After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 147 Changing means of transportation

He Chunhua held up his Sheji Order: "I am He Chunhua, the prefect of Qiansong County in Jinzhou, and I have gone to Xiazhou to take up the post of general manager! You are needed here to help repel the enemy. If not, I will have to order this metasequoia forest to be cut down to stop the enemy!"

Shanze was furious: "How dare you!"

Metasequoia grows slowly. The five trees cut down by these humans were all over a hundred years old, and one was more than two hundred years old. It was the junior it watched grow up.

"Why don't you dare?" He Chunhua said expressionlessly, "If you hurt me, you will lose this position in the mountains and rivers!"

Shanze was silent.

To be honest, this position given by the state is very easy, and humans usually don't look for it to do anything. On the contrary, the power brought to it by the Shanze Divine Throne is of great benefit to practice.

Being able to be five or six feet taller than others of the same kind is due to his Yuan Li.

Having tasted the sweetness of Yuanli, it doesn't want to lose it.

"Okay, but my power can only last for two hours at most, at most!" Shanze said leisurely, "You'd better walk faster."

"Thank you!" He Chunhua saluted it, turned around and ordered the convoy to move forward.

There is a long downhill road ahead. The sunlight is blocked behind the mountain, so this side is immersed in shadow.

Milky white thick fog escaped from the mountains and forests and quickly covered the path walked by the officers and soldiers.


On the way, several giant crocodiles performed another show of tricks, that is, when they encountered the lagoon, they walked straight down the sand embankment, crawled from the water to the sand, and then climbed from the sand into the water. , and started swimming again.

The smallest crocodile here is more than one foot (more than three meters) long. Even walking on the beach is like a mobile fortress, full of domineering.

Everyone gave thumbs up and praised again and again.

The so-called lagoon is a lake formed by a shallow bay because the mouth of the bay is closed by sediment. If an ordinary ship encounters a lagoon blocking the way, it can only make a big detour to find another way out. It is absolutely impossible to walk directly through the sand and move forward in a straight line like the giant crocodile.

In this way, the distance was shortened by at least ten miles.

Brothers on other ships can only take a long way around.

When the crocodile moved smoothly, He Lingchuan closed his eyes to rest and regain his energy - there might be another tough battle to be fought later.

Just after crossing the lagoon, the trees on both sides were lush, and the tree canopy almost covered the water.

Liandeng's nose was stuck by the spider webs coming towards him, and he sneezed hard.

Just as he was about to take a deep breath, a swallow came from nowhere and rushed through the water, and rushed into his mouth!

"Ah, bah, bah, bah!" Deng sighed several times and spit out the bird.

He likes to eat meat, but he doesn’t like it when its legs jump directly into his mouth and the hair sticks to his teeth!

The swallow that was spit out rolled twice on the crocodile's back, but did not fly up, but shrank into the crowd. The space in Crocodile Back is limited and there are many people to sit in, so everyone has to squeeze together.

Two more white birds flew toward each other. They were so confused that they actually collided with each other.

With a "pop" sound, they both fell into the water.

Wu Shaoyi frowned: "There's something wrong."

This is a paradise for birds, and there are countless birds flying back and forth on the river. At this time, they were frightened by some unknown reason, and suddenly they all retreated into the dense forest.

A few simply landed on the crocodile's back and hid in the shadows beneath the humans.

They seem to be more afraid of other things than humans.

"Heaven!" He Lingchuan's heart moved, remembering the strange situation when the troops entered Xianling Village yesterday evening. When tired birds returned to their nests, the trees should be full of chirping, but at that time the surroundings were deathly silent, as if all the birds were afraid of something. .

Just like now.

After being reminded by him, everyone looked up, and sure enough, soon a gangster pointed his finger: "To the west, on the edge of the mountain peak!"

Everyone turned around and saw a lonely figure in the sky, flying like lightning.

"Kestrel!" Wu Shaoyi's expression changed, "No, it's a bird demon raised by Lu Yao! It will inform its owner, and Lu Yao is likely to know our whereabouts."

Fairy Lake is rich in prey, and there are many raptors passing by, but those who can scare the birds into this state are probably well-behaved monsters.

This is a reaction only when seeing a powerful natural enemy.

Liandeng grabbed a pair of bows and arrows and aimed at the kestrel, but after a few breaths he sighed: "No, it's out of range."

During this period, the kestrel flew higher and higher, and everyone had to strain their eyes to see it.

The falcon's eyesight is better than that of humans. Apparently it has noticed that someone is raising a bow below, so it takes off to avoid danger.

At this time, He Lingchuan thought of Hu Min in the Panlong Secret Realm.

That kid can shoot at this flying falcon with a hundred steps. I wonder if he can?

He Lingchuan had also hunted before, so he knew that falcons and harriers were agile and agile birds of prey. Some of them could even fly faster than arrows, let alone dodge them.

Especially on this side of the sky, there are some ways of doing things.

If he had good shooting skills, destroying this kestrel would be equivalent to blinding Lu Yao's eye. He Lingchuan secretly said that his long-range attack training should be put on the schedule as soon as possible.

Speaking of this, he suddenly remembered the unknown archer and the two arrows that followed him when he first entered the Panlong Fantasy.

He Lingchuan pressed his throat subconsciously. If the archer were here, shooting this kestrel would be a trivial matter, right?

