After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 178 General Ke

Mr. and Mrs. He were surrounded in the middle of the crowd, like stars looming over the moon.

Everyone praised them.

He Chunhua was even more cheerful, talking and laughing freely, without any stage fright or discomfort?

He Lingchuan took a sip of wine: "This is really dad's highlight moment. You can see his face is red."

He Chunhua had just arrived at Lumingyuan. He didn't even take a sip of wine before his face turned red. This was of course because he was so excited and impassioned.

"Finally proud." He Yue also exhaled a long breath, full of emotion, "Our family has been waiting for this moment for twenty years."

Twenty years ago, the entire He family was beheaded, and only He Chunhua wandered the border like a wild dog, witnessing the desolation of the world. Twenty years later, He Chunhua returned to Shihuan with his whole family, and the wealthy and aristocratic families around him gathered to greet him and flatter him.

From the quagmire to the clouds, reaching the sky in one step, how could he not be satisfied with his ambition?

This once again confirmed to him that his plan, his strategy, and his sacrifice were all worth it.

At this time, three young men walked up not far away. In the middle was a young man in white, and the two behind them looked like followers.

The young man in white clasped his fist at He Lingchuan: "But the He family brothers?"

He Lingchuan chuckled: "Who is your Excellency?" This guy's steps are a bit slow, and he is not a Lianjiazi.

"My surname is He, and my father lives in Yushitai."

The attendant on the side quickly introduced: "This is He Su, the third son of Master He, the imperial censor. He has a famous Chinese character."

The He family brothers all looked as if they were in a state of astonishment.

The rank of the imperial censor is not high, but he is in charge of impeachment and picketing. He can participate in this and that at every turn, and he is deeply respected by all officials.

Both sides exchanged a few polite words, and He Su smiled and said, "I heard that Sister Xiu'er was brought back to Shi Huan by Mr. He from the south?"

Good guy, there's a trick to what you say right from the start. He Yue said calmly: "Miss Zhu recognized my mother as her adoptive mother. During the past ten days, we traveled both by land and water. Except for encountering the rebel army that retreated from Woling Pass, everything went smoothly."

"Woling Pass?" He Su's attention was indeed attracted by the word "thieves army", "You also encountered the thieves army?"

The last two words were spoken loudly, attracting nearby guests. Two of them said:

"I heard that Master He led his troops to defeat the rebels in the south."

"Not only that, but he also saved many villagers."

"It turns out that Mr. He defeated two of the generals under Hong Thief and persuaded one to surrender!"

After a while, many people gathered around the He brothers. Everyone wanted to ask for details. He Yue said what he could, and everyone was amazed.

He Lingchuan looked at him coldly and found that this boy was talking freely and looked as good as his father.

He Su was a little unhappy when he was left hanging by the side. He coughed twice and raised his voice: "Sister Xiu'er has returned to the Zhu family. This is a great thing. It's a pity that countless people have been looking for her over the years, but they can't find her. Brother He, can you tell us where Sister Xiuer was abducted and how did you find her?"

He Yue Zao had an idea:

"Ms. Zhu was stolen to the south, and there was a flood in Hong Xiang. Even the trafficker and other girls were knocked into the water, and they were not sure whether they were alive or dead. She was lucky and was rescued from the water by the sister-in-law of Tiangong Temple, and she was placed in the temple thereafter. But she was hit on the head by a piece of driftwood and couldn’t remember the past, so she couldn’t remember that she was a child of the Zhu family.”

When the Hes and his wife sent Zhu Xiuer back, they made an arrangement with Zhu Xiyan to replace the fact that she was sold to a remote country to give birth to a child with mud legs.

The children of the Zhu family should not have such a humiliating experience, and Zhu Xiuer herself should not have a tragic past.

He Su was not willing to give up: "Then how did Lord He discover her?"

"The Tiangong Temple was ransacked by a small group of rebels, and the sisters-in-law in the temple were also tied up. We happened to pass by and killed them. Perhaps the battle scene was too bloody, but by mistake, the excitement Recalling Miss Zhu's past memories." He Yue spread his hands, "Is this God's will?"

Anyway, if you are telling lies with your eyes open, can others verify it?

Several noble ladies cooperated and sighed repeatedly: "Master Zhu's precious granddaughter was lost and found after seven years. This must be God's mercy."

He Su smiled and said: "I disappeared, lost my memory, and was finally found again. After hearing this, Sister Xiuer's experience sounds very familiar. There is a person who was like this! Do you still remember it?"

This topic successfully drew everyone's attention back: "Who?"

"Hey, when Mr. He said it, I seemed to have some impression."

"Well, the ages are not very similar. Zhu Xiuer was already over ten years old when she was abducted, and the child was only five years old when she disappeared."

There are actually similar cases? He Lingchuan frowned secretly and looked confused: "Who are you talking about?"

A well-known plump lady quietly put a hand on his shoulder, covered her mouth and said with a smile: "Young Master He, I don't know, they are talking about Songyang Mansion..."

Before he finished speaking, Xiang followed others, and Zhu Xiuer appeared in front of him, slightly tilting his head: "It's so lively here, what are you guys talking about?"

When the protagonist arrived, everyone couldn't stop gossiping in front of him. They all said, "Let's chat randomly. The He family brothers are telling us about their deeds against the rebels."

Zhu Xiuer smiled and said: "Master He is resourceful and the He family brothers are brave and strong. I have seen it with my own eyes."

At this time, the singing voice started again: "The general of chariots and cavalry - Ke Jihai has arrived!"

