After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 205 Breaking the Formation

When He Lingchuan saw this, he felt that the originally weird spider nest became even more bizarre.

What do these things have to do with Zhu Erniang?

Why do you have to go deep into this cave and sit down in rows?

Finally, He Lingchuan saw the eighth one at the end of the row.

It was about the same size as Zhu Erniang, and it also stood motionless against the mountain wall.

But He Lingchuan always felt that something was wrong.

He took two steps back to look at the seventh giant spider and made a comparison, only to find that the eighth one had no fluorescent spores on it.

In other words, it hasn't been dead long?

Just as he was staring and contemplating, the giant spider suddenly raised its front paws and wiped its eyes!

I held a big grass, it is alive!

This surprise was so great that He Lingchuan's scalp was numb. He jumped back, turned around and ran away without saying a word.

There is a maze outside, and if you escape, you might still have a chance to survive.


The chaos in Wei City continues.

The Baling City Guards and the infiltrating Gale Army are fighting under the city gate. The latter is stronger individually, but the former is more numerous, and the Baling Army in the city has already reacted and started to attack.

Everyone could feel the ground shaking slightly, and the sound of horse hooves could be heard not far away.

Judging from the detailed sounding arrows that were released into the sky just now, it is likely that this is another gale army ambushing in the wild and coming to seize the city upon seeing the signal.

Outside Wei City is a flat wasteland, and you can see for hundreds of miles during the day, but the long grass in the wasteland and the darkness tonight conceal the whereabouts of the Gale Army.

It turned out that the 5,000 Gale troops who had previously attacked the city were still decoys, and the real killers had been standing still.

To seduce the tiger away from the mountain, to sway the tiger away from the mountain again.

The Baling garrison's expression changed upon hearing this, and the battle for the city gate became fierce. Both sides knew that if the city gate had not been closed when the Gale Army arrived at the city, there was no need to think about closing it again tonight, and the mighty city would be lost.

However, the city gate of Weicheng is small and narrow. It was of course built for defensive reasons, but now it is easier for Xiao Maoliang and others to enter the city. There were few enemies who could squeeze in, and most of the Baling guards were blocked by their companions. The twenty or so of them could barely hold on.

But it is also in danger.

They are like small islands in a storm, and may be swallowed up by the next big wave.

The pseudo-logistics soldier standing next to the bronze talisman of the city gate looked at the small pot in his hand.

The three corpse insects released from the pot had already wandered around the city and tried to invade the Baling soldiers, but they were ejected after being unable to enter the seventh orifice.

The situation is abnormal, and the Three Corpse Insects have always been invincible on the battlefield. Their original plan was to destroy the Bronze Talisman Battle Formation behind the gate and release the Three Corpse Insects, triggering a frantic defection from the Baling Army. Then they could open the city gate and let the troops from outside come in to clear the place.

The plan was perfect, but something went wrong in the second step.

These three corpse insects cannot complete their mission.

In other words, the Qingfeng Curse or other magical powers are still working to protect the Baling people's sanity from being disturbed.

However, this kind of large halo battle array is very complicated to make, is not small in size, and is troublesome to move. He looked around the city and found no trace of the battle formation.

Where might it be hidden?

At this time, the voice in the inner street appeared again, and it was directed at him: "Take down the red general on the city gate, life or death! The first person to do it will be named a marquis, and he will get five thousand gold!"

Red General?

Is this person hiding silently in the shadow of the city wall actually the Red General himself?

How dare the opponent's coach put himself in danger? As long as the city gate is closed, he will be able to capture the dragon in the urn?

Like a ladle of water poured into boiling oil, the Ba Ling Army exploded with a buzz.

The red general dodged and dodged seven or eight feather arrows shot from all directions.

Under the heavy reward, all the attention of the Ba Ling Army was diverted.

The Red General's next move was to jump down from the tower. It was inconvenient to move around in this place, and he would be criticized if he stayed any longer. However, there are densely packed Baling soldiers underneath.

However, he snapped his fingers in mid-air:

"The wind is coming!"

A demonic wind rises from the flat ground, at least a short-term strong wind of level 11 or 2, and it is also wrapped in the sand and grass roots that are everywhere in the wasteland, blowing so hard that people can't open their eyes.

The wind came so unexpectedly that the Baling soldiers subconsciously turned their heads and covered their eyes, otherwise they would shed tears and their eyes would be sore when exposed to the wind.

Xiao Maoliang and others seized the opportunity and pushed the city gate a few feet further inward.

One or two hundred torches were blown out, and darkness suddenly fell under the city gate. The soldiers in Baling braved the wind and tried to catch the red general, but found that he could not be found!

He has been hiding in the darkness from the beginning, and no one has seen his true face. Waiting for him to jump off the city ladder... He was originally wearing a Baling military uniform, and now he stands among this army. Who knows which one is the red general!

At the same time, the Red General's cold words rang in the hearts of Hu Min and others: "Shoot out those torches!"


Hu Min took a closer look, and sure enough, the whole city was completely dark, including the inner city. Even the oil lamps in the houses were extinguished.

Only a few torches were still burning on the right front of the city gate. Even though the strong wind was mixed with hail, the stubborn flames continued to shine and heat.

