After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 200 Zhu Erniang

This cave is buried very abruptly on the hillside. It has an irregular shape and is at least four feet in diameter at its widest point. From the perspective of everyone looking up, not only was the cave not dark, but there was light coming out.

In other words, there are more glow spores in the cave.

Someone couldn't help but ask: "What is this place? What is that thing covering the crypt? Is it satin?"

The cave seems to be covered by a huge brocade, made of gold, red, silver and black silk threads. The pattern is very abstract, but even under the fluorescent lighting, it is radiant, like the sunset on the horizon.

Liu Tong said in a seductive voice: "It's not satin, it's a spider web, and there are spiders crawling on it."

If you look carefully, you can see that it is actually layers of spider webs.

The weaver must have mastered the art of light.

For the first time, He Lingchuan felt that spider webs looked more noble than silk.

"You can tell by looking at it!" The thin man stared at it intently, "This should be the spider demon's nest. It has not been burned by fire."

There are indeed spiders coming in and out of this huge cave in an endless stream.

He Lingchuan didn't understand and asked: "I remember that bees and ants live in clusters and move in an orderly manner, while spiders seem to mostly travel alone. Why do the spider demons in Guizhen Stone Forest always live in groups?"

From a distance, these spiders really look like ants, busy as if they are performing their respective duties.

"What you are talking about is the habits of ordinary species, but it will be different after becoming a demon." The answer was Liu Tiao, "We have an old saying that 'a person can achieve enlightenment, chickens and dogs can ascend to heaven.' If you go to other places, the chickens and dogs don’t know where to fly, but there is no problem. The same goes for monsters. After they become enlightened, a large number of their kind will soon gather around them for protection, and the descendants of monsters will also easily become enlightened. ”

He Lingchuan immediately thought of the sand leopard west of Blackwater City. Leopards were originally loners, but this pack of leopard monsters lived together, hunted together, and defended against enemies together, and they indeed became a group.

This is true for leopards and no wonder for spiders.

"But on the other hand, the number of crypt spiders in the Ghost Needle Stone Forest is ridiculously large, which means -" Willow's expression turned ugly, "There is probably a big monster in the nest!"

"Of course." The guide stared blankly at the huge pothole on the slope, his face turned pale, "This is Zhu Erniang's home! It's over, we actually walked into Zhu Erniang's lair!"

He Lingchuan looked sideways: "This big monster is actually called Zhu Erniang?" Besides the old spider monster, who else could the big monster living in the spider's nest be? No wonder the surname is "Zhu".

However, what does "Second Mother" mean? He thought it was a term reserved for village wives.

The spider demon who can weave tapestry has an anthropomorphic name...

"Yes, it is the Lord of the Stone Forest and the Mother of Ten Thousand Spiders." The guide said tremblingly, "A long time ago, these spiders would eat people, and the practitioners who rushed into the Ghost Needle Stone Forest to eliminate demons never came out. At that time, Zhu Erniang's A good name in Puchengou can stop children from crying at night!"

"Let's go quickly!" He even trembled, "We can't stay here for long!"

So it was a wise decision for them to put out their torches and rush on their way, as it was better not to disturb the boss in the brood.

Everyone walked more lightly, and tried to calm the horses and make them less vocal.

The spiders on the shore gathered around, and instead of hissing like before, they lay quietly on the ground, as if they didn't dare to make any noise.

After walking another ten steps or so, they suddenly found several boulders lying on the slope above the big cave. The largest and tallest one was also illuminated by the fire, and there were actually three big characters on it!

The thin man asked the door panel: "What is written on the stone tablet?"

"How did I know?" The door panel gave him a sidelong glance, "Do you think I look like an old scholar?"

The font looked familiar, but no one could understand it.

The thin man laughed: "Maybe it says 'Zhu Erniang' on it."

He Lingchuan was more surprised than them:

He had seen this kind of font in the Immortal Cave by the Immortal Lake!

There was no place to decipher the immortal's suicide note he copied, but the same font actually appeared again in the Ghost Needle Stone Forest.

So the question is, why are there ancient inscriptions at the entrance of the cave spider?

Moreover, He Lingchuan also noticed that the color of the inscription was as bright as blood under fluorescent lighting. Since this place is so inaccessible, who paints it regularly? Otherwise, the handwriting would have faded due to wind and rain.

"The Ghost Needle Stone Forest is really becoming more and more evil as we stay here." Liu Tiao whispered, "It's not advisable to stay for a long time. Let's leave quickly."

Safety first, she is a woman with no curiosity.

Just when everyone was about to turn around, the soft satin in the crypt suddenly moved automatically without wind, and the wave-like beautiful light patterns almost blinded people's eyes.

Immediately afterwards, a huge figure emerged from the cave.

Its size is about the same as a small house, with alternating brown and white backs, eight long legs, and its body is covered with bristles...

This is a giant spider, dozens of times larger than the smaller spiders crawling all over the ground.

A common characteristic of giant objects is that they give people a heavy sense of oppression visually. Even a carefree woman like Liu Zhi could not help but turn her head.

However, the giant spider turned its back with agility that was not consistent with its size. The firelight shone on its abdomen, and everyone in the distance widened their eyes.

