After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 184 Negotiating Conditions

Then there will be double the enemies, double the pain.

Ke Jihai yelled "Dare you" angrily, and shot out his spear, stabbing the person at the front directly to the heart.

But at this moment, there was a sound of flapping wings in the sky, as if a big bird was approaching. Ke Jihai suddenly felt a warning sign and rolled to the side without thinking.

Immediately afterwards, a large fireball fell from the sky and hit where he was standing.

A piece of the black stone was cracked, and the plants under the snow were instantly charred.

Ke Jihai looked up and saw a big bird in the sky. It had a strange shape, with the head of a crow, wings of a bat, and a neck like a snake, but no tail.

There is also a passenger on the bird's back, wearing a bronze mask with only two eye holes exposed.

Ke Jihai was so angry that he clenched his fists. If I had a longbow in my hand, would it be my turn to have this thing shouting above my head?

Yes, it cries like a crow.

"Father!" He Yue was shocked, rushed to He Chunhua to block him, and raised his hand with an ice arrow.

The ice arrow flew in mid-air and split into three, shooting out in the shape of a pin and hitting one person.

But the remaining enemies are also rushing forward, and currently there is only one:

He Chunhua.

He Lingchuan was unable to come back in time, and just as he was about to grab the knife and throw it out, several more shadows shot out from the forest like arrows, knocking down the three enemies.

Everyone took a closer look and were shocked again:

These were clearly several giant gray-skinned wolves.

Their size is comparable to that of a calf, and their limbs are much stronger than ordinary gray wolves. They can pounce on their enemies and then bite them fiercely, killing them.

The leading gray wolf bit the enemy's head and shook it twice, then pulled it off at the neck, causing blood to flow all over the ground.

Eight people attacked, five of them were killed at once, and the remaining three were stunned for a moment, then suddenly turned around and ran away.

These giant wolves didn’t chase them either.

In just a few breaths, He Lingchuan finally arrived at his family's side and pointed his blade at the wolves: "Stop, we will kill you without mercy!"

Although the wolves temporarily rescued them, it was also the wolf demon who was trapped in the silk-wrapped dragnet.

Are they together?

Six or seven more giant wolves walked out of the dense forest, and sure enough they surrounded the dragnet and the werewolves.

He Lingchuan's palms were slightly sweaty, and He Chunhua's eyes were also flashing.

"We have no ill intentions." The leader of the giant wolf suddenly said human words, "Our target is the madman in the sky!"

He Lingchuan also saw the giant bird hovering in the sky and the passengers on the bird's back.

At first glance, he concluded that this guy was related to a giant ape or a werewolf, because the big bird was also weird and strange, like a piece of pieces.

At this time, the big bird was spitting fireballs downwards, hitting the walnut boat one after another. Ke Jihai lacked long-range weapons, so he picked a few branches and threw them, but they were all dodged.

"My boat!" He Lingchuan looked at the walnut boat and felt so distressed that it was hard to breathe.

This beautiful wooden boat was smashed into several black holes by the fireballs spit out by the strange bird, and the flames began to lick the wood and start to jump randomly.

It has been positioned as a transportation tool since the beginning of its production. Although it has been treated with some fireproof, moisture-proof and anti-corrosion treatments, it is definitely not as durable as a combat weapon.

The strange bird didn't know what kind it was. The fireballs it spit out were red to purple, and even the snow-covered stone ground could be burned.

The boatman above used his pole to extinguish the fire, extinguishing one cluster at a time. Unfortunately, the fire grew faster than he could extinguish it, and soon it reached the bottom of the boat.

This ship just ate one of his Xuan Crystals! He Lingchuan was so angry that he completely forgot that the boat actually belonged to He Chunhua. He took out the bow and arrow from the storage ring, ran forward a few steps quickly, and threw it to Ke Jihai.

His archery skills were not good enough, and his left shoulder was injured and he couldn't draw the bow, but his right arm was still very strong, and the bow and arrow flew seven or eight feet in the air.

The big bird swooped down in the air, trying to intercept the bow midway.

Haha, come on. He Lingchuan sneered, grabbed the broken knife and threw it away.

This time the throw was equally accurate. The strange bird was more nimble than an eagle and could easily hide by turning over.

The broken knife missed and fell into the darkness.

"Huh?" So it turns out he didn't hit the target every time?

But after wasting this little time, Ke Jihai had already taken the bow in his hand. He was very energetic. He picked an arrow at random and didn't need to aim. He raised his hand and pulled the bow, and a cold light left the string quickly and accurately.

The passenger on the strange bird waved the bell outward, and the sound was crisp, and a strong wind blew in mid-air.

His first reaction was not unpleasant, but unfortunately, this arrow was also attached to Yuan Power, the Yuan Power that specialized in breaking magical powers.

No matter how strong the wind blew, the arrow was only slightly deflected. Ke Jihai originally aimed at the belly of the strange bird, but ended up piercing the root of the wing.

The strange bird whined and flapped its wings, trying to glide to the opposite mountain.

At this time, there was the sound of horse hooves, and more than ten horses rushed down the mountain road. It was Ke Jihai's followers who arrived.

Ke Jihai was overjoyed: "Don't let it run away!" After saying that, he bent his bow again.

At this moment, the walnut boat couldn't stand the real fire anymore and shrank back to its original small ball with a "pop" sound.

Taishan's overwhelming strength disappeared, and the giant ape was suddenly freed, leaping high like a rocket!

