After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 158 Rain from the sky

As long as the war stops, vegetation will reoccupy this place, and given time, it will be as if nothing happened.

There had been street fighting in the auxiliary city, so the houses here were riddled with holes and whole blocks were burned to the ground.

After walking through here, Cai Yingjun was silent, and He Yue felt heavy in his heart. He had never been to Panlong Ancient City, and this was his first real experience of the cruelty of war and the insignificance of human life.

As soon as they left the auxiliary city, a newly carved stone tablet stood in the valley behind.

The soldiers who died in the Battle of Woling Pass were buried here. He Chunhua ordered people to offer sacrifices and personally offered a stick of incense.

The scene was solemn.

He Lingchuan looked around and saw that everyone was there, but one person was missing, and his heart moved.

He quietly walked out and walked more than 200 feet. After being guided by many people, he found Wu Shaoyi under another big tree.

He crossed his legs on the ground, made a hand gesture with his hands, and closed his eyes without moving.

On the contrary, the crown of the sycamore tree directly above is fluttering, and every time the wind blows, the gold and yellow fall, making it rustle.

He Lingchuan looked carefully at the ground in front of him. There was new soil in a large area, and the color was different from the surroundings. It had obviously been turned over not long ago, but now grass had grown.

Even the grass seedlings here grow more vigorously than elsewhere, and rarely turn yellow in late autumn.

Why did Wu Shaoyi sneak here? Could it be?

He Lingchuan sat down next to him, looked at the impatiens flower in front of him that was so bright that he sighed softly: "How many people are buried here?"

"At least, more than 20,000." Wu Shaoyi slowly opened his eyes, "After they died, there was not even a tombstone."

The officers and soldiers who died at Woling Pass still have a monument; but the people buried here have nothing.

Yes, those buried underneath are all rebels, and they are also Wu Shaoyi’s former leaders.

He Lingchuan took out the wine bag from his arms and handed it to him, and then took out two wine glasses.

Wu Shaoyi did not refuse, filled a glass, slowly poured it on the ground, and drank wine instead of drinking wine.

At this moment, He Lingchuan saw a touch of loneliness and depression in his eyes.

People who once shared the same goals with him either fled or were buried here; he himself was deeply wounded by the secret method. Although he could live for a few more years, he said goodbye to the prosperous years of wielding a sword.

Even Wu Shaoyi, sitting in this once sad place, looked around at a loss, not knowing what to do in the future.

He Lingchuan filled both wine glasses: "Come, let me have a drink with you."

They? Wu Shaoyi was silent for a long time, raised her glass to him, raised her head, and her mouth was full of stuffiness.

After drinking three cups in a row, he breathed out a spicy breath.

It was the first time he drank alcohol since the injury.

"Young Master, are you not afraid of Master He's reproach when you come here?" Accompanying him, the former "rebel", to pay homage to the "rebels", this Young Master He was lucky enough to do it.

"Isn't that commonplace when dad scolds me?" He Lingchuan laughed, "But the yin energy here is too strong, so you shouldn't sit for a long time."

The aftermath of the battlefield at Wolingguan was done by the officers and soldiers. Of course, they buried their companions in Shanyang and buried their opponents' corpses in Shanyin.

"I just came to see them. If we say goodbye today, we will never see each other again." Wu Shaoyi nodded, "Human life is as cheap as weeds. Who will remember them in a few months or a few years?"

He Lingchuan chuckled: "As you can tell, no one will remember us a hundred years from now."

Wu Shaoyi stood up, his face flushed and his steps unsteady. He Lingchuan reached out to help him.

Due to the secret technique, this man's cultivation has been completely ruined.

He Lingchuan also understood that this might be the key reason for Wu Shaoyi's surrender. Otherwise, he will no longer be strong and strong, and it will be difficult to convince the crowd in the bandit army just by relying on the prestige he has accumulated in the past. Besides, his health is not as good as before. If he continues to hide here and there, he may collapse within two years.

Although it was helpless to surrender to He Chunhua, it was actually the best choice.

The two walked back and caught up with the large army by the river.

The river was clear and clear, and there was a small wooden house on the bank. Broken nets were hung on the front and back, and the wooden door was closed.

He Yueqing exclaimed: "The flat ground in front of the door is very clean. People come here often." Otherwise, fallen leaves and weeds are the main theme here.

After everyone walked for a while, a guard hurriedly came from behind and reported to He Chunhua: "The riverside hut just now has a memorial tablet for Saint Master Jiayuan, and there are offerings on the table!"

The He Lingchuan brothers looked at each other. Hong Xiangqian's full nickname is "Saint Master Jiayuan"!

There are actually people worshiping him in such a barren mountain and wilderness.

He Chunhua paused slightly: "Blood food, cooked food?"

"One steamed bun and three sour fruits. There are several bunches of incense burning at the bottom of the stove."

He Chunhua waved his hand: "Ignore it."

If he ignores it, the support army will naturally stop taking care of it.

Zeng Feixiong whispered: "Sir, don't you need to pull out that tablet?"

"Look at the environment here, who would come here to sacrifice him?"

Zeng Feixiong looked around subconsciously: "A country man?"

"It's just a village man and a woman looking for some sustenance. It's not a good thing, so don't worry about it."

Wu Shaoyi, who had been bowing his head, looked up when he heard this, and saw He Chunhua looking at her. She couldn't help being startled, and then lowered her head again.

Mr. He is thinking about him.

