Pei and Wu teamed up to plot against him once before!

Wu Shaoyi raided Xianling Village, Pei Xinyong attacked Shaoziyan, and the only ones who were damaged were his troops and Lu Yao's men. Who says Pei Xinyong can't do the same thing again?

If Pei and Wu cooperate again, it means that the mist cannot stop Pei Xinyong. The only one who is trapped here is Lu Yao!

Pei Xinyong is in the light and Wu Shaoyi is in the dark. Their combined manpower can defeat two thousand people. He only has four or five hundred men, most of whom are surrendered troops. How can he cope with the attacks of these two people at the same time?

not good! Since when did he find himself in crisis without even realizing it?

The more Lu Yao thought about it, the deeper his heart sank, but his anger was rapidly building up.

So what if he is in a desperate situation, will he sit still and wait for death? These two men had played tricks on him more than once. Even if the right time, place and people are not with him, Pei and Wu will have to pay a heavy price if they want to deal with him!

His face was expressionless, but Pei Xinyong noticed that his jaw muscles tightened, apparently gritting his teeth.

It was obvious that the sables were all staying on the tree. Pei Xinyong believed that Lu Yao must have seen clearly, but he hesitated to ask. In other words, Lu Yao probably already knew that Wu Shaoyi was still alive.

Even so, he still came to him, regarded himself as the commander-in-chief, and insisted on chasing the officers and soldiers in front. Why?

Because once he, Pei Xinyong, knows that Wu Shaoyi is still alive, he is likely to turn to his old allies again and jointly encircle and suppress Lu Yao. So, this guy surnamed Lu seizes the time to come over and plans to strike first?

As long as Pei Xinyong dies, Pei's army will be leaderless and the threat will be greatly reduced. At this time, Lu Yao turned around to deal with Wu Shaoyi, and there was no chance of winning. After all, Wu Shaoyi had a vicious fight with the crocodile god and was seriously injured even if he didn't die, right?

If Lu Yao wanted to survive from death, this was probably the only way left.

By the way, strictly speaking, Lu Yao was not alone on this mountain road.

Thinking of this, Pei Xinyong sighed: "What should we do now? Your kestrel can't fly, right?"

"The wings are useless. We can only wait here. The opponent hastily set up their formation. It shouldn't last long. The fog will dissipate in a while, right?" Lu Yao said angrily, "Why do I feel that the fog in front of you just now There seems to be someone standing there?"

"Wooden stakes." Pei Xinyong said calmly, "By the way, why do the officers and soldiers have such a deep grudge against you that you want to pursue them?"

"That dog officer surnamed He plotted against me!" Lu Yao's eyes showed hatred, and he told He Chunhua's tactics to alienate the three armies and obstruct the rendezvous, and then said, "Both you and Wu Shaoyi fell into his trick!"

"According to this, you and him were drinking wine and eating fish in the village. Is this a delaying strategy?"

"That's right! The person who tipped you off must have been sent by him." Lu Yao sneered, "We are fighting in the same nest, playing into his hands."

"He only has 300 people, and he also has women and children with him. Can't you handle it?" Pei Xinyong pondered, "Didn't you also have 700 people at Shaoziyan at that time?" The total is almost a thousand.

"I want to keep him and give us a sacrificial flag!" This is the biggest flaw in Lu Yao's whole statement. He knows it himself, but he can only speak harshly. Could it be that I'm afraid that my strength will be damaged and I won't be able to compete with you, two bastards, when we meet?

"Don't believe it?" Lu Yao said coldly, "Otherwise, why are the officers and soldiers running away now?"

As soon as he finished speaking, two screams came from behind.

Pei and Lu combined their forces to number more than two thousand people, and the road here was narrow, so the queue was very long.

Thick fog covered the sky, and from their perspective they couldn't see the scene at the end of the team.

The two of them were on full alert, but these two screams directly broke the last string in their hearts. Lu Yao said sharply: "What's going on?"

Someone from behind shouted: "General, two of our brothers have been hit by arrows!"

Suddenly, four or five people screamed loudly.

The team was in chaos, and everyone drew their swords. We were in the fog, and we didn't know where the enemy was coming from. Just firing cold arrows in frustration made everyone in the group of thieves feel at risk and looked around.

Lu Yao also yelled: "There's something fishy, ​​be on guard!"

"Array up!" Pei Xinyong frowned and turned around. On such a narrow mountain road, there is no need for a battle formation.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he turned around, he caught a glimpse of coldness coming towards his neck from the corner of his eye.

The overwhelming murderous aura made the hair on the back of his neck explode.

"Dang" there was a metal clang, and at the critical moment, he raised the hammer in his hand to block the blow.

When riding a horse, his most convenient weapon is the page hammer.

Of course, Pei Xinyong also saw that the person who made this secret ax was none other than Lu Yao next to him!

Just as Lu Yao launched his attack, three of his men rose up at the same time and attacked the personal guards behind Pei Xinyong. At this moment, the screams from the end of the team just started, and everyone's attention was focused on the back of the team. How could they have expected that the God of Death was right next to them?

One of Pei Xinyong's two personal guards was beheaded and died a simple death, while the other was stabbed in the back. When the enemy pulled out the stab, his intestines were also hooked out.

The third person took advantage of the fight between Pei Xinyong and Lu Yao to jump up, holding a mace in both hands, and aimed a sap from top to bottom at his head!

If it hits, Pei Xinyong will be hit in the head.

