After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 182 Bilateral fierce battle

The horse was moving at full speed, but he suddenly pulled it hard, causing its head to turn to one side. It was not a well-known horse, but an ordinary cart-drawing horse. It was not used to carrying people, so it suddenly lost its balance and Xiyu slipped and fell out.

Or to put it another way, it was forcefully pulled out of a sliding shovel.

Immediately, the passenger's position was lowered, scraping against the ground and being thrown away. The black shadow's target suddenly failed. It remained unabated in mid-air, but it stretched out a snake-like slender thing and chased after He Chunhua.

Once hit, there is probably no good outcome for the victim.

It turns out that the person behind the scenes wanted to kill both targets, and arranged killing moves for Ke Jihai and He Chunhua respectively.

However, the Hes and his wife rolled into the jungle with the force of the fall. The snake-like thing was only a foot away from He Chunhua's door when it was closest, and the distance behind it became farther and farther.

Mrs. Ying screamed.

Although He Chunhua held her in his arms when she fell, he could not protect her fully when she rolled. A branch pierced her calf, going forward and then out, and penetrated her.

The black shadow bounced as it touched the ground, as light as if it had no weight. It turned around and hunted He Chunhua again, not paying attention to other people at all.

It paused for a moment, and only then did everyone see its true face.

"This is... a werewolf? A leopard man?" He Lingchuan was shocked. He didn't expect that the classic werewolf image in movies and TV shows from another world would be reproduced here.

Well, at least most of it is similar.

Its head is like a wolf, but its mouth is short, its face is big, and its four upper and lower fangs are impressive. Its body is like a human, narrow and slender, but its knees are long and backward, like a leopard's hind legs.

The weirdest thing is that its tail grows directly behind its head and is as long as its body, but it is completely different from the fluffy tail of an ordinary wolf. It was as slender as a whip, and its tip shone with a sharp light.

The snake-like thing that attacked He Chunhua just now was this tail.

When this thing is standing, it can pump its palms and fists like a human, and when lying down, it can run as fast as a tiger or leopard.

Now it grabs the ground with its two front paws, throws its body in an arc in the air, adjusts its direction, and charges forward again!

The speed is like an arrow leaving the string, and its trajectory is almost difficult to grasp with the naked eye.

But as soon as He Lingchuan saw it pounce from behind the solid rock, he grabbed the broken knife and threw it as a flying knife.

The moment of life and death is the moment to test the results of his efforts.

He has been practicing flying knives hard in the past half month, and he has never been lazy for a day. Even if he is riding a boat on Hongchuan, the mast is the best target.

By throwing thousands of times every day, even a fool can make progress, let alone He Lingchuan?

He also estimated the angle and shot in the direction where the monster would land.

At this moment, he looked at his nose and his eyes, put all other distracting thoughts out of his mind, and threw the knife wholeheartedly.

It's really impressive that Broken Blade followed the trajectory he planned without any mistakes.

This was probably the most perfect sword strike he had made in more than half a month of practice, with no mistakes in strength, trajectory, or angle.

He Lingchuan held his breath and watched the broken knife shoot toward the monster with cold light, and then——



The monster suddenly turned around, and all his predictions and plans came to nothing.

He Lingchuan couldn't hold his breath firmly and was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood.

Half a month of hard work!

Fortunately, when there was no time to chance, Broken Blade's magical automatic navigation ability came to the rescue again. He made a sharp turn in mid-air. Although the distance was short and the angle was small, it nailed the monster's shoulder joint!

It just happened to use this arm as a fulcrum to spin, and an unexpected sharp pain suddenly exploded in the joint socket. The monster roared, unable to hold on, and flew out with its face rubbed on the ground, and almost hit He Yue's horse.

He Yue stopped his horse and started chanting in a hurry.

He has little cultivation and knows some magic. He usually doesn't want to show his shame in front of his elder brother. Ke He's family is at a critical moment of life and death. He must do his best if he can, and must not shy away from battle or fear of difficulties.

"Dad, Yuanli!" He Lingchuan slapped his horse desperately, surpassing the civilian boy in front and rushing to the edge of the forest. Before the horse's steps were steady, he made a big jump, and with the energy of his sword like a rainbow, he aimed at the monster's face and struck it!

Things have turned, and now it's his turn to be condescending.

After He Chunhua fell off his horse, he turned over and jumped up. He didn't care about taking care of his wife. He waved the kite at He Lingchuan and shouted urgently: "I will use my Yuan power to support He Lingchuan!"

Under the dim light, the blue kite on the copper coin seemed to move.

He was an official of the royal court and a local official in charge of Xiazhou's military affairs. He also enjoyed high prestige among the supporting army. Although the army is not here at this time, the unity of people's hearts and the blessing of national destiny have the power!

He Lingchuan's body glowed brightly.

He already had a rank in the response army, and with the temporary help of He Chunhua, his energy suddenly became abundant.

At this moment, a thunderous roar came from not far away!

It's the violent ape.

Then the surprised voice of the civilian boy came over: "It's General Ke! General Ke is still alive!"

It turned out that Ke Jihai had just heard He Lingchuan yelling "enemy attack" from the car behind him, and was stunned. Then he saw the huge boulder smash down with his own eyes.

