After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 183 He Lingchuan’s trick

Ke Jihai dodged the giant ape's blow and circled just behind it. Then he jumped up high and pointed the spearhead directly at the back of its neck.

The giant ape's head and back are protected by bone armor, but its neck must rotate freely and cannot be covered with armor. Ke Jihai planned to start from this gap and strike with a fatal blow.

The ape demon is one foot tall, and Ke Jihai's spear is also one foot long. He must jump up to stab.

At this time, his followers also attacked from the front to help distract the violent ape.

Its body was far less agile than that of the werewolf, and it was too late to turn around at this moment.

Seeing that Ke Jihai was about to compete with one strike, a sudden change occurred:

Two eyes suddenly opened on the back of the ape demon's head, and two arms suddenly stretched out from its back shoulders!

Ke Jihai finally understood the purpose of the two small holes in the back of the ape demon's bone helmet.

This monster can actually turn into four eyes and four arms, and has been hiding it until now!

No, this is very wrong. Its demonic power has obviously been suppressed and its magical power has been greatly reduced. How can it enter the next form instead?

Even Ke Jihai felt that the airflow around it suddenly became more violent.

With three iron caltrops hanging on its body, its power was not weakened, but strengthened!

The giant ape slapped the spearhead away, causing Ke Jihai's figure to tilt. He couldn't change direction in mid-air, so he saw the opponent's fist as big as a millstone coming towards him!

This monster is surprisingly strong.

The werewolf monster on that side knocked down a big tree, and before it even shook its head twice when it climbed up, it encountered He Lingchuan's frontal jump attack.

The Baipi sword was sharp, and it didn't dare to use its edge lightly, so it had to duck and avoid it.

There was still a broken knife stuck in its left shoulder, and it couldn't lift its entire arm. Fortunately, the tail whip behind its head was raised like a snake, and it went straight towards He Lingchuan's door.

The two are fighting together, both wanting to fight faster.

Since He Lingchuan learned to expand his spiritual thoughts, his five senses have become sharper. Now that he has received the blessing of Yuan Li, the speed of this monster seems to have slowed down a bit in his eyes, and it is no longer as fast as before, which is difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

Mo Kan was just a little short, and his eyesight could barely keep up.

This is also because the basic point of the werewolf monster's talent is speed. Half of its high agility is physical instinct and half is supported by demonic power, so it was overcome by He Lingchuan's Yuan Power.

However, he is just a rookie after all. Even if he has Yuan Power added to his body and even if his "Yan Hui" movement technique has been exerted to its best, he can only barely enter the stalemate stage.

This is because the werewolf monster has lost one of its claws, otherwise the sharp teeth, claws and tail whip would kill him on the spot.

In just a dozen breaths, He Lingchuan had several wounds on his body, but fortunately they were not deep.

The monster's tail whip was too flexible and caused much more damage to him than its claws. After He Lingchuan slashed, he had no time to defend himself, and it opened a hole in his shoulder, causing his face to twitch in pain.

Fortunately, at this time, He Chunhua finally shouted the words he wanted to hear most: "Chuan'er, lure it over!"

He Lingchuan jumped back towards his father without thinking.

This monster's attack is like a gust of wind and rain. He really couldn't bear it anymore and needed someone to protect him from the wind and rain.

The monster's original target was He Chunhua, but it was aroused by He Lingchuan's fight that aroused its ferocity. Now seeing him running towards his target, of course he chased after him, his hind paws suddenly kicked on the ground, and the lichen belt was attached. The snow powder spreads far away.

When He Lingchuan rushed towards his father, his expanded mind had already clearly seen what was in his hand, so as soon as He Chunhua shouted the word "get down", he flew forward and then threw himself to the ground, sliding on the snow. It's more than two feet out.

While gliding, he did not forget to turn around and take precautions, and saw the werewolf monster rushing towards He Chunhua. He Chunhua could really keep his composure. The werewolf's sharp claws almost touched his face, and then something shot out of his hand, catching the monster head-on!

The distance between the two sides is so close, no matter how agile the monster is, it cannot escape. This thing sprayed out with such force that it almost pinned it to the ground.

He Lingchuan took a look and realized that this was the silk-wrapped dragnet that he had experienced before.

There is a hole on the edge.

In the Coiling Dragon Fantasy Land, Sun Fuping used this big net to tie him up tightly. If the broken blade hadn't been so sharp, he would have had no chance of escaping, just like the monster in front of him.

It struggled desperately in the net, trying to scratch the net, but how could Sun Guoshi's personal treasure be damaged so easily?

It was so angry that it barked continuously, and after hearing a few times, He Lingchuan was sure that it was indeed a wolf monster.

Although the dragnet is good, it takes a long time to activate. He Chunhua's cultivation was far inferior to that of Sun Fuping, and he was not proficient in controlling the silk-wrapped heavenly net, so He Lingchuan was asked to buy time for him to prepare.

To deal with such an astonishingly agile opponent, a dragnet could not be more useful.

As soon as he touched his waist, the broken knife came back automatically.

He Lingchuan looked back at the giant ape. If he used the dragnet to deal with such a powerful guy, I'm afraid it would be ineffective and even damage the magic weapon.

Fortunately, Ke Jihai was still alive and kicking, otherwise the giant ape would have freed its hands to attack the He family, and no one here would have survived.

