After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 191 Formal Recruitment

The sinkhole where Wenxian Hall is located is in the shape of a pig's waist. The entrance of the sinkhole is surrounded by green trees, and the bottom of the sinkhole has clear water flowing quietly. A ray of skylight falls from above and shines on the round stone in the center of the water.

This is the forum. The unique topography enables the speaker to activate the amplified surround mode.

The rock wall of the tiankeng has been artificially carved with layers of stone paths, which are both seats for the audience and passages in and out.

Simple, but full of interest.

He Lingchuan arrived late, and the auditorium was almost full. From their perspective, the more than ten passages up and down the ring-shaped mountain wall were crowded with people, making it a spectacular sight.

From a boy of 11 or 12 years old to a man in his 50s or 60s, their faces are full of thirst for knowledge.

"So many people!" If one were not careful or crowded, he would fall into the deep pool at the bottom of the pit.

Hu Min said to He Lingchuan in a low voice: "What is this? You have never seen the Red General hold a meeting, and that is called a full house. Two people have to squeeze into one seat on the mountain wall, and some would rather hang in mid-air to listen, even underneath The pond is full of boats!”

He Lingchuan's eyes lit up: "General Red will also start classes?"

"It depends on luck." Hu Min said regretfully, "Last time the Red General started classes, I happened to be out on duty and missed it."

He Lingchuan suddenly remembered something:

"By the way, has any famous master taught you the principles of Yao Hexagram deduction?" If so, he could ask the master privately. It's better than the unreliable old turtle demon after all, right?

Hu Min looked confused: "No?"

"you sure?"

"The topic of each lecture will be announced ten days in advance outside the government offices and military camps." Hu Min told him, "I have been watching the announcements for so long, but I haven't seen anyone talk about the hexagram calculation."

"That's all." This is really strange.

While everyone was talking, Commander Xiao Maoliang also appeared. He stood on the round stone and said with his hands behind his hands: "Good afternoon to all current and future colleagues. I have been entrusted by Commander Zhong to explain to you the dynamics of the Panlong Wasteland and the ongoing battles of our army..."

Unexpectedly, Xiao Maoliang, who was so commanding on the battlefield and put life and death at risk, would be so nervous that he stuttered when he was standing in Wenxian Hall giving a lecture. Is this the first time?

He Lingchuan couldn't help but laugh. However, what Xiao Maoliang said was too important. Although his storytelling skills were not up to par, He Lingchuan still listened intently.

"Everyone knows that Wei City fell a few months ago, and there are brothers from Wei City here. Now the Baling Kingdom's front continues to advance eastward, and it began to harass Puxigou a month ago..."

Two days later, He Lingchuan went to visit Sun Hongye.

The boy's face was already rosy. After the toxin was removed, all he had left was the flesh wound on his shoulder. The doctor at Jinghetang prescribed medicine for five days and asked him to take it home and cook it himself.

Seeing He Lingchuan again, his attitude was much more enthusiastic than the day before yesterday. He bowed his head and said, "I am grateful to Mr. He for taking care of me during my illness. I can't thank you enough!"

He Lingchuan waved his hand: "Yes, you save my family's lives."

Sun Hongye smiled. Since Lu Mingyuan was injured, only He Lingchuan had come to visit him.

He poured a glass of water for He Lingchuan.

He Lingchuan saw that his house was also a bungalow with old furniture, small windows, and only half a yard. It was filled with snow because no one had cleaned it.

"You live by yourself?"

Sun Hongye nodded: "In the third year after I moved from the north, my cousin who took refuge also passed away."

"What are your plans from now on?" He Lingchuan asked him, "Someone from the He family was at Lumingyuan the day before yesterday, and they already know that you recommended yourself to General Ke."

Sun Hongye laughed at himself: "Yes, my carriage broke down when I was going down the mountain."

These two things may sound unrelated, but he is very clever and has been lying on his bed for the past two days. It is easy to infer that He Su sent someone to tamper with his carriage that day and wanted to give it to him on a snowy night. A little embarrassing.

He Lingchuan walked to the only square table in the room: "I have a question that I want to ask Brother Sun for an answer."

"Please say."

He Lingchuan dipped water from the cup and drew a topographic map on the table.

"Puxigou is a hundred miles west of Longcheng. It has 50,000 residents and more than 2,000 troops. Strong enemies often come to attack Puxigou. Every time they invade in large numbers, Puxigou will send people to Longcheng for help." He Lingchuan gave a brief explanation, "As time went by, the enemy also changed their tactics. They only sent a few teams to harass the surrounding areas. Once the Dragon City reinforcements arrived, they quickly retreated. But the frequency of their attacks was very fast, and one would come in about ten days. Six or seven times. If Longcheng's reinforcements don't come, they will combine their forces and attack Puxigou."

"As a result, the fishing, hunting, farming and commerce of the residents of Puxigou are unable to operate normally, and the losses are huge. Dragon City is also tired of providing support. After all, it takes more than 200 miles to go back and forth." He Lingchuan asked Sun Hongye, "Brother Sun, please help me." Longcheng comes up with a plan."

"The enemy uses low-intensity, high-frequency attacks." Sun Hongye pointed to the blank area on the table, "Can't Dragon City set up a stronghold or auxiliary city near Puxigou and divide its troops to guard it?"

