After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 169 The first step into the house

Hu Min was stunned, he had never heard such a unique request. But at this moment there was another knock on the door, and it was Xiao Maoliang, the captain of Dafeng Military Academy, who sent someone to inform Hu Min that the team had temporarily increased the patrol mission in the suburbs and set off immediately.

The emperor's fluid has been flowing all night, and some creatures on the Chipa Plateau were enlightened and unavoidably restless. The Gale Army will go out of the city to patrol to prevent the newly grown monsters from posing a threat to the fields and farms.

There were military orders, so Hu Min didn't think too much and took out the medicine powder. It was bright yellow and looked much better than the medicine He Lingchuan had made himself. The latter cut out one the size of a mung bean and said, "Thank you very much."

He poured a few drops of Emperor's Odor in exchange, and Hu Min said: "I'll leave first, you can do it yourself." After that, he hurriedly changed clothes and went out.

He Lingchuan waited for two quarters of an hour after taking the medicine, but his body didn't react at all, as if all he had just eaten was air.

The experiment failed, and long-acting enhancement drugs were useless to him.

Sure enough, there is no such beautiful thing in the world. Even though he had expected it, he still sighed with regret, then left Hu Min's house and went straight to the Meritorious Service Department.

Now that it is certain that the Imperial Liquid Serum is ineffective against him, he should quickly exchange military honors.

Liu Gongcao was still on duty at the Pengcheng Department today. He was as busy as ever. When he heard that He Lingchuan was going to hand over the emperor's liquid, he just said: "Bring it here."

Although Emperor's Liquid is good, in such a large Panlong City, there will always be people who don't take it themselves for various reasons.

Liu Gongcao picked out a little liquid from the wine bottle with the tip of a needle, looked at it, smelled it, and then said to He Lingchuan: "There are impurities. It's medium to low quality. Keep it."

According to his calculations, the contribution of this pot of emperor's oozing fluid exceeded the last time He Lingchuan rescued people after being cut off in the Yanqing River Valley. After all, the Gale Army is often tasked with rescuing people, and Emperor Liujian is rare.

The rewards this time are similar to the last time, with a few more medicinals for internal and external use.

He Lingchuan smiled and said: "If everyone turns it in, wouldn't everyone be able to get another wooden house?"

Liu Gongcao said sternly: "Not many people would choose to hand over this kind of thing."

He Lingchuan looked at him and let out a long sigh.

Yes, in addition to personal use and handing over, private individuals can also buy and sell it.

Credit needs to be accumulated little by little. If you don't collect enough, you won't be able to get what you want.

"My house is enough to live in. Can you give me a handy weapon?" At least in his dream, He Lingchuan didn't have high requirements for accommodation. In the past, when playing games, others would charge money to buy fashion items, but he never lost a penny in this regard.

"Which category?"

"Knife." He entered Panlong City empty-handed and needed a weapon to increase his sense of security.

Liu Gongcao went to the back room and quickly took out a ring-shou knife and a whetstone.

The blade was cold, there were two small notches on the back, the handle was a bit old, and the end was missing a buckle.

"The owner of this knife died in Baimo Mountain last year." He looked solemn. "The knife is a good knife. I hope you can use it well."

He Lingchuan held it in his hand and held it in his arms. He found that it was very heavy and easy to use.

"Thank you! I also want to exchange my military merit for some magical powers. Well, I heard that basic mental skills are free?"

Liu Gongcao sat back down and waved his hand outside: "Go out and look for the Promotion Department opposite."

The Boost Office is by the river.

Strictly speaking, half of the building is built on the river. As soon as He Lingchuan walked in, he saw Shuixuan. There were two old men sitting inside, one in black and one in white, but their faces were exactly the same.

It is now the second quarter of the morning, which is still early, and because of the sudden appearance of the Emperor's Liquid Serum last night, there is only a few people in the department to cheer up. With the tips of his ears, He Lingchuan heard the two old men muttering about the news coming from inside and outside the city. Someone had picked up a large amount of emperor's ooze ointment, which resulted in a fight between neighbors, and the monsters near the mine were acting strangely, causing miners to be injured, and so on.

