After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 156 Three verses determine life

This time the prisoner thought for a long time before slowly shaking his head: "I have no impression. However, General Lu often goes out alone and does not let us follow him. This is a habit developed a long time ago."

He Chunhua stood up and said, "Okay, Qinghe, treat his wounds and get him some food and drink. Since you cooperate, this is what he deserves."

The father and son walked out of the woodshed.

He Lingchuan asked him: "Dad, do you want to report this inside story to the royal court?"

"Yes, but it will have to be delayed until ten days later. The prisoner will be the witness and will be handed over at that time."

He Yue nodded.

He Lingchuan asked curiously: "Why ten days later?"

"Send the report now. If Wang Ting replies, I might be allowed to stay at Woling Pass to investigate the matter." He Chunhua smiled, "What is our top priority?"

"Of course I'm going to Xiazhou to take office!"

It is false to say that anything else is urgent. The first priority for He Chunhua is to sit upright and take the position of the general manager of Xiazhou!

So He Lingchuan realized: "Dad is so cunning!"

In five or seven days at most, they will board the ship and head north. In ten days they will be almost at Shihuan City, and in a few days they will reach Xiazhou. After Wang Ting received the report, if he wanted to investigate Hong Qianqian's military solution, he would have to send someone else.

After everything was said, He Lingchuan yawned and stood up: "I'm going to go back to bed. Dad, you should be early." After all, he had been busy all day.

However, he and He Yue had just taken two steps when they were stopped by their father again: "Chuan'er, you are very brave in leaving Duan Hou this morning. I am very happy for my father."

He Lingchuan turned around with a smile, and was about to receive a few more compliments, but He Chunhua immediately said: "However, this will not be allowed in the future."

"Huh?" He Lingchuan was stunned, "Dad, don't you want to praise me?"

"There are three hundred supporting troops. Since we have capable men to stop the rear, there is no need for the eldest son to go into battle in person." He Chunhua said warmly, "What's the use of being brave and brave? You are a lucky general, but good luck will sometimes fail, so you can't rely on it. You When you are sixteen, a real man should know what to do and what not to do. Before putting himself in danger, he should always think about his mother and his brother. "

He Lingchuan stayed for a while and then said "Oh": "I know."

After that, he turned around and left.

Returning to the small courtyard where he stayed, He Yue said to him: "After my eldest brother fell off the cliff, Zhao Qinghe came to report the bad news. My father was very sad, but he still had to manage the safety of hundreds of people. His words were not meant to blame at all. Don't let go. In the heart."

He Lingchuan shrugged: "You think I take it seriously?"

It was night, and the two of them slept in the same room.

In fact, He Lingchuan always felt that something was strange. If it were the original person, his lungs would probably burst with anger: he finally got the limelight, only to be lectured by his father.

However, as soon as he lay down now, his mind was filled with a few verses left to him by the old turtle demon:

Seeking life in death, hiding one's strength and guarding one's weakness.

Exploring the truth through virtual reality...

This old guy really likes to play riddles. He Lingchuan really wanted to stir out all the yolks.

He wants to live.

He wants to live a wonderful life in this troubled world where strange forces confuse gods and human lives are taken lightly.

But he still had to guess the riddle first.

The old turtle said that he didn't have enough skills and the secret of heaven was distorted, so he could only glimpse this. He Lingchuan had better accept it, otherwise there is no other way.

The first two sentences of these three verses are easy to understand. If you want to survive, you have to be secretive and show less edge. He has been doing this since he traveled through time. Now at least he knows that he has done nothing wrong.

If you are like the young man with a golden retriever spirit who spreads dirt around the village and only knows how to be reckless and stand out, and thinks that retribution is the only way to live a happy life, and that all the heroes in the world must make way for his protagonist's aura, then his ashes may have been buried long ago. Raised.

However, he would occasionally show his weaknesses. For example, when he showed off his talents in Xianling Village and Xishan Road before, everyone saw him.

The key is in the last sentence.

What does it mean to explore the truth in a virtual way? He Lingchuan recalled the experience of entering the Coiling Dragon Dreamland twice for no reason.

Could it be referring to this?

And he always felt that these three verses were so light and airy, as if they were missing a final line.

Look at this format, you need a fourth sentence to make it catchy, right?

As a result, the old turtle said with embarrassment that he couldn't figure out the fourth sentence, so he asked He Lingchuan to think of making up for it himself in the future.

Can you still make up for it yourself?

He Lingchuan thought for a long time but didn't have any more clues, and he couldn't discuss it with others.

It was impossible to express these experiences, not to mention that the old turtle demon had also warned him that these verses could only be kept in his heart and never written down.

Oh, what a shame.

But no matter what, he knew that his future was likely to be turned upside down by these three verses.

This is not a curse but a prophecy. The curse can be undone, but the prophecy is... He had better obey and save his life first, and then try to make a comeback.

After two thrilling days in a row, He Yue was exhausted and couldn't sleep.

While he was tossing and turning, he heard his brother snoring gradually. He wondered if he was flexing his muscles in his sleep.

He is so big-hearted. He Yue sometimes envies this simple brother.


In the early morning of the next day, He Lingchuan was mercilessly awakened.

A visitor came to the door, and He Chunhua asked him to come quickly.

The other bed was unoccupied and the bedding had been neatly packed. Apparently He Yue had gone out to do errands for his father early in the morning.

He Lingchuan knew what was going on, so he hurriedly washed his face and hurried over, putting on his coat on the way.