He Lingchuan shook his head, "Except for the location of Puxigou, there is nothing dangerous to defend in these more than a hundred miles of wilderness. The worst thing is that there is no water source."

Without water sources, no strongholds can be built and no troops can be stationed.

Only then did Sun Hongye become interested: "So, what if Longcheng directly sends troops to Puchengou?"

The place name Puxigou sounded familiar, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

"A thousand more people have been sent there, and a lot of food has been transported there. The wasteland is barren and the water source is precious. No more people can feed it."

Sun Hongye thought for a longer time this time and asked: "Then how far is the enemy's stronghold from Puxigou?"

"It's thirty miles west of Puxigou. It's much closer than Dragon City." Fortunately, He Lingchuan listened carefully to the lecture last night and was able to answer fluently. "A few months ago, Wei City was captured by the enemy and became the main force to attack eastward. As a result, Puxigou became the front line.”

Sending troops from Wei City is only a sixty-mile round trip and takes less than an hour. Of course, it is much more convenient than Panlong City.

"What is the population of Wei City and how many troops are stationed there?"

This guy asked really carefully. "When Weicheng fell, the people moved their families to Longcheng. Therefore, there were very few civilians in Weicheng. It had become a military town. The number of garrison troops cannot be precise, but it should be between 1,500 and 3,000."

"Puxigou and Longcheng cannot negotiate peace with their enemies?"

"There is no such possibility for the time being." At least not in this part of his dream.

"In other words, the enemy will not let go of this piece of meat in Puxigou." Sun Hongye raised a finger, "I have one last question. Are there any specialties in Puxigou that are popular in other places?"

"Yes, several precious medicinal materials are specialties of the wilderness and can be used to refine tonic potions. In addition, Puxigou also produces very pure saltpeter, which is used by the state to make artillery and is indispensable for private wealthy and businessmen who buy it to make ice. It, so the caravan is still willing to risk traveling through the wilderness.”

After finishing all the questions, Sun Hongye said: "Okay, then I have two strategies."

"The next step can solve the urgent need. Once successful, the enemy will be at peace for a period of time."


"Use the army to pretend to be a caravan, or set up an ambush or use the caravan as bait to lure the enemy to plunder and then attack them severely." Sun Hongye said, "You said that Weicheng's army was less than 3,000 and was ambushed once. It will take a long time to recover, which will give Puchengou time to recuperate."

"Well, the conventional method." He Lingchuan heard many spectators offer this strategy in Wenxian Hall, and he was not surprised, "What's the best strategy?"

"You can only be a thief for a thousand days, but there is no reason to prevent a thief for a thousand days. Passive defense is always inferior. It is best to recapture Wei City with one blow and remove this thorn in the side to eliminate future troubles."

"How to do it?"

"Then pay tribute to the enemy a few more times, and let them take the money back a few times to dispel their suspicions. In order to hide the enemy's eyes and ears, you might as well have a few more battles, fight more fiercely, and then spread the word , saying that Puxigou will organize a large-scale caravan transport, and ask the Dragon City army to provide special escorts." Sun Hongye shrugged, "The opponent must have placed eyes and ears in Puxigou, right?"

"This time the goods are valuable, and the number of troops escorting them must be at least a thousand. The bigger the force, the better."

He Lingchuan understood: "Ling the snake out of its hole?"

"That's right. If you want to eat this batch of goods, the enemy must send at least two thousand elite soldiers to have some confidence. Then there are only a few hundred troops stationed in Weicheng at this time, and the city defense is empty. As long as Dragon City sends out surprise troops to attack, there is a high chance You can take it!”

"It doesn't sound difficult." He Lingchuan said with a smile, "But what if the sneak attack fails? Not only did we fail to capture Weicheng, but the entire caravan used as bait may also be swallowed up by the enemy. That would really be like stealing the chicken but losing the rice. ”

"Victory or defeat is only on a thin line. Whether it is a clever plan or a stupid move depends on the result." Sun Hongye also smiled, "When leading troops in a war, who dares to say that he will win or not lose?"

He added: "I will only tell you the outline of the strategy. The implementation details of confusing, confusing, and killing the enemy need to be carefully considered by the general. The situation of the battle affects the whole body, and accidents are beyond my control."

He Lingchuan nodded: "Whether it succeeds or not, the team used as bait will have a hard battle to fight."

Sun Hongye looked calm: "Of course. How can war be without cost?"

He Lingchuan looked at him and remembered the advice this boy gave to General Ke to take Baoguan and blow up the embankment. That was also a strategy that cost a lot of destruction of farmland and human lives.

In other words, it harms Tianhe.

Sun Hongye continued: "I am only responsible for making plans. As for weighing the pros and cons, whether to do something or not, that is the coach's job."

He Lingchuan hummed: "Well said."

He looked at Sun Hongye's family again and finally made an invitation: "We will set off for Xiazhou in two hours. Brother Sun, come with me. I will treat you as an aide."

Sun Hongye was not surprised: "Does the plan I come up with suit Mr. He well?"

After two days of recuperation, he also heard rumors in the market that the new general manager of Xiazhou was posting recruitment orders everywhere and wanted to hire capable people to go to Xiazhou.

"It's good to have nothing to lose and to move the army in danger." He Lingchuan smiled slightly, "If you stay in Shihuan, you will either be squeezed out by villains or you will be wasted and wasted. Only in Xiazhou will you be useful. "

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