The enemy's attack would not give up halfway, so Ke Jihai jumped out of the car window without having time to think about it, and headed towards the side of the cliff.

One of the followers jumped out without thinking.

This side is suspended in the air, and there is almost no enemy attack. Using the carriage as a cover, he could huddle on the edge of the cliff and hide in the blind spot of the enemy's attack. No matter whether the opponent fired arrows, rocks or set fire, he did so calmly.

He has been in the military for many years and has been attacked no less than seven times. He has long developed an instinct for avoiding danger, and his body reacts before his mind.

Unexpectedly, he still underestimated his opponent.

The visitor was a violent beast, and he tore the car apart without saying a word. If he had jumped out of the window a moment later, he would have been smashed into a pulp without saying a word, just like the subordinate officer who had no time to jump out.

Fortunately, the lantern had already been turned off and the light was dim. He and another follower were lying on the edge of the cliff, and the giant ape did not notice them.

When the giant ape threw the carriage, and the gap in the chest was wide open, Ke Jihai jumped up, drew a spear in his hand, and stabbed the giant ape in the chest with a "whoosh"!

He no longer covered up when he took off, and the orange light burst out all over his body. He mobilized all his energy and struck with anger!

He is the most important cavalry general the monarch currently relies on, a counter-rebellion general who the people have high hopes for, and an elite commander of more than 100,000 officers and soldiers. The purity and strength of his Yuan Power are far beyond what He Chunhua can compare with.

Coupled with his own powerful combat power and the bonus of Yuan Li, this air-piercing shot had already pierced the chest of the giant ape before it even made a sound!

One person and one spear actually knocked out the huge ape demon two feet, almost staggering to the ground.

His followers did not waste any time, grabbed the Mingdi and threw it into the air. The specially made arrow flew into the air with a sharp whistle and exploded with sparks all over the sky.

Ke Jihai could not lead a large army into the capital, so he only brought a dozen elite followers as his followers. Tonight's Zhu family's night banquet, Ke Jihai went to the mountain, and they all stayed at the foot station to wait.

This buzzer went up to the sky, and the sound was as loud as a ghost's roar, which was to notify Ke Jihai's men:

The general is attacked, come to the rescue quickly!

The giant ape covered his chest, grabbed the spear and pulled it out violently, and used his other hand as big as a millstone to fish out Ke Jihai.

If this is really successful, it will make people look bad.

Ke Jihai refused to dodge, and turned the tip of his glowing red spear to stab the giant ape in the palm.

This spear was specially designed for horse fighting. It is one foot long. It is perfect for dealing with such a tall and long-armed monster at this moment, but it is a test of the master's ability. It must be used freely even when not on horseback.

The giant ape had suffered so much that he couldn't bear his palms turning into skewers, so he jumped back, broke a tree trunk that was surrounded by a man, and aimed it at Ke Jihai.

Each move is actually organized and not just a matter of brute force.

The civilian boy and two grooms not far away were stunned.

Ke Jihai was not tall, and he seemed three points shorter standing in front of the giant ape. But when he fought against the giant ape, he became more and more courageous. After more than ten rounds, he forced the opponent to retreat step by step.

There were many head-on clashes between spears and tree trunks, but he actually had the upper hand!

The giant ape's several evil roars had the effect of a lion's roar. Even the three of them standing so far away were shocked and dizzy. On the contrary, Ke Jihai, who was facing the giant ape directly, did not blink an eye, as if he had not heard it.

But the onlookers all know that this is probably the result of Yuanli. For a high-ranking military commander like Ke Jihai, the strong Yuan Power in his body not only enhances his own martial arts and body skills, but also has a powerful suppressive effect on the enemy's magical powers and sorcery.

The specific strength, weakness, increase and decrease, and growth and decline thresholds are determined by the rules of heaven. But in a nutshell, if the enemy does not have the support of Yuanli, or if the opponent's Yuanli is weaker than Ke Jihai, then he will definitely suffer a big loss. of.

This is also the fundamental reason why the human country overpowers the demon clan and thrives.

The roar of the giant ape can usually frighten the enemy, but in the final analysis, it is driven by demon power, which is its innate magical power, so it is also suppressed by Ke Jihai's Yuan Power.

Ten percent of the effect reached his ears, and maybe not even 20 percent was left.

Just like this, how could it frighten a warrior who has been on the battlefield for more than ten years?

Unbeknownst to others, Ke Jihai also murmured in his heart.

The spear that pierced the chest of the giant ape earlier was fired with all its strength, and even an elephant was pierced. How could the giant ape pull out the spearhead and still fight?

The opponent's bone armor is indeed astonishingly hard. It's not only powerful in appearance, could it be the latest armament of the Northern Demon Kingdom?

No, it seems to have grown on its own.

And Ke Jihai was very sure that after the spearhead broke through the bone armor, it only penetrated the opponent's chest a finger deep. For such a huge ape monster, there is no effect of a spear piercing the heart.

This monster's body is surprisingly strong. It can't even be killed by a spear shot infused with Yuanli?

Ke Jihai's eyes flashed, and he took the time to shoot out three caltrops, all of which were stuck on the body of the giant ape, one on the front leg and two on the back.

The caltrop itself was ordinary, but it was infused with elemental power and pierced the giant ape's body, further suppressing its demonic power.

This time, even the size of the giant ape became visibly smaller.

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