When I entered the hall, I saw that Wu Shaoyi was indeed here, talking to He Chunhua.

Both of them had smiles on their faces. As soon as Wu Shaoyi saw He Lingchuan, she said: "Master He, please be patient in the future!"

"Hi, it's easy to say. I was worried about you last night." He Lingchuan opened his eyes and lied, "How are you now?"

Wu Shaoyi sighed: "How can a deficiency of Qi and blood be cured in a day or two? Just hold on, and it will pass." He used secret techniques to replace the injury, but he had lost too much blood before, and even the organs were showing signs of decline. , it won’t get better in ten days and a half if you don’t take care of it carefully.

"The doctor in my team has great medical skills. He will arrange your medicine and diet. Just take a good rest." He Chunhua said with a happy face, and turned to He Lingchuan, "There are three hundred elite soldiers who have defected to us with General Wu. All should be properly arranged!”

When He Chunhua went to Xiazhou, the more talents under his command, the better. This person has generals and soldiers, both of which are ready-made. Although he can no longer fight on the battlefield, once he joins, the strength of the supporting army will also be greatly increased.

Wu Shaoyi shook his head and smiled: "What kind of general is this? I am now the deputy general of the support army."

As expected, He Chunhua gave him the position of deputy general in the army according to the conditions agreed upon by his eldest son.

Everyone laughed.

Taking advantage of the relaxed atmosphere, He Lingchuan quickly asked about the war in Desheng Town.

It turned out that after Wu Shaoyi arrived in Desheng Town by water, he carried out a harassing guerrilla attack on the Lu bandits stationed in the town, especially on their horses. It is not easy to steal a horse, but it is not difficult to kill a horse.

It happened that these horses were also kept not far from the stream. Because there were too few water tanks in the town, the Lu bandits had no time to take them back, and the Crocodile God and his men took the opportunity to eat more than a dozen of them.

He Chunhua sighed: "It's a pity that Pei Xinyong refuses to surrender."

Pei Xinyong did not want to surrender, nor did he want his whereabouts to be known. Of course, he would leave as soon as possible after the battle of Desheng Town.

In fact, it’s not just Pei Xinyong? Wu Shaoyi recalled all his subordinates and told them his future plans, allowing those brothers who were willing to join the army to stay.

As a result, half of the people left.

"I have tried to persuade him, but unfortunately people have their own ambitions. He said he would never return to officialdom." Wu Shaoyi spread her hands, "I asked him about his future plans, but he only said to take it one step at a time, and he didn't tell me where he would go in the future."

Although they were old brothers who fought side by side in the past, one was eating public food while the other continued to be a bandit, so they were destined to part ways.

He Chunhua sighed: "What a pity."

The three of them chatted for a while, and then He Chunhua got up and left.

His business is never done.

He Lingchuan poured a glass of water for Wu Shaoyi: "I have good wine here. When you recover from your injury, we will drink two glasses."

Wu Shaoyi readily agreed.

"Just now, what did you mean by saying that Pei Xinyong will not return to officialdom?" He Lingchuan's ears were sharp, "He was once an official?"

"He worked in Zhechong Mansion in Longxia for six years and became the captain of Guoyi. In the year when Chunghe River was flooded, Zhechong Mansion in Longxia was ordered to help transport relief materials. At that time, Lao Pei was young and outspoken, and he couldn't stand the officialdom. I had the problem of plucking hair and smearing layers of oil, and I was deeply encouraged by the news that the monarch wanted to strictly enforce discipline and improve the management of officials, so I went beyond the level to report corruption and reselling of supplies to my superiors. "

So Pei Xinyong still has these past events? He Lingchuan was very interested: "What then?"

"Then he was trying to block the car, and his superiors were always good. This crime was directly pinned on him, and there were all the witnesses and material evidence, so he couldn't argue with him. Without a trial, he was dismissed from his post and sent to jail, and he was severely punished. , his buttocks were rotten, and he almost died inside. When others rescued him from prison, there were still maggots crawling in the wounds on his waist and eyes. Problem."

Wu Shaoyi shrugged: "That's why Lao Pei often said that Dayuan is Dayuan. He is not interested in officialdom, nor is he interested in Mr. He's recruitment."

He Lingchuan didn't know what to say.

After a while, he continued to ask Wu Shaoyi for advice:

"I still don't know something. From what you've heard, Hong Xiangqian must be a great person. Why would he reuse a notorious ogre like Lu Yao? He's not afraid of thieves. Well, the reputation of the rebel army will be ruined?"

"Actually, in the eyes of the Saint Master, Lu Yao is no different from us." Wu Shaoyi sighed quietly, "They are both murderous knives. Maybe he is faster and sharper."

He Lingchuan thought about this sentence carefully, and the more he thought about it, the more sense it made.

What makes a knife good or bad? The key depends on whose hands it is.

Those who achieve great things do not stick to trivial matters. Lu Yao's little hobby of cannibalism and small stains on his moral character may not even be considered trivial matters in Hong Xiangqian's eyes.

Speaking of which, Wu Shaoyi didn't know that the Holy Master was fighting to survive in the world, and He Lingchuan had no intention of telling him.

Lu Yao often got drunk later on. It should be after he properly arranged Hong Xiangqian's soul?

How long a person's soul can survive after death depends on the strength of the soul. For ordinary people, it is about seven days. For powerful souls, it can last for a while, just for a while.

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