After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 164 The dawn of practice

The other person was fair, with a round face and a round nose. He Lingchuan remembered that this face was indeed that of Arlo, the medic on the battlefield.

A Luo glared at Hu Min: "Buy medicine, don't block my way!" Didn't you see that he was busy?

"I'll bring Brother He to you to ask for a recipe for Emperor Liujiang!"

A Luo looked at He Lingchuan with confusion in his eyes, not knowing which number it was.

Obviously he doesn't have the halo of a protagonist to make him memorable.

Hu Min coughed: "In the battle of the river valley, he broke his arm and I broke my leg, and you wrapped them both up like rice dumplings. Do you remember?"

A Luo let out a long "Oh": "So it's you!" He reached out and grabbed He Lingchuan's arm, pressed it twice, and said with satisfaction, "The physique is good, and he recovered better than him."

He Lingchuan thought to himself that this was wrong. It was a broken bone. It takes a hundred days to break a bone. Even with elixirs, it would be difficult to fully recover in just a few months. Hu Min was an example.

He was able to recover quickly because he was living in reality. Once he entered and exited the dream, the injuries he had suffered in the previous dream were erased.

This A'luo was proficient in pharmacology but didn't find it strange. He thought it was the broken knife that was causing trouble.

It seems that this is a dream after all, and maybe something that is unreasonable suddenly becomes reasonable.

A Luo looked at Hu Min again: "He is the only one who wants the prescription?"

Hu Min rubbed his hands and said with a smile: "If it's convenient, can you prescribe one for me?"


He Lingchuan coughed lightly: "Time is precious, doesn't A Luo still have to go out to get medicine?"

"I'll write a prescription for you two, okay!" A Luo looked at Hu Min, "But I, Emperor Lian, have scattered the medicinal materials for my own use, and you have to reimburse me." He pointed to his cabin with his backhand, "I am poor now and need money. It’s in short supply.”

"Okay, okay." Hu Min curled his lips, "Isn't it just to spend some military merit? Brother, I have it!"

A Luo let the two of them come in, asked for their pulse, checked He Lingchuan's true power, and finally gave each of them a prescription.

His writing here is not as difficult as that of ordinary doctors. He Lingchuan compared the two prescriptions and found that they had several different flavors.

A Luo quickly wrote the prescription, stuffed the prescription into their hands, and then told the method of brewing the powder: "Any container will do, the most important thing is no metal bottles!"

He Lingchuan remembered them all, and then handed over a small bag with a tael of chewing tobacco in it.

This thing is really nice to use as a favor.

After accepting his thank you gift, A Luo's face became much better: "You are a better person than Hu. Next time you are sick and need medicine, you can come to me."

He and Hu went out and walked back.

Hu Min sighed: "A Luo was not like this before. But he is a good person now, and you will know it after you have been around for a long time."

He added: "I see that the tree in your yard has branches that extend to the house next door. Remember to cut off the branches and leaves that cross the border before dark, otherwise it will be difficult to distinguish if it is stained with emperor's sap. The year before last Something like this happened. Two neighbors who had been friends for more than ten years fought over the imperial ooze on the leaves. Their brains were beaten into pieces. In the end, one died and two were injured, and the one who survived had to be captured and forced to do hard labor. ”

Panlongcheng rarely arrests people and sends them to jail because it does not welcome freeloaders. Once found guilty, most of the prisoners will be sent to work in mines, roads, bridges, and logistics to do hard work, while female prisoners will work in clothing making, farming, and sewing. They will never be idle anyway.

"Besides, I don't go out of the city much these days. If the Emperor's Liquid falls on the wasteland, it will definitely cause a commotion among the beasts and monsters, and the wilderness is very unsafe." Hu Min scratched his head, "Last time, after the Emperor's Liquid appeared, there was a military camp in Xianyou Kingdom Being inexperienced, they foolishly set up camp on the plain, only to be trampled down by the bull demon leading thousands of restless bison, resulting in numerous casualties. "

He Lingchuan smiled and said: "What will the Meritorious Service do with the Emperor's Liquid? Or can it be made into pills?"

"The whole city will be under martial law tonight, and there will be dedicated personnel inside and outside the city to collect the Emperor's Liquid. It is said that they got a fist-sized piece of Emperor's Liquid at the river last time."

Since the people are confined to their homes, the officials can collect the Imperial Liquid that has landed in streets, squares, markets, and even the entire Chipa Plateau at will.

Moreover, the preservation period of the imperial slurry is very short, which tests the organization, scheduling and transportation capabilities.

"There are many kinds of medicines they can make with Emperor's Flow Serum. They can produce muscle and blood, restore fatigue, and even those on the verge of death. They all have miraculous effects. There is also a kind of sapphire ointment. Take a pill the size of a mung bean before practicing. That’s not twice the result with half the effort, but three times more effective, but it’s too expensive and requires a lot of military service.” He sighed, “I just took one, and the effect was so good that I’ll never forget it!”

He Lingchuan looked at him eagerly: "Where is the recipe for Qingyu Ointment?"

"No! I'm not a pharmacist!" Hu Min cursed with a smile, "I heard that there are no more than three people in this city who know how to do it, and neither does Aluo."

"Oh." Not to mention disappointment, this is life.

"By the way, speaking of free, I almost forgot one important thing!" Hu Min straightened his expression, "What basic exercises have you learned?"