It jumped four to five feet high, passed over the heads of everyone, caught the person and bird in mid-air, and fell into the valley like a weight.

Ke Jihai's arrow also shot out, hitting the giant ape's hind hills. The pain caused it to roar, but it did not let go.

Everyone rushed to the edge of the cliff and looked down. It was pitch dark at the bottom of the valley, but several pine trees had been knocked down, and the tops of the remaining trees were shaking.

It seems that the giant ape is not dead and is still running away.

Ke Jihai nodded to two of his men: "Go and have a look."

The two men took the order and rode down the mountain.

In that compartment, the wolves faced off with He Chunhua and others. When the latter saw Ke Jihai's men arriving, his own strength increased, and he suddenly felt at ease. The roar just now also alerted the guards of Luming Garden, and the sound of horse hooves came from the mountain road above, not far away.

The wounds on his body became more and more painful, and He Lingchuan's smiling face turned into a grin.

When he touched his waist, the knife was already back.

The injured groom had passed out from the pain, and the civilian boy also got up. Madam Ying thanked her repeatedly, and the boy waved his hand: "No, it doesn't matter. Madam, it'll be fine if nothing happens."

He Yue looked at his back and said, "The blood is black and the arrows are poisonous."

There was a military doctor under Ke Jihai, who stood out from the crowd and handed over a pill: "Take the detoxification pill first."

His detoxification pill was effective against all toxins, but after the boy took it, Yintang became darker, his hands and feet began to twitch, and he groaned.

If this continues, you will soon fall into coma.

Mrs. Ying was shocked and said, "What should I do?" If the young man hadn't sacrificed his life to save her, she would be the one suffering from the poison now.

Ke Jihai pondered for a moment and then said: "Take my token and send it quickly to the Jinghe Hall down the mountain. The famous doctors of the old Fu family are sitting there. I remember one of them is good at detoxification!"

The men agreed and took the young man and the unconscious coachman down the mountain.

At this time, more than ten guards from Luming Garden also arrived. They were shocked to see the wolves, and they unsheathed their weapons with several clanging sounds.

There are monsters running rampant in the Royal Villa. If word spreads, they are slacking off in their work and derelict in their duties.

Surrounded by menacing humans, the wolves were also a little uneasy, with several of them showing their sharp teeth.

"Everyone, hold off for now." Ke Jihai spoke up at the right moment, "The culprit who attacked Mr. He and me has left." As he said that, he walked over to negotiate with the guard leader.

The leader of the group, Gray Wolf, emphasized again: "We have no ill intentions. We came here after Dong Rui. We just want to save the young master."

"Young Master?" He Chunhua's eyes fell on the werewolf on the ground. After the masked weirdo left, it was no longer crazy and just growled.

"This is our young master Lu Ze. He was taken over by Dong Rui after being seriously injured and transformed into this appearance." The gray wolf's voice was a little sad, "My name is Lu Xin, and we are from the North Star Tundra. Rock Wolf clan, please return the young master to us!”

They didn't snatch it immediately because they were worried about Dong Rui's presence. The werewolves would still obey his orders even if they escaped from the dragnet. He Chunhua understood this very well, so he said: "This monster is already my trophy. It almost killed me before."

He Lingchuan took off his shirt and let the military doctor treat the wound. He said to the wolves, "Would you be happy if we snatched your trophies instead?"

"We can provide compensation." Gray Wolf Lu Xin said, "There are several special medicinal materials on the North Star Tundra. Using the secret recipe of our clan, we can knead the elixir for lightness and fitness. Not only do you warriors need it, but also horses use it. You can have more endurance.”

Even Ke Jihai was a little moved after hearing this condition.

Horses can run faster and further, and even if only the scout team uses them, the team's mobility will be more intuitively improved.

He Chunhua shook his head: "How can a mere herbal medicine be compared with the status of your young master?"

He asked the wolf demon again: "Is your whole clan here?"

"Most of our people still stay in the North Star Tundra, guarding the territory."

He Chunhua pointed at the werewolf on the ground: "If I return him to you, can you restore his sanity?"

Lu Xin immediately said: "Maybe you can give it a try without bothering you."

He Chunhua looked at Ke Jihai and wanted to ask for his opinion. The latter immediately said: "Master He can handle the prisoners on his own."

"I want to go north to Xiazhou to recruit troops. It is a time when manpower is in short supply." He Chunhua has already thought about it. "Please ask the Yanlang clan to send a small team to join my command. At least fifteen healthy adult wolf monsters. Isn't that excessive?"

These wolf demons showed great fighting prowess when they first appeared on the scene, and the advantages of wolves in endurance, discipline and obedience are world-famous. He Chunhua also knew that many armies at home and abroad had demon soldiers participating in the war, and they could effectively make up for the lack of human soldiers.

Lu Xin was startled. He didn't expect that he would make such a shameless request, which was beyond his expectations.

A group of wolves gathered together and whispered. Others could not understand their way of communication at all. They could only see their tails wagging violently. It seemed that the argument was very fierce.

After a while, Lu Xin turned around and said to He Chunhua: "There are many threats on the North Star Tundra. Our strong men have to guard the territory at ordinary times and cannot stay away from the tribe for a long time."

He Chunhua frowned.

Fortunately, Lu Xin immediately came up with a compromise plan: "Let's do this. Lu Jin and I will sign an alliance with you now to fight together."

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