After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 177 Royal Villa

Even unknown corners seem to be unable to escape his observation.

The corner behind the cabinet has become moldy and a bit of moss has grown on it.

The spider under the bed was busy strengthening its web, which already had two victims.

In just a dozen breaths, he had a clear view of his guest room. It is obviously one of the best inns in Shihuan City, with good guest rooms, but in the dark corners invisible to the eyes, it is so... unclean.

Well, there are still two copper plates falling from the cracks in the floor.

As a beginner, he still felt he was able to do it with ease, so he tried to expand his spiritual thoughts outward again, wanting to explore the world outside the house.

The wall on this side of the door was very thick and the spiritual mind couldn't get out, so it was redirected to the window.

My mind suddenly became clear, as if I had broken free from some shackles and jumped out. The scene in the room was vivid and clearer than before.

He Lingchuan was overjoyed that he had reached the state of "trance" just by thinking about it, which is the stage where spiritual thoughts escape from the constraints of the body and expand outward on a large scale.

He "saw" Yao Yuan squatting beside the enlarged alchemy furnace, making elixirs; Mao Tao was packing things in the yard, and suddenly found a bit of metallic luster in the roots of the tree, and quickly dug it out with a dagger. It turned out to be a small piece of broken silver. Mao Taobao smiled widely and put it in his mouth to nibble on it.

At this time He Yue walked in and looked around: "Where is my brother?"

Mao Tao answered on his behalf: "Young Master is practicing, don't let anyone disturb you."

"You urge me, we will leave soon." After He Yue finished speaking, he walked out and was bathed in sunshine.

He Lingchuan still wanted to follow, but as soon as his spiritual thoughts expanded into the sun-filled ground, he felt his head tingling, like being pricked by needles, and he couldn't help but scream "ah".

The sound echoed in the guest room, and he automatically exited the state of meditation.

He Lingchuan covered his head, the pain still lingering.

This is the result of greed for merit and rash advancement.

The beginner's soul is still fragile. Even though the sun is only an hour away from setting, the true fire contained in it is not something he can bear. When a lonely soul is exposed to the sun, it will immediately turn into ashes; his soul in this life is slightly better, but he must be careful that extreme happiness can lead to sadness.

He Lingchuan shook his head. Didn't Ziwujue say that the failure rate for the first time "opening the eye of heaven" is as high as 80%? He did it easily and even tried "trance", which was successful.

Does this mean that his soul is much stronger than others?

This seems to be a matter of course. After all, it makes sense that he has two souls and two lives.

He Lingchuan happily opened the door and walked out. Maotao hurriedly came forward and said, "Young Master, you have finally accomplished your feat. The sun is almost setting!"

"Tell the shopkeeper to bring some water, I want to take a bath."

Maotao responded and was about to walk out when He Lingchuan looked at the tree roots on the ground and suddenly said: "Cats and dogs like to urinate and mark these root gaps."

Maotao's face suddenly turned green, and she bent over and sighed for a long time.

Before he could stand up, He Lingchuan kicked him in the calf: "Go get me some hot water!"

"Yes." Mao Tao was disgusted and confused at the same time. Why did the young master say this for no reason? Could it be that he had peeked at her through the crack in the door?

Thinking of this, goosebumps immediately crawled up his back.

At this time, Mrs. Ying also sent someone to deliver a set of brocade clothes for the eldest son to pack as soon as possible. He Lingchuan washed away the stinky sweat with hot water, tied up his hair again and looked like a energetic young man again.

The Zhu family's special cleansing feast for Zhu Xiuer was held after dark.

"The Luming Garden is really on the mountain?" Mrs. Ying opened the curtain and looked out. It was dark, the mountain scenery was gone, and only the dark outline of Beacon Mountain remained.

The family was riding a horse-drawn carriage on a winding mountain road, but it was not a narrow path, but a wide road that could accommodate three vehicles abreast. The snow stopped in the afternoon, and the snow on the ground had been cleared away, revealing the road paved with black stone strips underneath.

The driving is extremely smooth, not inferior to that in the city.

It was getting late, and large fire pits were set up on both sides of the road for lighting guidance.

Mrs. Ying looked out of the car window and saw that in front of her, in addition to the blazing brazier, there were many light spots moving along with the mountain shape, forming a long snake. Families and tribes were invited to go to Luming Garden, and there were people in front of the car. A lantern was hung.

Each point of light may be a noble, aristocratic family or a wealthy family living in Shihuan City. Mrs. Ying tightened the rabbit fur cloak on her shoulders and exhaled a breath of white steam: "How many families are going up the mountain tonight!"

Deputy Liu was also sitting in the car tonight, explaining the current situation to the He family. He poked his head out to take a look, then retracted and said with a smile: "The royal relatives, relatives of the country, and wealthy families in the capital often buy properties in Shihuan City. This is the companion capital, with fewer rules than the capital. The residence is close to the river, so it is comfortable to live. Plus. Mr. Zhu specially chose Luming Garden to hold the banquet. I think half of the nobles from Shihuan City will come."

"Lumingyuan?" Mrs. Ying was curious, "Is this place special?"

"Of course it's special." Assistant Liu pointed his thumb up the mountain, "This is one of the royal villas."

The He family was a little surprised, and He Yue couldn't help but ask: "Master Zhu can hold a banquet in the Royal Garden?" Or did the emperor not punish him for flaunting a happy event in the family like this?