Fortunately, there was no chance. Pei Xinyong blocked Lu Yao's sneak attack with his right hand. Without looking back, he struck the mace away with a diagonal strike with the hammer of his left hand. His sternum was broken, his heart and lungs were injured, and he flew two feet away.

The mace is famous, but the hammer is not inferior to it either. Both weapons are blunt weapons, capable of injuring people with brute force. The hammer head of the page hammer is also divided into six edges, just like the pages of an open book. When it hits the human body, the destructive force is concentrated on one "page". It is common for the opponent to break bones and tendons and die from internal injuries.

This thing usually comes in pairs. After Pei Xinyong killed the mace behind him, his men also reacted and rushed to protect their master.

The two teams, which had been living together peacefully for more than an hour, suddenly came face to face with each other.

As the two generals fought together, Pei Xinyong sneered: "After you plotted against Wu Shaoyi, can't you help but take action again?"

Lu Yao fought with all his strength without saying a word.

Now that he has broken his heart, he must kill Pei Xinyong in the shortest time and disperse Pei's army, so that he can have enough energy to deal with the next crisis!

The mountain road turned into a pot of chaos. After all, they were captured and killed by a pair of fierce bandits. He Lingchuan and Liandeng quietly retreated with their two horses.

Fortunately, there was thick fog covering us, so we took a few steps back and disappeared from sight.

Just now after they finished shooting the arrows, they imitated two screams, and the scene immediately became chaotic.

What He Lingchuan wanted was this effect. Only by fishing in troubled waters, no, by fishing for horses, so he lowered his head and slipped into the battlefield, picked up the dead man's horse and ran out.

This is commonly known as chaos, and no one even knows if a horse is lost.

There were often throwing objects of unknown origin among the fighting crowds. He Lingchuan and He Lingchuan carefully distanced themselves before flying onto their horses and chasing the officers and soldiers along the mountain road.

The strength of the two is too small here, and they need reinforcements.

For He Lingchuan, who had Yuan Power to protect him, knowing the way was not a problem at all. Soon, the mist was left behind them.

In front of us is the clear sky and white sun, and the beautiful weather is as far as the eye can see.

Unexpectedly, after running less than two miles, there was the sound of horse hooves ahead. There were a lot of people, and they were coming towards us.

He Lingchuan's heart suddenly lifted.

Could it be?

After a few more breaths, the team in front turned around the col and revealed their true appearance:

A flag in the army fluttered in the wind, with a huge Chinese character "Crane" on it.


The first thought in He Lingchuan's mind was the Hebei Zhechong Mansion where his father wrote to ask for help.

This team did not expect to encounter anyone at the corner. The riders in front of them suddenly braked, and suddenly someone shouted: "Young Master!"

He Lingchuan was startled when he heard this familiar voice. He looked closely and saw that it was Maotao!

"Young Master!" Several more riders came out, including Zeng Feixiong and Zhao Qinghe, who were leading the supporting army. They were all ecstatic, "You are alive, you are alive!"

"How could I die so easily?"

Zhao Qinghe sighed: "My lord is right, you are indeed a lucky general!"

The two generals approached, Zeng Feixiong introduced to He Lingchuan: "Hebei Zhechong Mansion immediately sent troops to assist us after receiving the news, and they happened to meet us on the road. Mr. He immediately assigned our supporting troops to come and kill the enemy together. This is Captain Zhao, This is Captain Li!"

He Lingchuan immediately saluted the two generals and saw that the Zhechongfu army behind them was huge and seemed to number at least seven or eight hundred people. The Caiying army also had nearly two hundred people following them. Apparently, after He Chunhua knew that he was safe, he wanted to flee instead to attack. .

Liandeng couldn't wait and coughed several times: "Master He, business is important!"

"Yes, it's business!" He Lingchuan suddenly woke up, "Two adults, the Lu thief who murdered the civilians of Xianling Village and caused me to fall off the cliff is now fighting with Pei Xinyong in the fog behind us! Why don't we go pick it up? A bargain?"

Who doesn't like such beautiful things as picking bargains and peaches? Captain Zhao and Lieutenant Li looked solemn: "We are about to conquer these traitors, let's go!"

On the way, He Lingchuan briefly explained to everyone what he had seen in the fog, and introduced Liandeng: "This is Wu Shaoyi's subordinate. Wu Shaoyi is willing to submit to the royal court and fight alongside us."

A thousand officers and soldiers rushed to the foggy battlefield.

The Erli Mountain Road passes by in a blink of an eye, and the mist-shrouded mountains lie ahead.

Ahead was the war zone, and they could all hear the sound of gold and iron.

Everyone looked at each other, drew out their weapons, and deliberately slowed down their pace.

As soon as he defused Lu Yao's sneak attack, Pei Xinyong felt something was wrong.

The other party's troops attacked and killed his men immediately, deliberately and unintentionally. Therefore, there were originally more than 20 personal guards around Pei Xinyong, but after more than ten breaths, only six or seven were left.

Fortunately, these six or seven people were all the best among the best, and they managed to withstand the opponent's stormy attack.

Pei Xinyong's army consisted of more than a thousand people, but they were suddenly separated by the Lu army and could not be rescued.

The current situation turned into Pei Xinyong and other seven or eight people shrinking into a group to resist Lu Yao's attack. Besides Lu Yao's troops, there was Pei Xinyong's army.

Although Pei Jun tried his best to attack and rescue his master, due to the narrow terrain, he was unable to form an effective attack.

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