After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 204 Matryoshka Doll

More than a dozen spider guards rushed to deal with it, but the fire spread surprisingly quickly. Often, after working hard to put out one room, four or five rooms behind were already on fire.

However, the wind blowing up from the ground was quite strong, carrying sparks flying everywhere, further spreading the seeds of light and heat in all directions.

He Lingchuan did not expect that four arrows had such an effect.

But he wasn't too happy either, because the Spider Guard had already pounced on him.

The first two ends can actually jump, and they can jump three feet in one jump!

This was the first time he saw a jumping spider, and it was under such an unfavorable environment.

He Lingchuan had no choice but to remind his friends on the surface. He wielded his long knife and used all his strength to cut off two bundles of spider silk!

These two bundles of spider silk were plain white and did not seem to belong to Zhu Erniang.

Before the jumping spider jumped on his face, He Lingchuan took a deep breath, turned over and jumped!

Yes, he made a gesture of embracing the abyss and fell freely.

The jumping spider jumped into the air.

The other spider guards arrived and launched web attacks, hoping to catch him and teach him a lesson.

Unfortunately, it ended up missing by a few feet.

However, the living creatures that fell from here were almost dead, and they only needed to go down later to pick up the corpses. The Spider Guards lost interest in He Lingchuan and turned back to rescue the burning stone chamber. They then separated into a team of more than a hundred Spider Guards and climbed out of the cave in an aggressive manner to settle accounts with humans.

Human beings, creatures that are disgusting to spiders, would never enter the Ghost Needle Stone Forest alone. If one person can emerge from the crypt, there must be a group outside!

He Lingchuan dropped like a weight, with the wind whistling in his ears and two bundles of spider silk in his hand.

He threw out the spider silk again and again, trying to get it to cling to the distant rock wall. With the stickiness of spider silk, even if it touches a little bit, it will stick firmly.

But they are too light and too floating. They are blown by the strong wind from bottom to top and can only go straight upward!

Damn, the movie and TV series are indeed a lie again, again! He Lingchuan cursed loudly.

If he falls to death in a dream, he should wake up in reality immediately.


But now he doesn't want to dream, he still wants to try harder.

At this falling speed, he only had a few snaps of time left.

Fortunately, he still has a backup plan.

The spider queen's nest developed from a natural cave underground palace with thousands of holes. He Lingchuan chose the largest hole in the rock wall, took out an object from his arms, and threw it with all his strength!

After practicing throwing for thousands of days, it finally came into use at this moment.

He Lingchuan saw it accurately landing in the pile of dead leaves in the cave, and he was ecstatic.

He himself was falling rapidly, and he still wanted to hit a hole two feet away. How could he have such vision and arithmetic skills a few months ago?

What's even more frightening is that he is about to fall to the bottom at this time, and there is only one chance of success!

Awesome, he is so awesome, I need to praise myself later.

This life-saving treasure is a small cicada.

The ghost cicada hides underground in its larval stage, but the adults like to tuck themselves at the bottom of tree branches, that is, in the armpits of big trees. They can even change their body color to match the color of the big tree, so this kind of cicada is not easy to shed. .

But it is an indispensable material for performing the Lidai Tao Jiao Technique.

He Lingchuan had long memorized the magical secrets by heart. At this moment, he pinched the secrets with his left hand and without even reciting them, he disappeared from where he was and teleported directly to the cave!

Correspondingly, the ghost cicada was replaced by its original position, and it was supposed to continue falling down. However, it was too light, and the wind at the bottom of the abyss was so strong that it actually turned around and floated upward.

After escaping death, He Lingchuan was covered in cold sweat. He leaned against the stone wall and breathed a long sigh of relief.

He looked down into the abyss and broke into a cold sweat: It turns out that the distance between life and death is only four feet!

Thanks to his military exploits before setting off, he had mastered the art of Li Daitao's stiffness, and thanks to his repeated attempts to figure out how to use it while riding.

Look, is it used? Otherwise, you will be forced to log off early.

He took a few deep breaths to calm down and prepared to continue exploring.

It was very soft under his feet. Due to the illumination of the luminous spores, he could see clearly that there were half-rotten branches and leaves under his feet, as well as a carpet of moss that was more than a foot thick.

The plant blanket was so soft that he fell into it with just one foot.

When he got closer, he realized that something was squirming on the blanket, and it turned out to be something as big as a grapefruit... an aphid?

This was the first time he had seen such a big aphid.

These weird bugs have round bodies and are light green when illuminated by fluorescent light. He Lingchuan, the uninvited guest, came, and they just paddled their six short legs, laboriously and slowly, away from him.

He Lingchuan took a closer look and discovered that there were at least seven or eight hundred fat aphids on the five-foot-long moss blanket in front of him. Some were eating, some were chatting with partners, and some were simply sleeping soundly, but they basically did not leave his three-acre plot. Divide land.

At this time, a shadow was passing by on the ground. He Lingchuan hurriedly hid in the shadow, and then saw a spider walking over from the fork in front.

He was just trying to surprise him when the spider approached the aphid and patted it on the back.