Previously, there were torches everywhere, and these few were not conspicuous at all among them; now that all the other torches were extinguished, they were the only ones still lit, which immediately stood out.

Which direction is the inn?

Since it was the Red General's order, Hu Min and others raised their bows and shot without thinking.

As an archer, he immediately found a dark place to hide after the battle, and now he can act calmly.

The strange thing is that as soon as they raised their bows, the strong wind stopped. Otherwise, only a ghost would be able to hit the target if they raised their bows in the strong wind.

The red general brought more than one sharpshooter: Hu Min. In the blink of an eye, two of the six torches were shot out.

In the chaos, the Ba Ling Army was feeling at a loss when they suddenly heard someone shouting: "The Red General has gone to the inn!"

As soon as everyone heard this, they rushed there.

Another shout came from the inner street: "Everyone, stop, anyone who disobeys the order will be killed!"

A large group of soldiers suddenly emerged from there, and the man surrounded in the middle was wearing light armor and a large cloak. Two personal guards stood behind him, both holding boxes filled with fluorescent spores.

Lighting equipment is ready immediately.

The leader pointed to the people in the city and said: "Get back, no one is allowed to come forward!"

It was obvious that this man had great authority, and most of the soldiers stopped in their tracks. However, there are also guards under Hua Mucuo here. They can't follow the orders and prohibitions, and even run a few more steps to the inn.

In order to facilitate the envoys and guests coming and going, this post station was originally built next to the city gate, only three or four feet away from the city wall. These soldiers ran a few more steps and were almost at the inn.

Hu Min and others continued to fire several times, and the torches around the inn were left with only the last two lights.

In the darkness, two figures suddenly swooped towards the inn.

Someone immediately drew a bow next to the leader of Baling and shot two arrows at them.

But no one noticed that there was another person hiding behind the two unlucky guys, flashing into the inn like a ghost.

His movements were as fast as a puff of smoke, and the environment was dark, so no one could see clearly.

This person is the Red General.

As soon as he entered the inn, he looked left and right. Just in time, his own archer shot out the last torch, and the entire inn fell into darkness.

The red general walked quickly in the post. In just two breaths, he visited the door shop, the post hall, and the stable. When he finally passed the stable, he found that the ground was emitting a faint green light, but it was covered by yellow grass all over the ground. ,can not see clearly.

Sure enough, it's here.

The red general stepped forward and used his long knife to open up the weeds. He saw another copper talisman underneath!

No wonder the Three Corpse Insects can't invade the human body. The Pure Heart Charm on this copper plate is still working.

The opponent was very thoughtful, and in order to protect and cover up this battle formation, he actually set up another formation with torches around the inn, which was an additional set.

Unfortunately, this is self-defeating. Under the strong wind, the eternal torch is particularly conspicuous.

Now Hu Min and others shot out six more torches, breaking the formation and clearing the final obstacle for the Red General.

If you scratch this bronze talisman and release the Three Corpse Insects, the scale of victory will tilt towards the Gale Army.

Unexpectedly, just when the red general raised his sword, the pile of hay piled in the corner suddenly exploded, and a huge figure rushed out of it!

The distance between the two was only four feet, and the stable was so narrow that the red general didn't even have room to dodge.

Besides, he didn't feel the breath of life in the haystack at all.

At that time, the battle for the city gate had reached its final moments, and soldiers from both sides were fighting bloody battles.

Xiao Maoliang's team lost three more people.

If the door is closed, this team's hope of survival will probably be cut off. But even if they could escape from the city gate by taking a few steps back, no one would do so.

They gritted their teeth and would rather block it with their chests or risk their lives.

Hold on, reinforcements will be here soon;

Keep at it, victory will surely belong to the Red General!

In three years and twelve battles, the Red General never lost. No matter how difficult the situation is, he can always turn defeat into victory in the end.

The Gale Army following him had almost blind confidence in him.

At this moment, a big hole was punched through the thatched roof of the inn, and General Red was knocked out.

Like a ball hit by a stick, it flew three feet before landing, barely holding on to its body.

Immediately afterwards, a huge figure broke through the brick wall of the inn and rushed out, blocking the front of the leader of the Baling Army, staring at the Red General.

This is actually a huge stone man. The whole body is composed of large and small rocks, and it is unknown what is used as the core to drive it.

Without any orders, the Ba Ling army rushed forward and surrounded the Red General's army.

The situation suddenly reversed.

"The legendary Red General who moved troops like a god was just mediocre!" The leader of the Baling Army laughed loudly, "Is this the same powerful empress from before?"

A clever plan trapped the Red General, and he couldn't be dissatisfied.

The red general tilted his head: "Who are you?"

"The person who defeated you was Shao Yingyang, the son of Shao Yan, the master of Baling State. Please remember..."

Before he finished speaking, General Red interrupted him: "Which god is behind you?"

Shao Yingyang put away his smile: "Hand back the things that don't belong to you, and you will know naturally." After saying that, he raised his hand and ordered, "Kill me, no one will be left alive!"

The Red General wanted to delay, but he would not be fooled. The most important thing is to close the city gate first, and the rest can be done slowly.

Oh, what a God of War, what a gale army, to him they are just a bunch of reckless men!

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