After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 149 The Advantages of Yuanli (Additional Updates on the Daily Salary of the Silver League)

He didn't even need to dismount his horse, he tilted his head to observe for a while and then said: "The convoy of officers and soldiers is heading here."

There are many forks on the west road, and the officers and soldiers took great pains to choose this road.

Further forward, a huge tree fell across the roadside, twisted and twisted.

"Hey, there are traces of heavy objects moving on the ground." Liandeng lowered his head and took a closer look. "The weight is so shocking that even a layer of sand and mud on the surface of the land was swept away."

"Are these giant trees?" He Lingchuan came down to inspect the giant sequoia trees. "The cross section is very new, and the wood juice has not yet dried. It took less than an hour to cut it down."

"The officers and soldiers used it to block the road. It was very smart."

Having said that, both of them were a little uneasy. It turns out that he is already so close to the officers and soldiers, less than an hour away, so where is Lu Yao?

How far away is he from the officers and soldiers?

He Lingchuan's face was as dark as water: "Go faster."

Going further over the hillside, thick fog hit our face.

"It's such a heavy fog!" Lian Deng was annoyed, "I can't see the road clearly."

He Lingchuan glanced at him with confusion in his eyes: "Can't you see clearly?"

"Ah, I'm almost out of sight." Lian Dengqi said, "Don't you think? Hey, there's a light on you."

"Light?" He Lingchuan lowered his head and saw a hazy and faint light emitting from his body.


This shows that the straight-line distance between him and the officers and soldiers is very close, within the scope of the He Chunhua Sheji Order taking effect.

When leaving from Blackwater City, He Chunhua temporarily incorporated his eldest son into the army and promoted him to deputy lieutenant. It's not about preference, it's just a military position that's bigger than sesame, but if you are in the army, you are eligible to enjoy the bonus of Yuanli.

Where is the use of Yuanli here? In He Lingchuan's view, there was only a very light layer of mist floating in the mountain forest, which could not block his vision.

As soon as he finished speaking, Liandeng walked towards the forest on the right. He Lingchuan grabbed him: "What are you doing?"

Liandeng looked puzzled: "Walk."

"The road is here." He Lingchuan pointed forward, "Where are you going?"

"Isn't that a cave?"

"..." He Lingchuan understood, "Come with me. I don't know what formation my father has set up. Only with the blessing of Yuanli can I know the way."

Liandeng had no choice but to obediently follow the instructions and murmured as he walked:

"Dear me, isn't this going to hit a tree?"

Then walked over.

Although Wu Shaoyi plans to surrender to the royal court, he has not yet met He Chunhua and has not yet become a member of the official army, so Wu Shaoyi and his men cannot enjoy the bonus of Yuanli yet. In Liandeng's opinion, He Lingchuan led him either into trees or through mountains. Sometimes he went too far, walking straight to the cliff covered with white clouds, which made his liver tremble.

As a result, the two of them were fine and there were no problems.

It’s great to have the blessing of Yuan Power. Liandeng sighed, missing the days when he could enjoy the bonus of Yuanli.

While walking, He Lingchuan suddenly stopped and let out a light sigh.

"What happened?" From Liandeng's perspective, the two of them were about to hit a mountain wall.

"I saw Lu Yao, on the mountain road opposite the cliff." He Lingchuan solemnly said, "Pei Xinyong was walking with him, followed by a large group of people, at least up to 1,788."

His voice was very low. With the terrain like "a few", his voice could easily echo in the valley.

Now he and the bandit army on the opposite side are equivalent to left-handed and right-handed hooks in the shape of "a few". Although there is a deep cliff ravine between the two sides, the line of sight is unobstructed.

At least that's the case for He Lingchuan. He can directly see everyone on the mountain road opposite.

Liandeng whispered: "Are they also playing in circles?"

"...No!" He Lingchuan observed for a moment before saying, "They are walking on the right path. They are not going too far or going in circles."

Lian Dengqi said: "Isn't that right?" Everyone was a rebel. He was deceived, but Lu Yao was not. What kind of natural principle is this?

He Lingchuan sneered: "He was holding a piece of cloth in his hand, and the other end of the piece of cloth was in the sky... Well, I saw the kestrel. This thing was flying in the sky and was taking them out of the fog."

Liandeng suddenly realized: "Yes, the bird of prey is flying high in the sky, and the formation cannot blind it!"

Kestrel can see through it, so the formation will naturally not be able to trap Lu Yao.

what to do?

"Can you shoot it down from this distance?"

Liandeng shook his head decisively: "It's too far. It would be better if we were closer. Well, actually, my archery skills are not particularly outstanding."

He Lingchuan looked at him with disdain. Is this a euphemism for "sucks"?

I gave you a chance, but you didn’t use it!

"There is a small road next to it. Let's get closer first and then think of a way." The team of officers and soldiers walked slowly. If they kept going like this, it would be a matter of time before they were overtaken by the bandits.

The two of them accelerated their horses and bypassed the huge "ji"-shaped cliff. There was another path leading into the mountain a hundred feet behind the bandit army.

The road was uneven and there were many branches. The two horses barely made it half a mile and could not go any further.

He Lingchuan and Liandeng had no choice but to abandon their horses and walk.

At this time, they were running in the woods halfway up the mountain, almost parallel to the rebels, but the altitude was about four or five feet higher than them.

