After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 194 Preparing for battle and dressing up

Everyone laughed at him: "Is this bear bile enough to buy your third brother's wife?"

The door panel patted him on the shoulder: "Do you want me to give you some? But first, let's agree that the wife will also have my share."

"That's enough, that's enough. It's not your share." The thin man didn't take it seriously and carefully took the box and put it away.

All his teammates know that he is the eldest son of the family, with four younger brothers and two younger sisters. Among them, the second younger brother lost a leg in the battle and cannot do the heavy work of supporting the family.

After his parents passed away, the thin man, as the eldest brother, had to take on the responsibilities of a father. At this moment, he was confident and confident: "I see what the in-laws dare to ask for this time!"

Everyone was planning to say goodbye to each other and go home to rest, when Fire Chief Liu Tong came back: "Don't disband yet, the next mission is coming."

The door panel was startled: "Do it now?"

From tracking, ambush to fighting, they worked for more than ten hours before killing the bear demon. Now it was time to recuperate.

"This is a mandatory mission, there is no room for bargaining." Liu Tong looked solemn, "Let's go treat the wounds and prepare supplies for five days. After an hour and a half of rest, we will gather at the South Gate Square. This time it is a legion battle!"

Everyone was surprised and all started talking: "Are we going to join the legion battle too?"

"Is it our turn finally?"

"It's good to fight, and you'll get more military honors!" You'll also earn more money. The thin man licked his lips, "I've long been tired of killing monsters."

He Lingchuan asked: "How many legions are participating in the war?"

"I don't know, this is a secret." Liu Tong told everyone, "Time is limited, hurry up and replenish water, elixirs, arrows and other weapons. Take your horses back to the stables to rest, and I will dispatch a group of war horses. Replacement. You may have to march a long distance after leaving the city."

The door panel looked serious: "Are you going to Puxigou?"

"I don't know." Liu Tong hurried away.

Willow twisted his neck and made a few clicks: "Horses can rest, but humans don't." After hunting for more than ten hours, they returned to the city exhausted, only to have to set off again immediately. "I'll go back and take a nap."

The thin man had to rush home to hand over the harvest from this trip to his family, but before leaving, he did not forget to ask his teammates: "Hey, there is only one hour left, you don't have time to buy, right? Just do what we did last time, everyone comes Twenty green onion patties and five cheeses?”

The door panel frowned: "Every time I buy it from your sister-in-law, it's not cheaper?"

"For you to eat, my family will use good flour and add too much oil. Don't you feel the greasy taste when eating?" The thin man counted on his fingers, "That's it, each pancake is one less than the market price. Copper plate, this is the price of teammates and conscience!”

"Then why is the meat in the pancake still a little sour?" Another teammate came over and asked, "What kind of meat was put in?"

"Good meat, all serious and good meat!" The thin man said with a serious face, "I watched them make the cakes with my own eyes. Don't worry, they will never cut corners."

"I even ate a fly in the cake." His teammates were dissatisfied, "Since you were watching over the whole process, didn't you see the fly fly in?"

"There are so many flies and so many mouthfuls of meat, why bother picking them out when it's all crispy and crispy?"

Everyone booed him, but they acquiesced and continued to buy dry food from his house. The thin man has to support a large family by himself, and is always short of money, and will not let go of even half a copper. Anyway, the scallion and meat pancakes all taste the same, so it doesn’t matter who sells them. At least the thin man was right about one thing. The pancakes made by his younger siblings have more oil and make them more filling.

After everyone else left, the thin man asked He Lingchuan: "Duandao, do you want anything else?"

"Give me another five pounds of beef jerky. It should be drier and firmer, not wet."

"Okay!" The thin man knew that a single like He Lingchuan had no family to support and could only feed himself, so he would definitely be more generous in spending money on food and drink.

Cows are such precious means of production. How can they be willing to kill them if they are not injured, sick or old? The price of beef jerky is at least three times that of cheese.

He Lingchuan emphasized: "No cat meat, no raccoon meat, but serious beef."

"No need, no need." The thin man laughed and turned to run, but He Lingchuan called out to him, "Help me get some more ghost cicadas to shed."

"Ghosting..." The thin man was startled, "This thing is not cheap."

"Exchange military merit for more money." Every city has an underground dark market, and strict ones such as Panlong City are no exception, where some good things that are not commonly seen on the market are circulated. If Hu Min and A Luo hadn't been there, He Lingchuan wouldn't have bothered this guy.

Ghost cicada slough is the indispensable "seed" for using Li Daitaojiang. After He Lingchuan learned this magical power, as long as he dropped it on the ground beforehand, he could freely switch places with it within five feet.

Although the CD lasts for three hours, once used it is a magical skill.

After Fatty left, He Lingchuan returned to Pengcheng Department and exchanged the accumulated military merit for Li Daitaojiang.

Then, he found a room at a nearby inn. The shorter the gap between battles, the more time you need to seize the time to recharge your batteries.

Hu Min left yesterday afternoon, without saying where he was going before leaving. Coincidentally, A Luo was the same, so He Lingchuan concluded that they rushed to the Panlong Wasteland first.