The belly of this spider demon is so beautiful.

The blue background is like the sky, and the countless shining and gradual white spots are the stars. There are also several huge light spots with yellow and red colors, which are like the main stars of the constellation.

The starry sky on a summer night is nothing more than that.

However, the giant spider demon immediately landed on its eight legs and the star map on its abdomen was hidden, making it more ferocious than beautiful.

Countless little spiders gathered around it, as if making a report.

Then, the giant spider demon took a step forward and headed northeast.

It looked huge, but it made no movement when walking.

The pit and valley are full of spiders crowding it in the middle, like stars over the moon.

It wasn't until the back of the giant spider demon crossed the long slope and disappeared into the woods that the invisible pressure faded away.

As many as 80% of the spiders left with it, and only 20% of the guards remained outside the crypt.

Only then did everyone dare to speak: "Is that Zhu Erniang?"

The guide stretched out his hand to wipe his sweat: "That's it, it must be it!" He didn't see it in person, but he knew it from the bottom of his heart. Such a terrifying monster, could there be a second one in the Ghost Needle Stone Forest? The legend is indeed true.

"It went northeast." The door panel looked hesitant, "What should we do now?"

"Go around the hillside and head north." Liu Tong whispered, "Zhu Erniang is heading towards our large army."

The guide looked worried: "Can the Panlong City Army defeat it? It is the overlord here!"

He Lingchuan only said two words:

"Of course." Of course I'm not sure!

The time and place were favorable, and General Nan Ke's troops did not occupy any of them. So what if it's the Panlong City Army with superior combat power? So what if it's a bonus of Yuan Power?

Seeing that everyone's faces were a little stiff, He Lingchuan still encouraged everyone: "We don't have to defeat it, we just need to fight and retreat, and leave the Ghost Needle Stone Forest."

That's right... Liu Tong secretly breathed a sigh of relief: "That's it! Let's go."

Unfortunately, the horse the merchant was riding on was suddenly frightened by a forest bird, and Xi Yuyu hissed.

Although the owner immediately tightened the rope, the sound spread far at night, and the spider at the entrance of the cave immediately heard it and raised its legs to come here.

"Oops, let's go!" Being chased by these things will cause big trouble.


The subordinate came to report: "General, the spider attacking the gap has become bigger, and it is even more difficult to deal with."

General Nan Ke rushed over and took a look. Sure enough, the spider that was originally the size of a cat had grown in size and was comparable in size to a yellow dog. Although his movements were not as flexible as before, the spider silk he sprayed out was stickier and more powerful.

At this time, another soldier reported: "The spider is moving the wall of fire!"

"How is this possible?" General Nan Ke was surprised. He inspected the middle section of the fire wall and discovered that some of the silk webs ejected by the spider monsters were not affected by fire and could be attached to the burning giant trees. So other spiders swarmed up and helped pull it back.

These spider demons themselves are probably not afraid of ordinary fire, but they have no intention of crossing the fire wall and fighting the warriors in close combat. If you have Yuanli to protect your body, you will suffer losses no matter how hard you try.

The best strategy is to tear down the fire wall and let the spider army in.

General Nan Ke was frightened when he saw a ten-foot-long giant tree being pulled by tens of thousands of spiders. He ordered the archers to go up the tree and pick out the spider demons to release arrows. After all, there are only a limited number of spider demons who are not afraid of fire, so if you shoot them to death, you will lose one.

Before everyone could take a breath, they were busy cutting down new trees to fill the gap.

How come these things suddenly become stronger and smarter?

General Nan Ke thought thoughtfully: "It looks like the leader is here."

His energy filled his Dantian, and his loud voice crossed the wall of fire and echoed over the entire valley: "Is Zhu Erniang here? Please come out for a meeting!"

He would do some homework before leading his troops, and of course he knew that the landlord of Ghost Needle Stone Forest was the spider demon Zhu Erniang.

As expected, the spider's tidal attack slowed down, and a huge figure appeared on a hill twenty feet away in the night.

"Are you Zhu Erniang? General Chu Xuan of Nanke in Xiapanlong City was escorting a caravan through the Ghost Needle Stone Forest, but was attacked by a swarm of cave spiders. What is the reason for this?"

"Ha." A deep voice sounded in everyone's mind, "You killed my people, burned my caves, betrayed your trust first, and then you dare to bite me and hurt others? Blood debt must be paid with blood."

it is as expected. General Nan Ke said loudly: "The people who burned your lair were the Baling people, not our soldiers and civilians in Panlong. Every grievance has its owner, and every debt has its owner. You should make trouble for them."

As soon as he finished speaking, the two spiders stood at the gap in the fire wall.

The soldiers stood ready, but they just stood still.

Zhu Erniang said again: "Let me ask you, can you tell the difference between these two spiders?"

When everyone took a look, they found that the two things were about the same size, with twelve bright eyes, round bodies, furry, black legs and feet, and even the white spots on their feet were in the same position.

General Nan Ke was silent.

He understood what Zhu Erniang meant. Humans looked at spiders as if they were carved from the same mold, and vice versa.

This big monster didn't bother to tell who was from Ba Ling and who was from Panlong City. Anyway, it was a human who hurt the cave spider, so she could just seek revenge from humans.

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