After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 155 Dismantling the troops? (Added updates for new and old leaders)

"Everyone was upset after escaping, but General Lu didn't take it seriously. A dozen people took advantage of him to mutiny and seize power while he was drunk, but they failed and ended up miserable." The prisoner swallowed, "General Lu is at the end of his rope. , Maybe there are brothers who will fight to the end, but I, I don’t want to die.”

"A lost dog!" Zhao Qinghe kicked him, "Report to my lord the itinerary of Lu Yao and other rebels after they escaped from Woling Pass."

The prisoner nodded and said, "Please forgive me, Lord He!" He told me all the information.

After hearing this, He Chunhua and his son realized that after Woling Pass was recaptured by King Yuan's court, the rebels lost their backbone. Seven or eight people gathered their remaining troops and fled. Lu Yao's ability to gather more than a thousand people was the result of one annexation. This time he responded to Pei Xinyong's suggestion of joining forces in Xianling Village. Of course he wanted to seize the position of coach, and then go to the west to occupy a piece of land near Shuitou, and slowly grow stronger and bigger.

He Lingchuan was still doubtful: "How is that different from Wu Shaoyi's original intention?" Lu Yao also joked that Wu Shaoyi only wanted to be a grass-head king, but didn't he himself only intend to occupy the mountain and become the king?

"It's different." The prisoner explained, "General Lu hopes to slowly swallow up the surrounding states and counties based on the water head. He believes that the Yuan Kingdom is weak and has to deal with troubles in the north, so its control over the west will inevitably be loosened. We, no, He will have a good chance. When the time comes, his reputation will be so great that even the King Yuan will not recognize him. He may even be granted a title and beg us to send troops. "

"Maybe, maybe he can even be crowned king, marquis, and Jiuxi." He said dryly: "General Lu said that many powerful men in the past accomplished their feats like this."

He Chunhua couldn't help but sneer: "With Jiuxi, is he worthy?"

The three fathers and sons understood that Lu Yao's idea was to separate one party from another and force the central government to do so.

In fact, Lu Yao could see clearly that when a country's fortunes declined, local powerful forces often rose up. They needed soldiers and food, and their power increased dramatically, and Wang Tingcheng was on the same page as Wang Tingcheng. When the latter is unable to move it, they can only comfort it with kind words, either by giving them a title or a reward. In this way, people may not be satisfied, but they will found a country and become a king when they feel itchy.

He Yue nodded: "People like Lu Yao, once they taste the power, they can never go back. They can only go to the dark side."

He Lingchuan chose a big wooden pier and sat down, and said leisurely: "This guy is really lawless."

He Chunhua glanced at him, why did this boy's tone sound a little envious?

The prisoner added: "Actually, after meeting the county governor in Xianling Village, General Lu was very happy. He planned to seize your seal ribbon and the order of society and go to Xiazhou to become the general manager himself."

When these words were spoken, the father and son were all surprised. He Yue looked down upon him: "Wishful thinking, Yuanli Jun teaches me, how can he get blessings?"

Prisoner Qi Qi Ai Ai said: "General Lu said that he has his own way to take away Master He's horoscope and identity, so that he can use his Yuan Power in his official position." He saw the expressions on the faces of He Chunhua and the others, and quickly continued, "As for how to do it , We don’t know, General Lu refuses to say.”

He Lingchuan slapped the wooden block: "No wonder Lu Yao chased us and beat us up, as if we set fire to his whole family. It turned out that he had the intention of being like a monkey!"

It turned out that Lu Yao had been eyeing his father since he first entered Xianling Village, and He Yue was also frightened.

Zhao Qinghe urged the captives on the side: "What else? Tell me again what you said about the Holy Master!"

The prisoner asked for a glass of water and moistened his chapped lips before saying, "We don't know the real process of the Holy Master. However, before Tianwangdui was breached, the Holy Master went to General Lu to have a secret discussion."

Tianwangdui is the last fortress of the rebels in Woling Pass and is impregnable. He Chunhua read the battle report and knew that Wang Tingjun spent a lot of money to capture this place.

"The four or five people brought by General Lu, including me, were waiting two feet outside. We couldn't hear a word of what was said inside. The battle situation outside is getting more and more critical. Tianwangdui is crumbling, and the front lines are coming. I have reported urgently four or five times, but due to the order of the Holy Master, I cannot enter that door."

"About an hour later, General Lu opened the door and walked out. With red eyes, he announced that the Holy Master had died."

"Everyone was shocked. Several generals came after hearing the news and wanted to enter the house to find out what was going on, but Lu Yao brought all his men to guard the monastery and no one else was allowed to step in. General Wu Shaoyi even fought with Lu Yao because of this. Suddenly The city was broken and Wang Ting's army entered Tianwangdui. The generals knew that the situation was over and turned around to leave. "

When the army is at the end of its rope, it is looking forward to the pillars of support to come out and turn the tide. Who knows that the pillars will snap and snap, and they will not be able to hold you up, but will crush you to death first. He Lingchuan could understand the rebel's frustrated mood.

He couldn't help but ask: "Listening to this statement, is it possible that Hong Xiangqian is not dead, but just spreading false news to the outside world?"

"Dead, Mr. Ke Jihaike sent Hong Xiangqian's head to the capital. It was circulated countless times among the people, and they all identified it as Hong Xiangqian." He Chunhua tapped his fingertips on the pyre a few times, "Unless he has a substitute, he will be with him." They look exactly the same."

