After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 190 Enlisting in the Army

Opportunity only favors those who are prepared.

The king was even more satisfied when he saw that he had a plan in mind, and then began to ask him how many troops and horses were needed and how much time it would take.

He Chunhua sighed: "After I answered, the king's smile faded."

He Lingchuan looked dissatisfied: "Does the King think that after we go to the north, we can take back Xunzhou easily?"

"A quick victory is probably the wish of every monarch." He Yue shook his head, "The pressure of fighting on two fronts is too great. Wang Ting was already struggling just to attack Dong Haoming in the west, and now the northern front is tight, with soldiers, horses, money and food. Can’t be missing.”

After all, it's still a matter of cost.

What He Yue is concerned about is: "Does the king agree to my father's request for troops and horses?"

He Chunhua shook his head: "The number I reported is not enough, the king cut it to 30%."

He Lingchuan asked curiously: "Can you still bargain?" Is Wang Ting's place the same as the vegetable market?

He Chunhua let out a long sigh: "When I mentioned this, the king lost his temper, saying that none of us care about the hard-earned money and food, and the hardships of people's livelihood. I can only lower this number again and again, and the king keeps lowering it again and again. ”

He Lingchuan sneered: "Thirty percent, hey, how can we fight when the men and horses are hungry?"

"It's 30%, but 15% when it's transported to the field is pretty good." He Chunhua smiled coldly, "There are still levels of corruption in the middle." He knew this very well.

"Can we still fight?"

"My father is already the general manager of Xiazhou, and he has to do things when he gets to the field." He Chunhua didn't seem too disappointed, "It doesn't matter, I had expected the king's reaction. The number reported... is a bit generous."

He Lingchuan raised his eyebrows, Dad, that's fine.

"Besides, most of the local soldiers and horses still have to be supported by the local government. There may be demon soldiers available. Wang Ting's interest subsidy is just the icing on the cake. Oh, if the Xunzhou pastoralist opposite can do it, of course I can do it too."

He Chunhua said this and took out a brocade bag and handed it to He Lingchuan: "In order to commend you for your bravery in defending against the enemy, the king has appointed you as the Youyun Cavalry Lieutenant, with a rank of six."

Mrs. Ying and He Yue exclaimed, and He Lingchuan was overjoyed. He took the brocade bag and opened it, and saw a kite coin falling out of it.

He grabbed it, played with it twice, and threw it into the air: "From now on, I am also an official!"

He Yue couldn't help but correct him: "Brother, this is not a real job."

He Lingchuan glared at him: "When I join the army, won't I have a real job?"

He Chunhua smiled and said nothing.

He Lingchuan weighed the newly acquired kite money and asked, "Didn't the king reward me with anything else? Gold, silver and jewels are also fine."

"The treasury is empty, and you didn't perform meritorious service on the battlefield." He Chunhua scolded with a smile, "It would be nice to give you a medal, but you still want a reward?"

"I saved General Ke. Isn't that more important than killing the enemy on the battlefield?"

He Chunhua ignored the eldest son's mumbling and cut the topic: "What happened here in Shi Huan today?"

The two sons spoke separately.

When he heard that the Chief of the Central Furnace of Songyang Mansion would temporarily accompany the army to the north, He Chunhua slapped his thigh hard and said a few good words: "When we arrive in Xiazhou, we will start to build troops and gather food. With such an expert by our side, Guidance is the best!”

He Lingchuan pretended: "Dad, don't you blame me for handing over the purple golden pestle?"

He Chunhua smiled broadly: "Although the pestle is a spiritual weapon, no one in our family can use it. It's a great deal to trade the unused items for a great craftsman. How can I blame you as a father?"

He Lingchuan told Li Fubo's request again, and He Chunhua shook his head: "Bamboo tube? Sun Fuping's relics are not many, and there is no bamboo tube at all."

"Are you sure? Do you want to confirm again?"

"Can't you trust me?" He Chunhua half-smiled, "Do you want to show them all so that you can take a look at them one by one?"

He Lingchuan laughed dryly: "That's no need. Dad is much more sophisticated than me. If you say it's not there, it's definitely not there."

"Brother, you just mentioned the walnut boat. Well, the mustard boat was borrowed by Sun Fuping from Marquis Songyang?" He Yue thought thoughtfully, "To this day, Master Li can still say openly that his lordship is Sun Fuping. friend?"

In the past two months, couldn't the bloody chaos near the capital be caused by the monarch's "accomplices" who were strictly grasping and punishing the rebels? Isn’t Marquis Songyang afraid?

He Lingchuan ate his rice quietly: "How did I know?" Before arriving at Shi Huan, he had never even heard of Songyang Mansion.

He Chunhua thought for a while: "Songyang Marquis has both a title and a sect. He is a very special existence in Yuan Kingdom, and it is difficult to judge it with common sense."

He added: "The king's face is full of violence. If you don't kill people, I'm afraid it won't be enough to satisfy the emperor's anger. I think the country will be in turmoil again in the next few days, so it's better for us to set off as soon as possible. Well, let's settle it here and leave the day after tomorrow. I don’t want people to say that I am staying in the capital and forming gangs.”

He knew very well in his heart that the monarch summoned him overnight, firstly to show that he was valued, and secondly to encourage the newly appointed general manager of Xiazhou to work hard and share the country's worries. This was rain and dew; if he kept losing battles in the north or could not achieve results, , what comes down from the king is thunder.

