After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 193 Collaboration

Blood splattered everywhere and the bear's mouth was crooked.

The thin man fell down just in time, hit the giant bear on the shoulder and back, rolled down its smooth fur, and grabbed the spear with one hand.

The gun pierced the bear's hind mound, causing it to bleed. Now the weight of a large living person was placed on it, and the pain immediately caused it to scratch with its claws.

Fortunately, with the help of this stagnation, the thin man had stabilized his figure and quickly climbed down the tree using his hands and feet.

As soon as he stood firm, he saw the giant bear falling from the sky and hitting the ground with a thud, splashing mud and dust in his face.

"Ah, bah, bah, bah!" The thin man quickly took a few steps back and saw that the giant bear was lying on the ground, motionless, and he didn't know whether he was dead or passed out.

Six or seven people emerged from trees, forests, and sorghum fields and gathered around the giant bear.

The thin man gasped for air, and his words were incoherent: "Poison, doesn't it mean that as long as I persist for twenty breaths, it will be poisoned to death?"

They were kicked out for half a cup of tea, and they were almost sweating. This bear is so stubborn that he doesn't chase others but only him!

"The bear is too big and the medicine is not enough." The only female soldier in the team carried a bow behind her back. "Isn't this two more arrows?"

She had thin eyebrows and narrow eyes, her face was darkened by the sun on the Chipa Plateau, and even her facial features looked hard.

The thin man was still very angry: "You're so bad! It was Broken Blade who saved me." Otherwise, the bear would have chewed him up like a grape, "Huh? Where's Broken Blade?"


Another person came out from behind the tree and just picked up the knife that exploded the bear's cheek.

It was He Lingchuan.

In this nine-man team, he nicknamed himself "Broken Knife."

The basic unit of the Panlong Guard is the "fire", usually also called a squad. Every ten people are organized into a fire, with a fire chief. This team lost two people not long ago and added He Lingchuan, so it only has nine people for the time being.

Fire Chief Liu Tong pulled out his spear from the bear: "Don't chat, do business first! Willow, chop off the bear's head."

Wicker is the female archer who just shot the arrow. She has a graceful figure and does look a bit like Wicker.

When the fire chief made such an appointment, the thin man curled his lips and felt dissatisfied. According to the unwritten rules in the patrol, the person who beheads or chops off the ears of a team gets the most credit. He contributes the most in killing the bear and pays the highest price. It stands to reason that he should be the one to chop off the bear's head.

However, Liu Tiao is the most senior in the team, second only to Huo Chang, and is also the main attacker.

She took the giant ax from her teammate.

The bear monster was as big as a hill even when it was lying down, so she had no choice but to step on the bear's head with one foot, hold the ax in both hands, and chop it down hard.

Before the ax blade reached its neck, the unconscious giant bear suddenly rose up.

Willow's footing was unstable and he had no time to retreat. The giant bear grabbed his calf with a claw, causing him to scream in pain.

The giant bear held her down and was about to tear her alive.

Tigers and leopards will choke their prey to stop it from breathing before eating it, but bears often like to disembowel their prey and eat it alive.

This giant bear also knew that he was not going to die soon, so he just wanted to cut open her chest, tear out her intestines, and vent all his hatred on his opponent.

Just as its fangs were about to pierce into the wicker belly, a cold light suddenly flashed above it.

The bear's head suddenly fell off, and hot blood spurted from its neck all over the wicker's head and mouth.

It was the thin man who was closest to him who picked up the axe, and lifted it up and down.

The bear's head rolled twice on the ground, its upper and lower steel teeth suddenly closed with a "click", and its small scarlet eyes suddenly widened.

Willow, who was pressed under the huge bear's body, shivered when he saw this.

If she was one breath later, a big hole would open in her belly.

This time the bear demon was really dead, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Help me..." Liu Tiao struggled to ask for help.

The team members tried hard to push the bear corpse away, and Liuzhi screamed in pain because the bear's claw was still hooked on her calf, and the wound was bloody and bloody.

Another big man, the "door panel", took out the wound medicine and helped Willow Tiao treat the wound. Liu Tong said to the others: "Go dig a hole and bury the villagers."

The team members returned to the village in search of pickaxes.

The place is in a mess, the wooden house has been knocked out of a big hole, overturned furniture is everywhere, and bodies can be found along the blood stains.

The bear demon killed eight people, but only ate children and teenagers. It especially liked to eat eyeballs. The remains were too horrific to look at.

One of the team members joined the army three months ago and had never touched the dead. But as soon as he entered the room, he saw the dead man's mouth wide open and a pair of bloody holes with missing eyes staring straight at him.

He couldn't hold it back and vomited.

The scene was too tragic and had an impact on He Lingchuan. He turned his head and thought to himself, "This is a dream."

Everyone silently collected the body and took it to the open space behind the village for a safe burial.

The bear demon rushed out of the mountains. The Military Merit Department received help from the village and sent He Lingchuan's team to eliminate the demon.

Everyone was talking while digging holes, and they all said that the monsters they had killed recently were much more powerful than they were a few months ago.

In the world of Panlong City, two months have passed since the Emperor's Ooze appeared in the world. The sequelae of the Emperor's Ooze incident are also clearly revealed, that is, new monsters who have been enlightened have sprung up in the entire Panlong Wasteland, and the old monsters are getting more and more... powerful.

