After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 199 Summary of the entire army

Secondly, General Nan Ke also discovered that the Ba Ling Army did not follow into the Ghost Needle Stone Forest, so the Panlong City Army had to change its strategy and gather together to take advantage of their numbers to resist the invasion of the burrowing spiders.

"There is an exit, but the river doesn't go there." The guide calculated the distance in his mind. "After we get ashore, we have to walk a few miles to the gathering place marked by fireworks, and then walk another dozen miles to the northeast exit. ”

The Ghost Needle Stone Forest is quite vast.

Liu Tiao cursed "Damn", "If we can get out of the Ghost Needle Stone Forest, we might be able to break out of the Ba Ling people's encirclement in advance."

"Perhaps the Baling people have set a trap a long time ago." He Lingchuan looked around, "If I were General Nanke, I would not rush out of the Ghost Needle Stone Forest. The crypt spider is a difficult opponent, and the Baling people don't want to risk coming in."

"If we can find a way to deal with the burrowing spider." Liu Tong frowned, "This ghost place always scares me."

The light was dim, so we couldn't see the specific movements of the spiders, but we could hear the rustling of their long legs across dead branches and leaves. If you collect it too much, it will make people’s hair stand on end.

Some businessmen couldn't help but ask: "Are these things going to come with us?"

How dare a living person come ashore?

No one has the answer to this question, we can only take it one step at a time.

The patrolman Sun Jiayuan happened to be walking next to He Lingchuan, and there were multiple wounds gnawed by spiders on his wrists and neck. He Lingchuan glanced at him and suddenly asked: "Why are your fingers missing?"

He noticed that both Sun Jiayuan's palms were missing their little fingers.

Others have ten fingers, but he only has eight.

Sun Jiayuan remained silent.

Just when He Lingchuan thought that the man was not going to reply, he spoke again: "A few years ago, two mantises became demons after taking Emperor's Ooze. Their guillotines were very sharp."

He Lingchuan let out a long "Oh".

What a coincidence, the little fingers of both hands were cut off by the mantid? It just happens to be the little finger that doesn’t get in the way of doing things or fighting?

It seemed that this man had a story, but He Lingchuan didn't ask any more questions.

After a while, the smell of burnt smoke came in the wind.

The further we walked, the thicker and heavier the burning smell became, causing everyone to choke and cough.

Everyone even saw a large area of ​​burned jungle beside the river.

Now it can only be called the remains of a jungle: charred wood and black soil are everywhere, and the soil has even been burned into crystals.

Going further into the center of the Ghost Needle Stone Forest, the scene becomes even more tragic.

"This is not good." Willow murmured, "The Baling people set fire to the forest, probably burning down the nests of the burrowing spiders. No wonder they are so angry."

These spider demons probably can't tell the difference between the people of Baling and Panlongcheng. Anyway, humans burned their lairs, so it's only right that they take revenge on humans.

She rolled her eyes at the businessman who spoke before: "Did you see that the spider's nest was destroyed before it went crazy and hurt people. Under normal circumstances, any guide can lead the way."

The businessman was at a loss for words. Sun Jiayuan looked at her gratefully and cursed a few words at the businessman to express his anger.

This time the other party didn't dare to talk back. He also counted on the rangers to get him out of harm's way.

After wading through the water for another half an hour, the number of destroyed forests and caves gradually decreased. According to the guide, this is close to the center of the Ghost Needle Stone Forest, and the burrowing spiders never let humans get close. Business travelers who usually travel to and from Stone Forest dare not take this road.

There are more burrowing spiders here and they are bigger. He Lingchuan occasionally saw a few huge figures among the spiders, but unfortunately it was not clear in the sky and he could not see the whole picture.

Seeing that the spiders on the shore were gathering more and more and starting to pile up on top of each other, Liu Tong was beating a drum in his heart and finally ordered to put out the torches.

He Lingchuan and his party waded forward in the darkness.

However, after turning off the engine, the restlessness on the shore did decrease. Although they have more than a dozen eyes, most spiders can only sense changes in light. In fact, their eyesight is very poor, and they mainly rely on smell and hearing to move.

Everyone continued to move forward, and on the way they met a half-grown wild boar standing in the middle of the river drinking water. It weighed up to 100 kilograms, and it was probably frightened by the spiders.

He Lingchuan moved the door to capture the wild boar alive, tied its hooves with a rope and threw it on the horse's back. He also stuffed a piece of cloth into its mouth to prevent its screams from being too loud in the silent night.

After walking for another hour, we reached the end of this journey——

Another deep pool.

Directly above is a waterfall as high as five feet.

The cliff is steep and steep. Even if the patrols can climb up, the merchants and carriages cannot get up, so it is unrealistic to continue going up. They can only disembark here and go east, rushing to the gathering place designated by General Nan Ke.

In the past two hours or so, the fireworks and arrows as signals appeared three more times, guiding the soldiers in the darkness.

Along the way, everyone passed through several rapid rocky beaches, and their bodies were soaked with semen. Perhaps it was the violent sound of water that covered up the sound of the people and horses advancing, and fewer and fewer spiders were following them.

When we arrived at the deep pool, there were no spiders on the shore.

The guide estimated the distance and said with joy on his face: "In three more miles at most, we will be able to join the large army!"

Of course he meant three miles in a straight line.

"It's better to be cautious." The shadows of the trees on the shore were swaying wildly. Who knew if there were any monsters hidden inside? This is where wild boars come in handy.

