After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 168 The Spiritual Rain Arrives in Panlong Wasteland

The magistrate of Kuzhu County immediately named it Hongchuan Shuiling on behalf of King Yuan's court. He took out the document and stamped it with a thick fish lip, and then took out the Yuan money and the official seal to stamp it.

When the fish is poked and covered, a blue light flashes on the big black fish, marking the completion of the process and the birth of a new water spirit.

The soldier then pushed the last piece of fat pig into the water.

The black fish bit it and disappeared into the middle of the pond.

The Kuzhu County Magistrate was also a little tired and came over to thank He Chunhua. Without the support of the supporting troops, his formation would not have been so beautiful.

With the new water spirit back in place, Hongchuan will be much more peaceful. So Fenglingdu could be sailed again, and the merchants waiting on the side boarded the boat happily.

Taking advantage of a little free time, He Lingchuan went to Fengling Ferry and walked around, and found a particularly conspicuous old locust tree growing on a sandbank more than 300 feet away from the ferry.

There are many locust trees here, but He Lingchuan's eyes were immediately attracted to it because this tree is really special:

It is lightning strike wood.

This old locust tree was originally very strong, surrounded by four people. It has been growing for an unknown number of years. However, it was struck several times by lightning, which caused the top branches to fall off, and the entire tree almost turned into charcoal. .

However, life is so tenacious. New buds sprouted from the charred and lifeless trunk of the old locust tree...

The new branches and trunks are much smaller than the parent tree, but they are thriving and energetic from beginning to end.

He Lingchuan finally knew what the old turtle demon meant by "resurrecting the old locust tree", and he could indeed see it at a glance.

And it grows on a sandbank, far away from idlers.

He came to the tree and walked around a few times, but found no tree hole, but he was not discouraged.

If the tree hole was discovered so easily by him, it would also be explored by other birds and beasts.

He Lingchuan touched the scorched tree trunk a few times, found the depression at the root of the tree, took a broken knife and started digging sand.

The sandy soil is soft and moderate, and He Lingchuan is dug deeper and deeper.

Soon, he discovered that there was indeed a big hole under the tree root, but it was usually buried by sand and soil, and only a few crabs took a nap in it.

He threw the crabs out and threw them away, took out the turtle eggs and put them in. After thinking about it, he got some water plants to cover the turtle eggs, and then placed a small bottle of elixir next to it.

Good people go to the end.

Then, he backfilled the tree hole with sand, completely covering it. The water flow will take over the traces.

By doing this, he completed the turtle demon's entrustment.

"Say goodbye." He dusted off the sand on his hands and understood why the turtle eggs had to be hatched here:

This old locust tree can revive with spring, so its vitality must be very strong. This is also the power that the turtle demon needs to rely on to emerge from its shell for the second time.

Perhaps, the turtle demon originally grew up here. After all, the locust tree is much older than that.

At this time, He Yue called to his brother from a distance: "Brother, the boat is sailing!"

"See you again when we are destined. I hope you have found the bright road to practice by then." He Lingchuan patted the scorched wood, got up and left.

The Ceying Army also boarded the boat at Fenglingdu and rode the rolling river to Shihuan City.


He Lingchuan stretched and sat up from the bed.

He was still confused, and someone outside shouted: "Street-kou-preach-preach-"

Such a familiar tune.

He almost forgot to take back his outstretched hand. He looked out the window and saw that it was getting dark and the water in the tank was full.


He remembered falling asleep on the boat, and the last sounds he heard came from the waves lapping against the side of the boat rather than the noise of the streets.

In other words, he entered Panlong City again, and——

He Lingchuan jumped to the door in three steps and stood in the middle of the street. Sure enough, what he heard was that the emperor's fluid was coming and Panlong City was under a three-day curfew starting tonight.

In other words, he received the continuation of the previous dream?

Incredibly, four days have passed in reality, but less than an hour has passed in Panlong City in the dream!

The difference in the flow of time between the two sides is really random.

The sun had gone down and he couldn't go anywhere, but there was a wine shop nearby. He rushed in and bought a few jars of wine. When he got home, he poured out the wine and washed it, preparing to serve it.

He then emptied the water tank, took out all the pots, pans, ladles and other containers and placed them in the yard.

He still remembered Hu Min's instructions to cut off two large branches of the tree in the yard to prevent his long arms from extending into his neighbor's property.

As soon as these were done, there was a noise outside, like countless people cheering.

He Lingchuan walked out of the house and saw that it was raining, Qingyu.

Once familiar, he knew this was Emperor Liujian.

Panlong City's forecasts are so accurate that they can even keep a close eye on such strange celestial phenomena.

What surprised He Lingchuan even more was that the fragrance of the emperor's fluid that came down this time was still the same, but it was much thicker and darker in color than in reality, so it could bear the word "slurry".

In reality, the emperor's liquid is just a drizzle, and whoever it falls on is the winner; but here, the emperor's liquid actually reaches the level of light to medium rain. He Lingchuan stretched out his palm and soon received several drops. Cyan rain and dew.