He Lingchuan came forward to greet him and said that he needed basic mental skills.

The old man looked him up and down: "You are not from Panlong City, are you?"

"I am from Tusu City, but I have settled here."

"No wonder." The old man said, "Then I need to ask Mr. Zhang to do the test first." After that, he shook the bell hanging on the water.

The bell was very close to the water, no more than two feet away, and the clear sound spread throughout the water house.

"You go down and stand still." There is a slope directly into the water in the pavilion. The river is half covered by green lotus leaves. The buds waiting to bloom only have a little pink at the top, attracting a few dragonflies to stop.

As soon as He Lingchuan stood by the water, the dragonfly flew away in a hurry.

There was a roar in the river, and several things that looked like snakes and whips suddenly emerged from the water and rolled towards him.

He Lingchuan was startled and jumped back subconsciously.

"Why are you running? Go over and stand still!" The old man said impatiently, "Can Mr. Zhang still hurt you?"

Only then did He Lingchuan see clearly that these were actually several long and thick tentacles. The roots were thicker than his waist, but the tops were sharp and thin, covered with straws.

A large oval-shaped head floated behind the tentacles. It was not smooth and had clusters of sharp edges that turned back.

The eyes are dark and round, bigger than grapefruits.

"Zhang..." What a big tentacle monster! It turns out that the old man was talking about Mr. Zhang instead of Mr. Zhang.

He Lingchuan heard a voice: "Come here, let me touch it."

People's fear of tentacles is deeply rooted in their bones. But he also knew that he was powerless to resist, so he had no choice but to stand by the water.

Several tentacles stretched out to rest on him again, and the cold and sticky feeling unique to molluscs made He Lingchuan shiver. They are more flexible than human hands and can suck the key acupuncture points of several people one by one.

He Lingchuan felt a cold force injected into him, and the true energy in his Dantian surged up and spread rapidly throughout his body.

"The foundation is quite solid, and the dirt has been removed, so it's not bad." Mr. Zhang commented while picking at him, "Yeah - the muscles and bones are solid."

"Ah - the qi and blood are abundant and strong, and the essence is full of pride. It's okay, okay."

Its tone was very strange, even He Lingchuan's shamelessness couldn't stand it, but the two old men didn't take it seriously: "Oh, that means the essence has not been released."

Mr. Zhang pressed hard on He Lingchuan's body again, and then slowly withdrew his tentacles.

Two old men walked over, and the three bald heads muttered together.

He Lingchuan heard from Hu Min that the Enlightenment Department would give practitioners tailor-made mind-set methods. But he never expected that the tester turned out to be an aquatic monster.

Yes, there are not only people in Panlong City.

But octopuses live in fresh water on the plateau, and the world is really full of wonders.

However, the eight claws of this monster can take care of almost all the meridians and acupuncture points on a person's body at the same time, and can fully grasp the operation of the true power, which is really incomparable to humans.

The only aftereffect is that the suction cup left dozens of red marks.

Not long after, the discussion ended, and the old man spoke in the same tone: "The three of us unanimously decided, Ziwu Jue."

Panlongcheng has five public methods, and they chose Ziwu Jue for He Lingchuan.

He Lingchuan coughed lightly and said, "Can I borrow the other four techniques to look at?"

The other side said in unison: "No."


"With your knowledge, how do you know which one is best for you?"

"The mixing of mental methods is harmful but useless."

"It shouldn't be yours, it's best not to touch it."

"We have given more than 9,000 candidates the mental method, and there is no mistake."

The two old men were talking one sentence after another, with exactly the same tone, speed, and intonation. If you closed your eyes and listened, it would be as if they were talking to each other.

Mr. Zhang slipped into the river and became invisible again. An old man went to take out a jade slip from the wooden cabinet and gave it to He Lingchuan: "Here is the secret of the heart, just penetrate it with your spiritual mind."

