After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 175 Don’t bite if there are too many lice

Judging from the way it was picked up with ease, it looked like a chef with thirty years of experience in a restaurant, practicing his profession like a one-man show.

He Lingchuan actually saw calmness and calmness in a monkey.

Mr. Tang nodded repeatedly as he watched, stroking the long hair under his chin and praising her.

A little more than a quarter of an hour later, the fire was extinguished and the stove turned into a small toy again.

Ape Lingguang signaled He Lingchuan to spread his palms, then turned the stove over and poured the elixir into his palm.

Four little pills.

Lingguang also patted the bottom of the stove twice and poured out another one.

The sugar man seemed very satisfied: "I made one more, which is good."

He Lingchuan took a closer look at the pill in his palm. It was uniform in size, round in skin, and gold hidden in the black.

Qianding Wan is a wound medicine, which means a thousand wounds can be cured. It is much more expensive and more effective than Jinchuang Medicine. He himself used it twice, and also saw it used by the Gale Army in the Battle of the River Valley in Panlong Dreamland.

If it can be used as a necessary wound medicine for the Gale Army in field battles, it should be the best among the best in terms of quality and effectiveness. He Lingchuan remembered that the Qianding Pills that the military doctor A Luo took out were almost the same in appearance as the ones he had in his hand. When he got closer and smelled them, he found that the medicine also had a spicy aroma.

Of course, the best way is to try it yourself.

He Lingchuan took out the dagger and made a deep cut on his arm.

Blood suddenly gurgled out.

He crushed a Qianding pill and applied the powder to the wound. A cool feeling immediately offset the burning of the wound.

Soon, the blood stopped flowing.

He Lingchuan waited for another three to five breaths, then put the powder away and found that the powder seemed to turn into a thin layer of glue when exposed to blood, completely sealing the wound.

Ling Guang also added: "It will heal well in the evening, and there will be no trace after two days."

This effect was even better than He Lingchuan expected.

Just as he was about to speak, Deputy Liu suddenly tugged on his sleeve: "Young Master, step back and speak."

The two of them walked aside, and Deputy Liu whispered softly: "I always felt that the name 'Lingguang' sounded familiar, but now I remembered that this medicine ape's alchemy skills are indeed good, but, there is a reason why it has stayed here. of."

"What's wrong?"

"All four of his previous employers were dead, and they died violently not long after he was hired back. The most unlucky thing was that the previous one was regarded as a member of Da Sima's gang a month and a half ago and his entire family was executed. Seventy-six members of his family were killed. It clicked and abandoned the market, and the people watched it for three days. Some people noticed this and called it a fierce monkey. After that, no one dared to hire it again. "

He Lingchuan raised his eyebrows: "In this way, the deaths of previous employers are not directly related to it."

"But it's ominous." Deputy Liu smiled softly and bitterly, "You should think twice, or we can come back another day."

"I can't stay in Shihuan for a few days. Besides, I have Yuan Power to protect me, so even a curse can't hurt me."

In fact, what He Lingchuan was thinking was that Ping An and wealthy people might fear it like a snake or a scorpion, but he himself had already received two lots from the old turtle demon. Regardless of whether he hired this monkey or not, his bad luck would probably not be far away. .

If there are too many lice and he doesn't bite him, is he afraid of a ball?

Besides, does he have any other choice? There is only one medicine ape left.

So after he finished speaking, he walked back to face Ling Guang: "Your skills are very good, just what I want. Do you have any requirements, or is there anything I should know?"

Lingguang was stunned for a moment and saw Tang Weng standing behind He Lingchuan, winking at him.

It means don't say it, don't say it.

Ling Guang turned his head and thought for a while, then said: "I have no special requirements, but my previous employers have passed away, and you should be aware of this."

No chance again. Tang Weng slapped his forehead, why is the child so sincere?

He Lingchuan asked curiously: "Did you kill him?"

Ling Guang's eyes widened: "Of course... no!"

"As long as it's not intentional." Mr. He didn't take it seriously and turned to the sugar man, "I think Ling Guang is good, and I admit it frankly. How about we sign it?"

The sugar man was overjoyed, but he didn't expect that this rich man was brave enough to be fat and should not be judged by his appearance: "Okay, okay, wait a minute!" He quickly jumped up the tree, not showing any trace of his old age.

"Young Master He, you are really——" Deputy Liu has fulfilled his duty of reminding, and now he wants to praise as much as possible, "Be firm!"

Really not afraid of death.

"My fate is up to me, how can it be..." He Lingchuan originally wanted to say monkey, but remembering that Qian Xinliu has always been anti-discrimination, he quickly changed his mind, "How can it be left up to others?"

Ling Guang's eyes suddenly shone, she stood up straight and bowed deeply to him: "Thank you!"

Others feared it like a wild beast, and it had had enough.

This young master is really a good man.

At this time, the old monkey also came back, holding three red books in his hand. He Lingchuan took it over and saw that it was actually a letter of appointment, in triplicate. It said that he hired Qian Xin Liu Yao Yuan Lingguang as the He family's pharmacist. The salary was fifteen taels of silver per month, with an annual increase of 10%, including food and accommodation.

Lingguang's food also has requirements, including five kilograms of good fruits and vegetables every day. The host must treat each other with the courtesy of worship, and must not beat or scold him, nor treat him as a slave.

Medicine apes, of course, have different status from cats and dogs!