"The breathing method passed down from our family is called the 'traction technique'."

"Isn't it a systematic outline of spiritual practice?"

"No." This is what makes He Lingchuan the most depressed, "It's just the most basic way of thinking."

The He family didn't pass down many good things. All three of the He family, father and son, practiced this mental technique, especially the original person who practiced the most diligently, but he didn't seem to have any special abilities.

The upper limit is a bit low.

"Okay, that's great, you're very clean!" Hu Min patted him and laughed, "Opposite the Pengcheng Department we just visited is the Boosting Department, which specializes in all kinds of magical powers!"

He Lingchuan's joy was extraordinary: "Seriously?"

Duandao was really considerate. He was worried that he had no way to cultivate, so he came to give him warmth.

"There are five basic mental methods officially promoted. You go to the Promotion Department, and a dedicated person will test it and recommend it to you." Hu Min pointed out to him, "The basic mental methods are open to all Panlongcheng people, free teaching and guidance. Other various The magical powers and techniques are all earned through merit."

"By the way, the Promotion Department will occasionally invite masters and powerful people to preach and teach. There are various types of teachings. Most of them do not charge admission fees. Don't miss it."

He Lingchuan's eyes lit up when he heard this: Isn't this just a lecture by a famous teacher? It's for public welfare! And with the tone of Panlong City, it is impossible to fool around, and the famous experts invited must have solid knowledge.

He couldn't wait to go out and go straight to the Promotion Department now.

But by the time the two of them were chatting, the sun was already setting hard in the west. There was a curfew tonight, and it was far from the government office. Hu Min had to go get some medicine, so he couldn't stay too long.

"Do you want me to prepare an extra set of medicinal ingredients for you?"

"No need!" He Lingchuan received thirty taels of silver today, so he generously hired a carriage to take him home.

Walking back to his wooden house, He Lingchuan lay down on the bed and "poof", a lot of dust was raised.

The bed was very hard and creaked when he turned over. He Lingchuan could still smell a faint musty smell - no one had lived in this place for a long time. But he was in a surprisingly happy and relaxed mood.

In the legendary city, he actually has a home.

From then on it had a foothold.

The future is promising.

When he closed his eyes and fell asleep, he suddenly remembered the three verses the old turtle demon gave him.

Does one of the sentences "finding the truth out of fiction" refer to the dream of Panlong?

Broken Blade wouldn't drag him into a dream for no reason. Maybe he could find a way to break the situation and save his life here?

He should treat these dreams more seriously and attentively.


This time no one disturbed him, and He Lingchuan woke up on his own.

Seeing that the bedroom was very spacious, he couldn't help but sigh.

This brought him back to reality. Broken Blade didn't let him stay in his dream until dark. At the same time, he also remembered that he entered Panlong City in his dream after taking Emperor's Liquid Serum and practicing breath adjustment.

He Lingchuan took out the broken knife from under the pillow, stroked it and said, "Why did you suddenly catch me in a dream? Is it because of the emperor's liquid?"

Cai Yingjun had just encountered the emperor's fluid that he had encountered only once in decades, and Dream City had also prepared relevant content for him. Coincidences are often called man-made.

Of course Broken Blade remained silent and did not respond.

However, He Lingchuan lowered his head and saw the sacred bone chain pendant around his neck flashing red light twice at the end.

Last time he woke up from Dream City, this thing was also glowing.

He thought that the soldiers and civilians in Dream City always seemed to look at his chest first before showing kindness, and there were thieves who wanted to steal the divine bones.

Could it be that this thing has become his pass in Dream City?

He Lingchuan was stunned for a while, then suddenly slapped his head: "Hey, why did you forget the most important thing!"

After finishing his clothes, he left Zhuangzi and rode straight to Shuanghe Town.

It was getting dark again.

It took him three hours to take the medicine and adjust his breathing once. The guard guarding the door for him was really surprised: "Even the eldest young master is so diligent? The second young master only took a few hours."

The companion chuckled: "Maybe the young master is asleep."

When the moon rises above the willow branches, He Lingchuan returns to Zhuangzi.

The whole family had dinner and went to bed like most people. There were occasionally a few patrols wandering around the village.

He Lingchuan answered several slogans before walking back to his residence, instead of passing through by scanning his face, which shows that the guards are still relatively strict.

He did not go back to the house directly, but went to the kitchen to light a fire. He also got a small earthenware jar, washed it, and added some rootless water from the jar under the eaves, a full two kilograms of honey, and all the remaining imperial fluids he had. Pulp.

Then, there were the five-flavored medicinal materials he bought from Shuanghe Town.

These medicinal materials are hard to come by. Although they are not rare items, their prices are five to ten times higher than those in Heishui City.

Several months have passed since the Battle of Woling Pass. Although the trade between them has brought some blood back to the war-torn Shuanghe Town, the local people's livelihood is still in decline, and there is a huge shortage of basic supplies such as food and medicine. He went to all the medicine shops, but none of the five common medicinal materials were available.

He asked the shopkeeper of the drugstore to buy the last two medicinal materials from the merchants, and the price was certainly not cheap.

Although it took some time, these medicinal materials had been processed in the shop. Those that needed to be powdered were turned into powder, and those that needed to be peeled were poured in and stirred. Then he took out a turtle bead and a piece of toad venom and crushed them. Put them in together.

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