He Lingchuan removed its mouth and loosened its bonds. As soon as its hooves touched the ground, and before it had time to stretch its muscles and bones, the guy stepped on the water and rushed to the shore.

Crackling, it broke many branches as it ran away, and its dissatisfied grunts went from near to distant.

Everyone stood in the river and listened with bated breath.

There was no rustle of spiders walking on the shore, and the wild boar not far away was still running wild, seemingly without any accident.

Liu Tong then ordered: "Go ashore and go to the gathering place."

Everyone did not dare to delay. After landing, they galloped their horses and headed east.


The valley in the northeastern part of Ghost Needle Stone Forest is the place where fireworks are set off.

General Nan Ke's team was reorganized here. In the past few hours, more than 1,300 people came here to meet, including more than 900 Panlong soldiers and more than 400 businessmen.

Although everyone arrived here looking embarrassed, with injuries on their bodies, and cobwebs hanging from their hair, they miraculously managed to save 70% of the goods.

Now this place has become the most lively place in the entire Ghost Needle Stone Forest. Because the movement that caused the arrow to fly into the sky was too loud, the irritated spiders gathered here.

Standing in the river valley and looking around, it was so dark that there was a sea of ​​spiders, and no open space could be seen.

The river flows in an "L" shape at the bottom of the valley, and the water is at least eight feet deep. The Panlong City Army had discovered that spiders did not dare to enter the water, so General Nanke temporarily set up the base camp in the middle of the river valley, at the corner of the "L" shape.

In this way, with the river protecting them behind them, the army only needs to concentrate on dealing with the enemies in front.

To deal with these pervasive spiders, General Nanke came up with the idea of ​​building a wall of fire.

Driven by the spider demon, a large number of burrowing spiders can temporarily suppress their fear of fire, but they do not have the magical power to prevent fire. If they are roasted by fire, they will die, burn, and smell...

While the Panlong City Army was killing the spiders, they quickly chopped down a dozen large trees. The more leafy and leafy the trees, the better. Then they poured kerosene on them and lit them on fire.

Whoops, the fire is soaring into the sky.

Relying on this method, the Panlong City Army hurriedly built a fire wall with a width of more than one foot. The blazing flames were a barrier that most spiders could not cross.

With deep water behind and a wall of fire in front, the temporary camp temporarily turned the corner.

However, General Nan Ke had experience from many years of fighting. At this time, he ordered people to move a hole in the fire wall on the northernmost side. The width should be four or five feet at most.

When the spider outside saw a hole in the wall of fire, he rushed in here regardless of what happened!

They were allowed to crash onto the shore like a frightened torrent, but the Panlong Army was on guard and skewered each one to death. The corpses of the spiders were thrown into the wall of fire to be used as firewood.

There were occasional casualties, but they were no longer the same as the previous attempts to escape.

General Nan Ke's cronies were puzzled: "General, why don't we block the wall of fire?"

This way the sergeant doesn't have to suffer any more casualties.

"These spider demons are not stupid. If there is no gap, they will find ways to break through, making us tired to cope with it." Seeing that the situation was gradually under his control, General Nanke had time to take out a water bag to quench his thirst, and gave it to the man parked on his shoulder. The black-spotted sparrowhawk also fed some water, "Then we might as well open an opening ourselves and let them all rush in here. Then the entire fire wall will be safe."

Controllable and uncontrollable, this is art and fire. Otherwise, if less than a thousand soldiers fight against dozens or millions of spiders, they will not be able to hold on even if they have Yuan Power to protect them.

General Nan Ke looked at Queying: "You said before, how long will it take for reinforcements to arrive?"

"Before dawn." The sparrowhawk combed the feathers on his back, "Soon."

It flew from Puxigou to Panlong City to ask for help, then flew back to Ghost Needle Stone Forest to report the news, and hurriedly drove away a large triangle and returned.

In half an hour, the sky will turn white.

General Nan Ke looked toward the northeast with a heavy expression. Even if you break out of the Ghost Needle Stone Forest, there will still be a tough battle to fight. The Baling people must set up an ambush at the exit, so even if there are many dangers in the Ghost Needle Stone Forest, he insists on waiting here until dawn before going out. It is best to cooperate with the reinforcements inside and outside to give the Baling people a counterattack.

Just hold on for half an hour more.

He was also a little dissatisfied: "If the Red General was willing to divide his troops, I would have sent these Baling people back to their hometown!"

"The Red General said that the original combat objectives remain unchanged."

General Nanke snorted heavily as he obeyed the commander's orders.


After running silently for two quarters of an hour, Liu Tong suddenly waved his hand: "Stop, there is a situation ahead!"

Everyone dismounted their horses and walked slowly, pushing aside the dense branches and leaves, and their eyes suddenly opened up.

Beyond this bush, there is a large open hillside ahead, which is contrary to the constriction of the jungle.

The top of the slope has hundreds of years of tree branches and lush leaves, while the hillside is covered with velvet grass, which is green, smooth and clean, as if it has been taken care of by someone special.

The deepest part of the Ghost Needle Stone Forest is inaccessible, and the only person who can take care of it like this is... a spider demon?

People can see this hillside clearly at night, thanks to the white lights dotted on the hillside.

This kind of light group is larger than a pomegranate, almost pearl white in color, not soft but very bright.

The door panel whispered: "These are fluorescent spores."

They grow concentratedly around a huge cave.

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