After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 162: Promotion, salary increase, and housing in one step

He Lingchuan chuckled: "Are you still cheating on me?"

"I'm not trying to show off, it's really hard to describe, alas." Hu Min lamented, "I don't have much education and my vocabulary is poor."

In this case, He Lingchuan stopped asking further questions. Indeed, as Hu Min said, if he enters the Panlong Dream again in the future, he will eventually be able to see the Red General, so there is no need to rush.

His drinking companion smiled again and said: "Most of the newcomers who join the army will ask this question of yours. There are also some people who joined the army directly because of the reputation of the Red General."

"Where did General Red come from?" He Lingchuan took away the last piece of lard residue, "Are you going to say you don't know?"

"I'm afraid only Mr. Zhong knows the answer to this mystery."

The two chatted happily and laughed wildly. Anyway, the whole restaurant was so noisy.

In this dream, He Lingchuan realized that he had lost his protective color, as if he had gone back to his student days when he was bragging, drinking ice cream and masturbating, talking about everything, feeling relieved and relieved.

I haven’t felt so comfortable and comfortable for a long time——

Ever since he became He Lingchuan.

After having enough wine and food, Hu Min burped and got up to pay, then dragged He Lingchuan out.

He had difficulty with his legs and feet, so he found a donkey cart to take the two of them to the Meritorious Service Department.

Hu Min explained to He Lingchuan on the way: "The Meritorious Service Department is responsible for the recording and distribution of meritorious service. It is one of the most important institutions in Panlong City. It is divided into two departments: military merit and civilian. If we want to receive military merit now, we go to the Military Merit Department."

He Lingchuan felt like a country bumpkin entering the city: "It's easy to understand military merit in fighting, but how do you get the merit of civilians? Is it the meritorious service in battlefield logistics?"

"That's not the case. Everything related to battles will be counted in the Military Merits Department. Even if the people discover spies, they can also receive military merits. The so-called 'people's property' means that the people can accumulate merits by doing corvee service, paying more food, and doing business overseas. Used in exchange for things that cannot be bought with money or are extremely expensive, such as houses, exercises, elixir materials, and servant quotas.”

He Lingchuan was stunned: "Does servant quota also depend on merit?"

"Of course. If you want to find someone to serve you in Panlong City, you don't have to agree to it and you have to pay for it." Hu Min said with a smile, "In exchange for the credit of a fourth-class residence, you can also buy a place as a servant. ”

"Is this, so difficult?" He Lingchuan thought of Liu Baobao from Heishui City, a mere businessman's son who had three concubines and twelve servants at home.

The enjoyments that are readily available to the rich outside are hard to come by here.

“What does it mean to expand business abroad?”

"Leave Panlong City to deliver letters or do business elsewhere." Hu Min asked him, "Did you see the caravan before you entered the city?"

"I've seen it, there are quite a few." He Lingchuan looked at both sides of the road. Shops were located next to each other, and their profit margins were much better than those in Heishui City.

Foreign trade is like water, nourishing the city. If there were no foreign merchants, Panlong City would probably not be able to operate so prosperously.

He even saw a theater, a theater, a gambling house...

Everything is organized and vibrant. It is hard to imagine that this is inside a city that has been shrouded in the clouds of war for many years.

Wherever the war passes, shouldn't life be depleted and people displaced?

"There are constant wars in Panlong Wasteland, so it is not easy to expand business outside. It deserves praise." Hu Min said sternly, "The Baling Kingdom has besieged our trade routes several times, trying to trap Panlong City to death. The battles were fought fiercely.”

He went on to explain: "These things were not done well in the past, and the mother country did not even know that Panlong Wasteland had become an enclave and that the West was isolated. Mr. Zhong learned from the painful experience and is determined to make us no longer isolated."

Speaking of this, Hu Min suddenly winked: "Since servants' quotas can only be exchanged for merit, Panlong City suddenly has more newborns. Everyone just gives birth to babies at home when they have nothing to do. This makes the senior management very happy. Earring it! I don’t know if it’s a surprise.”

When it comes to fighting, the first element must be people. For a city like Panlong City that has been in constant battle for many years, finding ways to increase its population is a top priority.

He Lingchuan was startled: "Ah? Is there any connection?"

"Of course." Hu Min chuckled, "Think about it, since you can't hire anyone and there is so much work at home that you really can't do it yourself, what's the most cost-effective way to do it?"

He Lingchuan asked uncertainly: "Having a baby?"

"That's right, if you have more children and raise them until they are seven or eight years old, won't you have someone to help you? It's still free, and you don't have to pay at all, as long as you give them food to eat, they will be more useful and obedient than animals; if they are older, I can go out and work for you, and the money belongs to you, okay?”

"..." He Lingchuan rolled his eyes, "Since it makes sense, how many have you given birth to?"

"I...not yet." Hu Min's face turned slightly red, "What's the rush?"

"A person with his head pinned to his waistband, isn't he in a hurry?" He Lingchuan looked at him sideways, "Don't you even have a partner?"

"I haven't hit the mark yet, I haven't caught the mark yet." Hu Min pointed forward hastily, "Here we are, get out of the car quickly!"

The Meritorious Service Department is the largest building complex on this street. It stands right by the lake. It has green walls and gray tiles and cornices. It has a three-bay facade with many people coming in and out. Walking into the six black doors, there is a corridor inside, with two roads on the left and right at the back, each leading to the Military Merits Department and the Civil Service Department.