He Lingchuan said carelessly: "What's so strange about the substitute? I know that many people are good at raising substitutes, and they can be used at critical moments."

"Oh?" He Chunhua looked deeply, "Then tell me who they are?"

"Uh..." He Lingchuan choked up and quickly turned to the prisoner, "I can ask other traitors what you said. Do you have any useful information?"

"Yes, yes." The prisoner swallowed, "Actually, General Lu led his troops to surround the monastery. I entered the secret room with him, and saw the body of the Holy Master lying on the ground, with his head missing!"

He Chunhua couldn't believe it: "Lu Yao killed Hong Xiangqian?!"

Hong Xiangqian had a high status in the bandit army. According to the intelligence he had collected in the past, Lu Yao was originally a rough man in the city. When he was a boy, he killed seven people and injured nine others in the street and was arrested. After trial, he was supposed to be put to death for questioning, but it was Hong. Looking forward to seeing his talent, he rescued him personally and taught him martial arts and tactics, which can be said to be a gift for reinvention.

Why did Lu Yao suddenly rebel?

"But, there is no blood on the ground, not even a speck of blood, it's clean. Although the Holy Master only has his head left, the expression on his face is very peaceful, and he looks like he is sleeping. The objects in the secret room are also completely clean. It’s not messy, and there are no traces of fighting or struggle at all.” The prisoner swallowed, “General Lu just asked us to go in and clean up the secret room, so I don’t think he had cleaned it before.”

He Chunhua listened with rapt attention: "Then what?"

"At that time, the Tianwangdui had been destroyed, and a large number of officers and soldiers poured in. We didn't have much time, so we had to follow General Lu's request, wrap up the headless body of the Holy Master tightly, and sink it into the Mingtai River with a few big rocks. As for the Holy Master I don’t know what General Lu will do with his head.”

He Chunhua said slowly: "Two adults, Wu Di and Ke Jihai, found Hong Xiangqian's hiding place. There was no heavy guard there. Instead, there was a brocade box on the table. When he opened it, it contained Hong Xiangqian's head. There was also a brocade box in the box. There is a personal letter from him, saying that he has revealed himself as the culprit to thank the world, and asks the officers and soldiers not to embarrass the people of Woling Pass. "

When He Lingchuan heard this, he said: "It turns out that they did not cut off the head with their own hands, so the authenticity is doubtful."

He Yue shook his head: "Although the two adults were surprised, they used many methods to determine that it was really Hong Xiang Xiang's head, so they sent it to the capital. In fact, as long as it is announced to the world that Hong Xiang Xiang was defeated and died, he In fact, there is no big difference between life and death. He and his rebels are no longer the same."

He Chunhua looked solemn and said slowly, "I heard what this person said, and I have an idea. Maybe Chuan'er is not completely wrong."

He Lingchuan suddenly felt proud: "So I'm right? Ah ha, but right is right and wrong is wrong. What does it mean to not be completely wrong?"

"Hong Xiangqian may not be dead, but he can't be considered alive." He Chunhua visibly hesitated and said cautiously, "I suspect that he asked Lu Yao to go into the secret room and practice military solutions for him!"

"Dissolve the troops?" This was the second time He Lingchuan heard this word, and he immediately thought of the old turtle demon.

Monsters can be dismembered. People agree with this, but they just change their names?

"Use weapons to free yourself and help the soul to escape from the body." He Chunhua said word by word, "To put it simply, ask people to behead you to free the soul!"

He Lingchuan turned around to see his second brother's brows furrowed, and he knew that this knowledge was probably too far-fetched, and not even a small scholar had dabbled in it.

"That is to say, Hong Qianqian's soul has escaped? The so-called 'military liberation' should not be a simple beheading, right?"

"Of course not. He has to concentrate all the essence, energy, spirit and blood of his body on the head, so that Lu Yao cuts it off with one knife, and Hong Xiangqian has a chance to escape from the shackles of the skin. Timing is very important. If it's too early, if it's too late, it's all just It's just murder." He Chunhua explained, "This process should be successful, because there is no blood on the ground, which means that all the blood essence in the body has been condensed to the head. Hong Qianqian could not move. Only Lu Yao swung the knife. The most important thing is that the corpse cannot be dissected by oneself and must be helped by others. "

"So, Lu Yao is Hong Xiangqian's true confidant?" He Lingchuan was curious, "Can the soul do anything after it leaves the body?"

What he was thinking about was, if the old turtle demon's corpse dissection was so troublesome and couldn't be completed by himself, could it have relied on the power of the crocodile god?

Although the risk is not small, there is no room for advancement in that skin, right?

If so, that's a good plan.

"Seize the body." This time it was He Yue who answered, "I heard that the soul cannot be exposed to the wild for a long time. It is necessary to find a body to settle down as soon as possible. The unborn fetus is the best."

He Lingchuan shrugged: "So, at least Hong Xiangqian won't be able to act like a monster for ten years."

"Not necessarily. Mr. Ke said that Hong Xiangqian has the power of ghosts and gods, not inferior to the national master. Maybe he has already prepared a suitable body in case of unexpected events." He Chunhua asked the prisoner, "After Lu Yao left Woling Pass, Did you come into contact with pregnant women or children under three years old?”

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