After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 201 The Dead Soldier Who Dropped the Bomb

But he still had to make more efforts: "If you let us go today, I will offer you blood meals in ten days to thank you!"

"Ten days? Why should I wait another ten days?" Zhu Erniang laughed, "If we drag more than a thousand of you and hundreds of livestock to make fertilizer, the children will have something to eat this winter!"

"Zhu Erniang, think twice." General Nanke said sternly, "Even if I break my halberd in the Ghost Needle Stone Forest today, people from behind in Panlong City will come to demand justice. If you don't think about yourself, you should also think about hundreds of thousands of descendants. Don't be afraid of them. To be taken away from the nest and exterminated?"

"How dare you, a pariah like an ant, act presumptuously in front of me? When there was no Panlong City in the world, I was here; when Panlong City is gone, I will still be here!" Zhu Erniang said coldly, "You Panlong City Don't you rely on the Red General to support you? Red General, I really know what it is! You fools think that the thief is your mother, and sooner or later you will be drained of your last drop of blood! "

It roared out the last word, making everyone's hearts skip a beat. Then the ground rumbled, and something roared from the other side of the mountain.

General Nan Ke turned around in shock, only to see a water dragon roaring from the mountain stream. The white waves were two or three feet high.

It’s a big deal!

The army is stationed in the middle of the valley, and 90% of the time it is impossible to hide.

The old spider demon pretended to be talking to General Nan Ke on the surface, but secretly made secret secrets to divert the water.

General Nan Ke glanced at Zhu Erniang on the hill in a hurry, turned to whisper to the sparrowhawk on his shoulder, and handed over a small bundle.

Ever since Zhu Erniang appeared, he had an idea.

The sparrowhawk grabbed the bundle, flapped its wings and flew up.

Then the water dragon arrived and rushed towards the soldiers. The blazing wall of fire was dispersed in one shot!

The Yuan Power on the Panlong City Army has the effect of reducing and counteracting the demonic spells that directly act on one's body. But the flood caused by the spider demon is a serious river disaster. How can a human body resist it?

There were no more pursuers behind, so He Lingchuan and others slowed down their horses and breathed a sigh of relief.

Those spiders were originally able to drive people away eight streets, but now they only chased them back less than three hundred feet away. Obviously, the first priority was to defend the nest and not dare to stray too far away from it.

After confirming this, everyone turned their horses' heads and climbed towards the top of the slope along the woods. This can avoid detours and save time.

Standing on the top of the slope and looking down, the cave is like a bloody mouth, always waiting for blind fools to jump in.

He Lingchuan noticed that the brocade covering the exit was still bulging upwards, indicating that there was obviously wind coming from the bottom up. Everyone also heard the whistling sound of the wind, which made their hair fly.

Why is there wind underground? Unless otherwise exported.

Willow used some tricks to avoid the spider guard's perception, and this detour was a near miss. Everyone was about to get on their horses and continue galloping, but unexpectedly something flew from the northeast and hovered above the crypt several times.

As a shooter, Wicker's eyesight is passable, not to mention the fluorescent lighting. She stared at it twice and said, "It's a sparrowhawk."

This creature can fly as fast as an arrow during the day and is a bird killer, but its night vision is mediocre. It's still dark yet, and it's spinning over the crypt again, and something doesn't look right at first sight.

Sun Jiayuan suddenly said: "It still holds something in its claws!"

The sparrowhawk circled twice, as if it had completed its reconnaissance, then suddenly climbed over a hundred feet, and then dived straight down!

This time it was like an arrow leaving the string, so fast that it left an afterimage in mid-air.

It flew away diagonally without touching the ground, but the thing on its claws was accurately thrown into the crypt.

The large piece of brocade shook violently and was filled with light.

Now, everyone could see that the sparrowhawk was here to cause trouble for the spider nest.

Then, a bright firework exploded from the mouth of the crypt.

Everyone waited with bated breath.

After a while, the mountain breeze blew away the smoke and dust, and He Lingchuan let out a low sigh.

The brocade, which dances lightly in the wind and seems to be able to be pierced with one finger, is actually intact!

Is this thing actually durable?

The sparrowhawk was also a little confused and flew down to check the situation.

The surrounding spider guards have gathered around, angrily spitting spider silk at it, interfering with its movements.

The sparrowhawk turned and flew away, and everyone felt a little disappointed. There was heavy thunder and little rain.

Fortunately, it came back quickly and circled again, as if looking for an angle.

This time, Willow Tiao finally saw it clearly: "It has a command arrow in its claws!"

Everyone looked solemn.

How can a common sparrowhawk use human things? And civilians may not have this stuff yet.

The sparrowhawk adjusted its angle and threw again.

This time, the arrow still failed to penetrate the brocade and enter the crypt.

The sparrowhawk gave a cry of frustration.

It flew around in the air a few more times, as if it was thinking of a way, but then it flew back here.

Everyone looked at each other and were discovered?

Sure enough, the sparrowhawk flew to the branch above Liu Tong, folded its wings and landed, saying: "Panlong City patrol?"

Liu Tong remained cautious: "Who are you?"

"I am the messenger of General Red." Sparrowhawk replied. "The leader of the spider demon, Zhu Erniang, caused a flood in the valley and flooded our army! The war situation is not good for me. General Nanke specially ordered me to blow up the king's cave to relieve the crisis on the front line."