It's all God's grace.


With a "squeak" sound, Hu Min pushed open the door and walked in, just in time to see He Lingchuan shoot an arrow on the target.

"Oh, that's good. I've made great progress. I'm only -" he smiled and stretched his fingers, "only two inches away from the target."

He Lingchuan's expression collapsed.

A slight difference can make a difference of a thousand miles, let alone two inches? There is still this error in static shooting, which is too outrageous for shooters.

"That's right. I remember the first time you threw a throwing knife a few days ago, it missed the target."

He Lingchuan put away his bow and went into the room to pour him a glass of water: "What kind of wind brought you here?"

Hu Min's leg injury has not healed and he has been recuperating at home. He Lingchuan usually comes to visit, but today he moved here by himself.

"There is bad news." Hu Min took the cup and took a sip. "Your application to join the Gale Army was not approved. Chief Xiao conveyed the message above and asked you to practice more and accumulate military merit before coming back."

He Lingchuan was a little disappointed, but the result was within his expectation.

Ever since he entered the Coiling Dragon Dreamland through the broken knife, he knew that he had been watched. Otherwise, the Coiling Dragon's dream will not be adjusted based on his real-life experience. For example, when he encountered the Heavenly Emperor's Ooze in Woling Guanxi once in decades, the Emperor's Ooze immediately appeared in the Coiling Dragon's dream that night. The past events were obviously meant to tell him how to refine the Emperor's Dispersion without wasting the natural resources.

Perhaps the master of this dream is the square pot itself?

After all, during the fierce battle between Sun Fuping and Sun Fuping last year, he and He Chunhua used the big square pot to weaken their opponents to a minimum, and then took the opportunity to win.

What if Zhong Shengguang, who transformed into a black dragon, is actually not dead?

What if there is someone else who controls the square pot?

At least He Lingchuan can be sure of one thing: this will that calls him into dreams again and again must have a purpose. The first time he entered the dream, his throat was blocked by an arrow, and his second death experience was still fresh in his memory. Judging from this powerful move, the other party probably won't let him live too comfortably in Dream City.

Seeing that he remained silent, Hu Min patted his shoulder and comforted him: "Only those above the rank of captain are eligible to apply for the Gale Army. This rule is actually a kind of protection. After all, the Gale Army's tasks have always been the most arduous and dangerous. Even with experience, Rich veterans are easily broken."

Duizheng is the squad leader, and he is in charge of fifty people.

In other words, He Lingchuan had to become the leader of fifty people before he could apply to join the Gale Army.


"It's okay to start from scratch. I have a lot to learn." He Lingchuan corrected his attitude, "However, if I don't fight and accumulate merit, I won't even have ten subordinates."

"All the young men in Panlong City must enlist in the army. Ordinary Panlong City soldiers farm for half a year and serve for half a year. They come in rotation."

He Lingchuan shook his head: "I don't farm." The opportunity to dream is so precious, but it would be a waste to use it for farming.

"Me too." Hu Min smiled, "The only remaining all-weather soldiers are patrol, city guard, and logistics. You can choose one of the three."

"The ones who fight the most frequently are the patrols, right?"

"Of course." Hu Min added, "The patrols are divided into two categories. The Chipa Patrol's duty scope is the Chipa Plateau, while the Wandering Patrol mainly walks in the Panlong Desert and patrols the outer boundaries of Panlong City. The two are often interchanged.”

He Lingchuan said without hesitation: "I want to join the army to patrol."

He will soon join his father in the battle against Yuanbei. His opponents are Nian Zanli, the general of Zhengbei, and the Northern Demon Kingdom behind him.

Nian Zanli had a grudge against him for killing his son, and he would never let them off easily. What He Lingchuan has to do is to improve himself as soon as possible within a limited time.

You can rely on everyone to support you, but relying on yourself is the most real thing.

Therefore, he needs to go to the front line of the battle and use blood and fire to temper his Taoist heart and fighting skills.

Every experience in the dream will be his precious wealth.

"Then come with me. I'll take you to the patrol office to register." Hu Min turned around and walked out. Although he still has a slight limp, he is much better than when he was first injured. The crutches tap on the ground and he walks very fast.

In another seven or eight days, he would be able to walk like flying again.

The two of them got on the donkey cart and headed to the patrol office.

The trip went smoothly. After signing up, He Lingchuan went to take the on-site assessment, which included on-the-spot response and martial arts skills. He had several life-and-death experiences, passed the test three times, five times, five times and two times, and became a glorious Chipa patrolman without any setbacks.

After all, Panlong City has been fighting for many years and new recruits are always welcome to join the army.

"Congratulations, you will protect your home and city from now on." Hu Min applauded him, "Don't hang up before you join the Gale Army." This word "hang" is still the mantra he learned from He Lingchuan.

"We should go to Tianshuang Restaurant to celebrate you, but Mr. Xiao is about to give a lecture at Wenxiantang, will you go and support him?"

He Lingchuan nodded of course when he heard this:


Although the name of Wenxiantang is grand, the location chosen is very informal. It is not a beautiful palace, nor the main hall of Mingtang, but a sinkhole!

He Lingchuan was also a little surprised when he entered Wenxian Hall for the first time.

The so-called tiankeng, as the name suggests, looks like a giant hole drilled by heavenly beings in the mountains, with the bright sky above and an underground river at the bottom. The diameter of the pit is very large and the shape is irregular.

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