The reason why we did not climb the ridge was because the ridge was bare and difficult to hide from the sharp eyesight of the kestrel.

"There is a chance!" Although Lu Yao and others rode along the way, the direction guided by the kestrel kept changing, and they did not dare to gallop on their horses. After all, the road conditions were complicated.

One is in the sky and the other is on the ground. The trouble they often face is that the trees on the roadside are too tall, and strips of cloth occasionally hang on the treetops...

Whenever this happens, the kestrel must deviate from its course, wrap around the entangled strip of cloth, and then continue to lead the way, otherwise it will bring its owner into the ditch.

He Lingchuan explained the situation to Liandeng in a low voice, and then said: "It has to fly down at that time, and this can be used. We are closer to the treetops, within eight feet, can you hit it?"

He said eight feet too much. The treetops in front of him were at most six feet (nineteen meters) high.

"Yes!" Liandeng was confident now, "I can hit it with a slingshot!"

"Okay, follow me."

The two men quietly stood beside the bandit army, hiding themselves under the dense canopy of trees while waiting for an opportunity.

God really treated He Lingchuan well.

That is, after half a stick of incense, the opportunity came.

This time, the cloth accidentally hung on a huge camphor tree.

It's so big that it's difficult for kestrels to avoid it.

Lu Yao found that the cloth strip was hung firmly. He pulled it twice and found that it didn't move, so he whistled to notify the top.

The kestrel heard the sound and descended, preparing to go around this branch and pull the cloth back.

If it couldn't be pulled back, the bandits would have to go up the tree and untie the strips of cloth. This had happened once before, so Lu Yao also reminded it to be more careful.

This moment was a god-given opportunity for He Lingchuan and the two men, who were standing on the mountain wall and were three or four feet taller than the thieves on the ground.

Even if you don't hit it, you'll feel sorry for yourself.

Seeing the kestrel folding its wings and descending, rushing towards the treetops, He Lingchuan shouted like a gnat: "Hurry!"

They were too close to the bandit army. If Lu Yao and others found out, they would have no chance of escaping.

The two of them rushed here. Liandeng took a long breath before he could take a breath, took the bow from his back, took aim, and shot out with a "whoosh" sound!

Success or failure depends on this arrow.

The sound of breaking through the sky was very weak, but the kestrel was extremely alert, and before the arrow touched it, it spread its wings slightly, turned over, and narrowly dodged it!

The arrow almost hit its belly.

However, a miss is a miss.

Their hearts suddenly went cold.

What's worse now is that not only did the target miss, but the Kestrel also issued an early warning. When the bandits No. 178 attack the two of them, they can do whatever they want.

waste! Waste, waste, waste! He Lingchuan cursed repeatedly in his mind. When he saw the kestrel turned over, he turned his head and looked towards where the two were hiding. He opened his beak and prepared to sing.

No, you have to seal its mouth! He subconsciously pulled out the broken knife from his waist and threw it violently.

Although the knife was thrown very fast, its path was crooked, drawing an arc in mid-air and flying behind the kestrel. Of course it didn't care.

Unexpectedly, this thing naturally turned around and came back again.

The kestrel turned around to avoid it, but it was too late.

The two of them saw a handful of blood mist burst out in the air, and the kestrel screamed and fell straight down!

Is this possible?

Both of them were stunned.

He Lingchuan opened his mouth subconsciously and looked at his right hand.

The right hand of God.

"Run!" Liandeng didn't have time to give him a thumbs-up, so he grabbed his arm and pulled him forward, "Let's go, if you don't go, you will become a piece of meat!"

The two of them rushed towards the ridge without saying a word and started running like crazy.

Of course, He Lingchuan led the way, with Liandeng following closely. Dense fog is the best protective color, and you will be safe if you run far away.

The thieves below also realized that something was wrong. Lu Yao took a few steps forward to catch the kestrel, and saw that half of its wings were gone, and there was a long cut on half of its abdomen, with its internal organs clearly visible, but he had no idea what the murder weapon was. .

Is it an arrow? Not like that.

He was heartbroken and angry. He stretched out his hand and pointed directly ahead: "There is someone there!"

All the thieves marched forward.

Pei Xinyong pointed to the right and said in a deep voice, "I heard footsteps and gravel falling there."

"In the formation, I'm afraid even the hearing will be disturbed!" Lu Yao was still sane when he was angry, and said without hesitation, "Separately chase! Be careful where you step!"

The two of them didn't say much. They each grabbed one end of the cloth and led one of their men forward and the other to the right.

They all felt clear in their hearts that Kestrel fell to the ground seriously injured and could no longer carry him. The only solution now is to catch the person who attacked and guide them. Only then can the thieves have a chance to escape from the fog.

The only people who can hurt the kestrel in the fog are the scouts of the officers and soldiers.

This time, He Lingchuan was running on the ridge. As he ran, He Lingchuan said, "Brother Chuan, why didn't you show off your knife-throwing skills earlier? Do you want to see me make a fool of myself?"

He Lingchuan chuckled and said, "I've never practiced before. I just threw randomly." He didn't think much about it at the time.

Even Deng's face wrinkled. He can throw so accurately even if he throws blindly, how can he be embarrassed by his practice?

He Lingchuan remembered the arc drawn by the broken knife, which was beautiful and strange, and attacked Kestrel directly from behind.

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