After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 160 The real Panlong City

However, no.

People either nodded and smiled at him, or simply ignored him, and quickly passed by without looking back.

Does this mean he is an aborigine?

He Lingchuan knew that Panlong's military and civilians were very wary of outsiders, and anyone who invaded illegally would be treated as spies.

Is it because he fought side by side with the Gale Army last time that he obtained the permission to pass through Dafang Hu?

With these questions in mind, he moved on.

This road is full of green mountains and green waters, wildflowers cover the long slopes, colorful butterflies come in pairs, and the crops in the fields are growing gratifyingly.

Everything was extremely peaceful, and seemed even more peaceful than most of the countryside the troops passed through.

However, this is the Panlong Wasteland, a land watered by countless people with their flesh and blood.

Panlong City in sight is getting closer and more majestic.

The outline of the city looked similar to what he saw in the Panlong fantasy. It lacked some edges and corners, and also lacked a lot of fortifications. The most obvious thing was that the ferocious-looking crocodile tooth vertebrae were missing from the city gate. During this period, Panlong City faced far less pressure than it did in the later period.

But Panlong City still creates a complete sense of oppression for any outsider.

When he got closer, He Lingchuan discovered that although there were no crocodile vertebrae under the battlements, the outer city wall was covered with brown-gray creeping plants. They are so densely packed on the wall that others can hardly see the true nature of the wall. It's spring now, but the plants are full of fist-sized fruits, which are light red and look like papayas.

I have to say that this wall greening job was a bit of a failure.

Why are wall-climbing plants planted at the most important south gate of Panlong City? The stems of these plants were thick, and the old vines at the bottom were thicker than his thighs. Wouldn't they be suitable for enemies to climb on?

Not only He Lingchuan, many outsiders are also pointing fingers.

Yes, Panlong City was actually different from what he imagined. It was not heavily guarded and kept away from strangers. He glanced casually and saw foreigners with different clothes and even different skin colors in front, back, left and right.

He also recognized that several pedestrians on the road were actually merchants from the Traveling Gang, and there was a convoy ahead of them waiting to clear customs. There were at least forty or fifty people in the team, and more than ten carriages were loaded with goods.

These should all be outsiders, because when many people saw Panlongcheng, their expressions were similar to He Lingchuan's, and they didn't quite hide their surprise.

The city gate was ajar, and there were about seven or eight soldiers in charge of security. They formed a small team, neatly dressed, energetic, but with a kind expression.

They check the index and customs clearance documents brought out by pedestrians. For caravans, they have to randomly check the goods and release them if they match the paperwork.

It doesn't seem very strict.

He Lingchuan admitted that this was more relaxed than customs clearance in Blackwater City.

Soon it was his turn.

He Lingchuan smiled kindly, but actually he was lucky enough to have his legs ready to turn around and run away if something went wrong. After all, he had no identification.

He just came to try his luck. The dream begins here. If you don’t enter Panlong, you don’t know what you’re going to do.

Unexpectedly, when the city gate guard saw him, he didn't even want the index document, and waved his hand to signal him to pass quickly.

He Lingchuan hesitated and paused.

The city gate guard said directly: "Let's go, don't block the road!"

As if there was no deception, He Lingchuan took long strides and quickly slipped through the city gate.

Sure enough, after fighting side by side with the Gale Army last time, he gained Panlong City's... favor? No more street rats.

The gate tower was as grand as he remembered, but it only had two gates, unlike the three-layered urn city of later generations.

After clearing the customs, you first face a large square.

The square was still so big, but the layout was different from what he remembered. The strange thing is that there is a lake on the edge of the square. It is sparkling and steaming. It is actually a hot spring lake.

The shore is dotted with fluffy papyrus.

He Lingchuan stopped by the lake. The water was clear and the bottom sand could be seen. There were no koi in it, but there were swarms of local stream fish.

At this time, the Chipa Plateau has criss-crossing water networks and lush forests and grasses. It is a pearl in the Panlong Wilderness. He Lingchuan also saw this lake in Panlong City in later generations, but it had long since dried up, leaving only its outline.

Only when he saw it with his own eyes did he realize that the lakeshore had been built with many steps. People could walk directly from the square to the lake to get water without any obstacles.

He tested the water temperature and found it must be over forty degrees.

Are there fish in such a high water temperature? Can it be cooked by adding another 20 degrees?

He Lingchuan looked back and saw scaffolding erected on the high wall next to the city gate, with many craftsmen working there.

The sculpture is seven to eight feet high. Although it is not completed, the outline can be clearly seen.

That outline, those lines, well, it’s definitely a dragon.

In the Panlong Fantasy Land, there is also a black dragon sculpture beside the city gate, but here, it is not finished yet.

Now He Lingchuan knew what era he had entered.

At this stage, probably after Panlong Wasteland became an enclave again, Zhong Shengguang was completely disappointed with his motherland, so he replaced the golden bull, the national guardian beast behind the city gate, with a black dragon sculpture.

He Lingchuan randomly chose a road to wander in. The streets were spacious and clean, the buildings were row upon row, and there were people selling goods outside the shops... just like any other lively city.

