After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 197 Ghost Needle Stone Forest

After everyone understood, Captain Sun asked again: "When will we attack?"

"Why are you anxious? He has a large army and is sure that we will attack Weicheng by surprise, so he has to wait and wait for us to come." The man pressed his hand on the battlement, "We might as well let him wait a little longer. This season is suitable for sleeping in the wilderness. "

All the generals laughed. In late autumn in Panlong Wilderness, the night temperature plummets to minus three or four degrees Celsius. If a person stands guard in the wilderness for a night, the wind and sand can wear away half of his face. If their opponents had come here directly from the Baling Kingdom, they would have had a good look at the ruthlessness of the Panlong Wasteland tonight.

It was not until two hours later that the Gale Army, which was recharging its strength, received the order to prepare to set off.

"Captain Sun and Captain Liu, you lead five thousand troops to Wei City and display my banner. The more public it is, the better." The leader finally gave the order, "There is no need to be reluctant to fight when you encounter a strong enemy. Just return to Puchenggou and hold on."

"He believed in the importance of troops and speed, and sent more than 10,000 people to catch us off guard. Such a bold and daring advance, but if it fails, there will be no backup or supplies. This is the Achilles heel. The harder you poke, the better. By the way, who of you? Shoot down the big eagle when you have time to get rid of the enemy's eyes and facilitate follow-up operations. "

Both eyes lit up: "Yes!"

"Lieutenant Xiao, bring the Baling uniforms you prepared. The original plan remains unchanged, we steal Wei City."

A quarter of an hour later, the Puxigou city gate opened, and the red-armored and angry horses of the Gale Army galloped out.

Several large flags in the army were fluttering in the wind, with only one big and eye-catching red character on them:



Walking into the Ghost Needle Stone Forest, the air suddenly became humid.

Autumn in Panlong Wasteland is very dry, and a large fire can burn a large area of ​​land bare. However, the Ghost Needle Stone Forest has holes and caves, high cliffs and low valleys. The high cliffs block the scorching sun, while the low valleys store rainwater. Therefore, even though the river has long since changed its course, the Stone Forest is still much wetter than other parts of the wasteland.

In autumn, most of the dense plants are still green.

There are even river ponds and streams on the shady side at the bottom of some rock walls, where drum shrimp and small fish hide furtively under the cracks in the rocks.

Plants also release warm water vapor. As soon as He Lingchuan walked in, he saw ruts on the wet mud.

This is not okay.

"Is the road ahead so muddy?" The valley they entered had too much water vapor, so it was not easy for the Baling people to trace the marks on the ground.

In order to avoid the powerful enemy and buy time, General Nanke decisively ordered the entire army to turn to the Ghost Needle Stone Forest. He knew very well that the roads in this place extended in all directions. They were extremely wide at wide places and extremely narrow at narrow places. They had not been repaired by humans, so it was unrealistic for all people to squeeze into one road.

So he divided the army into four, each with a different number of people, and each led some merchants and trucks forward.

The four teams choose different paths, which can also confuse the enemy and minimize losses.

Fortunately, Ghost Needle Stone Forest is a must-pass for business travelers, so each team can be assigned a guide who is familiar with this place.

In He Lingchuan's team, Fire Chief Liu Tong's hand smelled terrible. Sixteen teams had to draw two final lots. Everyone else cheered after the draw. Only Liu Tong took out the lot and took a look at it, his face turned pale.

Needless to say, their nine-member team must leave behind.

The door panel was so angry that he stared and cursed: "Did you dare to draw lots without washing your hands after squatting in the pit?"

Liu Tong had no words to refute, so he rushed to the front to negotiate, and finally got a guide to come back.

The guide was also crying and unwilling to say anything. I don’t know why he was so unpopular in the caravan that he was thrown into the rear group. What is the difference between this and committing suicide?

He Lingchuan patted him on the shoulder: "Guide us the way well, and you will definitely survive."

The guide sighed: "Please, everyone, I still have an eighty-year-old mother and a two-year-old baby to support."

"Then there are only four or five people in your family." The door panel pointed at the thin man and said, "There are more than ten people in his family, and they all point to him."

"Okay, don't make trouble." Liu Tong said with a straight face, "This place is good, let's make a few traps."

If just the ten of them want to slow down the army of Baling, they have to arrange all kinds of clever things.

Everyone had walked more than ten feet and entered a bamboo forest. Bamboo in Panlong Wasteland is still very rare. Although the water vapor here is full, the bamboo is far from as strong as in the south. Instead, it is thin and long, like a whip.

Wicker was born as a hunter, and his specialty is laying traps and making traps. He Lingchuan's mission in the past few dreams was to eliminate demons, and he also learned a lot of skills from her, so this time he came to help.

Everyone worked together and quickly prepared five or six traps. The simplest one is to add spikes to the bamboo, bend it, and then lay the wire near the ground. Once the enemy touches the thread, he will be hit by the bamboo coming towards him.

There are also sharp nails on the bamboo, which feels so sour.

After setting up the trap, everyone carefully retreated more than ten feet and hid themselves with the help of solid rocks.

After the first wave of enemies were attacked, they had to observe the movements of the Baling people before planning the next attempt to deter them.

Yes, traps can't hurt many people, but they can greatly scare opponents and slow down their progress.