There was a commotion at the scene, and the guests were whispering to each other. He Lingchuan listened and listened, but the key point was only one sentence: "Why is he here?"

Don't tell others, the name "Ke Jihai" is equally familiar to the He brothers.

Immediately afterwards, Zhu Xiyan and Zhu Xiuer came in, and the whole audience stood up.

He Lingchuan finally met this legendary general.

This man was dressed in a brocade robe, six feet tall, and had an ordinary appearance. He did not seem to meet the criteria of "a dragon or a phoenix among men" except for his piercing eyes.

He Lingchuan happened to look at him and felt that this man's gaze was like a tiger's, and his first words were intimidating.

It was the two generals Wu Di and Ke Jihai who led the army to successfully quell the rebellion at Woling Pass, leading to the death of Hong Xiangqian, the leader of the bandits, and the defeat of the rest of the army, thereby preserving the Shihuan City under their feet. This was a great achievement.

Da Sima rebelled and forced Xiao Xishan into the palace. It was Ke Jihai who rushed back to King Qin in time and ordered Da Sima to retreat to Wuzhou.

Saving the emperor's chariot is also a great achievement.

If there is a person who is in the limelight both inside and outside the royal court, who is Sheke Jihai?

But what everyone was wondering was, why did Ke Jihai appear in Shihuan City when he was supposed to be encircling Da Sima in Wuzhou?

As soon as Ke Jihai arrived, all the guests arrived. After Zhu Xiyan made a speech, he announced the start of the dust-washing banquet.

When all the guests saw Zhu Xiuer standing beside him and smiling sweetly throughout the whole process, they knew that Lao Zhu's love for this granddaughter had not been diminished by time, and they would take this opportunity to push her granddaughter back into the upper class.

Delicious delicacies are served to the table like water.

When entertaining guests at Luming Garden, the biggest gimmick is not that it is hosted by a celebrity chef, but that it is made by the royal chef. The three chefs here are said to be specially sent by the palace, and each has his or her own strengths.

The He family was used to eating big fish and meat in Blackwater City, and Mrs. Ying and He Yue wanted to impress them every time they moved their chopsticks here.

How else can dishes be cooked like this? Every dish here is small but refined, and can be eaten in just a few bites, leaving you smacking your lips and having endless aftertaste.

Mrs. Ying secretly lamented that all the previous meals were in vain.

He Lingchuan had eaten all over the country in his previous life, and he was not as impressed as the other country bumpkins in the He family at this time, but there were two dishes here that really won his heart. First, make a hot eel dish. Just kill the eel alive and cut it into pieces as thin as your finger. Then fry it in a pan and then eat the sauce. It is fried three or five times before it is really crispy on the outside and crispy on the inside. It melts in your mouth, which is a testament to the skill.

Another dish is pigeon soup with gallinaceous fungus. This kind of fungus is outstanding among fungi in terms of taste and price. It is also produced in Lumingyuan, but it is the middle of winter and there is no fresh product, so it can only be replaced by dried chicken berries. However, the flavor did not diminish after adding the soup. Even the smell of pigeon was gone. One sip would make your eyebrows fade away.

He Lingchuan finished the drink and wanted to drink more, but unfortunately there was no more.

He waited for a long time to see if there was palace jade liquor here, but he was a little disappointed. It seems that King Yuan still doesn’t know how to pull off big stunts.

After the pigeon soup came out, the guests went to the General Chariot and Cavalry to toast, and the focus of the audience shifted from He Chunhua to Ke Jihai.

After all, the new general manager of Xiazhou only rescued the orphan girl of the courtier's family, but Ke Jihai protected the country for the monarch.

It is self-evident which one has the greater credit and which one has the higher status.

Although the limelight was taken away by Ke Jihai, He Chunhua did not show any displeasure. Instead, he grabbed the wine glass and went to toast Ke Jihai.

Zhu Xiyan introduced him, and Ke Jihai's eyes lit up when he heard He Chunhua's name: "By the way, you still killed the traitorous Xiazhou manager Sun Fuping!"

He came to the Zhu family's banquet just out of courtesy. As a general with hundreds of thousands of troops, he had no interest in the orphan girl returning home, but he paid attention to the battles related to the national economy.

He Chunhua smiled bitterly: "It seems so."

Zhu Xiyan said from the side: "General Ke doesn't know something. The remnants of the rebel army that were defeated by you and General Wu escaped from Woling Pass and went south along the river. They wanted to join forces again and regain their strength, but they were defeated by Master He's army! "

Ke Jihai became even more interested: "Oh? Which remnants of the rebels are they from?"

"Wu Shaoyi, Lu Yao, and Pei Xinyong." Zhu Xiyan said with a smile, "Lu Yao died and Pei Xinyong was defeated, but Wu Shaoyi was recruited by Master He and joined the army together with his subordinates."

"The most important thing is that Mr. He only has 300 elites, but the three rebels combined have more than 6,000!"

"Okay, okay! In extraordinary times, a general comes from heaven!" Ke Jihai stood up from the table and pulled up a chair, "Come, Mr. He, sit down, please tell me the process of defeating the thief."

The news that He Chunhua killed Sun Fuping and Nian Songyu had already spread in the capital. If it was a bit accidental, the victory of the supporting army he led to defeat the Wolingguan rebels was a real victory. Putting these two impressive achievements together, Ke Jihai had to look at this official who grew up in the border with admiration.

After all, although the Yuan Kingdom is large, good generals are hard to find.

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