After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 176 Opening the Eyes of Heaven

"Madam, we are going to Xiazhou to establish a foothold and recruit troops to accomplish a great cause. This good alchemist is also indispensable." He Chunhua certainly knew how to coax his wife well. "Shihuan City is full of Taoist gates and talented people. Jiji, if you find a suitable candidate here, you can go to Xiazhou and hire him again. From this point of view, Chuan'er may not be ignorant."

Mrs. Ying trusted her husband the most, and now her anger turned into doubt: "It's just a monkey, can it really make good elixirs?"

"I have heard of the name Qianxinliu before." He Chunhua has ambitions in the world, and of course he also studies various Taoist sects. "It is famous for its alchemy skills. Although it is a demon sect, the elixirs refined by Yao Yuan are better than those of other sects." It’s even worse than human pharmacists. This is called specialization. If we hire a reputable alchemist, we may not be able to find one even if the price is doubled.”

High-skilled talents are never cheap, not to mention that when talents are applying for jobs in Shi Huan, they have to go to Xiazhou to work, and their salary includes various hidden costs such as relocation fees.

Of course, He Chunhua didn't know that Qian Xinliu's medicine ape had another reason for asking for a cheaper price.

Cheapness has its own tricks.

Mrs. Ying has lived in Qiansong County for a long time, and her impression of monsters is that they are fierce and brutal, only doing things like robbing homes and houses. Suddenly she heard that a monkey can do such delicate work, which was very strange.

When He Lingchuan returned to his guest room, he stuffed the monkey with two kilograms of juicy melons and a batch of medicinal materials: "Please help me refine the incense."

As the name suggests, this incense is used to seduce the souls of living people, and it often works in the hands of those with evil intentions. Ordinary medicine shops and alchemists don't sell it. As long as you express your urgent desire to buy it, you may be reported.

But the monkey demon Lingguang obviously did not have such a strong sense of morality. He took the thing and said, "It will be available in an hour."

It was not in a hurry to open the furnace to refine the medicine. Instead, it took the melon and washed it in a basin, broke it open and tasted it slowly.

He Lingchuan ignored it, took out the tofu he bought at the market, and went to the open space outside the house to practice his sword.

He exchanged his military exploits for a body technique and a sword technique from the Panlong City Merit Department. Although the two will eventually be combined, with his current level, he can only practice each one first.

Don't even think about any smooth sword skills or earth-shattering moves at first.

He can only practice tofu.

He spread a whole piece of water tofu in the palm of his hand and cut it with a long knife.

The basic requirement is to cut it as thin as a cicada's wings, so that every piece can transmit light.

Before he got the key, He Lingchuan never knew that the prerequisite for being a good swordsman was to become a good cook first. However, it is clearly mentioned in the General Secret of Sword Art that "stability" and "accuracy" are the foundation of martial arts, and there is no room for laziness, just like the foundation of a hundred-foot-tall building.

As for moves, skills and magical powers, as for the only fast and unbreakable martial arts in the world, they are all superstructure.

Without a solid foundation, the superstructure will be unstable.

He Lingchuan cut it ten times, and they were basically tofu slices as thin as leaves.

Mao Tao applauded from the side: "Young master is so awesome, you can achieve this level in the first cutting practice!"

He Lingchuan glared at him fiercely and held up the tofu slices to the light——

Opaque, failure!

This isn't his first time.

He had been practicing in the dream for five days, especially the first day, which was a tragedy. He peeled off a layer of skin on his palms.

Now when he reached the thirtieth cut under Maotao's eyes, his blade trembled along with his hand, and the tofu became jagged.

It’s really difficult.

After he finished ruining a piece of tofu, Maotao standing next to him quickly handed over another piece.

Today's task is to peel fifty pieces of tofu.

Of course, the soldiers and civilians in Panlong's Dream were reluctant to waste food like this, so another option was to batch paper, stacking hundreds of pieces of tissue paper together and cutting them with a knife. Every time one piece is cut away, the one underneath cannot be moved.

This method sounds much easier than peeling tofu, and the paper can be used repeatedly. He Lingchuan also practiced this in his dream.

The comfortable life in the first two months of traveling through this world really gave him the idea of ​​living in a corner and waiting for death. After all, it was too difficult to work hard, so how could he lie down and be comfortable?

However, two thrilling adventures later, whether he was deceived by Sun Guoshi to go to the Panlong Desert, or the fierce battle with the rebels in Xianling Lake, made him clearly see the gap between himself and his opponents.

His ability to win and survive depends largely on luck and has nothing to do with strength.

Even though He Chunhua believed that his eldest son was a lucky general, He Lingchuan himself understood that people cannot live by good luck forever.

This world is far more sinister than the previous life, and all living beings are sinking in the mud. If he wants to survive for a long time, he can only rely on the knife in his hand to open up wasteland and get ashore.

Six months ago, he was still fishing at work and spending his free time. What worried him most was that his salary was not enough, not his life, death and future.

Looking back now, it feels like a lifetime ago.

...No, he has indeed been reincarnated as a human being.

By the time He Lingchuan finished peeling forty-nine pieces of tofu, he could no longer lift the knife with his right hand. During these nine cold days, he was actually sweating profusely.

Mao Tao kept staring at him with stern eyes. He Lingchuan said angrily: "What are you looking at? You can peel the last piece!"

