After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 196 Save? No help!

Sure enough, it came. General Nan Ke said solemnly: "How many troops are there on the other side?"

"I can't get close to calculating it, but it's at least seven thousand!"

"Seven thousand!" Everyone's expression changed when they heard this, and General Nan Ke was also shocked, "How is that possible! The total number of Baling troops stationed in Wei City is only more than two thousand! Are you reading that correctly?"

The scout said categorically: "Just a little more! If you miscalculate, I am willing to be punished by military law!"

At this time, a sparrow hawk also flew down from the sky, landed on the shoulder of General Nan Ke and said: "I came from the northeast, and saw the dust on the ground flying, and there were nearly ten thousand enemies approaching!"

Even the falcons in the sky have said this, so they are sure to be right. The lieutenants looked eagerly at General Nanke, and the latter's thoughts were spinning.

He anticipated the enemy attack, but mispredicted the number of people.

Seven thousand enemy troops can easily change the outcome of the battle.

What should we do now? The opponent was approaching in a blink of an eye, and Panlongcheng's army, with hundreds of trucks, could not run fast.

No matter how brave Panlong City's army was, it was difficult for them to fight an enemy force six or seven times their own on an unobstructed plain, let alone protect merchants and trucks. Not to mention him, even if the Red General comes in person, he may not be sure to escape unscathed.

General Nan Ke no longer hesitated, turned around and pointed at the Ghost Needle Stone Forest: "The team turned around and entered the Stone Forest immediately!"

The unaware adjutant was surprised: "General, there may be an ambush inside."

"Nonsense, don't I know?" General Nanke said coldly, "Only there can we deal with it with all our strength! Even if it is a trap, now we have to hold our noses and jump in!"

Without further ado, military orders were passed down one after another. The entire team immediately changed direction and rushed towards the Ghost Needle Stone Forest.

At the same time, General Nanke fed the Sparrowhawk a small piece of dried meat, whispered a few words to it, and then patted its head: "Please make another trip."

The sparrowhawk fluttered its wings.

It has brown and red feathers with spots, and is larger than its ordinary counterparts. After taking off, it flies towards the north like a meteor. Its speed is much faster than that of ordinary falcons. It can really be said to be lightning fast.

However, no one noticed that the two large eagles hovering in the sky changed their direction and followed quietly.


Like other cities in Panlong Wasteland, Puxigou covers a small area and has a small population. However, it has high walls and deep ditches worn out by years of war. The Baling people attacked several times but failed to knock it down.

Today, the gates of Puxigou City are closed and no one is allowed in or out, but there are many new faces popping up in the city, all of them are strong-armed and murderous.

They neither made any noise nor made trouble, nor even talked to the local residents. They only stayed in the open space under the city wall of Puxigou, sharpening their knives, drinking horses, and closing their eyes to rest.

This army has a peculiar temperament. It stands as tall as a pine tree and sinks as deep as a deep abyss, but it seems to contain a ball of fire that can explode at any time to injure people. The bright red armor on their bodies made the civilians look at them with respect.

Gale Army.

No one expected that while General Nanke was still escorting the merchant team in the wilderness two to three hundred miles away, the Gale Army quietly entered Puxigou.

Xiao Maoliang was adjusting the saddle and bridle of his beloved horse when he suddenly heard the sound of flapping wings coming from above.

He looked up and saw a very familiar-looking sparrowhawk descending from mid-air with its wings folded and landing on the top of the city.


Xiao Mao's conscience tightened, and he ran to the top of the city in two steps. He happened to hear the bird monster speak:

"Report, General Nan Ke was attacked by enemies in Guizhen Stone Forest!"

The owner it reported was standing at the top of the city facing the southern wasteland. Apart from the bright red armor, others could only see the fiery cloak.

Behind him are good generals who have been on the battlefield for a long time, chatting and laughing, but they stand here with their hands hanging solemnly and their faces respectful, as if they don't dare to take a breath.

The Falcon Demon is still reporting: "The number of enemy troops in Baling is nearly ten thousand. General Nanke took refuge in the Ghost Needle Stone Forest and sent me to ask for help from you!"

Nearly ten thousand? Xiao Maoliang and other lieutenants looked at each other.

There are less than 3,000 soldiers in the entire Wei City. Even if they all come out in full force, where will the remaining 6,7,000 people come from?

After the Falcon Demon finished speaking, the man tilted his head slightly. The wind above the city suddenly stopped, the air was stagnant, and the fluttering cloak suddenly fell on him.

It can easily affect the surrounding environment.

But this vision only lasted for a moment. The man raised his hand and pointed to the west, and a cold voice sounded directly in the hearts of everyone: "Get ready to attack."

The soldiers on the city wall five feet away did not hear him at all.

The lieutenants were slightly surprised: "General, don't we divide our troops and go to Guizhen Stone Forest?"

"General Nan Ke can withstand it." A simple sentence sealed the life-and-death struggle for the southern patrol in the next few hours.

Fortunately, Sparrowhawk received another instruction from his master: "You now fly back to Panlong City and move reinforcements for General Nanke."

It's about three hundred miles from Panlong City to Ghost Needle Stone Forest. Even if you drive fast, it will take three or four hours. The road in Panlong Wasteland is not all smooth, and it will be dark in another hour.

This does not include the time for the Sparrowhawk to fly back to Panlong City.

