After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 152: Betrayal and separation (additional update for Gulu and hundreds of thousands)

Pointed by Qian Ren, Pei Xinyong suddenly fell into a desperate situation.

Lu Yao wants his life!

It was useless to beg for mercy at this time. He knew that Lu Yao would have to kill him before he could deal with the crowd of more than a thousand people outside.

Wu Shaoyi sent someone to warn him to prevent Lu Yao from making a sudden attack. In the end, he was still overconfident.

At this time, Pei Xinyong had no time to worry, because another guard beside him screamed and fell down.

Stabbed to death by random gunshots.

If a strong enemy surrounds them, they can ignore martial ethics and use long soldiers to stab them randomly. Sooner or later, they will all be stabbed into skewers.

Pei Xinyong stared at Lu Yao, anger flashed in his eyes, he took out a small brass figure from his arms, bit off the tip of his tongue and sprayed blood all over it, then threw it towards the crowd opposite, and shouted: "Long!"

This little man is only as long as his middle finger. He looks like a brass leather toy, with many bumps and patches on the outside. It is a toy that no one would pick up if thrown on the roadside.

When Lu Bandit saw him throwing things carelessly, he subconsciously raised his knife to push them away. Lu Yao was sharp-eyed and immediately shouted: "Get out of the way!"

It's a pity it's too late.

This thing was good at facing the wind. It was less than three inches when it was released. It expanded rapidly in mid-air. Lu Bandit felt that a large shadow appeared out of thin air in front of his eyes.

When it hit the ground, it shook the mountain with a "bang" sound.

The little bronze man has grown into a bronze-armored heavenly soldier with a height of four feet (13 meters). Not only is he covered in heavy armor, he can't even be stabbed with a sword or halberd.

Pure metal, solid.

Lu Yao's expression changed: "The Holy Master's bronze-armored heavenly weapon was given to you!"

As soon as the bronze-armored heavenly soldiers appeared, they swept the hall with a kick and two heavy punches, beating the surrounding Lu bandits to pieces. A few unlucky ones were swept out of the mountain road and fell into a deep ditch ten feet away. , the screams are endless.

With its plundering formation, a lot of the pressure on Pei Xinyong and others was taken off their shoulders. The Bronze Armor Heavenly Soldier is slower, but powerful and heavy. Every heavy blow is real, and it is invulnerable to weapons and guns. It is really difficult for the bandit soldiers to deal with it on the narrow mountain road.

Pei Xinyong suddenly felt a warning sign in his heart and stepped back.

Just where he was standing, two or three hard stalagmites were drilled out of the ground. They grew to four feet long and became sharper as they reached the top. If he retreated half a second later, he would be exploded.

One of the guards was hit by the attack and was bleeding profusely while screaming.

Pei Xinyong looked back and pointed to the opposite side. The bronze-armored heavenly soldier turned sideways, fished out one of the bandits, and threw it directly into the sky.

The man who finally screamed and fell into the ditch was none other than Lu Yao's magician.

Those ground thorns are his masterpiece.

A gap was opened in the Lu bandit's encirclement by the bronze-armored heavenly soldiers, and Pei Xinyong's men rushed to rescue their master.

Seeing that this sneak attack was going to fail, Lu Yao gritted his teeth and took out the ghost-eye bow and arrow. He didn't need anyone else to work for him. He bent the bow and pointed the arrow at Pei Xinyong, and whispered: "It will hit, two years of life!"

The ghost eyes in front of the bow suddenly opened and focused on Pei Xinyong.

The latter had just killed an enemy when he suddenly felt his brows tighten, as if something terrible was staring at him.

He took a quick glance and saw the ghostly eyes in front of Lu Yao wide open, with a light shining over him.

Ghost Eye Bow!

He was so frightened that his hair exploded. He didn't have time to think too much and threw himself to the side.

When the arrow arrived, the bronze-armored heavenly soldiers just raised their arms and swung at them.