Having seen the horror and desolation of Panlong City in later generations, and then seeing its current appearance, He Lingchuan felt as if he was in a dream, as if he was in another world.

Especially the traffickers, commoners and wealthy businessmen coming and going, joking when they should, bargaining when they should, quarreling when they should, and hurriedly walking around when they should be, all full of the breath of life.

The tragic, gloomy and solemn atmosphere that He Lingchuan thought did not exist.

Was the dream he was in the past reality?

People living here still live their lives as usual, they still sacrifice themselves for five buckets of rice, they still buy two cents a piece of candied haws for their children, and they still cheat and kidnap their children——

When He Lingchuan walked to the door of a restaurant, he was hit by a child rushing from the opposite side.

This kid is as short and skinny as a monkey, but very strong. An ordinary person would probably be knocked over, but He Lingchuan has practiced martial arts for many years, and his lower body is as stable as a clock. Even though the boy didn't knock him down, he was thrown two feet away and sat on the ground.

He glared angrily: "Can you walk well?"

"You kid, what are you doing with my necklace?" He Lingchuan lowered his head and saw that the necklace that was originally attached to the flesh was caught outside the skirt of his clothes, and the small piece of sacred bone was actually shining with a faint red light.

When the kid bumped into him, he felt his neck tighten. Fortunately, although the chain was thin, it was not broken.

The boy jumped up from the ground and ran away.

He Lingchuan was about to catch up and give him a big dick, when he was unexpectedly hit hard on the shoulder, and a voice said: "Hey, He Lingchuan!"

Someone here actually knows his name! He Lingchuan was so excited that the kid stopped chasing him and turned to look at the person.

This man was of medium to thin build, with round eyes. He was a spirited young man, but he had a crutch under his arm and one leg was dangling, daring not to touch the ground.

"Sure enough, it's you!" He looked at He Lingchuan and smiled, showing his big white teeth.

"Hu Min!" He Lingchuan was also pleasantly surprised. He hugged his shoulders and patted him on the back, "Where did you come from, a cripple like you?"

His surprise was that not only did he meet an old acquaintance in his dream, but he also remembered him!

This shows that he left a mark in the dream and was not just a spectator or passer-by.

This discovery is of great significance.

"I wanted to buy a dime of wine at Frost River Restaurant, but I saw you standing here, stupidly being touched by a kid!"

The two looked at each other and laughed.

Hu Min was his comrade from the Gale Army who defended the car formation together in his last dream. He Lingchuan had a broken arm, and Hu Min installed all the crossbow arrows for him.

True friendship between men does not mean they have to live together in the same school, or they have to shoulder a gun together.

"Let's go have a few drinks." He Lingchuan turned around and saw Shuanghe Restaurant.

Why? Isn't this the place where Sun Fuping convened the expedition team to discuss countermeasures after they entered the Panlong ruins? But at that time, all that was left of the restaurant was a sign swaying in the wind, and the words were difficult to read.

But the Shuanghe Restaurant in front of him had large gilded characters on the plaque. There were many drinkers in the restaurant and the business was booming.

The two happily went into the restaurant and sat down. When the waiter came over and asked the guests what food and drinks they wanted, He Lingchuan touched his pockets belatedly.

No, it’s as clean as just washed!

When Broken Blade sent him to dreamland, did he only need to bring a set of clothes with him?

Shouldn't I be given some start-up capital or something? This is too stingy.

But Hu Min was ordering something happily: "Old Luo Bai will bring us a jar first, stir-fry some grass heads for us, bring us a plate of lard residue, and mix some pig head meat! Oh yes, do you want to eat goose or chicken?"

"I..." Do people without money have a choice? He Lingchuan's smile was a little bitter, "I can do it."

"Then let's cut a goose leg into pieces. I want the biggest and fattest one!"

When He Lingchuan heard the word "most", he quickly said: "Is that too much? I have eaten here, don't waste it."

Hu Min glared: "You're full, but I'm still hungry. It's just this, I can't finish the jar of wine! You can have more -"

At this point, he suddenly came to his senses: "Oh! It's okay. You can eat whatever you want. I'll treat you to this meal today!"

"This..." is great! "...How can that be okay! Am I the kind of person who takes advantage of others?"

He Lingchuan also glared, and Hu Min smiled: "Brothers, what are you talking about?"

In less than two blinks, the lard residue was served.

This is actually the residue left over from refining lard in the kitchen, with some pepper added. Meat food is so expensive, you can't throw it away. If you sell it to the bartender, a plate only costs two big bucks.

He Lingchuan pinched the entrance, it was crispy and crispy, and the more you chewed, the more fragrant it became. At first glance, Hu Min looks like an old drunkard, and he knows how good lard dregs are.

"How did you survive?" Hu Min asked him, "We defended until dawn, and finally General Red personally provided support, but you were knocked into the water. After the enemy retreated, even Commander Xiao personally went into the water, but he couldn't find him. you."

Commander Xiao jumped into the water to find him? He Lingchuan was moved.

He remembered that he climbed up the big rock to pay homage to the Red General, but was shaken awake by his servant, which he regrets to this day. But it turns out that in the eyes of Hu Min, Commander Xiao and others, he was knocked into the water by the enemy and disappeared?

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