In addition, wall-breaking and blinding methods are quite useful against civilians, but they have no effect against enemies who are also blessed by Yuan Power.

As long as the Yuan force is not too weak, others can also see through it at a glance.

Then, everyone waited with bated breath.

A good hunter must also have a lot of patience. Last night, they were hunting down the bear demon. They lay down by the pond for three hours.

Therefore, they stared at the bamboo forest in front of them and waited for more than two quarters of an hour.

The thin man couldn't help but mutter: "Why haven't you come yet?"

"Isn't it good that you didn't come?" Liu Tong shouted at him to be silent, "Shh!"

Another half hour passed.

The sky is getting darker and the wind is starting to pick up, rustling the bamboo forest and causing countless fallen leaves.

But other than that, it's empty.

He Lingchuan only saw a big toad walking through the path as if there was no one around, and jumped over the thin line of the trap.

Can't even catch a toad.

"An hour will be full in two quarters of an hour." The thin man killed a mosquito on his face. "In the open land of fifteen miles, the Baling people can't reach this point?"

"No wait, let's move forward." Liu Tong said decisively, "while we can still see the ruts."

They didn't know that the Ba Ling Army had actually arrived at Ghost Needle Stone Forest a long time ago.

The army pressed on the border, but they refused to go in.

The rear troops had already lit torches to illuminate the road, but the front army quickly sent an order: "Extinguish the torches, leaving no one behind!"

The leading general had scars on his face, and he was clearly Hua Mucuo, the general of Baling who had occupied Weicheng. He stared at the iconic outer stone screen of Ghost Needle Stone Forest for a while, and then asked the people around him: "Nan Ke's army has entered, are you sure?"

"The eagle in the sky can see clearly that Nan Ke himself has indeed entered, and his army is divided into several groups. But the fog and tree shadows in the stone forest are too thick, and the eagle cannot see it."

"Just go in." A strange smile appeared on Hua Mucuo's face, "The four thousand men on the rear wing turned to guard the northern exit of the Ghost Needle Stone Forest. Remember, no one is allowed to light a fire, not even a little bit; no one is allowed to step in One step in the Ghost Needle Stone Forest! Panlong’s soldiers come out and kill them one by one!”

The men took the order and left.

Hua Mucuo looked at the Ghost Needle Stone Forest in the dusk and said slowly: "Nan Ke, Nan Ke, I hope you come out alive so that I can gouge out your eyes and peel off your skin to comfort my brother's spirit in heaven!"

He Lingchuan and others pursued the direction of the large army, and at the same time did not forget to eliminate the tracks left by the convoy.

But the rear area was always quiet, and no one was catching up.

The sun has set, and the Ghost Needle Stone Forest is shrouded in darkness. The Ba Ling army had no scruples, so it stands to reason that they should light torches and chase people.

However, it was pitch black behind, with only the sound of the wind whimpering.

Didn't they catch up?

In other words, there happened to be no pursuers along the way. Is it because Liu Tong and others were lucky?

The door panel murmured: "Praying to the Mitian Empress before departure really works!"

Willow looked sideways: "You've never done this before?"

The door panel smiled dryly: "No, sometimes I'm too busy..."

A "shh" from the side interrupted the conversation between the two.

However, it was He Lingchuan who spoke out, not Liu Tong. He whispered: "There is movement ahead!"

Another gust of wind blew, and Liu Tiao, Shouzi and others also heard it, and there was a voice.

It was far away, but it seemed like—screaming?

Everyone looked at each other and sneaked over quietly.

If you want to sneak quietly in the jungle, the most important thing is to be "slow", especially if each person is holding a horse, and the horse cannot make too much noise. After walking more than ten feet, there were fires flashing in front, horses neighing and people roaring, and the team members also noticed that thin white threads began to appear on the plants around them.

This is the net?

The guide grabbed Liu Tong's arm and waved his hand, meaning he couldn't go.

The team members ignored it.

As a back-breaking team, we must at least find out what happened.

They hid in the leeward place, pushed aside the thick branches and leaves, and saw a slope leading to the mountain wall directly in front of them. There were sixteen or seventeen people and seven or eight horses on the slope.

These people were waving torches and stabbing their swords into the ground.

They seemed to be surrounded by a black tide that moved, hissed, and was furry...

The fire was blazing, and He Lingchuan saw clearly what was surrounding them, and felt terrified.


Spiders that were as dense as a tide, each one bigger than a cat, were frantically attacking the patrols. The claws and feet of thousands of spiders scratched the ground, and the rustling sound was like the lapping of the tide on the shore.

At every moment, more than a dozen spiders were killed, but their companions immediately took over and rushed to bite them regardless of their own safety. Some are Splatoons, brewing for a long time, then turning their heads and pointing their abdomens at humans, spraying out a large handful of dense spider webs.

This cobweb is incredibly sticky, and even with the help of Yuan Power, it is difficult to cut it with a sword. Several patrolmen were covered in cobwebs, and they had no time to clean them up, so they soon became more and more wrapped up.

There were also some spiders that were so big that they were about to catch up with the jackals. After spraying, they pulled the webs forward and tried to drag them down the hillside.

They were not afraid of the torches, nor did they care about the soldiers' vitality, and they continued to fight one after another.

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