After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 170 Recognition of relatives

When snow began to fall on the Hongchuan River, He Chunhua's supporting army finally arrived at Shihuan City by boat.

The bustling warehouses, the bustling docks, and the accents from all over the world made everyone who got off the ship immediately feel that this place was very different from Woling Pass.

Shihuan City is one of the most important checkpoints in the hinterland of Dayuan, only fifteen miles away from the capital.

If Hong Xiangqian's rebel army could successfully cross the Yangtze River at Woling Pass and march westward, landing at Shihuan City, it would be equivalent to a dagger piercing the heart of the Yuan Kingdom, and then piercing the gate of the capital. How dare they teach the sun and the moon? A new day.

However, history never says "what if".

The troops came from a long distance and were tired from traveling. After getting off the boat, they quickly found a place to rest. Shihuan City at the feet of the Emperor was extremely prosperous as a water and land hub, and it was easy to accommodate these hundreds of people.

The soldiers who had been traveling for more than 20 days finally had a hot bed to sleep on.

He Lingchuan even heard his father tell Lao Mo to book a room, don't be in a hurry, just book it for a few more days.

He Chunhua kept something in mind, so when he arrived at the inn, he wrote and revised a letter and asked the housekeeper, Lao Mo, to deliver it to him. Then he went to bathe, change clothes, and have tea and meals.

He Lingchuan had been focusing on his cultivation these days. He finished a few bowls of rice and was about to go out. Unexpectedly, Mrs. Ying walked towards him with Mrs. Zhu. When the latter saw him, she smiled and bowed humbly.

He Lingchuan was the first benefactor who rescued her from the wolf's den, and she was extremely polite to the teenage boy.

Young Master He applauded: "Sister Zhu is so beautiful! What's the happy event today?"

Zhu Xiuer had worked hard in the past few years, her face had darkened, her hands were thick, and she was as thin as a bamboo. When He Lingchuan saw her in Xianling Village, her energy and energy were very poor. But after all, she was only in her early twenties and full of energy. After staying with Mrs. Ying for a few days, her face gradually turned rosy and her chin became less pointed.

At this time, she put on her rouge and put on nice clothes. Although she was not as good as the eldest lady from a wealthy family, she was completely different from the village women at that time.

Zhu Xiuer bit her lip, but before she could speak, Mrs. Ying asked, "Where are you going in such a hurry?"

"Go out and buy something."

"buy what?"


Mrs. Ying held Zhu Xiuer's hand and glared at him, "It's not dark yet, and you've drunk too much?"

He Lingchuan scratched his head: "I'm just going to the market for a walk. I won't cause any unnecessary complications."

As soon as he finished speaking, the housekeeper Lao Mo walked in quickly and announced: "Master and Madam, a distinguished guest is here!"

He Yue just walked out, and looked at each other with his brother. They both felt strange: He and his party had just arrived in Shihuan City, and their buttocks were not yet warm, so why were there visitors?

There were three people in the group, all covering their heads and faces with cloaks, followed by a few slaves.

They stepped into the private room of the inn and met Zhu Xiuer. Both of them were stunned and motionless.

He Lingchuan suddenly understood.

Then a guest pulled off his cloak and said in a trembling voice: "Xiu'er!" He rushed forward and hugged Zhu Xiu'er.

This is a beautiful middle-aged woman in her late forties, whose facial features are somewhat similar to Zhu Xiuer's.

The other two people also took off their hoods, but they were an old couple with gray hair, luxurious clothes, and tears in their eyes.

Zhu Xiuer and her mother hugged each other and cried, then turned around and threw herself into the arms of her two elders, saying sadly: "Grandpa, grandma, Xiuer is back!"

The old lady couldn't help crying.

The old man still looked sick, but he patted her on the shoulder and said, "It'll be good to come back, it'll be good to come back!"

He glanced at the other people in the room and immediately turned to He Chunhua: "Is this Manager He of Xiazhou?"

He Chunhua said seriously: "How is Mr. Zhu?"

The old man in front of me is Zhu Xiyan, the minister of Taipu Temple!

He bowed to He Chunhua and said, "If Xiu'er can go home, Manager He has done a great favor to my family!"

He Chunhua returned the gift: "It's my duty to help the family reunite."

Then he led his family to withdraw and gave this small hall to the Zhu family who had been separated for seven years.

Only then did He Lingchuan find out that his father had written to the Zhu family, asking them to come and recognize their relatives.

The main family of the Zhu family is in Shihuan City, which can be traced back to four generations. Zhu Xiyan himself usually lives here, and only enters the capital when the royal court is holding court meetings.

No matter which dynasty, it is actually not common to see hundreds of civil and military officials gathered together. If the emperor wants to find someone, he can just pull him in for a private meeting and that's it. He doesn't like to stir up troubles.

The emperor is also a human being, and he also finds it troublesome.

In the past year, there have been natural disasters and man-made disasters in Dayuan, but the Baiguan Dynasty Meeting has only been held four times in total.

Zhu Xiyan is also old. He recently contracted a cold and was ill at home. But after receiving He Chunhua's letter, he couldn't sit still and rushed over with his daughter-in-law.

As for Zhu Xiuer's father, he passed away three years ago.

After more than two quarters of an hour, the emotions of the Zhu family slowly calmed down. Zhu Xiyan was also an old man in the temple. He turned around and came out to find He Chunhua. He first expressed his gratitude and then asked about the reason for all this.

He Chunhua didn't hide anything from each other and came one by one.

The three people in the Zhu family were stunned and could not say anything for a long time.