He Lingchuan couldn't help but play with it a few times. He entered a fairy cave at the bottom of Xianling Lake and found a few jade slips from inside, but they were blank and did not contain any information.

Unexpectedly, Panlongcheng also used jade slips.

He probed into it with his spiritual mind, and sure enough, there was a complete dharma formula inside. Although the font was very different from today's, he could understand it all without missing a word.

What's even more amazing is that after he let go of the jade slip, the spell was still engraved in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, vivid in his mind, and he could not forget every word!

There is no need to memorize it at all, and this kind of replica memory will not go wrong.

He Lingchuan secretly marveled, this should be the invention of the ancient immortals?

The old man told him some precautions, then stretched out his hand and said: "Okay, give it back to me, others will have to use it too."

He Lingchuan hurriedly said: "In addition to basic mental skills, I also want to exchange military achievements for supernatural powers."

"Supernatural powers are divided into two parts, 'shu' and 'wu'." The old man in white pointed at himself, "I am Mr. Ying, in charge of the 'wu' department."

He pointed to the old man in black again: "He is Mr. Man, in charge of the 'skill' department."

"There is no distinction between good and bad magical power, only suitable or unsuitable." Mr. Ying said, "You practice Ziwu Jue, which is suitable for entering the Tao through martial arts. In the later stage, it will be integrated and understood, and it will not be too late to learn more techniques."

Mr. Man nodded and added: "As long as you live longer."

At that moment, Mr. Ying gave He Lingchuan a long list of books. He Lingchuan was dazzled by it. He thought this was good and that was practical. Mr. Ying said, "The military merit you have accumulated is only enough to exchange for two magical powers."

Then you lined up hundreds of lists of exercises in front of me. What do you mean? He Lingchuan smiled humbly: "Mr. Ying, teach me."

"The fundamentals of fighting are nothing more than two points: being able to fight and being able to run." Mr. Ying pondered for a moment, "I will choose a movement technique for you, called 'Yan Hui'. If you can practice it to be as light and agile as a swallow, you will be as agile as a swallow." The technique will become more successful."

Mr. Man also said: "The elementary techniques should be solid. Only by laying a good foundation can you be invincible. Not to mention it is simple, General Hong is also good at the 'Yan Hui' technique."

He Lingchuan's eyes lit up: "General Red also practices this?"

"Of course. He copied it with his own hands and recorded it on the jade slip."


However, He Lingchuan turned around and thought about it, pointing to the list of martial arts: "Then, how many magical powers has General Red recorded in total?"

"Eighteen doors." Mr. Man didn't hide anything from him, "You can't afford to replace the rest."

He Lingchuan became even more fascinated: "Then please trouble Mr. Ying and help me find a magical power that can fight."

Mr. Ying looked at the long knife on his waist, turned to discuss with Mr. Man, and then said: "Then choose 'Lang Zhan'."

The old man stood up and rummaged inside for a long time before grabbing two jade slips and came out.

He Lingchuan took it, remembered it carefully, and then returned it to him respectfully. Mr. Man said on the side: "When you master these two disciplines, come to me again. Combining martial arts with martial arts, you can achieve extraordinary feats."

"By the way, Mr. Zhong requires Wenxiantang to ask masters to give lessons from time to time. The more you listen, the more you will gain." Mr. Ying added, "Although magical powers and techniques are good, they are only external forces. The key to success or failure often lies in two minds. ”

He Lingchuan solemnly said: "Sir, please give me some advice."

"Heart method, state of mind." Mr. Ying said, "Heart method requires diligent study and practice; state of mind requires life and death."

After several battles, He Lingchuan had a deep understanding of these two sentences. He thanked him respectfully, turned around and left the Promotion Department.

Crossing the threshold of the Meritorious Service Department, he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

The verse left by the old turtle demon asked him to hide his edge and be humble in reality. So, his first step to enter the house starts from the dream!

(The "Fairy" volume ends here, and the next chapter enters a new chapter)

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