As an employee, Lingguang had to work hard to refine medicine for He Lingchuan. The appointment letter also had detailed requirements on the failure rate. If Ling Guang could not do it, Qian Xinliu could replace He Lingchuan with a medicine ape for free. No, a medicine man.

It took He Lingchuan a quarter of an hour to read it: "These terms are really...complete." It was lengthy and it was a standard contract.

The sugar man said angrily: "The terms are complete and you have to make an appointment in advance so that you can suffer less loss."

Maotao curled her lips at the edge, thinking that these monkeys might have suffered a lot from dealing with humans before, so they tried their best to patch up the employment letters and contracts.

He Lingchuan and Lingguang signed and pledged their signatures on the three letters of appointment, and each of the three parties kept one copy. Mr. Tang put away the notebook, patted Ling Guang on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "You have to do a good job this time, my uncle won't want to see you for a few years."

Ling Guang nodded with tears in her eyes.

He Lingchuan stretched out his hand towards it: "Then, please ask the pharmacist to follow me home."

The monkey put away the engagement letter, jumped on his shoulders, pressed his bamboo hat to the sugar man: "Please take care of yourself!"

He Lingchuan and others walked down the mountain, and there were monkeys chirping in the forest along the way. The old monkeys on the archway were also smiling. It was obvious that He Lingchuan had solved their big trouble.

Damn it, if he had known this, he should have lowered the price.

He Lingchuan got on the car and instructed the driver to go to the market to buy medicinal materials.

Regardless of whether they are warriors or magicians, they must use medicine in their practice. He Lingchuan knew very well that if he wanted to improve his cultivation by leaps and bounds, it was normal to eat pills. It is really important to have a good alchemist working for you.


A few hours later, the other courtyard of Songyang Mansion.

Marquis Songyang was reading a book in the monastery when he suddenly heard a purring sound, and the fat chirps outside the window flew up, causing the branches to fall with snow.

Then the housekeeper came quickly to report:

"Sir, here is someone from Yangshan."

Songyang Hou said simply: "No time, no see."

"They heard that the He family and his son have arrived in Shihuan and wanted to ask for information."

"Information about the He family and his son?" Marquis Songyang closed the book, "He Chunhua's family of four lives in the Hua'an Inn. His team and dependents total 640 people, and they are placed at the north and west stations respectively. Seven officers I live in the same inn as He Chunhua. Manager He is surrounded by at least four guards. This is done openly. I don’t know if there are any secret guards. "

"Since he returned Zhu Xiyan's granddaughter, the general manager who took office in the north has received nine waves of visitors. I think he intends to build a wide network of contacts and get closer to the royal court."

"He Chunhua's own cultivation level is average, and he has a few warriors under his command who are pretty good. By the way, the Zhu family is holding a banquet at Luming Garden tonight to cleanse their newly found granddaughter. Ninety-nine percent of the He family will go." Songyang Marquis explained, "Just convey what I said."

The housekeeper agreed and asked, "The eldest son He came to Songyang Mansion today, do you want to tell them?"

"What are you talking about?" Marquis Songyang sneered, "This is Songyang Mansion's business, what does it have to do with them?"

The butler did as he was told and left.

Two quarters of an hour later, he came back and reported: "I have conveyed it, word for word, but Yangshan's guests would like to know, will you go to Luming Garden tomorrow night?"

"It's not convenient for me to go, let them do what they want." Songyang Hou said lazily, "By the way, I'll give them another piece of news, they will definitely be interested: at tonight's dust-washing banquet, there is a big shot who will also go, that is..."


"What, you spent fifteen taels of silver to hire a monkey for me!"

Mrs. Ying glared at He Lingchuan...and the monkey wearing a bamboo hat on his shoulders. She resisted the urge to slap the table, but her voice still rose three times.

He Lingchuan said seriously: "Mother, Qian Xinliu doesn't like others calling them monkeys."

Lingguang's Taoism was much shallower than that of Old Yuan Tangweng. When he met the angry Mrs. Ying, he did not dare to argue with her reason, so he had to huddle behind He Lingchuan's neck.

A monkey is a monkey, why don't you let me talk? Although the monkey took off his bamboo hat and saluted her politely, Mrs. Ying still said with a straight face: "Even in the capital, fifteen taels of silver can hire a good guard, do you know?"

"Lingguang is not a guard but a pharmacist. If you have headaches, brain fever, physical weakness, or even chills and abdominal pain during those few days of the month, you can go to him to make medicine on the spot..."

Mrs. Ying couldn't listen anymore, so she grabbed two dates and threw them in his face: "Get out!"

Two bright red dates that have just been soaked in hot water. He Lingchuan caught it and handed it to the monkey, said yes, rubbed oil on his soles and ran away.

Before he disappeared, Mrs. Ying also saw the monkey stuffing red dates into its mouth, making its cheeks bulge.

He Chunhua offered a cup of warm tea and said, "Madam, calm down."

"Look at your good son!" Mrs. Ying took it and took a big mouthful, "He is ruining the family in different ways!"

In the past few months of getting along, she thought that her eldest son had finally changed his gender and become sensible, but she didn't know that he would become more serious as soon as he arrived in Shihuan City. How many monkeys can you buy with fifteen taels of silver, ten thousand and fifty grand?

This is still a monthly salary!

"There is actually a letter of appointment. My family actually gave a letter of appointment to a monkey. It's a big joke in the world!" The more Mrs. Ying thought about it, the angrier she became. "These fifteen taels will be deducted from his monthly allowance. Don't expect to get an extra penny from me." !”

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