After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 195 The return journey is the highlight

He was a general who left the dead city to join Zhong Shengguang in the third year of the Panlong calendar. He had many achievements, and he took command of the army directly under Commander Zhong. He also fought many victorious battles in these years.

He used his true power, so his voice shook the whole audience: "You may have heard of today's goal. Yes, it is to escort the most important business trip this autumn and winter back to Puchengou! As long as they are sent back to Puchengou from Baixiong Pass, After the fall of Weicheng, Puxigou has been the western front line of Panlong City, blocking us from the sharp teeth and claws of Baling and Xianyou Kingdom. Therefore, protecting our friends means protecting our country. Dragon City, to protect our fellow citizens and our country is to protect ourselves! Gentlemen, take the lead and protect me, Panlong!"

The audience was full of energy and excited: "Be brave and take the lead to protect me as a dragon!"

By the second sound, the civilians watching on the side naturally started shouting together, and the sound shook the south of the city.

Then the south gate of Panlong City opened, and General Nan Ke led his troops out.

Passing the magnificent south gate again, He Lingchuan looked up and couldn't help but gasp.

He still remembered the cold atmosphere he felt when he first passed by this place. After several dreams, he paid attention to collecting medicinal materials. Finally, after falling into a dream the night before, he bought the rarest ingredient - rotten heart grass that grows in extremely yin places, and thus refined it. Du Hun Powder was produced.

Yes, among the relics left behind by Sun Fuping after his execution, there is the recipe for making Duhunsan. This medicine can make people see "dirty things" in a short period of time, and can also cause fire to temporarily block the breath of living people. Of course, He Lingchuan only wants its first effect now.

He swallowed Duhunsan when he took the oath in the South Square. Passing through the South Gate again at this time, he finally confirmed his long-standing suspicion:

Under the south city gate, countless three corpse insects that are difficult to see are flying!

These mist-like things were no different from what he saw in Panlong Desert, but ordinary soldiers and civilians in Panlong City would not hear any strange sounds when they passed through the south gate.

They are like air, invisible and intangible, but real.

He Lingchuan even saw them flexibly entering and exiting through the small holes in the wall of Wengcheng - between the first and second largest gates. Because the wall was too high and had overhangs, even the midday sun could hardly shine into the ground of Wengcheng. Therefore, this place has become a place where the three corpse insects can move freely.

They would pass through every pedestrian, which was probably why He Lingchuan felt it was cold and cold under the city, but they would not actively invade the human body or interfere with his thoughts.

It can be seen that Zhong Shengguang, who owns a large square pot, has strong control over the Three Corpse Insects.

At this point, He Lingchuan finally understood why Panlong City dared to open its doors to trade without fear of enemy troops entering the city in disguise to cause chaos:

The city gate is guarded by invisible three corpse insects, and they are particularly sensitive to human emotions, especially malice.

People with ill intentions towards Panlong City, no matter how deep they are hidden, will be stimulated and amplified by the Three Corpse Insects. The specific manifestation may be sudden madness, and the defenders only need to capture them.

With the blessing of Dafang Hu, the basic policies and appearance of the entire Panlong City have changed accordingly. He Lingchuan once again felt the inseparable integration between this artifact and the fate of the city.

Eighteen hours later.

General Nan Ke's team was walking in the vast wilderness.

Panlong Wasteland is not as lush with water and grass as the Chipa Plateau behind Panlong City. The basic landform here is shrub tundra and scattered trees.

It's autumn, the grass has turned yellow, and the chilling desolation of all things is particularly obvious in the wilderness.

He Lingchuan sat on the horse, raised the water bag, and took a small sip of water.

A team of 1,200 people took a trip to Baixiong Pass and turned into 1,900 people, with more than 200 carts full of goods.

Yes, they have successfully received the caravan and are now escorting them back to Puxigou.

This batch of supplies is mainly for people's livelihood and can ensure that the residents of Puxigou can survive the grueling winter in the wilderness.

General Nan Ke had rich marching experience. After receiving the caravan at Baixiong Pass, he was not in a hurry to go back. He ordered the entire army to rest for three hours to give everyone a full rest.

Everyone knows that the return journey is the highlight.

Ever since he left Panlong City, He Lingchuan had been secretly pondering over his new magical powers. After more than ten hours, he had gained some insights.

He Lingchuan gets along well with his teammates. After all, he is easy-going, does not fight or grab, and is very skilled in skills. Who doesn't like this kind of good teammate?

The door panels kept pace with him, and they chatted for a long time.

This tall man lives up to his nickname, with broad shoulders and a chest as thick as a door panel. He blocks the front during battle, giving people a strong sense of security. They say that nine out of ten are stupid, but his personality is far from "loyal and honest".

He Lingchuan had already heard a lot of gossip from him. For example, the Battle of Baijiagang three days ago was also commanded by General Nan Ke. The battle was very beautiful, not only killing more than 800 enemies, but also killing the enemy on the spot. General Fang accepted the flowers and trees.

Huamuna is the younger brother of Huamuco, the commander of the Baling Army stationed in Weicheng, and he is quite brave. The brothers had fought back to back on the battlefield for many years. Huamuna's death must have been a heavy blow to his brother Huamuco.

