After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 202 I’m coming!

He asked curiously: "Why are you following me?"

"There must be backup candidates." Liu Tong is a careful person. If Sun Jiayuan fails, someone must take over his mission.

So more than a dozen people rushed to the river and rolled around in the mud for a few times. They were covered in three layers of mud on the inside and outside. When they stood up, they looked almost human, with only a pair of eyes exposed.

Even the wicker was like this, rolled all over in mud without a care.

He Lingchuan also filled the water bag with water.

The thin man spat out the fishy muddy water and said, "Bah, it stinks to death!"

He didn't dare think there was anything else in the mud.

Everyone returned to the original place, which was closest to the giant nest. Sun Jiayuan put his bow and arrow on his back and nodded to Liu Tong: "Ready."

A dozen clay figures ran at the same time, but they would stop when the spider got close.

A strange scene appeared: when they stopped, the cave spider passed directly by them and regarded them as nothing.

Yes, they have such a strong muddy smell that it covers their popularity.

Of course, burrowing spiders don't respond to the smell of earth that they deal with all the time.

"Go quickly!"

Without Liu Tong's urging, Sun Jiayuan sprinted to the edge of the nest with all his strength, rolled forward, hugged his face and shrank his legs and went down.

This brocade looks gorgeous, but in fact, like ordinary spider webs, there are sticky beads every half a palm's distance. The stickiness is particularly amazing. There is no way to escape except for peeling off a layer of skin of anything that rubs against it.

But Sun Jiayuan's body was wrapped in several layers of mud skin, which was still wet and wet. Every time he rolled over a layer of spider web, he would lose a little bit of mud, and he would fall down layer by layer by gravity.

Liu Tiao took advantage of the gap between him and the enemy to look back and shouted with joy: "This plan can work!"

In just a few breaths, Sun Jiayuan fell through seven or eight layers of spider webs. As long as he breaks through the last layer of defense, he can throw fire bombs into the lair.

The spider demons also sensed something was wrong and came from all directions. Everyone threw out the insect repellent bottles they had prepared long ago, fighting for every moment they could.

The repellent smoke is very symptomatic. Ordinary spiders kick their legs when they smell this smell and can't take more than two steps, but the spider demon guarding the nest obviously has a stronger tolerance. It shakes its head and rushes over with bated breath.

What they are best at is obviously spitting through the silk screen. At this time, the wet clay figurines like He Lingchuan and Liu took advantage, and the net could not drag them away.

Liu Tong couldn't help but urged loudly: "Sun Jiayuan, hurry up!"

The spider demon has thick skin, great strength, and many tricks, but its number is limited. One or two of the patrols are more than enough. But the insect repellent bottle won't burn for long, and by then the little spiders will swarm up and get in everywhere, even with the protective aura, they won't be able to withstand it.

It was a race against time, but Sun Jiayuan didn't reply.

"Sun Jiayuan!" Liu Tong called a few more times.

Luxurious brocade covers the entrance to the underground nest, so no one can see what's going on underneath.

Everyone was anxious when Sun Jiayuan's voice came from below, which sounded a bit far away: "The space down here is too big, and there are many floors! I have to go down..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly shouted "Ah——" in a shrill voice!

"There's an ambush, and there's an army of spiders as well, so hurry up!"

Then there was a loud explosion, and firelight came out from under the brocade.

The guards' hearts sank.

Sunjiayuan is probably gone.

Someone was standing next to the brocade, wielding a knife and chopping hard. As expected, the spider web looked light and airy, but was actually more pliable than a century-old vine. A hundred-refined steel knife with Yuanli attached to it could only cut a few threads.

You know, there are still more than ten layers of wire mesh covering the nest.

What's going on underneath, we'll have to find someone else to find out.

Sun Jiayuan is likely to get off to a bad start, so will they continue?

If we retreat like this, what will happen to the large army?

Even if General Nan Ke can gather the remaining troops and escape, there are still Baling people waiting outside the Ghost Needle Stone Forest!

One step forward is fog, one step back is abyss, and they must make a decision immediately, now, immediately!

Several people said in unison: "I'm going!"

There was Liu Tong, the door panel, and two other patrollers.

Even before the mud is dry on their bodies, they can take over the unfinished tasks of Sun's homeland.

He Lingchuan was deeply impressed. In terms of elites, these patrols were indeed not as good as the Gale Army; but in terms of courage, the Blackwater City Army, the Supporting Army, and the Kite Kingdom officers and soldiers he had seen were not worthy of carrying someone's boots!

The thin man hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth and said, "I-I'll go!"

The sparrowhawk flew over, still holding the bundle in its talons.

"No, I'll go!" As soon as it flew over He Lingchuan's head, the latter waved to it, "Give me the fire bombs!"

His advantages are unique and unmatched by anyone.

Sparrow Eagle dropped the baggage, He Lingchuan took it in his hand, grabbed a few arrows from it, and ran towards the entrance of the spider nest, throwing the rest to Liu Tong: "If I fail, you guys will take your place!"

When passing by Liu Tiao, he also took away the kerosene hanging from her waist.

"What a man!" He Lingchuan had not been in the team for a long time. Liu Tong did not expect that he would fight so bravely and was moved at the moment. "We will do our best if you leave your last wish!"

He Lingchuan's life and death are unknown, but everyone has a wish. According to the tradition of the Panlong City Army, the living should try their best to fulfill the wishes of the dead.

