After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 203 Everyone has his own mission

When the ambush arrived, the defenders of Baling in Weicheng also opened the city gate and rushed out, attacking the Gale army from two directions.

The fighting in the night was particularly fierce.

Sun Duwei, Xiao Maoliang and others were also moved, because the number of ambushes set up by the Baling people in the wilderness reached an astonishing 30,000!

Counting the nearly 10,000 people who intercepted and killed General Nan Ke, the Baling people actually dispatched more than 40,000 people this time. Their belief in completing the battle is really firm.

This radical and fierce fighting style has never been used by the Baling people before.

Is it all because of the coaching change?

After a few rounds, the Gale Army was divided into two teams, led by Captain Sun and Captain Liu respectively, and retreated from the south and north. There are too many enemies, and Wei City is already the territory of the Baling people. If the Gale Army does not want to become a turtle in the urn, it must leave before being surrounded.

At this time, the quality of the army can be seen. In a chaotic battle in the dark night, they faced an ambush six times their own size, and the order to withdraw came suddenly. However, the Gale Army remained busy but not chaotic, fast but not slow, and slipped through the gap.

Looking at the "red" flag with the word "red" fluttering fiercely in the evening wind, the soldiers must muster up their remaining courage to chase the poor bandits. The Gale Army is the most elite team in Panlong City. Although it is famous, its number is actually limited. If these five thousand people were killed, the vitality of Panlong City would be severely damaged.

What's more, General Red is here too!

General Red came from behind and became the backbone of Panlong City with Zhong Shengguang due to his heroic performance.

If the Red General can be defeated, is it still far for the Baling Kingdom to capture the entire Panlong City?

One escaped and the other chased, and the billowing smoke and dust headed east.

The battlefield fell silent, with only the wounded whispering in the mess.

Now that the Gale Army has retreated, the Baling garrison in Weicheng must quickly come out to clean up the battlefield.

This kind of logistics team is called Dushan Camp and has a special uniform. They are not responsible for fighting, and the enemy rarely takes action against them.

After the battle, their mission was to collect prisoners of war and transport the wounded.

The Panlong people did not take many prisoners of war, only twenty or thirty. However, because Gale's army only had two rapid rounds of shooting, more than 400 people were hit by arrows in the Buring ambush army, 70 to 80 were incapacitated, and more than 30 were seriously injured, not counting those who died.

These require treatment in the city as soon as possible.

Fortunately, Weicheng was within easy reach, and soldiers from Du Shan's camp carried stretchers back and forth several times and transported most of the wounded back.

In addition to Weicheng's original Huamucuo Army, part of the Baling Army brought by the new coach also had some logistics teams join Dushan Camp to temporarily expand manpower.

This resulted in Dushan Camp being full of unfamiliar faces, and many soldiers in the same camp did not know each other.

A dozen logistics soldiers had just sent the wounded and prisoners into the city when they suddenly took out a glass bottle from their arms and smashed it against the city wall with their backhand!

There are nine huge bronze talismans embedded in the inner wall of Wei City, which are more than ten feet high from the ground. This is a large defensive array specially set up by the Baling people after they captured Wei City, referred to as a battle array.

As we all know, Yuanli can weaken or offset the opponent's magical power, and it can also be used to strengthen one's own magical power. But if both armies use Yuan Li to strengthen their magical powers to attack the enemy during a battle, then the battle will be complicated and full of variables.

The battle had just ended. Of course, the nine copper talismans were infused with Yuan Power and were emitting a faint green light. Runes flew out from the talisman and slowly rotated around the copper plate. They ensure that the walls are stronger and more resistant to beatings, and have another wonderful effect:

Spread the "Pure Heart Mantra"!

With the nine talismans as the center, the people in Baling within a three-mile radius can keep their minds clear and not be confused by monsters and monsters.

It has only been three years since General Red was born. The Baling Kingdom still does not know the magical function of the big square pot, nor can they see the existence of the Three Corpse Insects, but they know that if their soldiers suddenly go crazy and change sides on the battlefield, they must have been attacked by the enemy. The spell of confusing mind.

The Pure Heart Charm itself is not easy to cast, and if it needs to be made into a large-scale array that can be used for a long time, a huge talisman board will be needed to accommodate the complicated array lines.

The talisman masters of the Baling Kingdom also worked hard. Although the nine-sided bronze talisman is a set, it can actually function normally without two or three sides, but outsiders don't know it. After all, any accident can happen on the battlefield. If a few bronze talismans are damaged, the remaining ones can continue to defend against enemies.

But now the dozen or so logistics soldiers are all taking action, and at least six talisman formations have been hit.

The glass bottle was smashed, and the colorless liquid inside splashed on the copper talisman. The latter suddenly sizzled and smoke emitted, and the fine lines of the formation began to deform, just like a candle being melted.

The green light on the bronze talisman immediately went out. There were soldiers from Baling standing beside him. Unfortunately, they were also splashed. They immediately rolled to the ground with their faces in their hands and howled.

The logistics soldier closest to the city gate silently climbed up the city ladder. The Baling City Guard stepped forward to intercept him, but somehow he was passed by.

The logistics soldier quickly stood next to the intact bronze talisman without slowing down, but the figures of the city guards froze, and then either collapsed or fell off the city ladder.

