After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 157 The ruins of the ruined city and green grass and trees

However, those with Horcruxes that can accommodate them are excluded.

For example, the resentful spirits and heroic spirits in Panlong City rely on the large square pot and can even wander around in the Panlong Desert. Such divine objects are hard to come by, so he assumed that Hong Xiangqian didn't have such a powerful Horcrux, so Lu Yao should quickly find a new host after his troops were dismissed and move Hong Xiangqian's soul to a new home.

Forget it, if your head hurts from thinking too much, let your father worry about it.

Back in his room, He Lingchuan closed the door while He Yue was away, then took out a dozen things from his arms and laid them out one by one on the bed.

These are all Lu Yao's relics, retrieved from under the nose of Captain Zhao. Seeing that he was the son of a noble man, although Zhe Chong Mansion was dissatisfied with this behavior of grabbing food, he didn't say much.

A few ingots of gold and silver, some elixirs, two ring rings, and other than that there were just small miscellaneous items.

Oh, by the way, there is also the ghost-eye bow that He Lingchuan has longed for.

No one told him that this strong bow was only as big as a palm when it was not activated. Lu Yao wrapped it in gray cloth and hid it close to his body. Otherwise, if it appeared with a murderous look, Captain Zhao would probably not let it go.

He Lingchuan grabbed the Ghost Eye Bow and as soon as he injected a little spiritual power into it, it grew to its actual size. The handle of the bow was freezing cold, and the surrounding temperature immediately dropped by four to five degrees, as if urging the archer to enter a calm state.

He Lingchuan felt the dark wind blowing behind his back and ghost whispers lingering in his ears. He repeatedly persuaded the archer to sacrifice his life in exchange for the powerful magic power of three consecutive arrows.

He doesn't listen to nonsense.

What if no sacrifice is made? He Lingchuan drew the bow and tried it. This is still a good bow, and the magical power can be regarded as a special effect, which will not be triggered without a sacrifice.

He played with the Ghost Eye Bow for a while, and it wasn't until the Divine Bone Necklace became hot again that he remembered that he had not done anything serious.

I can’t wait impatiently for the necklace.

So, he picked up the remaining debris and approached the sacred bones one by one.

There was no response to the first few items until he picked up two black charms.

After his sternum was shattered by Pei Xinyong's hammer, Lu Yao immediately took out a black talisman and chewed it. This was what He Lingchuan saw with his own eyes. Obviously Lu Yao has high hopes for the black talisman and firmly believes that it is an effective life-saving skill that can support him in escaping from the battlefield.

Unfortunately, it backfired.

These two black charms don't look special except for the weird colors. He Lingchuan turned it over and over, but did not feel any special spiritual power fluctuations. He could only say that the red talisman on it was different from anything he had ever seen.

He didn't do much research on the specific different methods.

But when he picked up a black talisman and put it close to the sacred bone necklace, he had a vision.

The black talisman turned into powder on the spot and was sucked into the hole in the divine bone, as if there was a whirlwind inside.

He Lingchuan stretched out his hand, but did not feel the wind.

Well, that's right, let's call this hole the eye of the wind.

In just a few blinks of an eye, the black talisman was completely absorbed, leaving not even a trace of powder behind. The divine bone necklace is still the same, with no changes except for the red light flashing, indicating the desire for the remaining black talisman.

"I won't let you eat this one yet." He Lingchuan murmured to himself, "I have to save it."

What on earth is the black talisman, and how can it enter the Eye of Divine Bones? Lu Yao was a rough guy, and He Lingchuan couldn't imagine him lying on the table with his pen and drawing spells carefully, so he probably took the black charms from others.

Who could have painted it? He Lingchuan has only one association:

"Holy Master" Hong Xiangqian.

After all, Lu Yao's Ghost Eye Bow was also obtained from Hong Xiangqian, so it wouldn't be surprising to have one or two more.

From Wang Ting's perspective, Hong Xiangqian was just a rebel leader leading a ragtag group of people. Why does Shengu want two ugly black talismans instead of the Ghost Eye Bow?

Yes, he also tried the Ghost Eye Bow, but the Divine Bone Necklace showed no interest in it.

It was such a picky eater, and He Lingchuan didn't understand its taste.


The next day, the supporting army set off and continued northward.

Before leaving, the Wuliu County Magistrate personally bid farewell to He Chunhua and brought a piece of news:

A large-scale manhunt for the two rebel gangs Lu Yaoyu and Pei Xinyong has begun. The wanted posters with faces drawn by painters overnight were sent to all counties and towns yesterday, and even people from every village and township went to make special announcements.

Especially if Pei Xinyong is found, the person who reports the news will get a hundred taels of silver, and the one who captures him alive will get a thousand taels of silver.

After all, Lu Yao is dead, but Pei Xinyong, the general under Hong Xiangqian's great rebellion, is still alive and kicking. With more than a thousand men under his command, how can he not keep the local officials awake at night?

One hundred taels of silver is equivalent to one hundred thousand Wen. At the current price, it is enough for a commoner family of three or four to feed and drink for more than five or six years, which is still generous.

So within a few days, there will be heated discussions in all corners of the country.

He Lingchuan saw with his own eyes the government's wanted order at the entrance of the market, which exaggerated Lu Yao's ferocity and cruelty, saying that although the bandit leader was executed, his men were also addicted to human flesh and would massacre villages and occupy towns at every turn, killing babies and women. They were caught and eaten with food and wine; Pei Xinyong killed people like hemp, and was also full of evil, and so on.

