After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 159 Don’t worry about anyone

But these are not the key points. The most important thing right now is how greedy and occupying you are!

He suppressed his excitement and soon realized something was wrong:

Too little.

After waiting for a long time, he felt a slight chill on his face again, and a little bit of emperor's fluid fell on his face.

It was flowing at this rate all night, not to mention filling half the bottle of wine, and even the snuff bottle was not even full!

He Lingchuan was disappointed.

Suddenly there was a dispute on the Yangtze River. It turned out that Wu Shaoyi's men and the veterans in the support army were fighting for the emperor and refused to give in.

The object they were fighting for was a piece of imperial liquid the size of the fingernail of the tail finger.

Most of the treasures dripping from the sky are as thin as raindrops, but a few of them are condensed into jelly, half green and half white in color, like jade paste.

At first it was just a dispute between two people, but in the face of the desire caused by the emperor's fluid, the soldiers were very irritable, and soon it turned into a quarrel between the two groups.

Zeng Feixiong and Wu Shaoyi had to waste precious time to mediate.

The forest, which was originally quiet at night, is now noisy. The previously sleeping birds stretch their wings toward the sky and make noisy noises with their neighbors in the hope of grabbing a little more oozy fluid.

Around the farm, even dormant forest frogs and long snakes slipped out and rolled in the jungle, trying to rub the emperor's liquid on the grass blades onto themselves.

The mountains seemed to be alive. In front of Emperor Liujian, almost no living being could remain calm.

This burst of imperial fluid lasted only for more than an hour and then ceased.

He Lingchuan jumped to the high branches of the big tree, searched for the leaves, and collected the emperor's liquid bit by bit.

During this process, he continued to fight with other creatures, and was almost bitten by snakes and scorpions twice.

Others followed suit.

The Heavenly Emperor's ooze only lasted for an hour, but everyone didn't sleep a wink until morning, and spent most of the night trying to collect it. Fortunately, the military discipline of the Caiying Army was relatively high among its peers, and Wu Shaoyi's subordinates were also very strict in restraining themselves, so there were no further troubles.

At Mao hour, the sun rises.

Once hit by the sun, the remaining imperial slurry immediately turned into white steam and disappeared without a trace.

The crowd's lamentations and sighs signified the end of the night's turmoil.

Everything has to go back to normal again.

The cook started cooking, and soon He Yue came and called his brother too early, and asked him at the same time: "How much did you get?"

"Alas, it's not enough to fill a mouthful." He Lingchuan's blessed general attributes were not fully utilized, and the imperial liquid collected after half a night's work only filled half of a small jade bottle.

By visual inspection, it is probably ten milliliters at most.

"It's an opportunity that only comes once in decades. It's a blessing to come across it." He Yue was open-minded.

He Lingchuan asked him: "How do you want to use it?"

"Already swallowed, just a little bit left to add to the bath."

No wonder this kid looked red-faced and energetic. It turned out that he had eaten the emperor's liquid directly. It's good, so as not to be remembered all the time.

He Yue warned him again: "The effectiveness of the Imperial Liquid Serum is only twenty-four hours, and it will expire when it expires. Brother, you must seize the time and don't waste the treasure."

"I know." He Lingchuan didn't think about what to do. The most common method would be to swallow it directly or take a bath like He Yue. Emperor's Liquid appears so rarely and has a short validity period that there are almost no recipes specifically for it. On the other hand, humans have more ways to prepare the mysterious crystals formed after the emperor's slurry settles into the ground.

But if these methods are used on fresh imperial liquid, it is not known whether they will be more effective or less effective.

It’s not easy for anyone to collect Emperor Ooze, and they don’t want to experiment with the pitiful inventory they have.

He Lingchuan asked He Chunhua this question. The latter had already consulted magicians in the army, but he also had no firm answer.

In fact, since the end of the emperor's bloodshed, He Chunhua has repeatedly strictly enforced military discipline, prohibiting stealing, robbing, insulting and fighting each other, and violators will have their hands chopped off. He also pulled everyone to sit in rows on the Yangtze Field, so that the elites could see each other closely. The guards watched closely and no one was allowed to leave, thus barely suppressing the eagerness of those with ulterior motives.

As soon as the sun rose, He Chunhua organized the entire army to collectively swallow the imperial fluid in his hands.

He Lingchuan also sat down and drank.

Although his movements were big and his posture was heroic, he only drank a few drops and put away the rest at lightning speed - he was always unwilling to drink it all like this.

You see, everyone drank it in public, and everyone testified - this approach is intended to eliminate everyone's suspicion, so as to avoid mutual suspicion and robbery later, which will affect the morale of the army.

In fact, everyone knows that Emperor's Liquid is precious, but it comes so suddenly. There is no other better way than drinking it directly. If you keep it, it will expire.

So at this time, most people just drink up their necks. Even if they have drank all the wine before, they still have to hold up the empty bag and can and drink again to show others, in order to dispel the eager eyes of others.

I have to say, this method is crude but effective. After everyone drank the Emperor's Liquid, their eyes became much kinder to each other, and they were no longer like wolves and tigers.

This sudden opportunity, or crisis, was finally resolved by He Chunhua on the spot.

He will never underestimate the attraction of Emperor Oujian, nor will he overestimate human nature.

