After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 188 Deduction on the hospital bed

"You want to be General Ke's staff?" This guy is really interesting. Where does he get his confidence from? "Have you ever been to the front line? How much do you know about leading troops in war?"

"I was originally a border resident in the north. Before I was twelve years old, war and migration were the focus of local life." Sun Hongye smiled, "Later, I worked as a reading companion in Mr. He's house, and I rummaged through the library very early. It’s the Chinese Studies Museum in the capital, and I stayed there for four summers.”

"Only four years?" Sitting there was bored, He Lingchuan ate a strawberry by the way, "I heard that famous scholars all have a bright head and poor scriptures when it comes to learning. Their hair has turned white, so it must have been more than four years." It's not that he was nitpicking. Just reading books for four years is not enough to qualify as a military advisor.

Strawberries are not a seasonal fruit at the moment, and I don’t know how the locals grow them. He Lingchuan probably used a greenhouse. However, although the fruit is brightly red and beautiful, and has sufficient moisture, it just cannot taste the unique fragrance of seasonal strawberries.

"If you want to learn well, you must have good books to read." Sun Hongye shook his head, as if it was a pity, "Although the Guoxue Museum in the capital occupies a large area, the collection of books is full of errors and omissions. For a long time, no one has maintained and updated the books. Not many. I went there to find books, and some had missing pages, some were dirty, and some were broken into pieces when I opened them, which made me eat a mouthful of powder!

This guy has such a loud voice that even the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine has eliminated him. But He Lingchuan thought about Dayuan today - "What you said makes sense, you are right."

He Lingchuan exchanged it for a date.

Seeing him eating happily, Sun Hongye swallowed subconsciously and reached out to pick out a red date.

He hasn't eaten fruit for a long time.

I can't stop eating this.

He Lingchuan asked him again: "So, have you said anything about General Ke?"

Sun Hongye hesitated again: "General Ke was also hesitant and used the situation on the battlefield in Wuzhou to test me. But the strategy I proposed was different from his views, and he did not agree. So I wrote down my opinions on the battle in Wuzhou Come down and give it to General Ke.”

"Oh?" He Lingchuan was very interested, "Can you tell me?"

The new general manager of Xiazhou has been highly exposed in the capital and the royal court in the past few months. Sun Hongye has already noticed it, but the reputation of the He family is not well known. Sun Hongye is not sure what kind of person he is.

But judging from the on-the-spot counterattack during the attack on Luming Garden last night, Young Master He is brave and resourceful and can adapt to changes. It’s not surprising that this kind of person is warlike, capable of fighting, and enjoys fighting. So Sun Hongye didn't think too much and said:

"Okay. Since General Ke won't accept it anyway, I don't need to keep it secret."

At that moment, he dipped his fingers in water and drew mountains and rivers on the table.

"Due to the narrow terrain in the southern part of Wuzhou, the official army's expedition to Wuzhou could only be divided into two routes: the west and the east. Not to mention the east route, the west route army led by generals Wu Di and Ke Jihai fought smoothly at first. It took three small cities, but after encountering Gucheng, it completely stopped until today. "

He drew a circle in the center of the map:

"This is Gucheng, and the city lives up to its name. Dong Haoming has long had objections, and has been quietly reinforcing important gates in the fiefdom in the past few years. This Gucheng is surrounded by high walls and deep ditches. It is the first thing that the army encountered when they invaded Wuzhou. A roadblock."

He Lingchuan pointed to the circle on the east side of Gucheng: "What is this?"

"This is Jieyun Lake." In order to provide advice to Ke Jihai, Sun Hongye did his homework very thoroughly. "The upstream is the Qingbai River in the north of Gucheng. This is one of the main tributaries of Hongchuan and has abundant water."

"This lake seems to be very close to Gucheng, so it will be difficult to cut off their water source."

In the past few nights, He Lingchuan had been in Panlongcheng in his dream. In addition to practicing martial arts, he also encountered Wenxiantang giving lectures. Panlongcheng officials invited experts from time to time to teach in the Wenxian Hall in the form of open classes, with various contents.

That lecture happened to be an analysis of military strategy. He Lingchuan listened to every word. It mentioned basic siege tactics, and cutting off water sources was only one of them. The original person was basically blank in this area, so he had to learn from scratch.

"Yes, there is no shortage of water in the basin where Gucheng and Jieyun Lake are located. Even if General Ke can cut off the road between the city and the lake, I heard that there are many springs and wells in Gucheng, which can usually provide drinking water for people and horses." Sun Hongye Then he pointed at the location of Gucheng. "The city wall is built on bedrock and will not be soaked by lake rain and cause collapse. Therefore, methods such as diverting water to attack the city and besieging the city to cut off the water supply are not easy to use."

"The two generals have been attacking Gucheng for more than 30 days. If we cannot attack Gucheng for a long time, our morale will be affected. Coupled with the increasing logistical pressure, the situation will become even more unfavorable."

He Lingchuan nodded: "This should be within Dong Haoming's expectations. He has been in the royal court for a long time and should be well aware of the characteristics and shortcomings of the army."

"To be honest, the combat power of the official army is not as good as that of the Wu army. This time we are fighting on other people's territory, so the disadvantage is even greater." Sun Hongye said solemnly, "Dong Haoming did not reinforce Gucheng, but only concentrated on sending troops to the eastern front. It must be for Gucheng was very confident that it could hold back the two generals Wu and Ke. Because of this, the battle on the eastern front was particularly difficult."