During these few dreams, he also carefully collected intelligence, and soon discovered that Panlongcheng and the Baling Army were already on the battlefield of Puxigou, and they had exchanged blows with each other several times. Faced with the fatigue tactics used by the Baling Army, Panlong City seized the large and let go of the small, and did not sit back and wait. It only sent troops to suppress the battle when crops were concentrated and business travelers left the city.

After several incursions by the Ba Ling Army were ineffective, they simply sent additional men to plunder the merchant travellers.

After all, the specialties of Puxigou are really valuable.

Before today, the Ba Ling Army had successfully plundered three times and failed four times. The most recent one was three days ago.

In just two months, a total of seven military robberies were dispatched, which shows the extent of the rivalry between the two sides.

For this kind of medium-sized and high-frequency operations, the Dafeng Army alone is definitely not enough. It also has its own tasks to perform, so the patrol army is replenished in time and becomes one of the main forces of the Puxigou Guards every time.

Many patrol teams have already been there, and this time it was finally the turn of He Lingchuan's team.

As soon as he lay down on the couch, the exhaustion of the past dozen hours came over him and dragged him into sleep.

During the past few missions, He Lingchuan was surprised to find that he could actually fall asleep in his dreams.

It's just that this kind of rest is not a dream within a dream, but a deep sleep. When you wake up, you feel energetic and tired.

At this time, there were still two quarters of an hour before the meeting time. He Lingchuan walked to the small restaurant nearby and ordered a bowl of plain mutton, two huge steamed buns with noodles, and a large bowl of wonton soup, which was delicious and delicious. Start eating.

Of all foods, meat is the most hungry. He Lingchuan thought that the later he could eat Shouzi's scallion meat pie, the better.

But the only ones who can eat like this in a small restaurant are the patrol members. Others have to think about it for a long time if they want a bowl of mutton soup with only oil floating on it.

The child next to him almost cried with greed. He ate the steamed bun slowly and peeked at his bowl.

He Lingchuan just wanted to eat and drink enough.

The waiter took two filled water bags and handed them to He Lingchuan diligently. There are many patrols eating here, and the store will provide services to the best of its ability, such as helping people replenish ready-made dry food and water.

He Lingchuan stood up and counted the money, then pointed at the soup bowl and asked the child: "Do you want it?"

The child nodded wildly. There are also a few large wontons and chives in the soup, with a layer of oil floating on them.

The child's mother watched helplessly. It seemed like the last time her family ate meat was two months ago.

He Lingchuan put the bowl on the children's table, turned around and walked out.

Panlong City South Gate Square.

When He Lingchuan found his team, seven to eight hundred people had gathered in the square. Judging from their costumes, they were basically patrolmen.

The thin man arrived with his second younger brother and sister, handing out dry food with one hand and collecting money with the other.

The little woman was fair and pretty, and she carried two baskets in her hands. Inside were the onion meat cakes that had been made in a hurry, and the steam was still leaking through the oil paper. She laughs when she sees people and doesn't mind when men make fun of her and say naughty things.

The door panel said to the thin man: "I will buy more next time, unless your brothers and sisters come to deliver cakes again."

The thin man gave him a roll of his eyes: "Then you have to survive today." After saying that, he cooed at Liu Tiao.

The door panel turned around and saw Willow glaring at him fiercely, his eyebrows standing upright, and he couldn't help but lower his head and cough twice.

Liu Tong came over and pulled the team members to a nearby alley, where someone delivered a set of light leather armors.

He Lingchuan was startled, and the door panel had already shouted: "Ah, isn't this a gale military uniform?!"

The standard equipment of the Gale Army is different from other troops and can be distinguished at a glance.

Being able to be incorporated into the Gale Army and put on this military uniform is an honor pursued by many people?

"What are you shouting for? Are you afraid that others won't hear you?" Liu Tong made a silent gesture, "Just put it on here, hurry up."

Everyone stopped asking and quickly changed their clothes, and someone took away their patrol uniforms.

Menpan caressed the Gale military uniform on his body, and his eyes were full of emotion: "This set of equipment was given to us?"

These equipments were all new and not old, and should have been worn by the original owner for some time. He Lingchuan also found dark red blood stains on the sleeves.

Pies will not fall from the sky, even if they are eaten. Liu Tiao wondered: "What do you want us to do?"

"Why are the soldiers asking so many questions?" Another horse was brought over. They were all sleek and energetic, their furs were brushed clean, and their own rations were hung on the backs of the saddles.

In a rapid march like this, the horses can eat the water and grass on the wasteland, but if they want to have endurance and strength, the cavalry must bring some of their own feed.

Everyone looked at it and exchanged glances.

If there wasn't a tough battle ahead, why would the preparations be so thorough?

Liu Tong called everyone to lead their horses back to the square.

The wounds on the bodies of Liu Tiao and others have been treated with medicine. Panlongcheng's elixir is particularly effective in treating skin injuries, and now it basically does not affect their movements.

At this time, thousands of people had gathered in the South Gate Square. A big man wearing heavy armor stood up and began to mobilize the entire army.

He Lingchuan heard someone say that this was General Nan Ke.

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