He Lingchuan watched from the sidelines how he managed the crisis and felt that he had benefited a lot.

As a general, in addition to being good at planning and planning, emergency courage and skill are also very important.

If interruptions continue, disaster will result.

"The original plan has changed. I'm afraid we have to stay here for two more days." Facing the two brothers, He Chunhua sighed, "The Emperor's Liquid erupted last night, and the entire Shuanghe Town, Fenglingdu, and even the rivers may be unsafe. ”

He Chunhua had prestige and means, and acted vigorously and resolutely to suppress the greed and rebellion of his subordinates. But not everyone can learn it or use it.

Sure enough, the Cingying Army went to the town to inspect the situation and found that riots broke out from midnight to sunrise last night. More than forty people died and more than two hundred people were injured trying to snatch the emperor's liquid.

Travelers who are going to Fenglingdu to take a boat will stop in Shuanghe Town. There is a mixture of fish and dragons, and they were all trying to grab it last night as if they had lost their minds. There were more than 700 people in the town at that time, and nearly one-third of the injured were injured. Nearly 20% of the buildings were damaged, and more than ten houses were on fire.

When spies from the response army arrived, black smoke was still rising from some houses and the fire had not been completely extinguished.

This is evident from the great attraction that Emperor Ouyang has to living creatures.

Going to Fengling Ferry again, whirlpools appeared frequently on the river surface blown by the breeze, apparently undercurrents were lurking underneath. Observing carefully, there are often huge black shadows swimming on the river surface and underwater. It is not clear what kind of aquatic animals they are, but they often attack each other. It is obvious that the emperor's fluid last night made them excited and aggressive.

In this case, it is very unsafe to go boating on the river.

He Chunhua also took this into consideration and asked the entire army to rest temporarily for two days.

At this time, Li Zheng also approached He Chunhua, hoping to use the support of the army to suppress the turmoil in Shuanghe Town and temporarily maintain law and order here. The whole town was in chaos last night, with both casualties and casualties. After dawn, those with grievances wanted to take revenge, and those with grievances wanted to express their grievances. The number of people in the self-established civil security corps of Shuanghe Town was too small to maintain peace.

Since the place had a request, He Chunhua immediately agreed and allocated three hundred troops to patrol the town.

He Lingchuan, on the other hand, stayed in Zhuangzi and devoted himself to cultivation.

In the morning, he drank a few drops of Emperor's Liquid in one gulp. It was as cool as mint in his mouth. After swallowing it, his internal organs were warmed and his mind was excited. His energy was full of energy and he had nowhere to vent it. He also had the heroic spirit of being able to cross a thousand miles in one step and fly away gracefully in the wind.

Of course, this is an illusion, mainly due to overeating.

One drop of Emperor's Odor can be worth ten days of cultivation, so he has gained forty or fifty days of cultivation in vain. This is only a superficial benefit.

He Lingchuan couldn't miss this opportunity, so he drank two mouthfuls of warm water and went back to the house, closed his eyes and adjusted his breath, and walked happily for six big weeks and twelve small weeks.

He Chunhua knew that his two sons had to digest these benefits from heaven, so he sent someone to guard the door to prevent others from interfering.


End of pranayama.

He Lingchuan stood up and stretched his hands and feet, feeling light and full of energy.

Other than that, nothing special.

How is the effectiveness of the Imperial Liquid Serum demonstrated?

He turned around with doubts, wanting to see what was going on with He Yue. Unexpectedly, although the room was large, it only had the bed he had just climbed out of. There was a set of tables and chairs in the direction he was looking at, a low cabinet by the wall, and a handful of mugwort hanging on the door.

But there is no second person.

Wait, wait a minute, this is definitely not the room he had before he entered samadhi!

He Lingchuan strode out and found that he was on the edge of the village. The creek in front of the village was rushing, hens were clucking at his feet, and a little yellow dog was running by the fence, its tail wagging as fast as it could fall off.

There were children playing nearby, and a few women were washing clothes, getting water and heading back.

Cai Yingjun disappeared, and this was not the farm where he was before.

Could it be?

He Lingchuan suppressed his mood and asked the woman in starch clothes by the river: "Sister, where is this place?"

"Xingqian Village." The woman looked at him strangely.

"How did I get here?"

The woman was even more surprised: "How do I know?"

He Lingchuan pointed to the house behind him: "Whose house is this?"

"Uncle Meng, aren't you the friend his son brought back?"

He Lingchuan knew something in his mind: "Then, how to get to Panlong City?"

Yes, he had wanted to enter Panlong City for more than a month but was unable to do so. Today, he got the Emperor's Liquid and worked hard to practice, but he was somehow involved.

A broken knife or a large square pot is really unreliable.

As expected, the woman pointed eastward: "Follow the road, two miles away."

He Lingchuan thanked her and walked east.

The stream behind him was still flowing happily, and several washerwomen were whispering:

"Is this young man's skull broken?"

"After my cousin fell off his horse, he didn't recognize us and asked everyone where he lived."

"What a pity, he is so handsome!"

He Lingchuan: "..."

After a while, the spectacular Panlong City indeed appeared in the field of vision.

Along the main road, you will encounter many travelers.

He Lingchuan watched the faces all the way, fearing that the experience of being identified and hunted down would happen again when he first entered the Panlong Dreamland.

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