A rough calculation showed that it would be a blessing if the reinforcements arrived in the early morning. General Nanke's team would have to last at least four or five hours alone.

"Yes!" Sparrowhawk reported again, "On my way here, I was watched by two giant eagles from high in the sky. I flew eighty miles before I got rid of them."

"Do you recognize them?"

"I don't recognize it, and it doesn't look like a monster in the wasteland."

Six to seven thousand enemy troops fell from the sky, bird monsters of unknown origin. Several lieutenants felt that it was not good to have such variables.

"It's useless to get rid of them." The man said to the Sparrowhawk, "Panlong City is in the southeast. You didn't fly there, but you went straight to the north. This has pointed out to the enemy that Nanke's reinforcements are in the north. To the north ...There is only Puxigou."

Sparrowhawk immediately lowered his head.

After receiving the order for help from General Nan Ke, of course it came with all its strength. How could it be so thoughtful?

The man waved his hand, and the sparrowhawk had no choice but to flutter its wings and fly towards Panlong City.

If it arrives earlier, General Nanke will be able to receive assistance earlier.

"That is to say, the newly joined enemies will soon know that we are in Puxigou, and it is not difficult to infer that our target is Weicheng." After all, this place is only a few dozen miles away from Weicheng, and the cavalry can reach it with just a few steps.

To the people of Baling, Panlong's army was divided into two groups, one of which was still hidden in Puxi ditch. Was the intention very clear?

Therefore, "If we attack now, it won't be considered a surprise attack."

Surprise is the only way to win.

Their original battle plan was to lure Hua Mucuo, who was eager to lose his brother, to attack General Nanke and the caravan with all his strength. The Dafeng Army secretly hiding in Puxigou would take the opportunity to regain Wei City and get rid of this thorn in their side in one fell swoop.

Puxigou cannot accommodate thousands of troops stationed for a long time, but it is still no problem to hold on for a few days.

It sounds like this plan is a bit crude, but battles have always been about keeping the plan simple, executing it carefully, and combining it with reality to achieve miraculous results. After Hua Mucuo captured Weicheng, he was generally at a disadvantage in several battles with Panlongcheng. He had been holding back his bad breath for a long time. Three days ago, his brother died tragically...

Who dares to say that I can endure the murder of my dearest relatives, that I will not be angry, that I will not send troops, and that I will not take revenge?

When people's Qi and blood attack their hearts, they are most likely to make mistakes and not listen to advice.

On the other hand, if Hua Mucuo responds calmly and fails to take the bait, then at most the Gale Army will return to Panlong City, and General Nanke successfully escorts the merchant brigade back to Puxigou, which is a good thing in itself. Recapture Wei City is also next time For sure, sooner or later.

However, more than 7,000 Baling troops parachuted in, disrupting this plan.

General Nan Ke and the merchants who were used as bait were in danger. If the Gale Army sat idly by and still stole Weicheng as planned, there would be two problems: First, General Nan Ke brought more than a thousand soldiers and hundreds of trucks. , how long can it last against seven thousand opponents?

Secondly, can the Gale Army definitely capture Wei City?

Xiao Maoliang frowned: "The other side can send nearly ten thousand troops to intercept General Nanke and the caravan. Maybe there are also troops stationed in Weicheng, so it will no longer be an empty city."

Don’t be fooled by this operation if you fail to catch fish but get swallowed the bait, which will make people laugh.

The man in front asked them: "If you are the new commander-in-chief of the Baling people, and it is known that General Nanke's backup is in Puxigou, what are your next steps?"

Xiao Maoliang was startled: "New commander?" He suddenly realized, "Yes, Huamuco has only more than two thousand people under his command. This new Baling army must be led by someone else." Otherwise, General Nanke would not have been caught off guard. .

The generals thought for a while and all expressed their opinions, but in short, if you are the commander of Baling, you have to look at how many men are left in your hands. If you have more people, you can attack Puxigou, and if you have less people, you can defend the powerful city and don't teach Dafeng. The army succeeded.

"Where do you think this team comes from?"

"In the territory of Baling!" There was no need for discussion this time. The generals agreed: "The western part of the wasteland is barren and has scarce water resources. It cannot support so many people and horses, so this army must come from the territory of Baling."

Doesn’t Baling Kingdom usually want to send more people to the wasteland? No.

The several strongholds of the Baling Kingdom in the western wilderness can support less than five or six thousand elite troops in total, so Wei City is already relatively wealthy.

Unlike Panlong City, which is blessed with the Chipa Plateau at its back, the fertile fields for thousands of miles are owned by one family, so they can train strong soldiers and horses.

If so many Baling people suddenly appeared in the wilderness, they must have been temporarily dispatched from China.

"Do you think that the new commander-in-chief of Baling came here like this to attack General Nanke by surprise, just to defend Wei City, to avenge Huamuco, or is he just coveting the little commercial goods in Puxigou?"

Every division must be famous. If the goal of the coach is not clear and firm, how can he command thousands of troops?

Xiao Maoliang took a breath and understood: "His target is Puxigou, and it is more likely to be us!"

They are plotting against Wei City, and aren't the people from Baling plotting against them?

"Perhaps you still want to meet me." The man said calmly, "How can the other party be willing to hide in Weicheng and be a coward when they have ambitions? Whether we support General Nan Ke or attack Weicheng, they will not do it. Without him, maybe his plan is the same as mine, to seize the city from behind. "

"Fortunately, the other party doesn't know our strength either."

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