"The founder of the People's Republic of China surrounded Bijia Mountain and used it as a hunting ground for deer, rabbits, sheep, and a small number of wolves. The building on the top of the mountain was called Luming Garden."

Assistant Liu kept talking, and it was obvious that he had told this story very well: "By the time of the late emperor, there were already three royal hunting grounds near the capital, and the other two were closer to the palace and larger. He said that there were too many hunting grounds to use. Why waste it? Just open the Luming Garden in Shihuan City to the public. As long as officials with good grades can rent the Luming Garden to hold banquets, the price is much higher than that of the big restaurants in the city. "

He added: "However, there is an imperial chef in charge of Luming Garden, and everything from utensils to regulations is very high, so this place is very popular, and you have to book it at least half a month in advance."

The expensive ones are the best ones. Even the emperor ate, slept and hunted here. The Luming Garden is naturally a symbol of high-end grandeur and wealth. It’s no wonder that the dignitaries flock to it.

Mrs. Ying sighed: "Is the late Emperor so down-to-earth?"

He Chunhua said nothing, but He Lingchuan laughed.

Mrs. Ying glared at him: "What are you laughing at?"

"It's nothing. I saw that the lights of the carriage in front were out, and the driver couldn't turn them on." He Lingchuan pointed forward, and after finishing speaking, he realized that the carriage was a bit broken and small, and it looked like a rented one. Civilian carriages are incompatible with other similar vehicles driving on mountain roads.

Which down-and-out noble family is this?

Mrs. Ying knew that her eldest son was talking nonsense, but He Lingchuan grabbed the melon seeds on the table and started eating them, laughing without saying a word.

Only her youngest son thoughtfully reminded her: "Mother, this shows that the late emperor was pragmatic. Ever since the floods sixteen years ago, the national treasury has often been in deficit. I heard that in recent years, it has been unable to make ends meet, and the deficit has become larger and larger."

When it came to money, Mrs. Ying blinked and understood.

Unfortunately, the country ran out of money, so the late emperor had to use all the royal gardens to collect rent.

"Don't underestimate Lumingyuan's income." Assistant Liu said with a smile, "I heard that last year alone, it earned two hundred thousand taels of silver."

Mrs. Ying was moved: "It's really a golden chicken that lays eggs!"

"These rich people in the capital are really full of ideas... well, they have big shoulders and round waists!" He Lingchuan asked Deputy Liu, "Whose carriage is in front of you?"

Assistant Liu went out to take a look and shook his head: "There is no clan logo, and there is no surname on the lantern. The carriage was rented by a horse and carriage company. He is probably a petty official. There are many celebrities at tonight's banquet, which is a good way for people below to cling to the powerful. Chance."

Bijia Mountain is not high, with an altitude of less than 60 feet. This winding mountain road soon came to an end.

The He family dismounted, facing the main building of Luming Garden. Needless to say, it is magnificent, brightly lit, and full of distinguished guests at this moment.

When everyone turned around, there was another beautiful scene:

At the foot of the mountain, thousands of lights are on.

Luming Garden is built on the giant Eagle Mouth Rock near the top of the mountain. From here, you can basically overlook the entire Shihuan City.

As night falls, this bustling capital city is already lit up with lights. Viewed from the top of the mountain, it seems as if stars are falling on the earth and Qiong Tower is descending on the earth.

The smell of fireworks came to my face.

Mrs. Ying said in surprise: "I seem to be able to see people walking on the street. Hey, that building seems to be the inn where we live."

He Lingchuan let out a breath and suddenly understood why nobles like to come to Luming Garden to hold banquets.

In the capital, no one can live higher than the emperor.

This feeling of looking down at all living beings and looking thousands of miles away has always been unique to kings.

After being notified, Taipu Temple Minister Zhu Xiyan came out the door, hugged He Chunhua's fists, and said to his granddaughter Zhu Xiuer: "Why don't you come and thank your savior!"

Zhu Xiuer gathered her train and bowed to He Chunhua, his wife and He Lingchuan brothers.

Mrs. Ying waited until she straightened up, then stepped forward to hold her hand, and said affectionately: "Where are all the complicated etiquette! You have been with us for half a month and finally come home. Are you happy?"

Zhu Xiuer was full of emotion: "The tired bird returns to its nest and will finally have someone to rely on."

He Lingchuan saw that her hair was full of pearls, and the rouge covered up the yellow air on her face, making her look very good.

Zhu Xiyan took the He family into Luming Garden and took a seat in the left middle seat in the hall.

They were distinguished guests welcomed in personally by the host. Mrs. Ying shook hands with tonight's protagonist, Zhu Xiuer, and talked and laughed. They were so warm and intimate that it was difficult for others not to notice.

The news from the side started singing: "He Chunhua, the general manager of Xiazhou, has arrived with his family!"

As a result, the He family suddenly became the focus of the audience.

Countless people in colorful robes and high crowns gathered around, shouting and admiring for a long time.

He Lingchuan looked around and saw countless smiling faces, so he had no choice but to smile back.

After laughing like this dozens of times, chatting dozens of words, and responding in a formulaic manner, my face became stiff and I had to break out.

He Lingchuan squeezed out of the crowd, went to the corner, and patted his face hard.

Shi Huan people are so enthusiastic.

He Yue emerged from nowhere and stood beside him, still holding the wine bottle and cup in his hands.

He Lingchuan waited for him to pour himself a drink before asking: "Can you drink?"

"Everyone Lele, what are you afraid of?" He Yue said with a smile, "Besides, how can mother have time to take care of me now?"

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