After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 192 Bear Hunting

Sun Hongye was silent.

He Lingchuan said again:

"It's been three days, and I don't think General Ke will send anyone to look for you later."

More than two days have passed since Sun Hongye was injured at the foot of Lumingyuan Mountain, and Ke Jihai has not sent anyone to express condolences.

It can be seen that General Ke didn't take this little commoner seriously at all.

He Lingchuan didn't mind that he was his second best choice: "Looking at the domestic situation, if a man wants to make contributions, he will go north if he doesn't want to go west."

Sun Hongye looked at He Lingchuan carefully: "The eldest son's behavior is inconsistent with the legend."

"Legends are all based on rumors. If you believe it, you are stupid." He Lingchuan stood up, "I just want to ask you, are you coming?"

"Come!" Sun Hongye said simply this time, bowing to He Lingchuan till the end, "Greetings to the Lord! From now on, Sun is willing to follow you and do the work of dogs and horses."

"Okay, okay!" He Lingchuan was overjoyed and helped him up and said, "I finally have my first staff member!"

Assistant Liu behind him handed Sun Hongye the package that had been prepared long ago. He Lingchuan waved his hand: "Time waits for no one, hurry up and put it on."

Sun Hongye entered the house and opened the package. Inside were three sets of brand new clothes, a pair of thick boots, and several ingots of gold and silver totaling fifty taels.

This boss is really generous with his actions. The money came first before he even put any effort into it.

When Sun Hongye put on new clothes and boots and walked out, He Lingchuan stroked his hands and said, "As expected, people need clothes. Come on, put on this cloak and walk around the streets. I'm sure you can seduce a few big girls to follow you to Xiazhou."

This cloak has silk embroidery on the outside and soft chinchilla fur on the inside. It doesn't look cheap at first glance. Sun Hongye knew that he spent a lot of money as a courtesy, so she accepted it calmly and boarded the car together.


After returning to the inn, He Lingchuan learned that He Chunhua had another guest come to his door temporarily.

But it was Zhu Xiyan and Zhu Xiuer who came to say goodbye.

Zhu Xiyan talked freely with He Chunhua and his wife. When Zhu Xiuer saw He Lingchuan, he handed over a peace charm and said, "I embroidered this with my own hands. It contains the dilong incense given by the emperor, which is colorless and odorless. But if you wear it on your body, mosquitoes and poisonous snakes will not dare to come near it. It is effective." It can last for sixteen or seventeen months. I wish you a safe trip and a good journey."

This is so good, I won’t be afraid of being bitten by mosquitoes when I go to the mountains and forests. He Lingchuan took it with a smile, immediately put it on his waist, and praised her for her outstanding craftsmanship.

It was only in front of him that Zhu Xiuer smiled without any defense.

He Lingchuan looked at Zhu Xiyan who was not far away: "How have you been staying at the Zhu family these days?"

"It's been a long time since I've been home, which will inevitably cause some troubles." Zhu Xiuer reached out and stroked her hair, "But my grandfather loves me more than before. As long as he is here, I will be safe."

"In a few days, my grandfather will still want to find a marriage for me."

He Lingchuan looked at her carefully. Zhu Xiuer looked radiant, finally showing the vitality and brightness that a woman in her early twenties should have.

The past events at Fairy Lake seem to have been buried by her along with time.

She solemnly said to He Lingchuan: "The He family has feelings for me, but you are the real life-saving grace to me. If I can help you in the future, you must give me this opportunity!"

He Lingchuan nodded.

At this time, He Chunhua also walked over, said hello to Zhu Xiuer with a smile, and then lowered his voice: "Someone from the Zhu family is asking about your past, wanting to know what happened to you after you were abducted, and even asked people in my team coming."

Zhu Xiuer's smile remained unchanged: "Master He, don't you happen to know who that person is?"

He Chunhua whispered his name.

"As expected." Zhu Xiuer chuckled, "I also found some clues. The traffickers who captured me did not choose their targets randomly."

There was a cold light hidden deep in her beautiful eyes.

The seven or eight years of long-term destruction either turned people into sheep or into wolves.

He Chunhua nodded: "We have to go, you have to be careful."

Zhu Xiuer saluted him, "Thank you, Mr. He! I will be careful."

He Lingchuan thought to himself that it was not Zhu Xiuer who should be careful from now on.

Old memories were recounted and gifts were given. Zhu Xiuer said goodbye to the He family, and then helped Zhu Xiyan get into the carriage.

She smiled and waved to the He brothers, lowered the curtains, and the carriage started slowly.

He Chunhua turned to his wife and children: "It's time for us to leave."

The luggage was packed and the carriage was ready.

When Mrs. Ying and He Yue went to take the bus, He Chunhua asked He Lingchuan: "Could the young man you brought into the inn be the reading companion of the He family?"

He Lingchuan grinned: "I think he is talented, and I want to read some books again. He is now my reading companion."

He Chunhua was startled: "He wants to come with us?"

"Yes, his salary will be deducted from me." Isn't it just to recruit someone? He expected that He Chunhua would not object. A young official like him would not be able to show his identity unless he was surrounded by seven or eight followers.

"You've already hired a monkey." Adding a big living person is expensive.