"Once the army fails to attack and retreats to find another way, Dong Haoming may start to counterattack. General Ke made this hidden danger very clear at yesterday's night banquet."

He Lingchuan understood. "Then what's your plan?"

"Let go of Gucheng, which is a tough nut to crack, and turn around to attack Baoguan on the west side!" Sun Hongye dipped in water and tapped lightly on the west side of Gucheng, "Baoguan is about forty miles away to the northwest of Gucheng. It’s on the Qingbai River, further upstream than Gucheng.”

"What's so good about this place?"

"Donghaoming's garrison in Baoguan mainly guarded the Qing dike." Sun Hongye explained, "Before the Qing dike was built, the Qingbai River often broke out from Baoguan and flooded the fertile fields; the local governor built it thirty years ago The embankment was cleared and the water was successfully blocked. From then on, the water from the Qingbai River basically stopped disturbing this place and instead hit the Ziyun Lake downstream. "

"The terrain of Baoguan doesn't seem to be special. Unlike Gucheng, which extends in all directions, occupying it can cut off water and land routes." He Lingchuan crossed his arms, "What is the purpose of capturing it?"

"If Gucheng survives the winter offensive of the army, 90% of the water level of the Qingbai River will surge after the spring, and it will rush into the Jiyun Lake and flood. By then, the lake will expand rapidly, and the entire basin will become a state of Zeguo, making it basically inaccessible to humans."

"The best route for the officers and soldiers is to go north through the basin. This is the shortest and best way to Hechong, the capital of Wuzhou. It will also be conducive to joining forces with the eastern front army in the later period to conquer Hechong."

He Lingchuan looked at the table: "Since this route is the best, why doesn't General Ke take advantage of the freezing winter lake to drive north?"

"It's because of Gucheng." Sun Hongye sighed, "Even if the army can cross the ice lake and go north, I'm afraid they won't be able to capture Hechong within two months. When the spring flood comes, the Qingbai River will flood the basin. , directly cutting off the supply of the army's retreat. It is a taboo for military strategists to go deep into the army alone. At this time, Gucheng has a good chance of winning. "

"So the two generals Wu and Ke stormed Gucheng just to seize the entire basin so that they could go north calmly?"

"Yes, yes, the eldest son hit the point! For the two generals, a solid city is a thorn in the flesh. If they are not removed, there will be endless troubles." Sun Hongye pointed at Baoguan and said, "But I prefer to capture Baoguan, and then Blow up the Qingdi!"

He Lingchuan was startled, looked at the map carefully, and suddenly high-fived: "Wonderful!"

Finally, someone affirmed him. Sun Hongye breathed a sigh of relief: "The eldest son is smart."

"Blowing up the Qing Dynasty embankment is equivalent to diverting floods from the Xieyun Lake in advance. After all, before the Qing Dynasty embankment was built, the downstream Xieyun Lake rarely expanded, which shows that the original natural flood discharge is effective." He Lingchuan continued his train of thought, "After blowing up the clear embankment, as long as the lake level expansion is limited during spring floods and the entire basin is not flooded, people, vehicles, and horses can pass."

Sun Hongye's tone became urgent: "The army and logistics can move north as planned, and the need to capture Gucheng will be greatly reduced. Then it will be up to the two generals to adapt to the situation. This can also preserve troops and reduce losses."

"I think this plan is good, why doesn't General Ke like it?" At the Lumingyuan night banquet, He Lingchuan did see Ke Jihai shaking his head, obviously not satisfied with the plan.

"Baoguan is also difficult to fight. There are Wujun cities in the west and south, and Gucheng is in the east. If you can't take it quickly, you will be dumped by the Wujun; besides -" Sun Hongye said in a low voice, "The predecessors built the Qing embankment for a reason. If the Qingbai River bursts here, countless fields and houses will be flooded, and at least 100,000 civilians in the villages and counties will be affected. It is said that before the attack on Wuzhou, the king reminded the officers and soldiers that Wuzhou The civilians are also the people of Yuan Kingdom, and they are not allowed to plunder. If the two generals take the initiative to blow up the embankment, they will knowingly violate the king's order. Even if the battle of Wuzhou is successful, it will be a crime to go back. "

He asked He Lingchuan: "What would the eldest son choose if he and General Ke were to change places?"

With victory and defeat on one side and the people on the other, He Lingchuan thought for a while: "If we don't attack Gucheng and Baoguan, is there no other way to win?"

"If neither of them is fought, the army will have to go around the mountains in the northwest, which is twice as long as marching eastward, and it is difficult to walk along the mountains and wild ridges." Sun Hongye frowned, "The only goal of the war is Win! How can you go far if you tie yourself up?"

He Lingchuan shrugged: "I will go back and think it over carefully. I wish Brother Sun that all his wishes come true."

Sun Hongye smiled bitterly.

"What, you don't have confidence?"

"I'm afraid there is no chance. I saw General Ke handing the book to his subordinate officer, but the subordinate officer had died in the ghost ape raid last night, and his body was thrown down the mountain together with the carriage. I don't think General Ke will I will go out of my way to find the book." Sun Hongye smiled bitterly: "I'm a gentle person, but he doesn't care."

"By the way, why did you just say that if you stay in Shihuan, you will just be in a coma and wait for death?" He Lingchuan still remembered this sentence, "I have seen hunger and cold and displacement all along the way. People who can live in the capital and Shihuan City , Already the happiest people in Dayuan.”

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