After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 150 Everyone is jealous

This knife was really destined to him, and it would automatically correct itself whenever he threw it.

It's a pity that it was thrown away by him. To be honest, he really wanted to enter the dream world again.

What's more, Lu Yao shot him with the ghost-eye bow before, and the broken knife also served as a warning to him.

What a great knife.

He Lingchuan sighed inwardly. As he ran, his fist crossed his waist. Suddenly he felt something was wrong with the scabbard. He lowered his head and looked -

The broken knife was still there, lying quietly in its sheath.


He Lingchuan was overjoyed and touched the handle of the knife several times before he remembered that Sun Fuping's short pestle would automatically fly back to its owner's hand.

In other words, these two are at least treasures of the same level!

Since the broken knife flew back automatically, that means this treasure recognized him as its master?

Super Plus enjoy!

But when did this confession take place? It seems that he has never performed the blood-revealing ceremony at all.

The situation did not allow him to think, because He Lingchuan suddenly discovered that the bandits below were divided into two groups, each going in one direction.

This was not an internal fight. Lu Yao and Pei Xinyong did not quarrel. They just separated after a brief exchange of words. It was more like a division of labor.

Among them, Pei Xinyong took the wrong path, and there was a three-tiered slope in front of him, like terraced fields - He Lingchuan didn't understand why this guy had to go there, and why he walked so confidently?

He didn't know that this was the result of sound dislocation caused by the mist array set by Shanze. Pei Xinyong really thought that the stones fell from there, and the footsteps sounded from there.

Lu Yao's direction was actually right.

The broken knife whirled and slashed at the kestrel, making Lu Yao think that the knife was coming from that direction, and he naturally thought that the scout who took action was also from that direction.

The fog reversed the direction of his cognition. As a result, a wrong was righted.

He led his men and accelerated toward the ridge.

Seeing this scene clearly, He Lingchuan couldn't help but said: "Lu Yao is chasing here, what a good opportunity!"

Liandeng smiled bitterly: "Brother Chuan, can you please say a few words? Is it a good chance that Lu Yao is chasing me?" Is it a good chance to be killed?

"Without the kestrel to guide him, he will faint before long." He Lingchuan remained optimistic, "But he has separated from Pei Xinyong, and we can go find Pei Xinyong."

"Looking for Pei Xinyong?" Liandeng was not sure. "General Wu had used a machine bird to send him a message before. Since he is walking with Lu Yao, the two people may have made peace or formed an alliance. It is too dangerous for us to show up rashly."

"Who said we were going to show up?" He Lingchuan laughed, "Don't forget that I can see them, but they can't see me."

"Be careful!" Liandeng suddenly grabbed him and pulled him back.

There was a "whoosh" sound, and a flying ax passed by He Lingchuan's waist, breaking two small trees as thick as a bowl, and then nailed it into a piece of bluestone.

He Lingchuan broke into a cold sweat.

Damn it, uncle, if Lian Deng hadn't been quick, he would have been cut in half with an axe!

This ax belongs to Lu Yao. Thief Lu has discovered him?

He Lingchuan turned around and saw Lu Yao standing ten feet behind, cursing:

"That thief, if I find him, I will cut him into pieces and drink him!"

He was in a bad mood and didn't think much about how to cook people.

He Lingchuan and Liandeng looked at each other and let out a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, Lu Yao waved, and the ax nailed to the stone flew back automatically.

Fortunately, fortunately, this guy just threw his ax to express his anger because the weapon would fly back automatically, and he didn't really see the two of them.

Indiscriminate attacks and so on are the most terrifying.

He Lingchuan ran faster than a rabbit and was far away from Lu Yao's army in an instant.

The sound of footsteps and falling stones were very close. Pei Xinyong judged that the opponent was less than five or six feet away from him, so he turned his horse's head and chased after him.

He knew very well that the only way to catch the enemy here was to be quick.

Find out the opponent's true identity before he can escape.

Of course the large group of people followed him around the corner.

After only running ten feet, the two riders on the far left suddenly screamed and fell down the mountain.

Bystanders were suddenly dripping with cold sweat: it looked like a bush!

At this moment, two arrows were shot out of the thick fog, and struck the ground two feet in front of Pei Xinyong's horse's hooves.

Pei Xin reined in the reins bravely, and the horse stood upright and stopped instantly.


He could see that the two arrows were very warning, but not hostile.

"General Wu Shaoyi's left wing forward, ascend continuously!" The voice came from the white mist, but this time, Pei Xinyong did not dare to move without permission.

Liandeng continued: "If you go forward, it will be a bottomless abyss!"

He Lingchuan, standing next to him, grinned silently: This kid is also a master at bluffing people.

Is there any abyss between them and Pei Xinyong? They are all Taiping Roads, with no twists and turns.

Of course, even Deng himself couldn't see it. He just followed He Lingchuan's instructions and shot arrows at the ground five feet away.

This threat was like a curse, directly pinning Pei Xinyong's team on the spot, not daring to move.

Invisible threats are the scariest.

Liandeng then said: "General Wu wants me to ask you, why are you collaborating with Thief Lu, and why are you walking with the murderer of the Holy Master?"

The two hidden words inside and outside the words made Pei Xinyong burnt on the outside and tender on the inside, and he lost his voice: "What did you say?"

"Wu Shaoyi is still alive?"

"Is it really Lu Yao who killed the Holy Master?"