"All my followers are staying in Blackwater City, and there is no one around me." He Lingchuan said with a shy face, "So, are you going to go to my mother's place to help me get some more monthly quota?"


"For the sake of my narrow escape from death the night before, and now I'm still in trouble?"

He Chunhua's face twitched.

If it weren't for the eldest son, how could the whole family survive Dong Rui's surprise attack? If he were not the eldest son, how would he have the chance to meet Tianyan during his trip to Shi Huan?

Speaking of which, this son has really changed a lot since the Sun Fuping incident. Now he not only practices martial arts diligently, but also wants to study hard and make contributions.

He stared straight at He Lingchuan, his eyes a little complicated. It wasn't until the latter's heart began to tremble at the sight that he slowly said:


He Lingchuan quickly changed the subject: "By the way, how effective is the recruitment order?"

"It's very good. After only three days of hanging out, more than 360 people came to interview. It can be seen that people who are frustrated are like crucian carp crossing the river." He, Mo Zhe Jingxuan and others barely had time to eat and change clothes. , "After careful consideration, I left nineteen people. They will follow the support army to the north and serve as government officials to help me manage the military affairs."

"Nineteen people, so many!" He Lingchuan was slightly surprised, "I thought dad had high standards."

"It's easier to eliminate people when there are more people." He Chunhua patted his son on the shoulder, "Now we can only listen to his words, and then we can observe his politics and observe his actions."

Recruiting people now can only be done on paper. Only when you get to the state capital and start doing it will you know who is a talent and who is a waste.

"Although they are not specific, I also sent people to inquire about the background identities of these nineteen people." He Chunhua smiled, "When we arrive in Dunyu, this information will come soon."


Gentle breeze, warm sun, golden fields.

The autumn tigers on the Chipa Plateau have left, and there is a cool breeze in the fields.

It was the busy farming season, and there was no one in the huge sorghum field, leaving only tall plants swaying in the wind.

Soon, all the rustling sounds were heard in the field, and the sorghum was shaking violently, from far to near.

A figure rushed out. It looked like his feet were not touching the ground, but in fact, his flying footsteps kicked up large chunks of mud on the ground.

He had to hurry, because a huge figure rushed out of the sorghum field with a swoosh.

Right behind him.

This was a huge brown bear, at least twice the size of its kind. If a man stood upright, he would be over 1.5 feet tall, and a palm would be as big as a millstone.

It was originally shiny and smooth, but when it ran, the mountains shook and the ground shook, and the fur all over its body swayed in waves, showing how fat it was. But now there were two feather arrows and a spear stuck on Xiong Zan's back and hillocks, and there were several spears stuck on his shoulders. Blood flowed down his hair and onto the ground.

Instead, the pain aroused its ferocity, and it chased the human in front of it desperately.

Although bears don't like to run long distances, they can sprint faster than horses in short bursts. Especially for such a big bear, one step when running is at least equivalent to four or five human steps.

The unlucky man running in front of it was thin and small, as fast as an antelope, and very agile. He had narrowly escaped from the bear's paw several times.

Fortunately, he knew how to move and dodge. If he had run in a straight line, he would have been overtaken by the bear.

Even so, he was in danger.

The giant bear reached behind him and reached out to fish it out, intending to disembowel him with its five-inch-long onychomycosis.

If it missed the shot, it would hold the bear's paw and pull it back, and a strong wind would come out of thin air in front of the thin man and pull him back.

This brown bear actually has the talent to call the wind.

The thin man dodged another fatal attack and shouted, "Take action, I can't hold on anymore!"

As soon as he finished speaking, two feather arrows shot out from the forest, one hitting the bear's waist and one hitting the bear's ribs.

The giant bear roared in pain, but was determined not to let go of Qingshan, and only pursued the person in front of him. It pounced forward so violently, sweeping its front paws across, and finally caught the thin man!

He was thrown out like a ball and hit a big tree hard before stopping. At the same time, there was a flash of yellow light on his body, and a talisman around his waist was broken.

The man was knocked dizzy and heard his companion yelling "be careful". When he looked closely, he saw that the giant bear had pounced on him. He could almost smell the fishy smell coming from the bottom of the opponent's throat!

It was too late to run any further, so the thin man turned over and climbed up the tree without thinking.

The giant bear jumped in the air, but it was also dazed. It also jumped on its butt and followed it up the tree. The foam flowing out of the corner of its mouth was yellow with green in it.

This tree is tall, with a main trunk as thick as five or six people's arms, and numerous and winding branches. The giant bear couldn't avoid the branches, so it simply rushed up with its head high, breaking as many branches as possible.

In this case, of course, the thin person with a slender body will climb faster.

Someone seemed to be yelling from below, saying "Don't go up any further"!

How can the thin man listen? There is a bloody mouth five feet below chasing him.

He just muttered something in his heart, and suddenly there was a light click on his hand——

The branch that was relying on the strength was broken.


The thin man fell freely and even grabbed two branches to slow down, but they both broke.

It's over. He secretly told me to die.

The giant bear directly below opened its mouth wide, waiting for the takeaway to be fed automatically.

But at this moment, a long knife flew diagonally from below and struck the giant bear on the cheek with a "pop" sound.

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