He couldn't help but taste it, it was so delicious!

The greed buried deep in his heart suddenly burst out. But He Lingchuan was experienced and prepared, so he suppressed his impulse and jumped onto the roof.

He turned over the tiles on the house and temporarily connected them into several grooves. The emperor's liquid accumulated more and more, and slowly flowed down the groove, and was caught by him with a wine jar.

Although it’s just a trickle, the savings are priceless!

The neighbor also moved two jars and climbed up to the roof of his house to collect the slurry. Seeing his operation, he was greatly inspired. He quickly copied the work and also played with tiles.

He Lingchuan found that covering his mouth and nose with a towel and smelling less of the strange aroma of Emperor's Liquid was very helpful in suppressing the hidden beast's heart, so he quickly followed suit.

Everyone was blushing and having thick necks, but they resisted the urge to be greedy and possessive. Emperor Liujian has come several times in the past three years. Most people have already dealt with it and know that as long as they endure it for a while, there will be rich rewards later. He Lingchuan also heard the children crying loudly. He looked down and saw that two families had tied their children to the table to prevent them from running around and disturbing the overall situation.

At this time, heavy footsteps passed by He Lingchuan's door, accompanied by a low roar.

He looked down and saw a machine beast walking slowly along the street. This thing looks like a tiger and leopard in shape and size. Its eyes are glowing green, and it looks a little scary at first glance.

It seems to be walking with its head buried in the ground, but no matter who is suspected of fighting or quarreling, the machine beast will reach over and scratch the wall with its forelimbs, then scratch the door, and let out two roars to scare the residents.

After this machine beast left, another machine beast patrolled here about a moment after lighting the incense.

So alternately.

If He Lingchuan wasn't struggling with his own greed, he would have wanted to give him a thumbs up and say "thoughtful".

This machine beast must be a security guard released by Panlong City officials to patrol. For them, the least trustworthy thing is human nature, and the most reliable thing is force.

At this time, no living creature could bear the temptation of the emperor's ooze. Only dead creatures like the machine beast remained unmoved and continued to perform their original tasks.

The machine beast that can patrol, locate and intimidate on its own is unknown to its powerful hands.

Sure enough, He Lingchuan soon heard the sound of altars being smashed and jars being smashed not far away. Some people were shouting and some were crying. I don't know who couldn't bear the extreme desire for the Emperor's juice and started fighting with others.

Human nature cannot be let go.

The machine beast roared, and He Lingchuan heard its heavy footsteps and quickly moved away.

Several screams soon came from that direction, but then there was no movement. It seemed that the person who did it was punished.

This scene also serves as a good warning to the surrounding residents.

As the whole city suffered repeatedly, time passed slowly.

This time the Emperor's fluid flow lasted longer than the last time He Lingchuan experienced it, and it didn't stop completely until Dongfang Jibai.

He Lingchuan scraped off all the sap from the trees, then gathered the bottles and jars that stored rainwater together, and poured them over each other, until a wine bottle was filled with the sap.

Tighten the cap and the aroma disappears, as does the appeal. He Lingchuan let out a long breath and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

The difficult night was over and everyone began to enjoy the fruits of victory.

Looking at the wine bottle in his hand, He Lingchuan felt a little confused.

The imperial liquid obtained from the dream should not have an improving effect on his real body. After all, it is all illusion.

So the most sensible thing to do is to hand over the gains from this night and go to the Meritorious Service Department in exchange for credit. Hu Min said that credit is not easy to come by, but it can be exchanged for the most precious things.

This heaven-dropped emperor's ooze was his unexpected gain.

Of course, this all needs to be confirmed. He Lingchuan thought for a while and went out with the wine bottle.

The curfew ended after dawn, but few residents came out to move around. Most people still stayed at home and counted the loot. He found a diligent donkey cart and took him to Hu Min's residence.

Along the way, he saw several burned and knocked down houses, as well as city defenders carrying people out or cleaning up the scene.

It seems that even if there are mechanical beasts patrolling, even if Panlong City has repeated orders, even if there are severe punishments and laws here, even if the residents of Panlong City have been able to obey orders and prohibitions during the long years of war, human greed will still find a breakthrough.

Hu Min lives in a tin house. Although it is also a private house, it is four levels higher than He Lingchuan. The roads here are spacious, the streets are clean and orderly, and green trees and red flowers can be seen everywhere. Every household has a small courtyard, which is at least four times the size of He Lingchuan's wooden house. The environment is a few streets ahead of him, but the specifications are very uniform, with black doors and black doors. The black tiles and red walls are almost the same in size, as if they were carved from the same mold.

It seems that illegal building construction is not allowed here.

Every street looked the same, and it took He Lingchuan a long time to find Hu Min's house.

This man had just finished refining the Emperor Dispersion. When he opened the door and saw He Lingchuan, he asked strangely: "Aren't you refining the medicine so early?"

"How about I exchange the imperial liquid with you for some refined medicine? Just take a small sip."

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