The aphid's body trembled for a while, and a piece of honeydew the size of a dove egg actually popped out of its back.

The spider sucked it in in one gulp. It was like a delicious delicacy, but it was not satisfying. He went to find four or five aphids to beg for food, and then he wiped his mouth with satisfaction and left.

Seeing this, He Lingchuan finally understood that these caves were all pastures, and the burrowing spiders in the Ghost Needle Stone Forest actually imitated the ants in raising giant aphids as their daily food source.

The air is slightly moist and there is light illumination, which is suitable for moss growth. Aphids are the spider's cows, and eating milk and meat are the latter's choices.

No wonder the Ghost Needle Stone Forest in the wasteland can support hundreds of thousands of spiders. It turns out that the secrets are all underground.

He Lingchuan carefully walked out, stepping on the thick moss blanket and stepping over countless fat aphids.

This place is close to the bottom of the abyss. There are very few spiders patrolling back and forth, and their movements are slow, making it especially easy to hide. They probably think that the deepest part of the nest is safe, so they are lazy as a matter of course.

Whether it is a human or a spider, the nature of living things is carved out of the same mold.

However, although the guards are lax, the complexity of the maze is real. He Lingchuan had only been walking for a quarter of an hour, and he didn't know where he was. Anyway, there were always several caves in front of him for him to choose from.

But he still tried to take the higher path.

After walking for another hour, I still couldn't find the direction, but the moss on the ground was getting thinner and thinner, and there were fewer and fewer aphids.

Then, he walked into a huge cave.

It's about the size of a football field and about six feet high. The ground was dry and clean, without even a drop of dew or moss.

But fluorescent spores grew all over the walls and top of the cave, illuminating the place like daylight.

So the first thing He Lingchuan saw when he walked in made his heart beat wildly and his scalp numb.

A huge burrowing spider stood three feet away, face to face with him!

Twelve huge black eyes stared at him together.

Spider Queen Zhu Erniang is as big as a thatched hut, but this burrowing spider is an astonishing four feet (13 meters) tall!

You must know that male giraffes are generally no more than two feet tall, and humans already have to look up to see them.

This burrowing spider stood there, and its body was extremely strong, just like a hill, and it felt oppressive.

At this moment, He Lingchuan's back stiffened, and every cell in his body seemed to be screaming: Run away, turn around and run away!

The giant spider remained motionless.

He Lingchuan even breathed lightly and slowly took two steps back. The passage he came through was narrow, and the monster might not be able to chase it because it was too big. Doesn’t it mean that all spider swarms have only one leader? Is this the real body of Zhu Erniang?

But he took four or five steps back, and the giant spider still lay on the spot, motionless.

Is this thing sleeping, or is it?

After all, spiders don't have eyelids, so they don't close their eyes whether they're asleep or awake.

But He Lingchuan quickly noticed a detail:

The ubiquitous fluorescent spores actually grow on this giant spider!

The back, forehead, joints, and even the middle of the long, hard bristles.

The giant spider is close to the rock wall, and the number of fluorescent spores on the rock wall around it is greater than elsewhere.

How long has this monster not moved?

He Lingchuan picked up a small stone from the ground and threw it boldly at the giant spider. The force was neither light nor heavy.

Click, the stones bounced off the giant spider's front paws and bounced back to the ground, making a loud sound.

The giant spider still didn't move.

He Lingchuan tried twice more and found that it had no response at all, and then gradually approached.

The closer I get, the more I feel that this thing is huge and ferocious-looking. I don’t know how long it lives or what it eats to grow to such a big size.

Finally, He Lingchuan stood in front of the giant spider, took out his knife and tapped its front feet lightly.

Dang-dang, two blunt sounds, a bit like the jingling of gold and stone.

In other words, the shell of the giant spider's front legs is as hard as stone.

From his current angle, he could glimpse the giant spider's abdomen, which actually looked like the Milky Way on a starry night.

Zhu Erniang's abdominal map is beautiful enough, but the giant spider's star map is wider and more dazzling, as if it contains half of the Milky Way, making people unable to take their eyes away. Even the stars in the picture are still flickering slightly, echoing the fluorescent spores on the giant spider.

He Lingchuan became more courageous. He put his hand on the front paw of the giant spider and used a bit of his true power to pass through it.

If this was a living creature, how could it not respond when others came and knocked on the door?

But this bit of true power was like a cow in mud entering the sea. It was gone as soon as it entered, without giving He Lingchuan any feedback.

Silence, emptiness, and indifference were what he felt inside the giant spider.

Such a spectacular monster died countless years ago, and even its body was about to turn into stone.

He Lingchuan inexplicably thought of the remains in the Immortal Cave, and remembered two words:


Is this giant spider sitting here?

I continued walking along the cave and found another giant spider.

It was half the size of the previous one. It was also squatting on the ground and had fluorescent spores growing on its body.

He Lingchuan continued to move forward and found the third and fourth ones...

Until the seventh one.

The size is getting smaller and smaller, and the star map hidden in the belly is also lifeless.

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