Everyone who saw this scene gasped, thinking that they had suddenly seen a ghost at night.

The logistics soldiers drew their swords and chopped off the talismans in one go.

When he sheathed the knife, a huge "X" appeared on the copper talisman board.

The talisman array engraved on it was completely destroyed.

The two torches beside the copper talisman were also cut off, and darkness suddenly enveloped the place.

At the same time, his companion also threw two loud arrows into the sky, and the dark night sky suddenly burst into two dazzling lights, one green and one red.

The incident happened suddenly. Before the Baling defenders could react, someone on the inner street shouted: "Close the city gate, close the city gate quickly!"

In order to facilitate the entry and exit of the logistics team, the gate of Weicheng has been kept open.

The Baling defenders hurriedly tried to close the city gate, but a dozen logistics soldiers and Panlongcheng prisoners rushed back to stop them. One of them grabbed a bow and arrow from behind and shot down four Baling soldiers with three consecutive arrows.

One shot hit two people in a row.

The torch illuminated his face, it was He Lingchuan's old acquaintance Hu Min!

The logistics soldier next to the copper talisman also took out a small blue pot and opened the lid.

The pot has two handles and is very delicate. There is also a ruby ​​embedded in the middle of the pot body.

Unseen by anyone else, hundreds of three-corpse worms poured out of the pot and pounced on the nearest Baling man!


He Lingchuan jumped into the cave and was immediately bounced up by the spider web.

It feels like playing on a trampoline.

He used his strength to roll, going down layer by layer, being careful not to let his head and face touch the spider web.

Even though the world was spinning, he could still see many discordant figures on the brocade - they were all large spider demons, chasing after him.

If he hadn't rolled too fast, he would have been kicked out long ago.

He Lingchuan immediately discovered that the space inside the lair seemed terrifyingly large.

After rolling to the penultimate layer of spider webs, he barely managed to stop himself, but the mud on his hands was almost wiped off.

Looking around, the huge stalactites have grown bigger and bigger over the endless years, connecting up and down, and finally formed stone pillars that can support the underground world.

There are at least dozens of such stone pillars, some may be long or short. They may be growing and cannot be seen in any regular pattern, but they have a miraculous beauty and make the crypt very layered.

The space supported by the stone pillars is like the inside of a honeycomb cake, with large or small, semi-open stone chambers connected one after another, with dense stalactites hanging from the top, and a thick layer of black humus on the ground. Withered branches and leaves.

There are moss-like plants growing on the soil, either green or purple, dense and dense, like a thick carpet covering the stone room.

To put it simply, he was facing a giant, three-dimensional, magnificent underground maze with at least thirty or forty floors!

Even if there were no spiders chasing behind his buttocks, He Lingchuan didn't think he could figure out the maze.

Of course, there are luminous spores everywhere on the mountain walls and in the stone chamber, illuminating the huge Spider Queen's nest.

Therefore, He Lingchuan could clearly see that directly below him, and only directly below him, he was facing the terrifying abyss!

Only the center of this huge crypt is empty.

Because there are still spores glowing at the bottom of the abyss, they look as far away as stars in the sky. He Lingchuan roughly estimated that he was about... fifty or seventy feet (between one hundred and sixty to two hundred meters) away from the bottom of the abyss?

If you fall straight down like this, you will definitely turn into meat, right?

Obviously this is also one of the Spider Queen's defense methods, so that intruders cannot easily invade her maze, especially when spider guards are coming from all directions.

He Lingchuan was surrounded by spider guards from the moment he rolled down.

They arrived in such timely manner, probably because they had been angered by Sun Jiayuan before.

He Lingchuan also found a severed arm on the spider web under his feet. Judging from the remaining cloth, these should be the remains of Sun Jiayuan. Come to think of it, he had fallen to this position before and was knocked down by the spiders before he could even draw his bow.

He Lingchuan looked around and found bloody remains and fragments everywhere on the spider web. It was obvious that the explosion just now was quite powerful.

Worst of all, the Spider Guards are here again.

In this world of spider webs, He Lingchuan could not be more agile than a spider. When he stabilized his body and squatted down, the web lines leading to the rock wall were all occupied by spider guards.

He couldn't make it.

And with at most ten breaths, the spider guard would be able to pounce in front of him.

He definitely couldn't bear the anger of hundreds of elite monsters. Ordinary people would probably be so scared that their legs would weaken when faced with such an eight-legged torrent.

Zhu Erniang’s lair is really a trap!

He Lingchuan had no time to complain. He bent his bow and arrows, aimed at the largest and closest stone chambers, and fired four consecutive arrows!

Although the crypt is empty, the temperature is not pleasant and there is a bit of a musty smell.

To be more precise, there is a fermentation smell.

At this time, He Lingchuan welcomes all combustion accelerants.

All four arrows hit the target accurately.

Bang bang bang bang, four explosions, fire shooting into the sky!

This constant temperature, quiet, and orderly space ushered in the first bustle.

There are both plants and dead leaves in the stone chamber, all of which are easily accessible. After the gunpowder carried on the arrow explodes, sparks fly everywhere and burn wherever it falls.

Four command arrows can ignite twelve or thirteen stone chambers at once!

There were also spiders left to look after them in the stone chamber, and they were all frightened now, running around like headless flies.

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