The voices of these two questions were louder and louder than each other.

He Lingchuan heard his turbulent heart and nodded to Liandeng.

Wu Shaoyi sent Liandeng here because he was easy to talk with and could speak clearly in a few words. Now he is also showing off his talents:

"General Wu used the machine bird to pass the message. Didn't General Pei receive it?"

"The machine bird?" Pei Xinyong was confused, "I only received the machine bird sent by Lu Yao. Wasn't Wu Shaoyi bitten to death by the crocodile god? Do you think he is still alive?"

"General Wu is alive and well, but he came here by water on the Crocodile God!" Liandeng said, "General Wu sent me to ask you first, are you with us or with Thief Lu?"

The crocodile god didn't eat Wu Shaoyi, but became his mount? This was too exaggerated, and Pei Xinyong couldn't believe it: "Lu Yao killed the Holy Master, do you have evidence in your hands?"

"The Holy Master's Ghost Eye Bow was in the hands of Lu Yao, and there were countless witnesses. Lu Yao used the black dragon essence and blood collected by the Holy Master as bait to lure the crocodile god into the Fairy Lake, waiting for an opportunity to ambush you and General Wu, planning to attack you and General Wu when the three armies joined forces. Seize power!" Liandeng sneered, "When Woling Pass was broken, there were rumors that Lu Yao had killed the Holy Master. Isn't it groundless? Now if you listen to this, do you believe that the Holy Master's death had nothing to do with him? "

Pei Xinyong's eyes flashed. He has always been brooding over the fact that the Crocodile God followed Lu Yao into the Fairy Lake, and he also saw that Lu Yao was not telling the truth at all.

Black dragon essence and blood, is this the truth?

"You are hiding in the fog, how can I confirm that you are really Liandeng?" He said solemnly, "Also, why can you move freely in the fog? Is this Wu Shaoyi's method?"

If Wu Shaoyi laid the fog, it would not be surprising that his men could move freely through the fog; if the fog was placed by officers and soldiers, and the man in front of him was really Liandeng, then the meaning behind this would be very profound.

Could it be?

"Of course it's General Wu's method." Liandeng walked out of the fog with Sable squatting on his shoulders.

He stopped, but Sable landed lightly, strutted towards Pei Xinyong, jumped on the horse's head with a slight jump, and stood there wagging its tail at him.

Sable is Wu Shaoyi's spiritual pet, and Pei Xinyong has teased it many times. He is even familiar with the small tuft of hair on its forehead, and of course he can recognize it at a glance.

The most important thing is that people can lie, but spiritual pets are not prone to betray their master.

Pei Xinyong asked Sable: "Is he really Liandeng?"

Sable nodded.

"Is he telling the truth?"

Sable moved his beard: "Yes!"

"So, where is Wu Shaoyi?"

"On the way here," Sable said, "My master said: 'He can hurt me, and he can also hurt you.' Before our troops arrive, be careful of sudden attacks and flanking attacks!"

"By the way, raising the blue flag during war is still the same as before!"

At this time, the thick fog on Pei Xinyong's left side suddenly disturbed, and a group of people rushed over.

It was Lu Yao who went out to find no one and rushed back to meet Pei Xinyong. In the fog, once the strip of cloth is cut, you may be cut off from your teammates.

In this unstable environment, numbers are strength, and unity brings security.

As soon as Sable spoke, Liandeng retreated into the mist.

As soon as Lu Yao appeared, Sable jumped off the horse and quickly jumped up the branch next to it.

With Pei Xinyong and others blocking him, Lu Yao couldn't see clearly, but Sable stopped as soon as he climbed onto the branch, stared at him twice, bared his teeth, and then disappeared into the mist.

After this pause, Lu Yao took a clear look at it, and his heart skipped a beat:

Isn’t that Wu Shaoyi’s spiritual pet?

Sable is here, could it be that Wu Shaoyi is also here?

Thinking of Wu Shaoyi, his scalp felt numb. Why did the man named Wu suddenly become so evil when he couldn't even be killed by the Crocodile God, but instead became his mount?

No, they don’t have horses, so they can’t be so fast!

Lu Yao asked with full of anxiety: "What's going on?"

"Two of my people fell in!" Pei Xinyong pointed at the thick fog not far away, "What about you, have you caught the scout?"

Lu Yao shook his head with a heavy expression on his face. He also returned empty-handed.

Pei Xinyong exhaled and looked very irritable.

Seeing that he didn't mention sable at all, Lu Yao became more suspicious and asked, "What was that just now..."

Before the word "thing" came out of his mouth, he suddenly thought: "You can't ask!"

There were hordes of gangsters behind him, and Wu Shaoyi's old men accounted for the majority. When he asked now, if Pei Xinyong answered truthfully, what would his new subordinates think?

Will you continue to follow him, or return to your old master?

People's hearts cannot stand the test and cannot be allowed to make a choice!

Pei Xinyong was confused: "What did you say?"

"No, it's nothing." Lu Yao still swallowed the question. The more he looked at Pei Xinyong, the more he felt that his eyes were wandering, and he must have said something to Sable just now. In other words, Pei Xinyong probably knew that Wu Shaoyi was not dead, and the two parties were already on the line!

Are they planning how to plot against him?

In this mist that was both a fairyland and a desperate situation, a layer of cold sweat broke out on Lu Yao's entire back.

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