It had earlier scouted the terrain and discovered the location of Zhu Erniang's lair. After all, the spores here would glow, which was very eye-catching from the sky. Apparently this spider with a high level of magic skills is very bold and believes that no natural enemy dares to intrude.

Sun Jiayuan immediately said: "I went on an expedition with General Red a few months ago, and I seem to have seen this sparrowhawk."

"But the satin-like spider web is too flexible, and the arrows I throw cannot penetrate it." The sparrowhawk fluttered its wings, "The front line is in emergency, everyone must help me!"

Although it is fast, its size is too small. No matter how beautiful the brocade in front is, it’s actually just a giant spider web!

Isn't it like a moth throwing itself into a trap?

"How can we help?" Liu Tong asked uncertainly, "Let's try archery too?"

He looked carefully and saw that the arrow was stuck to the net before it exploded.

"If you fly around in the sky a few times and look at a few more angles, you will find that this is not just one spider web, but at least thirteen or four webs stacked in layers. If it is forced open, there should be gaps between every two layers. Otherwise, how can the spider queen be so fat and can move in and out freely without bursting the mesh? "

I see. Everyone looked at the spider web again and couldn't help but admire Zhu Erniang's weaving skills. Thirteen or four layers of spider silk were stacked, but only one was as light and thin as one.

"If you throw a command arrow through the spider web, there will be fire bombs attached to it, and it may be able to set the nest on fire, just like what the Ba Ling people did." He Lingchuan whispered, "You can tell by looking at the brocade that the spider queen is tight on this hole. hole, maybe it will stop fighting and come back."

Then the siege of General Nan Ke will be solved.

Although their army is a bait, they really don't want to be swallowed up by spiders or Baling people.

But if you want to get through the layers of spider webs, that's not what Sparrowhawk is good at. In this specialization, those with wings are not as nimble as those with arms.

No wonder it wants to ask everyone for help. Guard, you look at me and I look at you, speechless for a moment.

Who is going?

Can you come back after you go?

Who knows what the nest covered with brocade, as beautiful as the sunset, looks like, what if it is not burned?

Liu Tong glanced at the thin man. Among the team, he has the most flexible movements and is the best candidate to enter the trap.

But the thin man kept his mouth shut and remained silent.

When the large army was fighting hard and losing at the front, my small team happened to be near the spider queen's lair, and it was necessary to complete the mission no matter what. Liu Tong sighed secretly and was about to speak when someone suddenly said: "I'll go!"

Everyone looked sideways and saw that it was Sun Jiayuan standing in the back row.

His companion pressed his shoulder and said tightly: "Hey!"

Among their team, Sun Jiayuan is not the one with the highest cultivation level, nor is he the one with the best body skills.

Sun Jiayuan asked Liu Tong: "If I die here, can I be mourned as a hero?"

Liu Tong nodded: "Of course, this is a great achievement." If successful, it can be said that one person saved the entire army.

For soldiers killed or disabled in battle, Panlong City will provide generous compensation as a rule. If a soldier is recognized as a hero, his family members will enjoy very high benefits in Panlong City. Not only will they have guaranteed food and clothing, but they will also get a tin house. , children’s schooling is free, and condolences subsidies are provided during New Years and holidays.

All in all, there is basically nothing to worry about after death.

Exceptions include thin people who have too many family members.

Sun Jiayuan looked solemn: "Okay, please prove it for me!"

Now that someone had come forward, Liu Tong was relieved. He first arranged the business trip to a relatively safe open space in the rear, and then everyone discussed the battle plan.

All nine members of He Lingchuan's team are still alive. Counting the seven comrades rescued by Zhukou earlier, there are still a total of sixteen people who can be beaten.

There are seven to eight hundred spiders near the nest, and more than twenty of them are large spider monsters.

Everyone must protect Sun Jiayuan who has entered the trap so that he can successfully complete the task of blowing up the giant nest.

There is no doubt that in the world of giant webs, spiders must be more flexible than humans. So even if everyone can repel the spider's attack, Sun Jiayuan must find a way to walk on the spider web.

Previously, everyone saw with their own eyes a flying fox flying down from the brocade. The tip of its wings just touched the spider web, and it was stuck to it, unable to escape.

Ninety-nine percent of this web was woven by the Spider Queen Zhu Erniang herself, and its power should not be underestimated. She dared to travel far away from the nest, and she obviously had great confidence in this net.

If Sun Jiayuan does not want to find a way to move freely, then this action will be to throw a net instead of a bomb.

"The best way to prevent stickiness is to apply oil." He Lingchuan stroked his chin and said, "Which of you has oil on your body?"

"I only have a small bottle of kerosene." Liu Tiao said with a sullen face, "That's not right. He also needs to shoot command arrows in case he ignites himself..."

That means people are martyred.

"Then mud should be fine." He Lingchuan pointed to the west, "There was a large muddy area where we climbed ashore just now. Brother Sun, how about you go roll there? Try to drag the mud up with water, and wrap it as thickly as possible. "

The inspiration came from the wild boar they caught. At that time, it was rolling on the river beach, covered in mud. Although this is the nature of pigs, do you dare to say that this is not the survival wisdom of operating on the Spider Queen's territory?

When everyone thought about it, they all thought it made sense.

Sun Jiayuan turned around and walked back. The guards also mounted their horses, and no one was left behind.

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