After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 167 Birds and beasts, return to their places quickly

He Lingchuan was startled, as if he lost his grip, and the remaining half of the onion root fell to the ground: "What does it have to do with us?"

"It's okay if the monsters in the country are making trouble. The biggest hidden danger is in the north."

After saying this, Mo Zhe Niansheng and Wu Shaoyi tensed up and almost said in unison: "Demon Kingdom!"

Bordering Dayuan in the north is the Demon Kingdom.

He Lingchuan originally liked listening to books and may not know much about major domestic events, but he had heard a lot of strange stories, many of which mentioned the Northern Demon Kingdom.

The establishment of a country by humans is called a human country, and the main task of establishing a country by monsters is of course the country of monsters.

Humans and demons have been entangled since ancient times, with humans destroying demons and demons eating humans, and the cycle goes back and forth. When humans establish a country, they can gather the power of all directions to resist monsters. Especially after learning how to use Yuanli, monsters fighting alone are no match for humans.

Therefore, the demon clan also gathered together and established their own kingdom like humans.

There are many demon kingdoms in this world, and there is one in the north of Dayuan. It is almost the strongest one in the world, and its name is "Bega Kingdom". But the Yuan people only call it the Northern Demon Kingdom.

The lifespan of a great demon is generally very long, so the status of a demon country is often much better than that of a human country.

The Northern Demon Kingdom existed six hundred years ago and continues to stand today, but the land under He Lingchuan has changed its owners several times.

But there are exceptions to everything, especially the appearance of Emperor Liujian, which often breaks the rules.

"Every time the Emperor Ooze appears, there will be violent turmoil in the Demon Kingdom, which will inevitably affect the surrounding areas." He Chunhua frowned, "The crocodile demon in Xianling Lake moved south to the Kite Realm and made trouble in our country because of the change of ownership of the Demon Kingdom. The situation in the Demon Kingdom Not long after the change, we suddenly encountered God's leakage, which may increase the internal chaos. "

While he was talking, someone from outside announced: "Sir, a card has arrived from Kuzhu County."

He Chunhua took the letter and looked at it twice: "Go and reply and tell us that we will definitely attack from the side tomorrow morning."

After the messenger left, He Yue asked: "Plundering the formation? Do you want to perform a ritual or hold a ritual ceremony?"

"The emperor's blood has appeared, and the demons are stirring. Kuzhu County will issue a notice to control the demons tomorrow morning." He Chunhua said seriously, "As the official of the royal court, I should help them."

Mrs. Ying came over and said, "I just heard that a village fifteen miles away was attacked this morning, and a bird monster entered the house and stole the child."

He Lingchuan responded: "In the afternoon, someone in Shuanghe Town was attacked by a mongoose and lost two toes."

"This is still a densely populated area near Woling Pass, let alone a remote place." Mo Zhe Jingxuan sighed, "When the Emperor's Liquid comes, the consequences are not all good."

"That's why Kuzhu County has to draw up good articles to drive away evil monsters. It should first explain the principles and warn the new monsters not to be rampant. If you don't listen, the next step is to use force." He Chunhua stood up, "Go to bed early tonight. Set off before the rooster crows.”

The next morning, the supporting army arrived at Fenglingdu on time.

The people had been here early, ready to watch. The magistrate of Kuzhu County led the squires to come forward and had a chat with He Chunhua.

Then, the third quarter of the morning arrived.

The magistrate of Kuzhu County ordered people to take five fat pigs, fifteen roosters, and nine baskets of live fish and place them by the water. He stood on the big stone at the ferry, unfolded a document and read it aloud.

His personal voice is not loud and a bit mute. But as soon as he spoke, the She Ji Ling on his waist glowed brightly.

Today is a cloudless day with a sunny sky. He Lingchuan saw a faint cloud of green energy gathering in the sky above Fenglingdu.

Looking carefully, the green energy comes from the civilians and rural soldiers in Kuzhu County below, as well as from the supporting troops led by He Chunhua.

Yang Qi is strong.

Kuzhu County Magistrate suddenly shouted "duh", and the sound waves exploded in all directions, causing the forest and trees to tremble. The water surface of Hongchuan was also turbulent, as if there were large and small whirlpools underneath.

He Lingchuan didn't pay much attention to what he recited. He only knew that it was all four or six parallel prose with colorful lines, neat dialogues and clear rhythm. The only question was whether the beasts and birds who had become monsters could understand it.

It seems that the cultural level requirements are not low.

Let alone a monster, even he didn't quite understand some of the words.

Anyway, He Lingchuan's own translation was that Kuzhu County warned the newly grown monsters nearby not to run wild on the villagers' land, especially not to eat people, so that monsters and humans can coexist peacefully. Especially in the mountains and rivers, the responsibility of restraining the birds and beasts must be further implemented. Whoever has the territory will be responsible for it, and whoever leaves the job will be laid off. The worship and energy will be gone.

The more he recited, the thicker the green air above Fenglingdu became.

When Kuzhu County Magistrate finished the last few words, he lit the document and threw it into the river ahead.

The green air in the sky suddenly sank, and a "whoosh" sound passed over the document.

The documents also turned into sparks all over the sky in an instant.

When the two met, the green energy caught fire, turning half the sky red.

Only then did He Lingchuan see that this was a huge phantom of a green kite, twenty feet long and with a wingspan of thirty feet. After being tempered, it turned into a burning fire kite, and with a long and shocking cry, it flew across the mountains, forests and rivers.

