After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 163 The prescription for Emperor Liujing?

He Lingchuan was speechless. Panlongcheng wants to turn everyone into donkeys of the production team.

"Nowadays, a large number of foreigners from Panlong Wasteland have poured into Panlong City. Without land and labor, they have to work part-time or part-time as farmers, or rent farmland as farmers to support themselves." Hu Min said with a smile, "So, your fields are not If there is no one to worry about, both Pengcheng Department and I can help connect people.”

He Lingchuan heard this and said: "Then I'll trouble you."

Land and real estate are precious means of production that cannot be bought with money in Panlong City. Only military merit or civilian merit can be exchanged. This is an obvious distribution system. If latecomers want to gain a foothold in Panlong City, they must work hard and contribute to this city.

The officers and soldiers of the Gale Army must have accumulated a lot of land when they went into battle to kill the enemy. They usually did not have the energy to take care of it themselves, so it would be best to leave it to the farmers to cultivate it.

The landowners can make a profit, the landowners can feed themselves, and everyone can get what they need.

In this way, he was officially promoted to a landlord in Panlong City in his dream. He Lingchuan patted his chest, feeling inexplicably proud.

It's really weird. In reality, he is the eldest son of the dignified manager of Xiazhou. Not to mention the acres of Susukaku land, he can buy any village, restaurant, shop, or gambling house he wants, and he can buy as many houses as he wants. several rooms. Why don't you feel as accomplished as you did in your dream?

As for chewing tobacco, it is also a kind of tobacco leaf. It is first smoked and then soaked in syrup. When using it, just take a piece into your mouth and chew it without lighting it. There is no need to go into details about the role of cigarettes. The army allows soldiers to use it to refresh themselves when performing tasks, so this thing has always been a hard currency.

He Lingchuan planned to keep it and sell it when he was short of money.

Of course, he will not forget the most important thing: "By the way, I want to learn archery, can you give me some advice?"

Hu Min's archery skills were excellent and he could hit wherever he pointed. He Lingchuan thought about the battle in Xianling Village, and how the difficulty of the mission was passively increased several times because he was not proficient in archery.

It won’t work if I don’t practice.

"It's no problem to give three or four pointers." Hu Min was also very cheerful.

As he said, he sat down on the chair and asked He Lingchuan to take out the small futon from under the rice pot and nail it to the courtyard wall.

He was here to accompany He Lingchuan to move in, not to fight, so he didn't bring his bow and arrows with him. But it didn't matter. He took out a small knife from his waist and a small knife from his boot, and handed them to He Lingchuan: "Practice your accuracy first. Whether it's a flying knife or an arrow, you stand up and shoot in the house."

He Lingchuan took the knife, returned to the house, took aim, and threw the knife out!

Only a flash of cold light was seen.

The futon was clean and empty.

Shot into the corner.

Facing Hu Min's gaze, He Lingchuan blushed and coughed: "I accidentally shook it off."

"The error is too big. It seems we have to start from the basics." Hu Min was pragmatic and did not comfort him. He started to explain how to exert force and coordinate the shoulders, neck, arms, and fingers.

The insights he shared came from actual combat and were extremely valuable. He Lingchuan listened with special concentration. With the guidance of a master, this kind of opportunity does not come often.

In the end, Hu Min concluded: "There is no need to think about how to aim or how to exert force, as long as the sight reaches and the sword and arrow reach, that is the great success."

"You can throw knives or shoot arrows a thousand times a day, and you will gradually develop the skills." He patted He Lingchuan on the shoulder, "By the way, what are your plans for the future? Although Panlong City is safe, it is not easy to live comfortably here. ”

He Lingchuan actually thought of the answer to this question more than a month ago, and without hesitation: "I want to join the Gale Army!"

If you want to enter, enter the best one!

This is not only about feelings, curiosity and passion, he also has a deeper consideration. After He Chunhua was promoted to the general manager of Xiazhou, he also had to raise troops to support the northern war and confront Da Sima or Xunzhou Mu. There were many opportunities for He Lingchuan to follow him to the battlefield. Compared with the battle between large armies, his experience of officers and soldiers fighting bandits was like playing house.

For his own safety, he must adapt to the cruelty of war as soon as possible and accumulate combat experience as soon as possible.

The battle losses in the dream will not be brought back to reality. How could he miss such a huge advantage?

Hu Min smiled: "Okay, I will ask Boss Xiao tomorrow to see if he can recommend you. But you must be mentally prepared, it is difficult for the Gale Army to enter!"

The Gale Army is the elite ace of Panlong City, and the soldiers who can be selected are all selected from the best.

Just as He Lingchuan said thank you, the sound of gongs suddenly sounded on the street outside, and someone shouted: "Preach at the street, preach at the street, preach at the street!"

After hearing this, Hu Min said to He Lingchuan: "A group of four gongs. There is something urgent to announce from above. Let's go out and listen."

When an official makes an announcement, they will post notices and bulletins at designated locations with dense passenger flow. However, many people are illiterate, and special people must be assigned to preach and carry out the official spirit.

There are also specialties in beating gongs. The more intensive the gongs sound, the more urgent things are.

He Lingchuan had a good ear and seemed to hear the sound of gongs in the distance. It was obvious that the publicity on street intersections should be stepped up in a large area.

What is it that is so urgent?