Of course Hu Min took him to the Military Merit Department.

The further inside, the more finely divided the buildings were, and He Lingchuan realized that there were various departments under the Military Merits Department. For example, the Military Governor's Department was responsible for supervising the army behind the battlefield, killing deserters, and recording military merits during and after the war. The basis for rewards and punishments.

The Pengcheng Department where He Lingchuan was going was the place where military merit awards were distributed.

This is a twenty-square-meter room, with three people sitting behind three tables. The cabinets on the wall reach the ceiling, and are filled with various documents and books.

Hu Min walked to the table closest to the window and said with a smile: "Liu Gongcao, I brought my brother here to receive the merit."

Liu Gongcao put down his pen: "Name?"

Hu Min reported a series of reports: "He Lingchuan. On the third day of last month, after the Yanqing River Valley was cut off, the civilians of Cheongwei City evacuated to Panlong City, under the command of Colonel Xiao Maoliang."

He Lingchuan found out today that Commander Xiao's title was school captain.

Liu Gongcao was proficient in his business. He rummaged in the cabinet at the back and quickly took out a booklet, opened it and looked at it: "Well, He Lingchuan, isn't he a local?"

"Tusu people, we are here to escape together." He Lingchuan's face was not red and his heart was not beating.

"The evaluation is that you are brave in combat and have a dexterous mind. Your team has a small number of combatants, wipes out many enemies, has a heavy mission, and loses few civilians. The Red General personally signed it, so the credit should be greater. Well, based on the group merit, you can I got a wooden house, thirty taels of silver, a set of chain light armor, five pounds of cheese, five taels of chewing tobacco, and two acres of medium-sized paddy fields in Qingniu District.”

Liu Gongcao also memorized these items: "If you don't need houses or armor, you can exchange them for other supplies."

He Lingchuan smiled broadly: "I want them all, no need to change, thank you!"

Hu Min accompanied him out of the Meritorious Service Department, then got on the original donkey cart and headed to He Lingchuan's Xinde house.

The rewards He Lingchuan received were very light. The house and farmhouse were just two land deeds. He just wore the light armor he had just received. Those thirty taels of silver came in time, otherwise he would be penniless and unable to move around in Panlong City, and he wouldn't have the shamelessness to always go to Hu Min's place to eat and drink for free.

The so-called "wooden house" does not only mean that the building material is wood, but that the houses in Panlong City are divided into nine levels. From high to low, they are "silver, copper, iron, tin, lead, water, fire, wood, and earth."

Who came up with the name of this mild pain level? He just wanted to complain.

However, He Lingchuan surpassed the lowest "earth house" and got the "wooden house" with only one military merit, which is already considered good.

For a foreigner.

However, he risked his life last time and only achieved this little achievement. It can be seen that it is not easy to obtain military merit in Panlong City. It also reflects from the side that the battles in Panlong Wasteland are tense and frequent. One or two military achievements cannot make him People have no worries about food and clothing.

If you want to give yourself and your family a better life, soldiers must fight bravely.

Qingniu District is relatively remote, and the donkey cart moves slowly. Hu Min yawned continuously and took a nap twice in a row. But He Lingchuan didn't dare to close his eyes, fearing that he would exit the dreamland in a daze, and he didn't know how long it would take to come in again.

After more than an hour, they finally arrived.

The moment he stepped off the donkey cart and stood at the door of the wooden house, He Lingchuan felt as if he had returned to a home in another world.

It is a crowded civilian area with uneven roads and low-rise houses. The wall of your house is next to my yard, and the two houses opposite even share a dividing wall. At night, the couple applauded, and the family next door spanked the child. It was all live broadcast, and every detail could be heard clearly.

The wooden door of the house assigned to He Lingchuan was relatively strong, but there was something wrong with the lock. Sometimes it could be opened and sometimes it couldn't.

The two walked in and found that the structure inside was very simple. There were only two rooms, a large room for sleeping and a small room for cooking. In addition, there was a small yard -

Rather than calling it a yard, it is better to call it a patio, because it is a quadrilateral with a corner occupied by neighbors on both sides. The maximum area is five square meters, and there is no room for an extra bucket. There are other people's homes in front, back, left and right.

"This is the wooden house?" Don't tell me, He Lingchuan still misses it. Before he became He Lingchuan, he lived in a small rental house in a big city, and the area was not much larger than this. "What does the earthen house look like?"

Hu Min pointed to the water tank in the courtyard: "The earthen house only has one room, not to mention a courtyard."

Well, He Lingchuan corrected, the Tsuchiya is more like the house he lived in in his previous life.

Hu Min pointed out to him again: "Cheese and chewing tobacco are in short supply in the market. If you can't use them, you can exchange them for money. As for the paddy fields, if you don't want to farm them yourself, you can rent them to others, and the profits will be divided 40-60. You account for 40%, but Panlong City will also charge 10% of the tax, so you pay; if the land in your hand reaches more than 30 acres, the tax will be raised to 20%. If you want to reduce it back to 10%, you can use military merit to offset it. Calculate."

And then use military merit... to offset it? He Lingchuan smiled bitterly: "Who did all this fancy work?"

"Commander Zhong." Hu Min coughed lightly, "Credit is a good thing. The more you use it, the more you realize that it is in short supply. You will soon know."

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