressionist painting style.

But everyone could actually feel its gaze, especially He Chunhua, who was the first to bear the brunt and had to face all the other party's anger.

But he was unusually calm, and even brushed off the fallen leaves from his shoulders before saying, "Are you the local mountain swamp? I prayed several times but it didn't work, so I had no choice but to take this step!"

In fact, this tree is not the real Shanze itself, it is just borrowed to transmit sound.

The real mountains and rivers are still rooted on the edge of Desheng Town.

Metasequoia was very rude: "You are not the local parent official, I don't have to answer your call!"

As the landowner of this mountain range, no one usually looks for it at all. Even the local officials haven't summoned it again for a long, long time.

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