Everything in its path will be burned, including forests, soil, rocks, and water.

The place where everyone was standing was originally a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters, but in the blink of an eye it turned into a world of fire.

Immediately all the beasts fled in the forest, birds flew into the sky, and fish jumped into the water, all of them were terrified.

However, the fire kite circled once and then flew into the sky and disappeared. The fire at Fenglingdu was extinguished without even a trace of smoke rising.

He Lingchuan took a closer look and saw that the small tree on fire two feet away was intact from branches to leaves.

Kuzhu County Magistrate shouted: "Birds and beasts, please return to your place quickly!"

This happened again and again, and with the blessing of the Order of Sheji, it became famous all over the world.

Miraculously, the beasts seemed to understand, turned around, and slowly returned to their original positions.

Only two big bears stepped out, opened their bloody mouths, and roared around.

When the surrounding civilians saw this, they quickly took two steps back.

This thing is too scary.

However, the two giant bears did not attack anyone. They just nodded to the county magistrate and each took a piece of fat pig in their mouths.

They stand nearly two feet tall, and their bodies are oily and slippery. They cannot be described as big and round. Even a fat pig weighing nearly 400 kilograms can be caught easily and comfortably.

He Yue whispered: "Generally speaking, the first ones to come out to take away the offerings are the local mountains and rivers. This shows that they accepted the announcement from Kuzhu County Magistrate." They must do their responsibilities well later.

Following Shanze's example, the monsters in the forest stepped forward to retrieve the items. A group of wolves worked together to take away a pig, and several weasels captured the chicken. What puzzled He Lingchuan the most was that a large group of goats walked out of the forest, in front of everyone. I ate more than a dozen fish and two chickens...

"Wait a minute, do goats also eat meat, or do goat demons eat anything?"

Wu Shaoyi whispered: "It's not surprising. Some people from the Western Regions told me that in their customs, goats are the illusion of evil spirits."

The birds in the sky also descended and took the fish from the baskets. It was a big group of hula-la-ha, with wings carrying the wind.

Ordinary birds simply don't dare to get that close to people.

Only there was no movement in the water.

He Chunhua stepped forward and asked, "Shui Ling didn't come?"

"The Shui Ling in this section of Hongchuan may have perished in the Battle of Woling Pass a while ago." Kuzhu County Magistrate sighed, "The Shui Ling tablet has been broken and is only empty. We need new Shui Ling."

After that, he ordered the soldiers to move the remaining animals to Wuxintan not far away.

There is also a lagoon, far away from the main channel.

He Lingchuan followed and saw the soldiers walking onto the trestle and pushing all the living animals into the water, leaving only a fat pig.

The originally calm water suddenly boiled.

From time to time, huge fins and mouths would flip out of the water. Before others could see their bodies clearly, they went down again.

Large and small whirlpools appeared in the pool.

Now He Lingchuan understood that it was the water monsters fighting underneath.

Sometimes what comes out is blisters, sometimes what comes out is blood!

Dark red or dark green blood.

He asked He Yue: "Could it be that the original Shui Ling here was bitten to death by our old acquaintance?"

He Yue smiled bitterly: "Eighty percent is correct." The giant crocodile participated in the battle at Woling Pass at Hong Xiangqiang's invitation. Although it is an amphibious monster, its home field must be in the water.

Hongchuan's original water spirit was canonized by the government and went against the rebels. The crocodile demon would definitely not tolerate it.

This guy is so fierce, he killed at least two water spirits.

It itself was driven out by the Northern Demon Kingdom. Thinking of this, He Lingchuan became fascinated. He wondered if those incredible giant monsters he heard about while listening to books really existed in the Northern Demon Kingdom.

He Chunhua also turned his head and joined their discussion in a low voice: "The original mountains and rivers in Kuzhu County were not those two black bears."

"The original Shanze was also killed?" He Lingchuan said, "It is a high-risk occupation to be the leader of Shanze here."

"No, it's not dead, that's a colorful tiger."

He Yueqi asked: "Then you didn't come out today?" It's not appropriate, today is such an important day.

Shanze Shuiling must help local officials maintain stability and at the same time show their dominance over the territory. Only in this way can the new demons be deterred and they will no longer cause trouble.

The magistrate of Kuzhu County had previously borrowed the Sheji Order and spent a lot of energy to create a battle as big as the Fire Kite, which was also intended to defeat those new monsters who didn't know the heights of the world, so that they would know how powerful humans are and would not dare to feed on humans anymore.

This is not only for the sake of the government and mankind, but also for the smooth governance of his children, so Shanze Shuiling will usually actively cooperate.

"It is said that he left office and went to the Northern Demon Kingdom."

He Lingchuan asked curiously: "Why?"

"Then you have to ask it yourself." He Chunhua smiled, "But if I tell you, Qianlong will not stay in the abyss forever."

While everyone was talking, the turmoil in Wuxintan also calmed down. There are many lines on the water surface, and sometimes there are high fins. It seems that many aquatic animals have left.

At this time, a big black fish swam near the shore, its big head facing the county magistrate, motionless.

He Lingchuan saw many scars on its body.

Kuzhu County Magistrate asked it: "Are the other water tribes convinced?"

The big black fish nodded up and down.

"Are you willing to take over the position of Shui Ling and ensure the safety of the Fenglingdu boat?"

The big black fish nodded again.

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