After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 174 Hire a Monkey

Mao Tao interrupted and asked: "By the way, wasn't Songyang Mansion originally created by a prince with a different surname? How come it has become Songyang Marquis now?"

"Oh, that's because the system in our country has been changed. Rewards without merit will be reduced to hereditary status. The two heads of Songyang Palace were mediocre, and their titles were reduced. It was not until the late emperor came to the throne that the system was changed back. It's complicated to say. , Anyway, Songyang Marquis will be hereditary in the future, and he will not change it unless he commits a major crime. "

To solve the problem of repairing broken knives, He Lingchuan put forward new requirements to Deputy Liu:

Buy an alchemy furnace.

In the future, he will major in "Ziwu Jue", which requires special medicines. It is difficult to buy ready-made elixirs, so most of them have to be made by himself. I heard that there are many levels of alchemy furnaces, and a good furnace can increase the success rate by more than 10%.

Just like last time, Deputy Liu agreed, and then asked He Lingchuan: "Are you good at alchemy, or do you have a master of this skill around you?"

"A complete novice. Don't I plan to buy a stove and go back home to learn and think about it now?"

"It's difficult to learn alchemy. The scientific name, medicinal properties, heat, and techniques are all difficult to achieve even if you don't practice it for three or four years. In the meantime, you have to refine countless medicines." Assistant Liu said with a smile, "It's really uncomfortable."

He Lingchuan heard something behind his words: "I must be the only one who feels uncomfortable?"

"Cultivation is long, and no big man wants to distract his energy. I suggest you hire a medicine ape to go back."

"Medicine ape?" He Lingchuan was surprised, "What is this? A monster?"

As expected, there are new things everywhere in the prosperous capital city.

"Yes, there is a Taoist sect called Qianxinliu, which is full of fire monkeys. It also has branches in our country, and it is especially famous for refining alchemy. Customers in need can pay a lot of money to hire medicine monkeys to go home and make them specially for themselves. Pharmaceuticals.”

"How's the level?"

"Alchemy masters are often even better. I heard that Sun Guoshi had several medicine monkeys in his family."

He Lingchuan laughed: "Sun Fuping is really a golden sign. You can make money by being associated with him."

Assistant Liu quickly waved his hand: "We can't say this publicly now."

"Then take me there."

"It's just that the price is a bit high, and the medicine ape hired back must be given as a gift. It must not be taken lightly, and it must not be treated as a slave, otherwise it can leave at any time."

Maotao raised her chin: "Money is a small matter, as long as it's worth it."

"The word 'thing' cannot refer to the Medicine Ape in person, otherwise it will fall out with you." Deputy Liu reminded, "I have seen people who angered the Medicine Ape. It really makes people's faces bloom in front of others, and three days later "

If you raise an extra little monkey, you have to be careful what you say? He Lingchuan and Mao Tao looked at each other and shrugged.

The carriage turned around and headed north of the city.

After passing the market, Mao Tao, who had been watching through the curtain, suddenly said: "Hey, isn't that A Deng next to the manager, Lao Mo? He is pasting something on the wall."

He Lingchuan looked around and saw that it was indeed the family's boy, Adeng. He was posting a notice on the poster wall, followed by two supporting sergeants.

Deputy Liu immediately called to stop the carriage.

People come and go in the market, and when officials have news to inform the whole city, they will come to this place to post posters. But on the other hand, only official articles are allowed here, and not just any cat or dog can come and post random things. Otherwise, you will be caught and slapped twenty times, and if the impact is even worse, you will be thrown into the squad room.

Of course, if the servants of the He family can post here, they must obtain official permission.

The wording of the announcement was very large, and the top three words were bold and bold. Mao Tao murmured:

"Seeking orders from the wise?"

There are not many words, and He Lingchuan read it in two eyes. The main content is that the new Xiazhou general manager He Chunhua is thirsty for talents and wants to recruit local talents to go north to fight against the rebels. Regardless of origin or style, anyone with real talents and practical knowledge in marching, grain management, combat, and internal affairs can come to take the exam, receive favorable treatment, and finally receive the official seal of the General Manager of Xiazhou.

Most civilians couldn't read two Chinese characters, so A Deng, a young boy from the He family, had to act as a preacher, reading the recruitment order to everyone and then answering questions.

He Chunhua's target group is not these people, but he hopes to use their mouths to spread the news as soon as possible. After all, the time that the Yingying Army can stay in Shihuan is limited.

The crowd of onlookers is getting bigger and bigger. He Chunhua is an official from out of town. He has rarely been heard of before. Everyone thinks it is strange and it is inevitable that they will talk about it. Seeing that the road was getting more and more congested, He Lingchuan asked the carriage to get on the road as soon as possible.

Mao Tao was puzzled: "Master He, why don't you bring some people over from Blackwater City? If you don't know the basics, why do you want to 'seek talents' here?"

When He Chunhua went north, he originally had five or six staff around him, but he only took Mo Zhe Jingxuan with him. Talents in internal affairs and logistics are even more pitiful.

"It's a small place with few talents, right?" He Lingchuan bowed his head with his hand, "After all, this is the emperor's feet. What kind of people are not there?"

He remembered that his father always complained about the lack of manpower and had to do everything by himself. This time going to Xiazhou, He Chunhua had to set up his own team in the shortest possible time, so preparing for a rainy day and reserving talents was the key.