He was inexplicably confident.

Everyone was cursing.

He Lingchuan looked sideways: "How come the guy surnamed Lu has such a good relationship with monsters?" First it was the crocodile god, and then the falcon monster. In contrast, Wu Shaoyi only has a little mink.

No wonder the chicken coop I touched in Xianling Village kept the reed chicks trembling. It turned out that they had seen a natural enemy.

It seems that monsters play a very prominent role on the battlefield. If used properly, they can become a rare weapon. He Lingchuan also wanted to get one for himself.

In the blink of an eye, the kestrel disappeared from the horizon.

"It seems that it is also on its way."

Wu Shaoyi's face turned ugly: "It's also heading west, either to deliver a message to Pei Xinyong or to send a message to Desheng Town. We are in trouble."

They originally planned to steal a camp in Desheng Town, get some mounts, and chase Pei Xinyong and his officers and soldiers. If the bandits stationed in Desheng Town were prepared by Kestrel's reminder, it would be difficult for our side to attack.

In any case, there are probably more than 500 opponents at this moment.

Everyone looked at each other, unable to think of a good solution for a moment.

At this moment, Crocodile God suddenly spoke: "Did you go to Desheng Town to kill people or to steal horses?"

"Both...but snatching the horse is the main goal." He Lingchuan patted its broad back, "What good ideas do you have?"

"There is an abandoned town not far ahead. There may be horses, but only a few." Crocodile God said, "Two days ago, my child saw horses wandering there and even ate one. The others were frightened and ran into the forest. "

He Lingchuan and Wu Shaoyi almost said in unison: "That's enough."

"The horse is nostalgic and will run away for a while, but will come back later." Wu Shaoyi pondered, "The plan has changed: Master He will just ride the horse to chase his family, and I will lead my men on the crocodile and continue to Desheng Town."

He Lingchuan was startled, but in a blink of an eye he understood that he planned to hold back the Lu thieves in Desheng Town so that they could not go eastward to aid the master. Using two hundred troops to hold back five or seven hundred will relieve a lot of pressure on the eastern front.

"Thank you!"

Sneak attack is one way of playing, and stalling is another way of playing.

Wu Shaoyi has experienced many battles, so this is not a problem for him. He also said: "Even if our whereabouts are discovered by Lu Yao, we still have an advantage, as long as the next operation goes smoothly."

The abandoned town mentioned by the Crocodile God soon arrived, only a hundred feet offshore.

He Lingchuan stuffed a small paper bag into Wu Shaoyi's hand: "Here is a golden elixir of dragon and tiger. If you eat it, you will be alive... For two quarters of an hour, you will be more powerful than you usually are. But as soon as the time expires, you will wither. , it will wither for at least three days, and it will not be used for two months. Considering your current physical condition, do not swallow it unless it is absolutely necessary."

Wu Shaoyi looked at him deeply: "Thank you very much. Congratulations on your success."

He summoned the sable and said to Liandeng: "You are a local. Please show the way to Young Master He. My sable can also dispel Pei Xinyong's suspicion."

Liandeng agreed, and Sable jumped on his shoulders and landed with He Lingchuan.

The giant crocodile turned its head and continued to swim farther away.

The slope of this beach is very flat, less than 100 meters away from the abandoned town.

It seems that this town used to have more than a hundred households, but now it is empty and grass has grown on the roofs. He Lingchuan saw a trace on the doorpost of a certain house, which seemed to be...a water level?

I don’t know which year it was, but a flood occurred in Xianling Lake and washed away the town.

The disaster-stricken humans had to abandon the town.

He Lingchuan and Liandeng walked through the town towards the forest, but within a few steps they heard snorting.

The Crocodile God was indeed right, there are horses here!

He Lingchuan grabbed two handfuls of tender grass from the ground, took out the wine bag from the storage ring, poured some wine on the grass, and said to the shadows in the woods: "Little darling, come here!"

This is fruit wine, less spicy and more fragrant. Even Deng salivates when he smells it, let alone the horses in the forest.

They were originally raised by humans, and they came out after smelling it. Seeing that He Lingchuan and the two had no ill intentions, they stretched their heads to reach for the grass in his hand.

Compared with the military horses of the supporting army, the fur of these horses is not smooth enough and the legs are not long enough, but how can He Lingchuan have room for pickiness?

He divided the grass and fed the two tallest and strongest horses, and then asked Liandeng: "Can you ride a bare horse?"

These horses probably escaped during the flood, not to mention they were saddled and didn't even have bits on them.

Liandeng grinned: "It's a small matter!"

He Lingchuan did not dare to feed the horses any more alcohol for fear that their legs would become weak after drinking too much. He instead fed them two apples and spoke a few gentle words to calm them down, and the horses became docile.

Everything went surprisingly smoothly.

Behind the town, the villagers have long dug a mountain road, and now it is covered with vines and grass again. The two led their horses through the rugged gravel road, and then got on their horses.


Pei Xinyong and Lu Yao rode side by side, with their respective men behind them.

They had met at Langmingdong and diverted from here to a branch road, preparing to pursue the officers and soldiers.

There are many forks on the Xishan Road. Why do you think the officers and soldiers escaped from here? It's very simple. The tracks of vehicles on the sandy ground are clear and coherent. It's obvious that many carriages carrying heavy objects passed here not long ago.

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