After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 161 I burned paper for you

"Ah, I seemed to have been washed away by the water. When I woke up, I was already at the farmer's house." He Lingchuan could only answer vaguely, "There is no sun and moon in the mountains. How long has it been?"

"It's been almost a month." The Panlong Wasteland was very big, and He Lingchuan was washed downstream by the water. It wouldn't be strange to stay there for more than ten or twenty days. Hu Min didn't think much about it. "We all thought you were gone. How about you?" I burned paper money for you twice. If you don’t show up, I’ll burn it for you again on the 15th of next month.”

He Lingchuan patted him on the shoulder: "Thank you!"

"Did you hear that?"

"What did you hear?"

"When we burned the paper money, I told you the reason why Sheriff Sun ran away with the animal trap. Do you still remember our agreement?" Hu Min was also chewing lard residue, "Didn't you hear?"

"Let me tell you, why do I always feel like someone is nagging in my ear." He Lingchuan suddenly realized, "It turned out to be you! But I really didn't hear clearly."

At that time, the Baling people's backup arrived, and their last heavy vehicle formation was about to be broken through in an instant. He Lingchuan made an agreement with Hu Min that whoever returned alive would find out the reason why Commander Sun ran away with the animal trap and burn paper money to inform the other party. .

It was just a casual joke on a whim, but Hu Min followed it seriously.

He Lingchuan didn't know what he felt in his heart. Anyway, he had never felt it before in the support army. He grabbed the wine glass and drained it in one gulp: "What are you doing, Commander Sun?"

Those two animal traps are not light. They are made of pure wrought iron and weigh several hundred kilograms each. At that time, the city was in ruins, and Sheriff Sun had to expend all his manpower and energy to drag these two big iron lumps on the road. What was he trying to do?

"It's really funny!" The goose legs were served on the table, and Hu Min grabbed a piece and ate it slowly, "When Commander Sun arrived at Panlong City, he checked his belongings and found that the two animal traps were missing. Find him in the river valley!"

"Hey, Wei City is gone. He thought this was his own territory and he could dominate him! Commander Xiao didn't even pay attention to him. I don't know if Commander Sun himself sent someone to find those two iron lumps in the end. ”

"But I asked his subordinates to find out that Sun's family was originally a hunter. My grandfather used these two iron traps to catch two ferocious beasts. One was a wolf demon, and the other was even more outrageous. It was a white beast that had been wandering in the western part of the Panlong Wasteland for many years. Demon King!"

"White Demon King?" He Lingchuan had no impression at all.

"Sixty years ago, the White Demon King was the infamous bear king in the western part of the Panlong Wasteland. It was said that he was a giant monster that had become a climate. He liked to eat people and once ate living people in several villages. He went out to Wei City three times. Of the four demon-killing teams, only one or two returned alive. When Commander Sun's grandfather found the White Devil, it was already dead and covered in scars. Apparently, the animal trap gave it the final blow."

"The skin, gallbladder, palms, and teeth of the White Devil were all sold at high prices. The Sun family made a fortune from this and began to purchase land. The old man asked someone to do calculations and said that his family's luck depended entirely on these two iron beast clamps. They hid the animal trap in the ancestral temple. Later, Governor Sun's father bought an abandoned mine that was officially eliminated. Unexpectedly, the purity of the iron ore produced was still very high. As you know, the weapons and food came from Panlong Wasteland. Hard currency, so there is no doubt that his family has made another fortune; needless to say, in the lifetime of County Sheriff Sun, he himself has become a county governor, so you can tell whether these two iron clips are prosperous or not? "

Seeing Hu Min's malicious eyes, He Lingchuan did not blurt out the word "wang", he just smiled and said: "They are indeed two good things, and they also saved our lives."

If it weren't for the force of the animal trap that broke Meng Shan's leg bone, they would have to pay a heavy price to stop this fierce man.

"Yes, so Commander Sun took them with him when he fled. I hope good luck will always follow their family." Hu Min slapped his thigh, "Oh, maybe it was just losing these two things that made Commander Sun's life so bad. "


"His family bought a very grand house in the south of Panlong City. When they moved in, they found out that the original owner had charged a lot of money on it and ran away. Now the creditor comes to the door with an IOU, and it doesn't matter whether Magistrate Sun wants money, no. If you give him the money, he will file a lawsuit." Hu Min took a sip of wine and said, "Also, he came with three to four hundred city guards. Panlong City does not allow private individuals to use so many weapons, leaving only ten for the Sun family. The rest of the private nursing home must be dispersed and organized into the city garrison.”

He Lingchuan shook his head: "Sun Commander will definitely send people all over the river and valley to look for those two iron clamps."

"He clamored to find Mr. Zhong for comment. Unfortunately, this is not the prestige city that he just said." Hu Min said lazily, "In the past few years, many wealthy people from nearby have moved to Panlong City to seek peace and quiet, and they also want to be powerful. There are a lot of people who are doing this. Hehe, it’s all about bullshit!”

"Aren't houses in Panlong City very expensive?"

The waiter brought the pork head, which was smoked and marinated and mixed with coriander. Hearing the discussion between the two, he interjected with great pride:

"Isn't that right? In the entire Panlong Wasteland, this is the safest place. A large number of foreigners move here every year!"