With a muffled "bang" sound, the lower half of the bronze-armored heavenly soldier's forearm exploded, and the flying copper shavings blinded several people.

But the arrow was also deflected.

It doesn't matter, it has the ability to chase the enemy on its own, and it will return to the straight line after turning a corner and charge towards Pei Xinyong again.

There were personal guards who loyally protected the Lord and rushed forward with a single stride, using themselves as shields.

A cloud of blood mist suddenly burst out from his back.

Penetrating the human body, the arrow does not stop and continues to pursue the ultimate target.

The Ghost Eye Bow was once Hong Xiangqian's treasure, and Pei Xinyong also knew that its characteristics were that its head hit was the strongest, its second hit was weak, and its third hit was the weakest. Seeing that it had hit twice in succession, but the speed had not slowed down much, he had no time to find cover, so he poured strength into his right arm and swung the hammer.

This move was considered to be the pinnacle of wonderfulness and danger. Just with the sound of "dang", three consecutive arrows arrived and accurately hit the hammer page.

A moment later, a moment earlier, the arrow would have been nailed between his eyebrows.

The hammer was knocked out of his hand and hit Pei Xinyong's left shoulder on the way, knocking his master back three steps. The jaw of his right hand burst open and blood flowed to the handle of the hammer.

But the arrow was indeed shot away and never came again.

At the end of the third round, Pei Xinyong's left shoulder and clavicle were broken, his left arm was disabled, and he could not even hold a weapon.

As soon as the arrow left the string, Lu Yao threw his bow and raised his ax and charged towards him.

Pei Xinyong was repulsed by three consecutive arrows and just managed to avoid his first flat slash.

The two struggled again, both staring at each other and panting.

One was injured and the other was weak.

"You are the murderer of the Holy Master!" Pei Xinyong could only fight back with his right hand, and cursed in pain, "Listen up, Mr. Wu, General Wu is still alive!" He was so anxious just now that he actually forgot to shout out the truth. Drive a wedge between enemy troops!

There was a commotion among the Lu bandits.

Lu Yao recruited more than 300 people from Wu Shaoyi. He was so shocked by the news that he couldn't even swing his sword as decisively as before.

"He's talking nonsense, everyone, don't mess up!" Lu Yao retorted loudly, secretly hating that he had been fooled by lard just now. Why didn't he go back to Desheng Town to gather people first, and instead went straight to chase Gu Guan?

The most important thing is to have as many direct descendants as you can. What use can these rebellious guys do!

At this moment, a warning sign suddenly occurred in his heart, and his back suddenly felt cold.

not good!

Lu Yao had been on the battlefield for a long time, and he lay down regardless.

With a whoosh, something shot out almost against his back. If he hadn't gotten down in time, his heart would have been ripped out.

Just when Lu Yao stood up, he saw it make a gorgeous retort and aimed it at his face.

The blow was fast and cruel. Before Lu Yao could even blink, he felt a biting chill reaching his eyebrows.

Is it a boomerang?

He didn't care about Pei Xinyong and opened the thing with an axe.

There was a crisp sound of "dang", and the ax blade suddenly broke out with a gap as big as a finger.

Only then did Lu Yao see clearly that what he knocked away seemed to be... a broken sword?

No, broken knife.

Who threw it?

But when he dealt with the broken knife, an empty door appeared in his chest. Pei Xinyong seized the opportunity and hit him hard on the left chest with a hammer!

Everyone within three feet heard the dull sound.

Lu Yao was beaten until he vomited blood and rolled off his horse.

Pei Xinyong's angry blow dented his left chest, broke two ribs, and penetrated into his heart!

The heart is the source of energy and blood. Lu Yao struggled to get up, but the position of his heart was like a bottomless pit, sucking energy away continuously.

Fortunately, his personal guards arrived and tried their best to protect him.

As long as he could rush north back to the main road, Lu Yao could continue heading west and join up with his men in Desheng Town.