A new monster who has just attained enlightenment is like a young boy of 14 or 15 years old. His strength and confidence have skyrocketed. He has the illusion that I am the best in the world. He is still a little ignorant at the beginning of his spiritual intelligence, but his temperament has become extraordinarily middle-class and extraordinarily weird. The violence will take months to subside.

At this time, they pose a great threat to humans. Whether in Panlong Wasteland or Chipa Plateau, there are endless reports of monsters attacking people. Population is one of Panlong City's most precious resources, and the government will not let man-eating monsters go unpunished.

Since He Lingchuan joined the patrol, he has carried out seven missions to eliminate demons. The old team members said that the Chipa Plateau was very peaceful before Emperor Liujing, and it was unlikely that they would be able to accumulate so many cases in most of the year.

Before the burial, He Lingchuan reached out and closed the eyes of the deceased.

This is an experience he must endure.

Fighting and killing are the best ways to hone your blade and will.

But human life is so fragile, whether in Panlong City or in the real world.

A few sticks of incense were found on the door panel, and they were lit on the graves, and eulogies were recited, wishing them to be reborn in the Kingdom of God.

He Lingchuan had heard it many times and knew that the object of their prayers was the "Mitian Empress", that is, the god who gave the big square pot and the red general and has been protecting Panlong City.

After taking care of the villagers' funeral, the team found a forage truck to carry the bear carcass, hitched their horses and headed for Panlong City.

This is the team's trophy. The bear's head must be sent to the Military Merit Department for registration as a token. The rest will be distributed among the team members by the fire chief. Those with more merit will get more, and those with less merit will get less.

They had just loaded up the bear carcass when a huge sika deer suddenly appeared in the woods. Moss had grown on the spectacular crown branches and two small flowers were blooming. It was not afraid of people either. It walked over and spoke human words: "Qianlingshanze wants me to tell you that there are many strange monsters near Baektu Mountain, including birds and animals."

Fire Chief Liu Tong took a step forward: "Isn't it a new monster?"

"No." Sika Deer said, "They appeared together with the new wave of monsters after the Emperor's Liquid Liquid, trying to get through. But Shanze judged that they were from outside."

"Thank you for letting me know, we will report it as soon as possible."

After the advent of Emperor Liujing, there are many moths, both divine and man-made.

The sika deer nodded, turned around and walked slowly into the forest.

As the overlord of the wasteland, Panlong City firmly controls the entire Chipa Plateau behind it. The mountains, rivers, waters and spirits here are all canonized by it and perform collaborative management duties.

Otherwise, the plateau is so vast and empty, and the enemy's spies and spies can always come up. How can Panlong City's manpower alone be able to expel it?

At this time, on the Chipa Plateau, the upper forests on the far slopes are fully dyed, showing the majestic mountains. The rivers are as clear as jade belts, winding through the golden wilderness.

The vastness and majesty of the heaven and earth are enough to sweep away the misery and anger that everyone just experienced.

He Lingchuan took a long breath. The air here seemed to be sweet.

But he did see Chipa Plateau two hundred years later.

What kind of power can turn the dynamic and beautiful mountains and rivers into a dry and monotonous sea of ​​sand?

Now, he may be walking in a world built by this kind of power.

Thinking about it makes me a little excited.

Soon after, the team returned to Panlong City and went straight to the Military Merit Department.

Only by handing over the mission can they distribute the spoils.

All industries are prosperous in Panlong City, and the division of labor is very detailed. There are even professional hunting shops that handle the trophies obtained in the wild for the patrols. The bear demon is one of the most popular varieties. Its minions can be used to refine weapons, its fur can be used to make soft armor and cloaks, and its gallbladder, eyeballs and inner elixir can be used to refine medicine. It is a treasure.

He Lingchuan also calculated in his mind that after receiving this merit, the accumulated military merit should be enough to exchange for another magical power.

He had already predicted that he would use Li Daitao's stiff technique.

The description of this magical power is also very simple: it allows the user to instantly exchange places with a specific "cicada", provided that both parties are in the same space and the distance does not exceed five feet. It can only be used once every three hours.

Just this sentence, the usage scenarios are enough to make people think about it. Needless to say, Li Daitao's stiffness not only makes He Lingchuan's fighting methods more flexible, but also adds a life-saving skill.

As for the spoils, He Lingchuan received half a bear paw and a bear kidney, and the thin man even handed him an eyeball.

This is also an unwritten rule. If your life is saved by a teammate, you must be rewarded in kind. Therefore, He Lingchuan did not refuse and happily accepted.

Very few people would swallow this kind of tonic directly. He Lingchuan could ask A Luo to make a pill, or he could hand it over to the Military Merit Department in exchange for credit, or he could sell it directly. It has many uses.

The thin guy over there is listless.

Originally, he was leading a bear on a wild run today as a bait, but the bear slapped him into a tree and scrapped an amulet.

Without the protection of this talisman, the bear demon might be able to open a skylight on his back with one palm.

This kind of life-saving thing is not cheap. He feels distressed when he thinks about it, and there is also a dull pain in his back.

At this time, Liuzhou came over and simply gave him the most valuable bear bile as a thank you for saving his life. The latter's resentment disappeared immediately, and he smiled so hard that he couldn't see his teeth.

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