"No need!" He Lingchuan held up a water bag to pour water on his head to make the mud on his body a little more wet. He used the Swallow Turning Technique, easily dodged several intercepting spider monsters, rushed to the edge of the nest, and jumped down just like Sun Jiayuan did.

Others saw the brocade surging and swallowing He Lingchuan. Only his voice came from below: "Go back to Tianshuang Restaurant and treat me to a drink!"

Liu Tong shook his head: "This kid!" He was sure that he would not die, but he didn't even leave a last wish?

But He Lingchuan's optimism still infected the patrols at the scene, and everyone's spirits were lifted, and even the atmosphere of anxiety and confusion was reduced.

Just a few breaths later, they heard He Lingchuan say in surprise: "There is a cave underneath, it seems like a forest!"

The door panel and the thin man glanced at each other in their busy schedules, both seeing the other's confusion.

Did He Lingchuan fall unconscious? What kind of forest could there be underground?

"I didn't see Sun Jiayuan!" He Lingchuan's voice continued, "I set the fire, and Zhu Erniang must have suffered heavy losses!"

The thin man rushed to the nest and looked down, and sure enough he saw a blazing red fire flashing under the brocade tent, like a raging fire, but with the brocade blocking it, he couldn't even feel a trace of heat.

The fireproof effect of this spider silk is really amazing. If He Lingchuan hadn't flipped it over and set it on fire directly, the Sparrowhawk might have smashed an arsenal in the air and it would have been useless.

The nest was burned successfully, and the thin man was overjoyed: "He Lingchuan, come up quickly!"

"The spider army has crawled out!" He Lingchuan's voice was tight and firm, "You retreat quickly, leave quickly!"


The thin man was startled. A huge spider demon suddenly appeared from the tumbling brocade and rushed towards him in the air!

This thing was as big as a goat. It could jump two feet away with eight legs. It almost weighed down the skinny man.

He had never seen a spider that was good at jumping, and it was unreasonably fast.

Fortunately, he himself was also very agile, and he escaped in a panic, shouting: "The spider demon is crawling up, more than a hundred of them!"

Yes, there is an army of spider demons behind the jumping spiders. They are all big and small, with patterns and colors of different colors. But they are rushing toward the nest entrance along the spider webs, and they are full of anger at first sight!

The largest one is bigger than a brown bear. It is colorful and not easy to mess with at first glance.

Only then did everyone understand that the Spider Queen had placed all her elite guards in the nest to look after the house. No wonder she could leave with peace of mind.

The instructions these big babies received were probably to guard the crypt and not go out, so it wasn't until He Lingchuan set off a big fire that they rushed out to fight the arsonist.

More than a hundred big monsters were gathering their strength and looking for trouble, and a dozen patrols couldn't handle them. In the blink of an eye, two of them were knocked down and dragged into the nest screaming.

After catching people, these spiders will reproduce their classic hunting techniques. They will press the prey to the ground, roll and rub it, wrap them in layers of sticky spider webs, and make two rice dumplings in the blink of an eye.

"Damn it!" The shouts of his teammates suddenly weakened. Liu Tiao was furious and knocked down the spinning spider with two arrows. But the spider swarm was coming up like a tide and was about to close up.

To make matters worse, the bottle of insect repellent she threw out was about to burn out, and the little spiders were ready to attack.

If you don't leave, you'll just be delivering food to people. Liu Tong was sweating profusely, grabbing Willow's arm and shouting: "Get out, get out quickly!"

Liu Tiao shouted "He Lingchuan" towards the crypt one last time.

The huge hole didn't respond.

The door panel pressed her shoulders and said in a deep voice: "We can't find it! If you don't want to die, leave quickly!" The crypt is on fire, and the Spider Queen will probably rush back. She can't stay in this place.

He and Liu Tong set up the wicker and ran quickly to the back of the slope.

The horse is hidden there. If you get on it early, there is hope of escape.

At this moment, fireworks were lit again in the sky.

The door panel looked back in his busy schedule and was overjoyed: "Fireworks outside the stone forest! Maybe reinforcements are coming!"

The fireworks are located far away, although they are also in the northeast. Judging from the distance, they should have exploded outside the Ghost Needle Stone Forest.

After waiting all night for reinforcements, they finally arrived.


Dafeng's army attacked Wei City.

Just as the Red General expected before the war, the dozens of miles from Puxigou to Weicheng were very pleasant. There was not a single soldier in sight, only two giant eagles hovering in the sky.

Captain Sun personally drew his bow and shot down one head.

Except for night owls, the night vision abilities of raptors are relatively poor, and they have not improved much after becoming monsters. If it were daytime, it shouldn't have any problem avoiding this fatal arrow.

The other one was so frightened that it flapped its wings and flew up, never daring to fly lower again.

Wei City is quiet at night, and there are only four or five red lights on the city gate, as if the city guard is lax.

However, as soon as the Gale Army started to attack, a wave of arrows rained down from the city gate, and then a horn sounded in the wilderness, and an army came from behind the Gale Army!

There is an ambush.

These Baling people had been lying in wait in the wilderness for most of the night, eating the wind and sand, but they did not dare to make a fire, so they had frost on their eyebrows and clothes, and they attacked with a lot of resentment.

Everyone in Gale's army took their bows and fired two rounds of shots at the ambush.

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