After all, there are enemies in the north, and there is not much time left for He Chunhua and Xia Zhou.

"I hope my father can recruit suitable talents as soon as possible."

He Lingchuan shook his head and instantly put all these worries behind him.

This is none of his business, leave it to He Chunhua and He Yue to deal with the headache.

Soon, the carriage drove up a hill.

The mountain peaks are very delicate, with an altitude of up to thirty feet. At this time, they are covered in snow, with swaying branches and falling snow.

The carriage was blocked by an archway and stopped.

It's not that the groom didn't want to drive up the mountain, but the archway is only six feet high, but so wide that it takes up the entire mountain road.

This archway is really immoral, as if it was built to pay for passage.

He Lingchuan saw several unique stone urns standing on the stone archway from a distance. When he got closer, he realized that they were not stones, but large gray-skinned monkeys that were very similar in color to the stones!

They shrunk their heads and stood on the archway, dumbfounded. Someone approached and said in a loud voice: "Qianxinliu Hall, please come and walk!"

Assistant Liu got out of the car and handed a few pieces of candy to an old monkey with white hair, who distributed it to several other monkeys, and then said: "Mr. Sugar, I haven't seen you for three days. This time I want to congratulate the manager of Xiazhou." Your eldest son hires a pharmacist!”

He does not call the monkey an ape, but a medicine man.

"Do you often make medicine?"

"Of course." He Lingchuan answered, "On average, once every two or three days."

Practicing "Ziwu Jue" requires him to take the Yin Yang Powder as fresh as possible, so that the medicinal properties can be maximized. He Lingchuan himself wished that he could make enough medicine for half a month, but if he had helpers to make the medicine, this requirement should be easily achieved.

Deputy Liu explained to him: "Controlling fire and refining elixirs is an important practice for fire monkeys. Qian Xinliu hopes that all the fire monkeys sent out will be brave and diligent in their practice." Then he turned to the old monkey and said, "In the building, which pharmacist has Where’s Sora?”

"It's unlucky for you to be here. A big pharmacy from out of town just came over and hired twelve of them at once." The old monkey, Sugar Man, scratched his back, "Now there is only one pharmacist left."

Mao Tao immediately whispered to Assistant Liu: "It's not the leftovers, right?"

The old monkey's hair was all white. Not only was he not deaf, but he was very sharp. At this time, his eyes widened and he said, "What nonsense are you talking about!"

Assistant Liu coughed lightly and said, "Mr. Tang, both parties must negotiate on an equal footing and neither lie nor deceive. Is there anything special about this pharmacist?"

Employment is a two-sided matter, one needs to fight for, the other needs to be taken, and both need to understand each other.

"My alchemy skills are excellent and I rarely fail. I am the best among all the fire apes here."

If the refining medicine is broken, it is called a failure. The cost of high-end elixirs is very high, and a broken pot may cost tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of taels of silver.

Assistant Liu asked tentatively: "Did you eat too much?"

"No no."

"Is it because I don't like to be clean and there is a peculiar smell?" Monkeys have a smell, and they get even worse if they don't take a bath. Some people can't stand it.

"How is that possible!" Mr. Tang glared, "Lingguang doesn't have any of those bad habits you think. He is still the most diligent, motivated, smart and dexterous child here. He just happened to be out of town, so he wasn't hired away."

The old monkey jumped down and said, "Come here, I'll show you it."

The archway was very low, and He Lingchuan couldn't jump over it directly in front of these Qianxinliu monkeys, so he had to bend down and get through.

The monkeys looked at it with smiles, and some bared their teeth.

Humans have to bow their heads when passing the archway, which satisfies the bad psychology of these monkeys.

There are only a few buildings on the mountain, which are large and empty. He Lingchuan looked up and found that several big trees had tree houses built on them, and there were shadows swaying on the nearby branches.

Yes, monkeys like to stay in trees.

Tang Man shouted several times up the tree, and soon there was a chirping sound from above in response, and then an ape climbed down the tree and landed on the branch in front of everyone.

This monkey's fur is lighter than that of its peers, and it also wears a bamboo hat on its head.

He Lingchuan saw that it was thin and agile, its fur was exceptionally clean, and its eyes were very smart. It was not like ordinary monkeys wandering around, but after scanning the crowd, it locked onto He Lingchuan, as if it knew that he was the focus.

Tang Weng introduced He Lingchuan's identity to it, and the latter asked:

"Your name is Lingguang?"

The monkey nodded without scratching his head and ears, looking as calm as a human being.

"Mr. Tang Weng recommends you to be my medicine ape. I have some medicinal materials here. How about you help me make Qianding Pills?"

Lingguang knew that this was his entrance test, so he jumped to the ground and took out a stove that was smaller than a hand from somewhere and placed it on the ground.

The stove gradually became larger until it was level with the peach shoulders.

Then it reached out to He Lingchuan.

As far as an ape is concerned, its palms are very clean, without any sand or leaf debris.

After taking the medicinal materials, it quickly grabbed a few handfuls and threw them into the stove. It was not like He Lingchuan who measured them carefully and did not dare to make any mistakes.

Then the monkey blew into the bottom of the stove, and with a "whoosh" sound, the stove burst into flames.

No wonder it is called the Fire Ape.

Next, the monkey controlled the fire throughout the whole process, and the color of the flame was dark and light. He also threw in some medicinal materials from time to time, so fast that others could hardly see clearly.

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