"Me?" Mao Tao was startled, but actually agreed, "Okay."

He also spread out the tofu, pulled out the dagger from his boot with his right hand, and flew it left and right.

"...?" Why do Maotao's movements look so smooth?

In just a few breaths, the tofu was peeled. Maotao held up a few pieces of tofu with a dagger and said with a smile: "Master, please take a look!"

Although it is not as thin as a dark wing, each piece of tofu is as evenly thick as a leaf.

You must know that he swings the dagger freely, in one go, without any pause in the middle. This is much more difficult, and his technique is also extremely skillful.

He Lingchuan grabbed his collar: "Have you practiced secretly before?"

"Yes, this is our ability to eat. How can we not practice it?" Mao Tao used to be a bandit. He knew that his strength was not as good as others, so he had to find a way to be better than others in terms of skills.

He comforted He Lingchuan in the tone of someone who had experienced it: "Don't be discouraged, young master. With your qualifications, you can do it after seven or eight days of practice."

"Discouraged? Who of you dogs have seen me get discouraged?" Young Master He snorted and ordered him to get a hanging rope and tie it between two trees.

Knife training has come to an end, next comes the body technique.

The hanging rope is about the thickness of a tail finger and should be tied neither loosely nor tightly as required, with a slight droop.

He Lingchuan jumped up and stepped on it with one foot. There was no place to use his strength when he was flying up and down. He swayed a few times and quickly lost his energy in his dantian, finally standing firm.

The original person had practiced plum sticks and had a good sense of balance, so this was not a problem for him.

So the next step is to put your hands on your back and stand still with your eyes closed.

Within seconds of closing his eyes, He Lingchuan felt like the world was spinning.

He quickly opened his eyes and found that he had fallen and almost fell head first.

As soon as a person closes his eyes, his sense of balance is no longer good.

He jumped onto the rope again, but before he could stand still this time, a strong gust of wind blew by...

"Come again!"

Mao Tao watched eagerly from below: "Young Master, how far do you need to practice this?"

He Lingchuan gritted his teeth: "If the rope is replaced by a thin thread, I can still run freely on it with my eyes closed. This is considered a small success."

"What about Dacheng?"

"I stand on a thin line with my eyes closed and quickly peel the tofu. Each piece is as thin as a cicada, and one after another."


"Young Master." Mao Tao said cautiously, "You can take me with you. Even if I fail to master my magical powers in the end, I can still make a living by joining the juggling troupe."

He Lingchuan took out a locust stone and hit him in the face.

Maotao screamed and ran away.

With this power, the rope kept shaking, causing He Lingchuan to spend a lot of effort to find balance again.

"Hey, this method is not bad. It kills two birds with one stone." He not only practiced his body skills, but also practiced his throwing accuracy.

Hu Min said that throwing is the same as archery, and you need to develop your accuracy and feel.

"Pick it back for me!" He took out two more locust stones and pointed them at Maotao's buttocks.

Within the next half hour, the small courtyard was filled with chaos.

The servants of the He Mansion came and went, either laughing or shaking their heads when they saw this scene. The eldest young master didn't stop, and when he arrived at Shi Huan, he started playing tricks again.

Then Yao Yuan Lingguang appeared, landing on the hanging rope gently and skillfully, holding a bunch of black incense in his hand: "My boss, Gou... the incense you want is ready."

It seemed as light as nothing, and the hanging rope didn't even move.

He Lingchuan looked down and saw that its ten toes were firmly hooked on the rope, which was unspeakably stable.

How much effort does he have to put in to catch up with his own talent?

He sighed and took the incense bundle: "Thank you! If you are free, please help me refine Yin Yang Powder. Here, here is the prescription."

He Lingchuan returned to the house, closed the doors and windows, and lit candles.

When the candle flame was pointing straight up and steady, he lit up the incense that seduces the soul, got on the couch and crossed his legs, and began to meditate.

After closing your eyes, the world falls into darkness. He Lingchuan could only hear his own long and regular breathing, and smell the strange smell of the incense lingering around him.

He silently recited the inner meaning of Ziwu Jue, and gradually he could no longer hear his own breathing, but some blurry images began to appear in his mind.

It seems to be the furnishings in this guest room, but there is no color, no light and darkness, only lines and outlines.

He Lingchuan understood that this was because he was not using his eyes to observe the surroundings, but was trying to open the so-called "eye of heaven" in Ziwu Jue. To put it simply, it is spiritual thought.

This feeling is very strange and difficult to describe in words. Perhaps it is similar to the objects bats "see" using echolocation?

Ziwujue has a special chapter in the general outline of the mind method, describing the methods of cultivating and practicing spiritual thoughts.

Ancient immortals can expand their spiritual thoughts to avoid danger, which is even more effective than the five senses. He Lingchuan felt like he had found a treasure after reading this article. After all, whether it is a large-scale battle or a personal battle, it is full of uncertainty. You never know who will be waiting in the dark for an opportunity to rise up, who is secretly shooting cold arrows, and who is going to hit you. Button the shit basin...

Expanding your spiritual thoughts for the first time is extremely important and very difficult. If it fails, it will have to wait at least three to five months before trying again, so He Lingchuan specially asked Yao Yuan to refine the soul-enchanting incense as an aid.

In the silence, the smell of the medicinal fragrance seemed to disappear, but the things he "saw" in his mind became more and more clear.

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