Who doesn’t yearn for a peaceful and stable life?

Panlong City is the safest and naturally attracts the largest population.

He Lingchuan was curious: "How can they accommodate so many people?"

"It's okay for now. The city has long been full of people. The Chipa Plateau is a big place, and if there are many people, it's easy to open up wasteland and mine. Mr. Zhong said that Panlong City is in danger when there are few people."

The first element of war must be people.

Hu Min added: "The houses in Panlong City are divided into fifteen levels. Among them, there are five levels of luxury houses, but even the first-level luxury houses cannot cover an area of ​​more than ten acres; there are nine levels of private houses. The above are basically for officials. , soldiers and common people live in it, and it is officially allocated. Only the fourth and fifth-class luxury houses can be bought and sold freely. "

"Is there another one?" He Lingchuan only heard fourteen kinds.

"There is also a kind of dwelling called a dwelling, which is where slaves and prisoners of war live."

He Lingchuan expressed his understanding. After all, Panlong City has been in a wartime state. Unlike ordinary areas where people, money, and goods circulate freely, the laws issued here are mandatory and controlling.

He sighed. Living is not easy, and Panlongcheng is forced to choose a highly difficult gameplay.

Hearing his sigh, Hu Min looked over: "I heard that you are a Tusu person?"

He did tell Commander Xiao, and He Lingchuan nodded.

"Will you settle in Panlong City in the future?" From Hu Min's perspective, there was no reason to say "no".

He Lingchuan took a sip of wine and meat, and said vaguely, "I have this idea."

If you just came in after a dream, does that count as settling down?

"That's easy to handle. You have made a contribution in assisting the civilians of Weicheng to retreat. Commander Xiao said at that time, increase the title, increase the food, and increase the fields! Panlong City has always been a place with clear rewards and punishments, so these rewards have not been lost. I will take you there later. Bring it!”

After drinking too much wine, the two began to get acquainted with each other, and Hu Min patted his chest to take care of it.

He Lingchuan was stunned: "Do I have to have a title and property here?"

Get a promotion, raise salary and buy land in one step? It was too fast, as beautiful as a dream, and that was all he pursued in his previous life.

Oh no, he is in a dream now.

Hu Min patted him on the shoulder: "In Panlong City, if you have military merit, you have everything!"

The credit gained by risking one's life certainly deserves a heavy reward.

“If you want to make great achievements, what’s the fastest way to fight?”

"Of course!"

The two toasted each other a glass of wine, and He Lingchuan thought of another person.

"By the way, what should we do with Meng Shan?" That guy caused a lot of trouble to the Gale Army, but he couldn't move after his leg was broken by the animal trap. The Gale Army removed his weapon and ignored him. He must have been busy at the time. But I don't know how to deal with it afterwards. "Chop it with a knife?"

"Oh, that's not the case." Hu Min smiled, "The Red General saw him and thought he was a man of great talent, so he locked him up to recuperate. His legs were clamped for too long and almost sawed off, and he recovered even more slowly. ”

"Will he surrender?"

"I'm not willing yet, but I can't tell in the future." Hu Min said, "Panlong City has received many surrendered generals, so it has its own set of experiences."

"There are no more defectors?" He Lingchuan asked curiously, "People's hearts are fickle, maybe there will be a slave with three surnames."

Hu Min smiled: "Not yet."

At this point, He Lingchuan still had a question that he had been pondering for a long time: "By the way, when I entered the city, I saw that the guards were loose and people, goods and property could easily pass through. Isn't Panlong City afraid of spies breaking in?"

The strongest fortresses are often breached from within. This was proven at least twice at Woling Pass.

However, Panlong City has stood for thirty-two years and has never had such a problem. Not only He Lingchuan, but also all the countries in later generations were curious about how it was done.

"Don't be afraid." Hu Min took a piece of pig head meat and chewed it carefully. "Those who have ulterior motives for Panlong City will be exposed as soon as they pass the city gate. No one knows what the method is. Anyway, as long as you know That's enough: the spies just can't get in through the front door."

He Lingchuan let out a long oh, seeming half-comprehensive.

Of course, there were only three words that came to his mind:

Three corpse insects.

At this time, Zhong Shengguang had successfully rewarded the gods, and the gods had given him a large square pot, so the three corpse insects were extremely powerful tools with various uses.

As long as it is used properly, Panlong City will be even more powerful.

He Lingchuan's eyes turned slightly: "By the way, when did General Red appear?"

"Well...almost three years ago."

In other words, Panlong Wasteland became an enclave again three or four years ago. If we record the time since Zhong Shengguang took charge of Panlong City and began to resist foreign aggression, then it should be around the fifteenth or sixteenth year of Panlong Calendar.

He Lingchuan shook his head secretly. The mother country was too weak, which caused great pain and suffering to the soldiers and civilians guarding the border.

Hu Min added: "Speaking of which, many new regulations in Panlong City were only promulgated three or four years ago. For example, the grade of homesteads I just told you was originally only third and fourth grade, but now it has been extended to fifteenth grade. There are many and detailed regulations like this, and you will learn about them gradually.”

"I've always been curious, what kind of person is the Red General?" He diligently refilled Hu Min's glass, pretending to listen humbly.

Hu Min raised his glass and drank: "I can't tell. Anyway, you'll know when you see it."

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