After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 189 Colorful Bamboo Tube

Sun Hongye opened her mouth to speak, but looked around and said, "This is inconvenient."

People were coming and going in the medical clinic. At this moment, two little girls were changing dressings for the patient opposite him, and they would turn around and peek at He Lingchuan from time to time.

This place is only suitable for gossiping.

He Lingchuan understood and changed the topic: "How do you feel now?"

"Soreness, swelling and pain, whole body weakness." After talking for so long, Sun Hongye felt a little tired and did not hide it.

"There is a famous doctor here. Just follow the doctor's advice. I won't give you any medicine to avoid conflict of properties." The poison on the arrow is fierce. The boy narrowly escaped death last night and will inevitably have to suffer a lot. "Have a good rest. I I’ll see you again the day after tomorrow.”

Afterwards, He Lingchuan went to the attending doctor in person and asked him to carefully nurse Sun Hongye back to health. All the expenses were paid by the He family.

In the afternoon of this day, Sun Hongye discovered that the food served by the hospital was very different. The carefully cooked pork liver porridge also had wolfberry added to it. It was also served with two fried golden and crispy radish pancakes and a large meat bun stuffed with meat fillings. Very solid. There is also a dish of pickles with a moderately salty and sweet taste.

Envy others.

After Sun Hongye asked, he became more fond of He Lingchuan.


As soon as He Lingchuan walked out of the hospital, Deputy Liu also came back and took a carriage back to the inn.

He was a patient himself. When he went out for a walk, the wound ached again.

Mrs. Ying had already gone to his guest room to save her once. When she saw him coming back, she frowned and said, "You still run out even though you are injured. Do you not want your life anymore?"

He Lingchuan heard the concern hidden in her reproach, and he smiled and took out a box and handed it over: "I bought some small things for my mother."

The square box itself is made of huanghuali wood. It is light brown and looks old. The surface is smooth and uncarved. There is only a lacquer seal in the lower left corner that reads:

Yangliu Shanfang.

Mrs. Ying opened the box and saw a pumpkin-shaped hand stove lying on the soft cushion inside.

She also has a few hand stoves, the styles are either flowers and birds or bats, and the materials are either red copper or white copper, but the one in front of her is indigo with dark gold patterns. There is no fixed pattern, and the patterns are deep and light, but it is calm and luxurious. , It's so atmospheric, it seems to glow on its own when placed in a dark place.

Mrs. Ying only took one look and couldn't look away.

There was no charcoal in the furnace, but Mrs. Ying felt that her hands were slightly warm, smooth and round. "Where did you find this?"

"This is an ancient artifact from the previous dynasty." Deputy Liu added in a timely manner, "Almost two hundred years ago, Yangliu Shanfang was the most famous utensil workshop in the eastern part of the Xiluo Kingdom, and this 'Chunjian' hand stove was a treasure left by the sect leader himself. . Originally, the mirror, furnace, comb, hairpin, and box were a complete series, and each piece had its own style, but today the other sets are no longer available.”

Mrs. Ying played with the small stove and said, "It's beautiful, but what does this color have to do with spring?"

In spring, the grass grows and the orioles fly. The colors that express this theme are usually red, yellow, and green. How could it be such a calm color as deep blue and dark gold?

It’s pretty good for winter.

Assistant Liu said with a smile: "You don't know something. The owner of Yangliu Mountain House accidentally fell into the water when he was a child. In early spring, the ice lake was melting. He looked up from the bottom of the water and saw the sun shining through the cracks in the ice. That's it. The scenery. He kept this scene in mind and finally reproduced it in his work decades later.”

Mrs. Ying wanted to be more reserved, but she couldn't close her smile: "So there are these allusions!"

She didn't want to lose her composure in front of her eldest son, so she coughed hard: "Chuan'er is interested, and my mother likes her very much. Assistant Liu, some officials' wives are coming to see me later, you go to the city to buy me some time-honored snacks. Come back and entertain the guests.”

She was injured on her leg, but no bones were injured. After Ling Guang applied medicine, the pain was suppressed. The time in Shihuan City is precious and cannot be used just to recuperate.

Deputy Liu responded quickly and winked at He Lingchuan when he turned around.

He found this thing.

In the past two months, a large number of officials and wealthy businessmen have had their homes confiscated. Those valuable belongings will soon be circulated on the market in various ways. As long as you have the vision and financial resources, now is indeed a good time to hunt for treasures.

If the He family had come a year later, the price of the Harumi hand stove would have at least doubled.

He Lingchuan gave him a thumbs up. Those with good stories are the best antiques. Giving gifts to women is such a professional matter, and it should be left to professionals, otherwise it is better not to give it at all.

He also prepared a silver pen for He Yue and a set of clothes for He Chunhua as gifts.

While waiting for the guests to arrive, Mrs. Ying asked her servants to add charcoal to the Chunjian furnace and happily placed it on the coffee table. She accidentally picked it up and played with it a few times while preparing to chat with the officials' wives.

Such beautiful and charming things, like jewelry, must be worn to show others.

He Lingchuan had just returned to the inn and had just taken a few sips of hot tea when the guard came to report:

"Li Fubo of Songyang Mansion wants to see you."

He Lingchuan was overjoyed and personally greeted him at the door of the inn.

The chief craftsman of Zhonglu of Songyang Mansion came with ease, followed by two disciples.

The two exchanged greetings, and Li Fubo introduced him: "This is my direct disciple. They want to go north with me. I will gain experience while doing some tricks. I will pay for the food and lodging. Can my employer be accommodating?"