The crowd was also attracted by the sound of the gong and gathered quickly. He Lingchuan walked with Hu Min to the opposite street. The announcer's anger filled his Dantian, and his voice was particularly loud: "Within three days, the emperor will descend from heaven! After receiving the order from the commander, within three days from now, Panlong City will be under curfew! Xu Shi At the time of Yin, the people of the city are not allowed to leave their homes. Those who violate the rules will be punished by gathering and causing trouble, and one finger will be cut off! Those who turn it over to the Emperor's Ministry of Merit will be rewarded based on their merits!"

Like a time-telling bird, this person would repeat the above content loudly three times every tea time, and in the meantime he would answer the questions of the common people. He preached like this for half an hour before leaving the street.

When He Lingchuan heard the words "Emperor Liujian", he concentrated his attention.

The people around him were also whispering, with expressions of joy and joy on their faces, not too surprised.

He Lingchuan was surprised. He turned around with Hu Min and said, "How do you know when the Emperor's Liquid will arrive?"

"You have to ask Mr. Zhong about this, I don't know." Hu Min shrugged, "Including this time in the next three days, the emperor's fluid has been released four times in three years. The forecasts are very accurate, with an error of no more than two days. ”

Therefore, the people were basically sure that there would be emperor fluid in the next three days, and they were all waiting happily.

As for the warning mentioned in the announcement, it sounds like the punishment is very severe, and civilians will have their fingers chopped off if they take even half a step outdoors. But He Lingchuan had seen with his own eyes how Emperor Liujian stimulated human greed, so he felt that it was necessary to say ugly things first. If precautions are not taken, there will be many tragedies and hatreds that will occur in the city.

Panlong City is always facing the pressure of foreign invasion. Of course, it is hoped that the military and civilians will be united and the fewer internal conflicts, the better.

"The curfew starts at Xu's hour. Buy food and drink early, and don't go out. When you have time, go to the rooftops and trees to collect Emperor Ooze. You can exchange it for success by handing it over to the Meritorious Service Department." Hu Min said with a smile, "Don't participate in the battle. It is not easy for ordinary people to get credit, so everyone is very happy."

He Lingchuan scratched his head: "I'm afraid I can't help but drink."

"Then you must hold back, you can't drink this treasure directly!" Hu Min sighed, "At least make it into medicine and swallow it. The potency will at least double."

He Lingchuan was overjoyed: "Brother, good brother Hu, do you know how to refine it?"

"Of course, this is not a secret. Panlongcheng has long preached the method of making Emperor Diaspora, more than three or five times."

He Lingchuan listened to the loud voices on the street outside, and it was hard to imagine that such a precious prescription was so readily available in Panlong City that civilians could refine it at will.

Hu Min couldn't help but laugh: "What's your expression?"

"I thought..." He Lingchuan was startled, "Yeah, there's no way to force it to be handed over. We might as well just ignore who takes it and who uses it." The law does not punish the public. If everyone takes it for their own use, Panlong City will not be able to do anything. There is no way to punish so many civilians, so simply publish the prescription so that everyone can make good use of this treasure and not waste it.

Civilians are the cornerstone of a city. Their improved physical fitness and less illness are also major benefits for Panlong City.

Hu Min casually reported a list of names of medicinal materials, but stopped mid-sentence.


"Oh, I'll just take you to find A Luo." Hu Min patted his head, "He lives nearby."

"Aluo?" He Lingchuan was confused.

"Have you forgotten? He once treated your and my wounds."

He Lingchuan immediately remembered that his broken hand was bandaged and fixed by his teammate who was a part-time medical soldier. With such a military doctor in charge, the team's continuous combat capability will be greatly improved.

"He is the adopted son of He Lianchen, the great pharmacist of the Alchemy Department. He has learned a lot of medical skills and pharmacology." Hu Min stood up, "The formula I read to you is just a common commodity that everyone can use. Aluo can make a customized formula for us. More effective."

That was a good idea, so He Lingchuan let Hu Min lead the way deeper into the neighborhood.

"Aluo has a lot of military achievements. He is also the adopted son of the great pharmacist of the Alchemy Department. Why does he still live in such a block and such a house?" This block is full of low houses, one next to the other, with a high density. It's very big and the living experience is very poor. Some roofs were patched with several patches of different colors, probably because of unknown leaks.

The only thing worthy of praise is that the external streets are smooth and can accommodate three carriages running in parallel. This is mainly for the convenience of transportation in peacetime and troop transportation in wartime.

"Aluo made a mistake. He used up all the military achievements he had accumulated in the past to avoid being beheaded, so he had to start over." Hu Min only mentioned one sentence, but did not go into details. He just sighed and said, "People's hearts are sinister. ”

He Lingchuan looked around and saw that the road was full of people now, several times more than when they came by car.

"There are suddenly so many people on the road. Is it all because of Emperor Liujian?"

"Of course, everyone knows the formula. At this time, we rush to grab the medicine and stock up, waiting to prepare the Imperial Liquid. It seems that the price of the medicinal herbs in the shop will increase again. We have to buy it quickly, otherwise the medicinal materials will be gone in one day. There are three or five prices.”

A Luo did live very close, and Hu Min arrived before he got tired from walking on a cane.

He raised his crutch and knocked on the door. Unexpectedly, before the tip of the stick touched the door panel, the wooden door opened on its own with a "squeak" and someone stepped out.

The tip of the stick almost hit his mouth.

The man was startled and jumped back. Hu Min quickly retracted his staff and laughed dryly: "What are you doing?"

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