Encouraged by this great victory, Panlongcheng decided to strike while the iron was hot and immediately started the most important material transportation in Puxigou. At this time, Wei Cheng's Ba Ling Army had just suffered a major defeat and their morale was low. They should not come back to provoke another fight until the readjustment was completed.


Hearing this, He Lingchuan couldn't help but ask, "What kind of character does Hua Mucuo have?" In a war game, the psychology of the opponent, especially the opponent's coach, must be taken into account.

"I heard he is quite calm and doesn't like to rush into things just because he is greedy for credit." The door panel sighed, "If he has a character that provokes accusations, 90% of our escort trip will be intercepted." But in fact, no one can tell, Hua Mucuo will In order to retaliate in anger, he still swallowed this breath.

He Lingchuan was thinking about the strategy given by Sun Hongye. The reality is of course much more complicated than what is said on paper, but will Panlongcheng intend to move in this direction? After all, seven battles had been fought in the early stage, with victories and defeats, and Panlongcheng's true intentions were concealed by battles again and again.

Although no one mentioned it, He Lingchuan still vaguely felt that this escort trip was very different from usual.

As the number of times he entered Panlong's dream increased, He Lingchuan had discovered that his dream back to Panlong City was not a coherent linear process in terms of time, but a fragmented scene switch.

Every time he enters, it is a time node in this world, and events, big or small, happen.

While the world was training him, it seemed to be showing him something.

Perhaps because he had been silent for too long, the door panel suddenly said: "Duandao, why did you join the patrol?"

He Lingchuan was startled: "Defending the family and the country, why else?"

"It's too empty." The door panel smiled, "The thin man joined the patrol because he wanted to save money so that his family could live a good life; Liu Tiao's brother was killed by the immortals, and she wanted to take revenge; as for me, I want to make a contribution. . Who doesn’t have his own little plan?”

No matter how lofty a person's belief is, it must be supported by a realistic foundation.

"I want to join the Gale Army." He Lingchuan said honestly, "But I heard that if you can't become a team leader, you are not qualified to join the Gale Army."

"Join the Gale Army?" The door panel glanced at him, "Is it because of the reputation of the Red General?"

"That's right." He Lingchuan fell into dreams many times. He had never met the Red General in person. He only glanced at him from afar and then logged off.

"General Red is the motivation for many people to join the army. I see that you are usually taciturn, but I didn't expect that you also pursue heroes."

He Lingchuan laughed.

The words "taciturn" were actually used on him, on the domineering little bully of Blackwater City. The He family didn't know what their expressions would be like when they heard this.

But having said that, he did think and do more in his dreams, but talked less.

In reality, he needs to cover up and disguise.

But here, he can be his true self.

A different scene appeared on the horizon, and the door panel let out a long breath: "Ahead is the Ghost Needle Stone Forest."

As the team moved forward, the scenery ahead became clearer.

He Lingchuan had been to this place several times before. The Ghost Needle Stone Forest is a famous landscape on Hongya Road. Its periphery is at least 100 feet away from the main Hongya Road. Travelers in later generations can only look at it from a distance.

Countless years ago, this place should have been a valley with dense vegetation, and the flowing water carved out the terrain with crisscrossing ravines. Later, the river changed its course and did not go from here, so the wind and sand took over, carving one mountain after another to look like screens and sails. .

As long as you are willing, you can find countless paths in the Ghost Needle Stone Forest.

This is also a rare sight in the vast wilderness.

"This is the best place to ambush." ​​The three-dimensional intersection has an unknown number of levels above and below. He Lingchuan murmured, "Are we going to go to Stone Forest?"

"We can all see it. It's impossible that General Nanke can't see it." The door panel raised its head and said, "I don't think so."

The thin man followed up on horseback: "How about I play a bet? One or two silver coins."

He Lingchuan smiled and said: "Okay, I'll bet on it. After all, the Ghost Needle Stone Forest is too big. It will take at least ten more hours to get around. The more time you spend, the more risks you will have."

"It's started, it's started." The thin man increased his volume and said proudly, "Let's bet on whether our team can make it out of the Ghost Needle Stone Forest. Let's place one or two bets together!"

Although the scenery in the wasteland was beautiful, it looked the same after looking at it for a long time. Everyone was feeling bored while marching. Suddenly they heard that he was going to start a gambling game, and they responded enthusiastically.

The thin man was grinning from ear to ear. The dealer always took it all without losing, and he was about to make a profit again.

"Why is there so much noise in the back?"

In front of the army, General Nanke looked back.

The adjutant immediately said: "I will scold them."

General Nan Ke ignored him and said to the messenger: "Pass my order to go around Guizhen Stone Forest."

The terrain of Ghost Needle Stone Forest is too complicated, making it the best place for enemies to ambush. He couldn't take the risk, and it didn't hurt to take a long detour.

The herald received the order and was about to ride to the rear. Suddenly he heard the sound of horse hooves in front and a horse galloped towards him.

The scouts exploring the front are back.

The horses were covered in steam, and it was obvious that they had just run for their lives.

The scout had no time to dismount, and he saluted and gasped: "A large number of enemies and enemy troops appeared in the northwest, less than fifteen miles away from us!"

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