"It's not what I asked for." He Lingchuan smiled and said, "Master Li, why are you so outspoken? I feel sorry for you to travel thousands of miles with me. The expenses of the two little brothers will be taken care of by me."

Seeing his boldness, Li Fubo no longer refused, and the topic turned to the broken knife: "Continuing to cast is like refining an elixir. It needs to be monitored throughout the process, and there is only one chance. There will be many inconveniences on the road. I want to start again in Xiazhou?"

He Lingchuan also understood the principle of haste, waste in speed, so he just said there was no rush, and took out the walnut boat from his arms, a little embarrassed: "Master Li, help me take a look, is this thing still repairable?"

"Mustard boat?" Li Fubo was startled, "Is it also Sun Fuping's?"

"Good eyesight. I thought this thing was called a walnut boat." He Lingchuan handed it to him, "My father confiscated it from Sun Fuping. I borrowed it last night, but the enemy destroyed it like this! Look, Is there any help?”

"This is originally produced by my Songyang Mansion, of course I recognize it."

He Lingchuan was somewhat surprised: "This is also produced by Songyang Mansion? Sun Fuping said that it was borrowed from a friend."

"I borrowed it from Songyang Mansion. Our Lord has mentioned it twice before."

? ! This is embarrassing.

The original owner of the mustard boat was Marquis Songyang, but it was also He Chunhua's trophy.

Fortunately, Li Fubo looked at it and said: "It doesn't matter. I think the lord will have no objection to it if you are destined to live there. Well, it's interesting. The mustard boat originally carved the formation, and its maker even boasted to me. Once Driven by black crystal, it can be invulnerable to water and fire.”

"He ended up being burned like this. Who slapped him in the face like that?" Li Fubo asked He Lingchuan, "Is it a demon?"

He Lingchuan raised his eyebrows and said, "So Master Li also knows?"

"In a place like Shihuan City, news always has wings." Li Fubo smiled, "The demon puppet created by Dong Rui is truly worthy of its reputation. If this fire were to burn on an ordinary person, it would be instantly wiped out. When you see that demon puppet, Is it a demon?"

"It has a crow face, bat wings, a snake-like neck, and is very big. Does Master Li know what species this is?"

Li Fubo shook his head: "I'm curious too. This kind of real fire is very good for refining weapons."

Going off topic, he looked at Walnut Boat and said, "I'm good at forging weapons but not clever weapons. I'm not completely sure about this. Do you dare to let me try?" It also saved him from boredom on the way north.

"Of course." The walnut boat wasn't his anyway, so He Lingchuan agreed happily.

Li Fubo added: "By the way, I would like to ask, what other magical weapons are among Sun Fuping's relics?"

"Sun Fuping's?" He Lingchuan thought seriously, "My father was the one who collected the relics. I only know that there is a silk-wrapped heavenly net. Are there any other magical weapons in Songyang Mansion that have been lent to Sun Fuping?"

"There is a colorful bamboo tube with three seals stamped on the surface: gold, red, and purple. This is an old thing belonging to the previous Lord of Songyang Palace. Our Lord hopes to get it back."

"A sealed bamboo tube?" He Lingchuan nodded, "I will definitely ask my father when he comes back."

Li Fubo said seriously: "Thank you very much, boss!"

Because the supporting army would leave for the north at any time, Li Fubo and his two disciples simply opened a room in this inn and did not return to the sect.

This morning, the busiest person was He Yue.

Last night, both the He family and Ke Jihai were attacked on their way down the mountain from Lumingyuan. Ke Jihai took away the prisoners, and He Chunhua went to the palace to meet the saint overnight, which stirred up a thousand waves.

This morning, the dignitaries who received the news sent people to express their condolences to the general manager of Xiazhou and to get some information.

Mrs. Ying became very annoyed after receiving several guests, so she took the opportunity to sneak out and go shopping. Only He Yue stayed at the inn and worked hard without complaint.

He Lingchuan only regarded him as his idle young master and didn't care about all this mess. He retreated to his room after lunch and took the time to adjust his breathing and practice martial arts.

Last night's battle was short and thrilling. It was another kind of experience for him, and it was also a reminder:

Personal ability is fundamental and must be improved as soon as possible.

Compared with two or three months ago, He Lingchuan's cultivation has improved unknowingly, especially his body skills, eyesight, and spiritual awareness, which are all incomparable to those before. The werewolf puppet was as fast as a phantom. In the past, He Lingchuan had been disemboweled as early as the first two encounters, and there was no way He Chunhua could finish reciting the silk-winding spell.

Regardless of whether there is Yuanli to help.

In the final analysis, one's own cultivation is the foundation, Yuanli is just a power amplifier.

If the strength gap between the two sides is too large, Yuanli will not play much role at all - just like He Chunhua in front of Sun Fuping.

That evening, He Chunhua came back from the capital and gathered the whole family for dinner to express his holy will.

Seeing his happy face, He Lingchuan knew that everything going well during his trip to the capital.

Sure enough, He Chunhua told his wife and children that the king announced that he had entered the palace, asked some details about the attack on Luming Garden, and then pointed to the sand plate and asked him about the strategy of defending the enemy on the northern border.

Others might be caught off guard by this. After all, they haven't gone there yet and haven't seen the situation in the north with their own eyes. But since He Chunhua was promoted to the general manager of Xiazhou, he paid attention to collecting frontline information, often deduced it with his staff, and now he had fluent answers.

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