Although he had taken refuge with He Chunhua, the latter did not want to embarrass his old master in front of him.

It wasn't until Woling Pass disappeared from sight that Mrs. Ying let out a long breath: "The fighting here was too miserable. When I took back Blackwater City, it was far less tragic. By the way, where are we going to spend the night tonight? ?”

"Wolingguan has been abandoned. Cars and horses coming and going will stop in Shuanghe Town. Civilians have moved there, and I heard that a new city will be built there."

Shuanghe Town is less than fifteen miles east of Woling Pass. Fengling Ferry was right in the middle of these two places. Unfortunately, it was getting late, so the soldiers planned to rest in Shuanghe Town for one night and board the ship again in the morning.

Shuanghe Town was originally a small town of more than 400 people, but now it has to take over the population and functions of Woling Pass. When the troops came in, they found that there were large-scale construction projects everywhere and there was a lot of people everywhere.

Woling Pass was originally an important trade route. Caravans from the south had to go to Fengling Ferry to change ships when they came here. Now that Woling Pass has been abandoned, everyone has no choice but to come to Shuanghe Town to settle down.

The support army has expanded to six to seven hundred people. There is no room for them in the town anyway, so they can only make do with the grain farm and Zhuangzi in the east of the town. The conditions in the town were not good, so the He family simply spent the night in the village. The owner took them two taels of silver and moved out temporarily, leaving behind a row of four rooms and a playground. At this time, all the rice has been stored in the warehouse, and the empty raising field is the courtyard.

There was a shortage of supplies in the town and it was inconvenient to buy things around, so the soldiers still took out their own dry food for dinner. However, Zeng Feixiong was so hungry for meat that he called He Lingchuan to go hunting in the mountains.

They originally encouraged He Yue to go with them, but because his wife refused, He Yue could only watch helplessly as the group of twenty or thirty people disappeared into the dense forest.

He Lingchuan was very lucky. After about an hour, he hunted two roe deer and four hares. On the way back, he encountered a large black wild boar, weighing nearly 400 kilograms.

Everyone made a trap. The wild boar was teased by the peach and went crazy. It chased after it, fell into the trap and broke its leg.

What happens next is simple:

The Ying army had meat to eat, and it was a busy night only for the cooks.

Drinking was prohibited during the march, and everyone ate meat, drank soup, and performed fist fights until the moon was high.

He Lingchuan returned to the house, took off his coat, and fell asleep.

Because he secretly drank some wine, he slept more deeply than others.

Somewhere in the air, someone seemed to be whispering something in his ear.

He Lingchuan ignored it and wanted to sleep a little longer.


He was forcefully shaken awake.

He was so strong that he felt like he wanted to shake his head off.

"Wake up!" Someone yelled in his ear, as if it was He Yue's voice, "...get up, hurry up, hurry up!"

I didn't hear a few words clearly, but He Lingchuan could hear his anxiety, so he suddenly woke up and reached out to grab the knife: "Are there any more gangsters?"

He Yue rarely lost his temper like this. He subconsciously thought that something bad was going on.

"No!" He Yue kept dragging him out, his voice changing with excitement, "The emperor's liquid is flowing, the emperor's liquid is falling from the sky!"

Emperor's liquid!

He Lingchuan was stunned when he heard these three words, unable to believe his ears, but his body reacted faster than his mind, and he jumped out of the door, leaving He Yue behind.

The original person was uneducated and had no skills, but he remembered the knowledge about "Emperor Ooze" so firmly that He Lingchuan knew what it was as soon as he heard it:

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth exploded, so rich that it came to the world in liquid form!

It is a priceless treasure to all living beings.

To cope with the restlessness of the soldiers, they took all the bottles and cans they could find - of course basins and jars are best - and stood in the open air. While catching the rainwater, they did not forget to open their mouths and take off their shirts, so as to soak in more water. A little bit!

He Lingchuan stood outside the house and raised his head to the sky. He saw a full moon, silvery as water, and at the same time felt that his face was slightly moist, drizzle was like silk, but his nose smelled a fresh and peaceful fragrance.

The aroma is indescribable, like sweet and ripe fruits, like sweet-scented osmanthus in August, like a smile under the morning sun, or like a mountain forest after rain and fog.

In short, it is refreshing and makes you forget your worries after smelling it.

But a strong desire arose in his heart.

This kind of longing is like being hungry for seven days and suddenly seeing delicacies from the mountains and seas, or a desert traveler who is on the verge of death and finally climbs to an oasis...

That is a sincere cry from my heart:

"I want!"

He Lingchuan did not dare to delay. The scholar snatched two broad leaves from the banana forest and spread them neatly on the roof. He also took out the wine jar from the storage ring and poured out the wine, leaving only the jar to receive the spiritual dew.

He clearly remembered that the Emperor's Slurry was like rootless water. When it met the soil, it entered into the ground and settled deep into the ground. It then formed Xuanjing veins through the movement of the earth's veins. But it can be encountered but cannot be sought, and no one can figure out its trajectory. All living things can grasp is the present moment.

The most recent Imperial Ooze appeared decades ago.

Fresh serum is so precious. Ancient books say that one drop can be worth ten days of cultivation.

In addition to cultivation, it can also replenish the origin and regenerate living beings.

Of course, talking about efficacy regardless of dosage is a hoax. He Lingchuan couldn't verify how many milliliters one drop equaled, and whether the quality of the imperial slurry should be high or low?

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