Zhu Xiuer wiped her tears on the side: "If it weren't for Mr. He's family's generous help, my daughter would have been killed by the bandits in Xianling Village!"

Mrs. Ying smiled happily, and He Lingchuan secretly gave a thumbs up:

What a great idea!

Zhu Xiuer's grandmother, Sun Yuhua, hesitated several times, but finally asked: "Where are the two children Xiuer gave birth to?"

The granddaughter gave birth to two children, but they didn't see them here. What He Chunhua just said did not even mention the whereabouts of the two children.

Mrs. Ying sighed: "Xiu'er exposed the enemy's plot, and the bandit army took revenge on her with the child."

Zhu Xiuer burst into tears, and Zhu Xiyan and his wife looked at each other and sighed.

"That's all, it'll be good as long as the person comes back. There will be children in the future."

Zhu Xiyan said to He Chunhua again: "Manager He, I have something to ask you."

He Chunhua stood up: "We might as well talk in detail in the room."

Next, the female relatives of the Zhu family took the car back first, while Taipusi Qing and the newly appointed Xiazhou general manager He Chunhua went into the house and closed the door for another discussion.

Zhu Xiuer bid farewell to Mrs. Ying and the two He brothers, with red eyes, and left with three turns.

After the Zhu family's carriage disappeared around the corner, He Yue murmured: "Why do I feel that Taipusi Qing is not very sad about the death of his great-grandson?"

"You're not wrong, they are relieved." He Lingchuan patted his shoulder. He was still too young. "This is best for the Zhu family to avoid future troubles."

The whole family knew it clearly, including Zhu Xiuer.

After watching the fun, He Lingchuan pressed his neck and walked out: "I'm going to do some work and I'll be back at night!"


When the sun went down, He Lingchuan came back, but He Chunhua didn't return.

After the mother and son had dinner together, He Lingchuan yawned and complained that he was sleepy and wanted to go back to the house to rest.

After living in a small cabin for many days, the brothers came to Shihuan and didn't want to wrong themselves anymore, so they each asked for a large guest room. He Lingchuan bolted the door with his backhand and took out two jade bottles from the storage ring.

This evening, he walked around the city, bought some medicinal materials, and boiled them into pills in the drug store.

The new "Ziwu Jue" is very unique. No matter what you usually practice, in the early stage of practicing the technique, the two o'clock of Ziwu is especially important. The yin energy of the day is the heaviest at midnight, and the yang energy is the strongest at noon. He Lingchuan should use the secrets and practice at these two hours to harvest the yin and yang qi for his own use.

At that time, he was surprised when he saw such an introduction, because Zishi said that moonlight has always been the focus of cultivators and monsters. But not everyone can bear the true fire of the sun during the day. It can range from going crazy to being possessed, to setting fire to self-immolation at worst. There are countless bloody precedents for this.

However, when he took a closer look at the formula, he realized that it did not require beginners to collect Yang Fire directly, but to take Yin Powder and Yang Powder at midnight and noon, and refine it with the help of the weather.

Originally, the method of capturing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth for cultivation is the simplest and most stable, but also the slowest, which is the so-called long-term work. People cannot afford to wait long, so they have to invent various techniques and use various drugs to achieve rapid breakthroughs.

Of course, there are also two methods of making medicinal powder, and He Lingchuan went to buy these in the evening.

As a free mental method that all residents of Panlong City can learn, the initial preparation of "Ziwu Jue" is very difficult. It uses common medicinal materials from major drug stores and the prices are very reasonable.

But the difficulty increased step by step, and even He Lingchuan was speechless when he saw the prescription at the back. No wonder military merit is so important. Some medicinal materials cannot be bought with money in Panlong City.

He Lingchuan is happier than the people in Panlong City. He lives in the Kite Kingdom, which is relatively rich in resources. But the price of some medicines is such that even if he could sell off all the He family's properties, he might not be able to afford them.

Is practicing so expensive? He Lingchuan felt that the "rich second generation" person in him could no longer be established.

Fortunately, he doesn't have such troubles at the moment. Beginner's medicine can even be cooked in a medicine jar. When He Lingchuan was squatting in the back hall of the medicine shop waiting, he thought to himself that sooner or later he would have to get a pill furnace.

This is the disadvantage of going it alone. Taoist disciples have less trouble. There are people who refine elixirs, make utensils, and draw talismans. The sect has all the facilities, so you can just practice with peace of mind. As for He Lingchuan, you have to do everything by yourself, no matter how big or small.

When refining alchemy and refining weapons, one must pay attention to technique and heat, and neither can be accomplished overnight. His troubles were far from coming.

Then he will practice the "Traction Technique" as an introduction. Once the time comes, he will first take a dose of Yin Powder and then practice the "Ziwu Jue".

The key point of this period is to induce the Yin Qi from the outside world and the pills to enter the Yongquan point on the soles of the feet. This is the farthest point from the heart and is in contact with the ground. It is suitable for Yin Qi to turn into snakes and move specifically in the Yin.

This is bottom up.

At noon tomorrow, take Yang Powder again to guide the Yang Qi into the Tanzhong point, specifically through the Yang meridian.

This is top down.

When the two snakes of yin and yang can meet in the sea of ​​qi, it means that the first stage is successful.

The most interesting thing about "Ziwu Jue" is that it does not require sitting upright with the five hearts in the sky when practicing, as long as the circulation of Qi is maintained. Because these two hours of Ziwu are very special, people are either busy or sleeping.

He Lingchuan practiced for an hour and then fell asleep.

In the dream, he entered Panlong City again.

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