When he saw the man and the beast fighting, he was frightened by the giant ape's fighting power, but also envied Ke Jihai's dark energy. Humans are probably not as good as monsters in terms of physical fitness, strength, and cultivation, but Yuanli can even the gap in one go.

Until the giant ape suddenly turned into two heads and four arms, everyone screamed in surprise.

What the hell is that! He Chunhua's expression also changed: "I've never heard of an ape demon changing like this. Could this thing have some weird chance?"

He Lingchuan thought, couldn't Sun Dasheng do it? But when he saw the giant ape's combat power suddenly increase, he also knew that this was abnormal. In addition, the giant ape suddenly roared repeatedly, and the fighting strategy was far worse than before.

It seems that the sudden increase in combat power will further stimulate its violent nature.

He Lingchuan rolled his eyes and turned around to ask He Chunhua: "Dad, did you bring the walnut boat? Lend it to me!"

He Chunhua looked at the mountain road: "The boat is too big and the road is too narrow, so it can't be used here." There is no water here, and it is not like in the sand sea where suitable animal power can be found to pull the boat.

But he still took out the walnut boat.

He Lingchuan grabbed it from his palm and rushed towards Ke Jihai. While stuffing a black crystal into the walnut boat, he lamented:

This time my wallet is going to bleed a lot.

Instead of walking in a straight line, he took a long detour and slipped above the man and the beast.

Ke Jihai was fighting and retreating, and was already fighting in a mountain depression, above which was a four-foot-high skyscraper.

The so-called skyscraper cliff is a large rectangular boulder. He Lingchuan used the Yanhui technique, rushed to the top of the boulder in three steps, and shouted at the bottom: "General Ke, get out of the way!"

He was afraid that the other party wouldn't listen, so he got angry and shouted three times in succession: "Get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way!"

Then throw the walnut boat hard.

The cliffs were not far apart, and these thunderous sounds were heard by both warring parties below.

The giant ape subconsciously looked up at him, but Ke Jihai's spear tip hit the side wall and used the force to pop out three feet away.

As a general, he was uncompromising.

This time, He Lingchuan's tongue exploded with spring thunder, and he roared: "Long!"

The walnut boat fell.

Although the giant ape is huge, it has good eyesight. In the dark, it can still see an object the size of a walnut hitting it.

It caught it immediately, picked it up and took a look.

Hey, what a walnut.

He Lingchuan: "..."

Ke Jihai: "..."

Fortunately, after this walnut killed a black crystal from He Lingchuan, the changes it should have happened were delayed, and it suddenly expanded under the attention of the three people!

The giant ape immediately sensed something was wrong and wanted to throw it away and run away.

However, it was too late.

This thing grew bigger at a speed beyond ordinary people's imagination. In less than two breaths, it transformed back into its complete form, which was a huge wooden boat that was more than five feet long and one foot high!

The mountain col on the winding mountain road is not much wider, and it is completely blocked as soon as the canoe comes out.

The giant ape let out a thundering roar - it still ran a step slower and was pinned down by the wooden boat from the waist down.

Although it was extremely powerful, it was suddenly pressed down by the weight of tens of thousands of pounds. The reason why it was not crushed was because of its rough skin and thick flesh.

The feeling of being overwhelmed by Mount Tai must be very unpleasant.

Seeing that it was finally restrained, Ke Jihai breathed a sigh of relief and said with his spear, "Good boy, I really have you."

The fight between him and this monster was so intense that He Lingchuan found a favorable angle and suppressed the giant ape. He didn't know what to say.

The normal use of this canoe magic weapon shouldn't be like this. This guy took advantage of it, but it's good to get it.

He Lingchuan laughed dryly: "It's a fluke, it's just a fluke." Before he ran over, he didn't know that the space in the col was so small. If the complete body of the walnut boat was a little bigger, it would be directly stuck on the stone wall and would not be able to press it down at all. It was so embarrassing.

Ke Jihai was still panting and stabbed the giant ape with his spear: "Who sent you here? Tell me!"

How could any monster sneak into Shihuan City for no reason and attack the general of the dynasty?

The giant ape ignored his question and roared angrily while scratching, not only digging at the ground and trees, but also at the stone walls until powder fell off. He Lingchuan frowned when he saw that its eyes were still red.

This thing seems to have completely lost its mind. Can it understand human speech?

Just then, there was a scream and a scream from upwind.

Their hearts tightened, and they looked back at the same time. They saw seven or eight people jumping out of the dense forest, aiming to kill He Chunhua. There was a coachman very close to him. He had an arrow in his eye and was screaming.

Mrs. Ying was knocked down by the civilian boy. There was a gray feather arrow stuck in the boy's back shoulder, and the feather clusters were still trembling.

There are actually ambushes in the dense forest!

The two were shocked and angry, and He Lingchuan strode back. Seeing that the werewolf was trapped, he just took the walnut boat and rushed to help Ke Jihai. But He Chunhua wanted to suppress the werewolf monster with all his strength, He Yue's cultivation level was mediocre, and Mrs. Ying had no magical powers at all!

The ambush soldier in the dense forest shot He Chunhua first, but he dodged it. As a result, the arrow hit the driver behind him. The other arrow was supposed to kill Mrs. Ying, but the civilian boy reacted very quickly and pounced on Mrs. Ying. But the arrow also hit him.

After the two arrows were fired, the ambush soldiers also rushed out.

He Chunhua still had to make secrets to control the trap, and he couldn't dodge as smoothly as usual; if he gave up his tactics and retreated, the trap might not be able to cover the wolf monster.

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