The name of the cannibal devil is like a double-edged sword. When the wind is going smoothly, it can make the enemy retreat. However, when it is desperate and fleeing, it is also deeply hated. Both the officials and the people want to kill it quickly.

As a result, these rebels will soon fall into the vast ocean of people's war.

Moreover, the magistrate of Wuliu County also reported the matter to the local prefecture and county. If the rebel army escaped from the boundaries of Wuliu County, the intensity of hunting him would not necessarily be less.

After leaving Wuliu County, He Chunhua ordered the entire army to speed up and arrived at Woling Pass five days later.

This is the junction of two landforms: mountains and plains. He Lingchuan had been walking in the mountains for so many days. Suddenly, his eyes widened and he could see thousands of miles away. He also saw the surging river and the autumn water flowing eastward. He finally understood why Hong Xiangqian and Wang Ting wanted to There was a desperate battle at Woling Pass:

Once out of Woling Pass, there is really no danger to defend the plains leaning on mountains and rivers.

Woling Pass is actually composed of the pass and the auxiliary city behind it. It is about three feet (ten meters) high and the city wall is three feet thick, which is very solid. However, after appreciating the grandeur and solemnity of Panlong Ancient City, He Lingchuan looked at Woling Pass again and felt that the difference between the two was the difference between a giant and a dwarf.

As Ce Ying's army entered the pass, He Yue kept looking around. Seeing the scars and arrow holes on the city wall, as well as the blood-stained wall stones, he couldn't help but take a breath of cold air: "How many people must have died!"

"This is the hole made by the trebuchet." He Lingchuan pointed to the hollow in the wall and said to his brother, "It was not accurate, otherwise the rolling stone would have fallen on the city gate."

He pointed to another black and yellow stain that obviously flowed from a high place. Of course it had solidified long ago: "This is probably a hit. Do you know what it is?"

Young researchers are naturally curious about knowledge, and they can't take their eyes off it, but they don't know what it is. Seeing that Zeng Feixiong was holding back his laughter, he said angrily: "You know?"

Zeng Feixiong coughed twice: "Second Young Master, that is golden soup!"

"What kind of golden soup?" He Yue still didn't understand, "A golden soup that is as solid as gold?"

The officers and soldiers on the side laughed.

"The word is correct, but the meaning is wrong. I thought you were rich in knowledge." He Lingchuan grimaced, "You must know that reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles!"

Mao Tao said loudly: "Second Young Master, golden soup is boiled dung juice, and it is best for people. When the enemy sets up a ladder to attack, the defenders will pour the golden juice down. It will stink a little, so it will work!"

The expression on He Yue's face suddenly froze, and he felt a vague stench lingering everywhere.

Attacking is the most important thing for morale, but no matter how brave and aggressive a soldier is, he cannot bear the humiliation of being the first to be attacked! What's more, the scalded wounds were contaminated with gold juice, and soon became infected and corrupted. In mild cases, the flesh was cut out, in severe cases, limbs were amputated, or even life-threatening. It could cause a heavy blow to both the spirit and the body.

He Yue looked left and right, and suddenly pointed to the left: "Is that a car rush?"

Half of the wall on the left side of the city gate collapsed, leaving a big hole. Two strange-looking cars were pressed against the wall, and half of their roofs were damaged by rolling stones and earthworks.

The car is two feet long, with thick baffles on all sides, made of iron and wood. However, the baffle directly in front has disappeared. Its top cover is also very tight. People hiding inside can probably be immune to various attacks from above, whether it is flint, arrow rain or gold juice.

But this car is not driven by horsepower, but relies entirely on human push.

He Yue had read in a book that this car could be used in two ways. One is to hang a heavy wooden bumper to hit the city gate; the other is to add a roof and push it under the enemy's city wall, and the engineers inside will pick up the guy and start digging the root of the wall.

As long as the roots of the wall are dug well, the wall will not fall down without it.

Woling Pass obviously also suffered a big loss in this regard. In the end, the officers and soldiers dug out the roots of the wall to break the pass.

He Lingchuan also looked at the two charging cars and was shocked: "Don't the rebels use magical powers to reinforce the city gates?"

"It's used." It was Wu Shaoyi who answered. Everyone turned around and saw his expression was calm, "It was only later that a small team rebelled and directly pulled out the Holy Master's talisman array from inside, which disabled the reinforcement of the magical power, and the officers and soldiers were able to take advantage of it."

It turned out that the person involved was here, and everyone who was commenting didn't know what to say.

He Yue murmured: "Sure enough, the strongest fortress is always breached from the inside."

He Lingchuan looked at the huge hole in the wall and said, "Now that Woling Pass has been taken back, won't the local government repair and repair the pass?"

It can be seen that no one has taken care of this place since Woling Pass was broken.

The importance of Woling Pass was undoubtedly revealed in these months of war. If he were a local official, he would definitely repair the city gates as soon as possible. Otherwise, the next wave of uprisings will come again and the country will be in danger again.

No one responded to this.

After a while, He Chunhua wrote lightly: "We have been fighting for too long, maybe we can't repair it."

Then, he sent people to explore the secret room in the southeast corner of the auxiliary city, where Hong Xiangqian "died".

Walking in from Woling Pass, you can see traces of the raging war all the way. This place has been fought over and over again. After several fires, no one has cleaned up the abandoned chariots, houses, and warehouses. It is late autumn again, but green and yellow grass has sprouted from the broken wooden wheels and the cracks in the corners of the walls. seedling.

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