At this time, a horn suddenly sounded not far away, and a team rushed out of the thick fog. When they saw anyone, they shouted: "Death to Thief Lu!"

The two bandit armies that were originally fighting were stunned.

It’s such a mess, and there’s a third party coming to disrupt the situation?

However, since they were looking for "thief Lu", Pei Xinyong's men subconsciously took a few steps back, not wanting to be accidentally injured.

Liandeng saw the opportunity and rushed out of the team, shouting loudly: "General Wu is still alive, Wu brothers follow me!"

He is the old man next to Wu Shaoyi. He has been in the army for more than six years, and all the Wu bandits recognize this familiar face. When Pei Xinyong shouted earlier, they were doubtful at best. Once Liandeng came forward, it was very likely that this was the case.

So immediately a large number of Lu bandits lost their fighting spirit, changed sides, and all rushed to him.

Lu Yao was so angry on the ground that he almost vomited blood for the second time, but saving his life was the most important thing at this time. He grabbed a piece of talisman paper from his arms and swallowed it without chewing.

Ordinary talisman paper has red characters on yellow paper, but this one has red characters on black paper.

Pei Xinyong was also stunned by the changes on the field. Fresh troops have indeed arrived, but can these be Wu Shaoyi's troops? They were clearly wearing the standard military armor of officers and soldiers!

However, Liandeng stood on the opponent's team again.

The situation was so chaotic that even he, a veteran leader, was a little confused. But he reacted very quickly and passed on the order: "Put up the blue flag and kill Thief Lu!"

As soon as the blue flag is raised, Pei's troops will gather together to avoid being accidentally injured by friendly forces on the battlefield. This has been Pei Jun's basic operation for many years, and everyone has long formed a habit. More than ten blue flags were displayed, and Pei Jun immediately shrank into his own team, clearly distinguishable from Lu Thief.

The newly arrived officers and soldiers cheered up and focused on beating the Lu bandits.

Lu Yao had been lifted up by his guards and retreated, but he had only taken two steps when he suddenly vomited blood again, his feet gave way, and he fell down. This time the blood was not only black, but also had lumps in it, which were fragments of internal organs.

His eyes were full of disbelief:

Why didn’t the talisman I swallowed take effect?

At this moment, a strong wind blew by, and the fog dissipated quickly.

The fog's time has come.

Lu Yao fell down and the fog cleared, and his subordinates could see clearly.

I don’t know who kept shouting: “Lu Yao is dead, Lu Yao is dead.”

The situation on the battlefield was originally not good. When many bandits heard and saw it, they no longer dared to resist and simply ran away. They could no longer withstand the two-sided attack from Pei Xinyong and the officers and soldiers.

Lu Yao also had a few stubborn cronies who were trying to get on their horses and escape.

This is all due to walking. Wherever the officers and soldiers were willing to let go, they cheered up and chased after them. After a while, they broke up the last small group of people.

At this time, Lu Yao was also awakened, his face was like gold paper, and his eyelids could hardly open.

He fought to the death with Wu Shaoyi and Pei Xinyong successively, and in the process he chased and killed the supporting troops. He was already injured and tired, and then suffered a fatal blow from Pei Xinyong. New injuries and old pain occurred at the same time, and he could not hold on anymore.

Captain Zhao from Zhechong Mansion in Hebei rushed forward and said sternly: "Are you the Ogre King Lu Yao?"

Lu Yao didn't even look at him, only stared at Pei Xinyong and smiled sarcastically: "In the end, it was you who surrendered to the officers and soldiers, and it was you who betrayed the Holy Master!"

His mouth was full of blood, and Pei Xinyong's face was ashen.

How could this happen? How could this happen?

Lu Yao wanted to say something else, but Captain Zhao rushed forward and raised his knife, but did not say a word to him.

Lu Yao had a scar as big as a bowl on his neck.

Blood splattered angrily, and his eyes were wide open.

I will never die with my eyes in peace.

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